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Discourse analysis is a multidisciplinary approach to studying language
and communication, delving into the ways in which language is used to
construct meaning in social contexts. It examines not just the words
themselves, but also the underlying structures, patterns, and dynamics
that shape communication within different cultural, social, and
institutional settings.

This analytical framework draws from linguistics, sociology, anthropology,

psychology, and other fields to decipher the complexities of
communication, revealing how language can both reflect and shape
social realities. Through a critical lens, discourse analysis seeks to
unravel the layers of meaning, uncover hidden biases, and illuminate the
ways in which language constructs our understanding of the world.
What is discourse Analysis?
● It is a study of how sentences in spoken and written language from
meaningful units such as paragraphs and conversation and
● The word ‘discourse’ comes from latin “discursus” which denotes
‘conversation, speech’ (Taiwo 14).
● Discourse , in collins dictionary of english, it is defined as verbal
communication; talk or conservation that shows the disciplines
discourse analysis - major concern with analysing real conversation.
● It is a study of the way versions or the world, society, events and
psyche are produced in the use of language. Hammersley. M (2002)
Types of discourse analysis?

● Critical discourse analysis

● Conversation analysis
● Narrative analysis
● Interactional sociolinguistics
Steps in discourse analysis
The researcher collect and interpret information in following steps:
● Target orientation- need to know their target or focus of study.
● Significance of data- the researcher need to judge or examine
the value of the collected data.
● Interpretation of the data- researcher makes progress, the
analyst needs to try to understand and interpret the data.
● Analysis of the findings- the researcher needs t undertake the
mechanical process of analysing, interpreting and summarising
the data collected on basis of the analysis the information.
● Focus on language use: centered on language and how
it constructs social meaning.
● Multidisciplinary approach: draws on theories and
methodologies from range of disciplines.
● Systematic and rigorous methodology: it involves
transcription and coding og language data, to identify
pattern and themes.
● Contextual analysis: context in shaping language use
and takes into account in social and cultural factors that
shape communication.
Study of political speeches

This study analyzed political speeches

to examine how language was used to
construct political identity. The
researchers found that politicians used
language strategically to construct
themselves as trustworthy and
competent leaders.

1. Media Studies analysis: Discourse analysis is employed to examine news articles,

media narratives, and broadcasting, revealing how language shapes public opinion,
frames issues, and constructs ideologies.
2. Political discourse: It's utilized to dissect political speeches, debates, and policies,
exploring how language is employed to influence public perception, consolidate
power, and shape political discourse. This analysis uncovers the strategies politicians
use to persuade, manipulate, or negotiate.
3. Education: Discourse analysis helps in understanding classroom interactions,
curriculum materials, and educational policies. It examines how language constructs
authority, shapes learning environments, and influences student-teacher interactions.
4. Healthcare and Psychology: In healthcare settings,
discourse analysis helps uncover communication patterns
between healthcare providers and patients. It sheds light
on how language influences diagnoses, treatment choices,
and patient experiences. In psychology, it's used to explore
therapeutic communication, identity construction, and
discourse in mental health contexts.

5. Marketing and advertising: It's employed to analyze

advertising, branding strategies, and corporate
communication to understand how language constructs
consumer perceptions, creates brand identities, and
influences purchasing behaviors.
● Schiffrin D, Tannen D et al., eds. Analysis. Blackwell; 2001. The Handbook of
Discourse Analysis. Blackwell; 2001
● Gee J. How to do Discourse Analysis: A Toolkit. 2nd ed. Routledge; 2014
● Rapley. T. (2007) Doing Conversation, Discourse and Document Analysis.
London: SAGE.
● Silverman, D. (1993) Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analyzing
Talk, Text and Interaction. (2nd eds 2001). London: SAGE.
● Richardson, L. (1993). Writing: A method of inquiry. In N. Denzin & Y. Lincoln
(Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 516-529). Thousand Oaks, CA:
● Glaser, B. G and Strauss, A. L (1967) The Discovery of Grounded Theory:
Strategies for Qualitative Research, Aldine: Atherton.

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