Radioactivity DACE 23Dec2022
Radioactivity DACE 23Dec2022
Radioactivity DACE 23Dec2022
These unstable elements (U, Th, Ra, Po) are called as Radioactive
Atom percent
atom percent of 13C = [13C/(12C + 13C)]100
Fractional abundance
fractional abundance of 13C,
F= 13C/(12C + 13C)
Isotope ratios
carbon isotope ratio, 13R = 13C/12C
d- notation
• Where-
Rsample is the measured isotope ratio of the
heavier isotope over the lighter for the sample
Rstandard is the measured isotope ratio for the
corresponding international reference material
d- notation
Few Standards
Units of Radioactivity
z XN
Same Same Same A Same
Z N A, Z, N
M=Metastable state
N= Number of neutrons.
ALPHA (α) Particles
Produced by Alpha decay of radioactive nuclei.
Consists of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.
Identical to He nucleus= 42He2
Positively (+2) charged particles.
Deflects towards the negative plates.
Less penetrating power.
Strongly ionizing radiation.
Also ionizes biological molecules.
Induce mutations in biological organism.
Few Examples : Uranium-238, Thorium-227, Plutonium-
238 , Radon-218
BETA (β) Particles
High energy and speedy electrons.
Negatively (-1) charged particles.
Deflects towards the positive plates.
Penetration power is higher than α.
Less ionizing affinity than α.
α β γ
Charge two positive One negative No charge
Speed & Nature High speed He nucleus High speed electrons High speed EM radiations
The first historical uses of the Geiger principle were for the detection
of alpha and beta particles, and the instrument is still used for this
Geiger counters can be used to detect gamma radiation.
GM counters are very useful for detecting nuclear particles.
In measuring cosmic ray intensities and recording cosmic ray events.
Scintillation Counters
Few Applications
As Hand-held radiation survey meters
Personal and environmental monitoring
for radioactive contamination
Medical imaging
National and homeland security
Border security
Nuclear plant safety
Autoradiography is a bio-analytical technique used
to visualize the radioactively labeled substances or
molecules or fragments of molecules.
Auto-radiography is used to determine receptor distribution and localization while studying neuro-
degenerative disorders.
Application of auto-radiography in electrophoretic transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels to nitro-
cellulose sheets during blotting.
To study cytogenesis of the fore-brain.
Applications in radio-pharmaceutical research
Applications in radio-immuno-electro-osmophoresis to study viruses.
In imaging and analyzing rock porosity.
As a tool for genetic studies.
For comparison of complex mixtures of proteins.
Applications in microbial ecology.
Determining gross absorption and utilization of foliar applied nutrients etc.
Applications in Medicine & Molecular
Radiation therapy
Isotope dilution analysis
Radio-activation analysis
Molecular Biology
Medical Imagining using
Use of radionuclides in cancer
• Use of high-energy radiation to damage the DNA of
cancer cells
• Two types-
External beam radiation therapy
Internal radiation therapy (Brachytherapy)
• Cobalt-60 and cesium-137 are widely used to treat
Isotope dilution analysis
• M – Amount of radioisotope
• S – Specific Activity radioisotope
• Mx – Amount of non-radioactive isotope
• Sx – Reduced activity of non-radioactive
isotope due to dilution
Radio-activation analysis
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
• Chromatographic
separation of compound
• Combustion or pyrolysis
of the separated analytes
into a measurement gas
(CO2, N2, H2)
• Transfer to IRMS by a
carrier gas like He
• Detection of isotope ratio
using mass spectrometric
principle 8
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