Proposal Presentation Template 1
Proposal Presentation Template 1
Proposal Presentation Template 1
▪ Sleep Deprivation is a common issue individual
faced in todays generation. Sleep Deprivation is a
condition charactirized by inadequate or
insufficient sleep sustained over a period of time
(Better health, 2014)
▪ Sleep Deprivation is experience by student
particularly Grade 12 students, because of
academic demand and pressure that can affect
academic performance. Academic performance is
a representation of knowledge, skills and attitude
as it is considered as one of the key factors in their
future careers (Feldman et al., 2016).
Research Objective
1. Determine the respondent’s profile in
terms of:
1.1 Age;
1.2 Gender; and
1.3 Number of Hours Sleep.
Research Objective
Research Objective
3. Determine the level of students’ academic
performance in terms of:
Research Objective
4. Determine if there is a relationship
between students’ sleep deprivation and
their academic performance among Grade
12 students at Matiao National High School.
Theoretical Framework
⮚ Students
⮚ Parents/ Guardians
⮚ Future Researchers
Definition of Terms
⮚ Sleep deprivation
⮚Academic performance
Research Design
Research Locale
Research Instrument
⮚ Researcher-made survey questionnaire in a form
of checklist based on the indicators of sleep
Range of Means Descriptive Level Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Very High This means that the items related to the effect of sleep deprivation are
always manifested.
3.40 – 4.19 High This means that the items related to the effect of sleep deprivation are
oftentimes manifested.
2.60 – 3.39 Moderate This mean the effect of sleep deprivation are sometimes manifested.
1.80 – 2. 59 Low This means that the items related to the effect of sleep deprivation are
seldom manifested.
1.00 – 1.79 Very Low This means that the items related to the effect of sleep deprivation are never
Research Instrument
⮚ Researcher-made survey questionnaire in a form
of checklist in students’ academic performance.
Range of Means Descriptive Level Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Very High This means that the items related to student’s Academic performance are
strongly manifested
3.40 – 4.19 High This means that the items related to students’ Academic performance ar
sometimes manifested.
2.60 – 3.39 Moderate This means that the items related to students’ Academic Performance are
oftentimes manifested.
1.80 – 2. 59 Low This means that the items related to students’ Academic Performance are
seldom manifested.
1.00 – 1.79 Very Low This means that the items related to students’ Academic Performance are
never manifested.
Data Collection
Statistical Tool
⮚ Percentage
⮚ Mean
⮚ Pearson r