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Historical Antecedents in the
Course of Science and
Mr. Rikki Val Ivo C. Abejo, LPT
-Instructor- -MODERN TIMES- • The booming world population during the 19th century onwards demanded that more goods should be produced at a faster rate. • People needed efficient means of transportation to trade more goods and cover a larger distance. • Machines that required animals to operate must thus be upgraded. • Faster and easier means to communicate and compute should be developed to establish connections between and among nations. • All these needs resulted in the development of industries. However, due to massive industrialization, the modern times again faced more complicated problems.
• Food processing and medicine posed some of the bigger
challenges since health was of great concern. PASTEURIZATION • The challenge to keep manufactured food from deteriorating was greater for dairy products, especially milk, since they usually spoil faster.
• These goods needed to be consumed almost immediately
after production or they would cause illness like diphtheria, food poisoning and typhoid fever.
• Since transporting these products would also take time, it
would be impossible to trade them. Louis Pasteur, a French biologist, microbiologist and chemist, found a way to solve the problem. He invented pasteurization, the process of heating dairy products to kill harmful bacteria that allow them to spoil faster. • Other contribution of Pasteur to science, technology and medicine included his works on molecular asymmetry, fermentation, and vaccination. PETROLEUM REFINERY • The modern times demanded better means of powering homes and transportation. At first, people used animal oils for generating light to illuminate their homes. • Samuel M. Kier was able to invent kerosene by refining petroleum. Kerosene was later on referred to as the “Illuminating oil” because it was used at first to provide lighting to homes. • The development of kerosene established the petroluem refinery industry. TELEPHONE
• The more people got connected
by trade and exploration, the more they needed to communicate with each other in real time
• The development of the
telephone by Alexander Graham Bell was one of the most important inventions of the time. CALCULATOR
• Although an earlier version of the calculator had already
been developed, circumstances in the modern times require a faster way to compute more complicated equations. The creation of modern calculators did not only pave the way for easier arithmetic calculations but also resulted in the development of complex processing machines like the computer. -PHILIPPINE INVENTIONS-
• Despite being a developing country, the Philippines, also
contributes to the global advancement of science and technology.
• Many of the discoveries and inventions made by the
Filipinos were therefore built from indigenous material or created to adapt to the harsh tropical environment. It has become ordinary for Filipinos to convert transport vehicles into something more useful. An example is the conversion of American military jeeps used in WW2 into jeepneys.
Another Filipino innovation is the addition of a side car to
a motorcycle to accommodate more passengers. SALAMANDER AMPHIBIOUS TRICYCLE
• During the rainy season, flooding is a common
occurrence in many areas of the country. Tricycles find it very difficult to traverse to streets. To remedy the issue, Victor Llave and his team at H2O Technologies were able to invent the Salamander, an amphibious tricycle that can cross not only flooded streets but also in rivers and lakes. SALT LAMP
• One of the major needs in the Philippines is electrification. In
many rural areas in the country, activities would cease when it gets dark. It also becomes dangerous to travel.
• Filipinos resorted to using candles and kerosene lamps but they
carry certain risks as they are fire hazards.
• Solar power is also a welcome development but like
rechargeable batteries, solar power are too expensive for ordinary Filipinos. SALt Lamp by Aisa Mijeno A young Filipina inventor named Aisa Mijeno was able to invent a lighting system that utilizes a material abundant in the Philippines- saltwater. • The SALt lamp is safer as it poses no risk of fire and emits no toxic gas. Aside from people who live in coastal areas, it may also benefit those from far-flung barrios because they can make their own saltwater by mixing two tablespoons of slat and a glass of tap water. MEDICAL INCUBATOR
• A common problem in the Philippines is the high
mortality rate of newborn babies. One reason for this problem in the 20th century was the lack of available incubator especially in far- flung due to lack of resources and electricity. Doctor Del Mundo, a Filipino pediatrician and the first Asian woman admitted to Harvard medical school, devised a medical incubator made from indigenous and cheap materials which did not run on electricity. • Doctor del Mundo’s incubator was made by placing a native laundry basket inside a bigger one. Hot water bottles were inserted between the baskets to provide warmth and a makeshift hood to allow oxygen circulation.
• Its main purpose was to maintain conditions suitable for a new
born baby of pre-term baby.
• Other breakthrough in Philippine medicine attributed to Dr. del
Mundoclude her works on the immunization and treatment of jaundice and the BRAT diet for curing diarrhea. MOSQUITO OVICIDAL/ LARVACIDAL TRAP SYSTEM
• Dengue, a mosquito-borne viral disease, is endemic in
tropical and sub-tropical areas including the Philippines. Many effort have been done to eliminate the mosquito specie but all failed. In 2010, the Department of Science and Technology- Industrial Technology Development institute (DOST-ITDI) was able to introduce the mosquitio ovicidal/larvicidal trap system, also known as OL trap. EJEEPNEY • A major innovation that changed the transportation industry in the Philippines was the development of the jeepney. But is displays problems in the scene like the emission of black smoke and so much noise contributing to the noise pollution in the urban areas. To counter these disadvantages, the electric jeepney (eJeepney) was developed. This modern type of transportation utilizes electricity instead of the more expensive diesel.