Multiplexer and Demultiplexer

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Multiplexer and Demultiplexer

A multiplexer is a combinational circuit that has 2n input lines and a single output line. Simply, the multiplexer is a multi-input and single-output
combinational circuit. The binary information is received from the input lines and directed to the output line. On the basis of the values of the
selection lines, one of these data inputs will be connected to the output.
Unlike encoder and decoder, there are n selection lines and 2n input lines. So, there is a total of 2N possible combinations of inputs. A multiplexer
is also treated as Mux.
There are various types of the multiplexer which are as follows:
2×1 Multiplexer:
In 2×1 multiplexer, there are only two inputs, i.e., A0 and A1, 1 selection line, i.e., S0 and single outputs, i.e., Y. On the basis of the combination of
inputs which are present at the selection line S0, one of these 2 inputs will be connected to the output. The block diagram and the truth table of
the 2×1 multiplexer are given below.

The logical expression of the term Y is as follows:

Block Diagram: Truth Table: Y=S0'.A0+S0.A1

Logical circuit of the above expression is given below:

4×1 Multiplexer:
In the 4×1 multiplexer, there is a total of four inputs, i.e., A0, A1, A2, and A3, 2 selection lines, i.e., S0 and S1 and single output, i.e., Y. On the
basis of the combination of inputs that are present at the selection lines S0 and S1, one of these 4 inputs are connected to the output. The
block diagram and the truth table of the 4×1 multiplexer are given below.

Truth Table:
Block Diagram:
The logical expression of the term Y is as follows:
Y=S1' S0' A0+S1' S0 A1+S1 S0' A2+S1 S0 A3 8 to 1 Multiplexer
In the 8 to 1 multiplexer, there are total eight inputs, i.e., A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5,
A6, and A7, 3 selection lines, i.e., S0, S1and S2 and single output, i.e., Y. On
Logical circuit of the above expression is given below: the basis of the combination of inputs that are present at the selection lines
S0, S1, and S2, one of these 8 inputs are connected to the output. The block
diagram and the truth table of the 8×1 multiplexer are given below.

Block Diagram:
The logical expression of the term Y is as follows:
Y=S0'.S1'.S2'.A0+S0.S1'.S2'.A1+S0'.S1.S2'.A2+S0.S1.S2'.A3+S0'.S1'.S2 A4+S0.S1'.S2
Truth Table: A5+S0'.S1.S2 .A6+S0.S1.S3.A7
Logical circuit of the above expression is given below:
8 ×1 multiplexer using 4×1 and 2×1 multiplexer
We can implement the 8×1 multiplexer using a lower order multiplexer. To implement the 8×1 multiplexer, we need two 4×1 multiplexers and one 2×1
multiplexer. The 4×1 multiplexer has 2 selection lines, 4 inputs, and 1 output. The 2×1 multiplexer has only 1 selection line.
For getting 8 data inputs, we need two 4×1 multiplexers. The 4×1 multiplexer produces one output. So, in order to get the final output, we need a 2×1
multiplexer. The block diagram of 8×1 multiplexer using 4×1 and 2×1 multiplexer is given below.
16 to 1 Multiplexer
In the 16 to 1 multiplexer, there are total of 16 inputs, i.e., A0, A1, …, A16, 4 selection lines, i.e., S0, S1, S2, and S3 and single output, i.e., Y.
On the basis of the combination of inputs that are present at the selection lines S0, S1, and S2, one of these 16 inputs will be connected to
the output. The block diagram and the truth table of the 16×1

Block Diagram:
The logical expression of the term Y is as follows:
Y=A0.S0'.S1'.S2'.S3'+A1.S0'.S1'.S2 '.S3+A2.S0'.S1'.S2.S3'+A3.S0'.S1 '.S2.S3+A4.S0'.S1.S2'.S3'+A5.S0 '.S1.S2
'.S3+A6.S1.S2.S3'+A7.S0 '.S1.S2.S3+A8.S0.S1'.S2'.S3'+A9 .S0.S1'.S2'.S3+Y10.S0.S1'.S2.S3 '+A11.S0.S1'.S2.S
+A12 S0.S1.S2 '.S3'+A13.S0.S1.S2'.S3+A14.S0.S1 .S2.S3'+A15.S0.S1.S2'.S3
Logical circuit of the above expression is given below:
16×1 multiplexer using 8×1 and 2×1 multiplexer
We can implement the 16×1 multiplexer using a lower order multiplexer. To implement the 8×1 multiplexer, we need two
8×1 multiplexers and one 2×1 multiplexer. The 8×1 multiplexer has 3 selection lines, 4 inputs, and 1 output. The 2×1
multiplexer has only 1 selection line.
For getting 16 data inputs, we need two 8 ×1 multiplexers. The 8×1 multiplexer produces one output. So, in order to get the
final output, we need a 2×1 multiplexer. The block diagram of 16×1 multiplexer using 8×1 and 2×1 multiplexer is given
A De-multiplexer is a combinational circuit that has only 1 input line and 2N output lines. Simply, the multiplexer is a single-input and
multi-output combinational circuit. The information is received from the single input lines and directed to the output line. On the basis of
the values of the selection lines, the input will be connected to one of these outputs. De-multiplexer is opposite to the multiplexer.
Unlike encoder and decoder, there are n selection lines and 2n outputs. So, there is a total of 2n possible combinations of inputs. De-
multiplexer is also treated as De-mux.
There are various types of De-multiplexer which are as follows:

1×2 De-multiplexer:
In the 1 to 2 De-multiplexer, there are only two outputs, i.e., Y0, and Y1, 1 selection lines, i.e., S0, and single input, i.e., A. On the basis of
the selection value, the input will be connected to one of the outputs. The block diagram and the truth table of the 1×2 multiplexer are
given below.

Block Diagram: Truth Table:

The logical expression of the term Y is as follows:
Y 1=S0.A
Logical circuit of the above expressions is given below:

1×4 De-multiplexer:
In 1 to 4 De-multiplexer, there are total of four outputs, i.e., Y0, Y1, Y2, and Y3, 2 selection lines, i.e.,
S0 and S1 and single input, i.e., A. On the basis of the combination of inputs which are present at the
selection lines S0 and S1, the input be connected to one of the outputs. The block diagram and the truth
table of the 1×4 multiplexer are given below.
Truth Table:

Block Diagram:
The logical expression of the term Y is as follows:
y 3=S1 S0 A
Logical circuit of the above expressions is given below:
1×8 De-multiplexer
In 1 to 8 De-multiplexer, there are total of eight outputs, i.e., Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, and Y7, 3 selection lines, i.e., S0, S1and S2 and
single input, i.e., A. On the basis of the combination of inputs which are present at the selection lines S0, S1 and S2, the input will be
connected to one of these outputs. The block diagram and the truth table of the 1×8 de-multiplexer are given below.

Block Diagram: Truth Table:

The logical expression of the term Y is as follows:
Y4=S0'.S1'.S2 A
Y5=S0.S1'.S2 A
Y6=S0'.S1.S2 A

Logical circuit of the above expressions is given below:

1×8 De-multiplexer using 1×4 and 1×2 de-multiplexer
We can implement the 1×8 de-multiplexer using a lower order de-multiplexer. To implement the 1×8 de-multiplexer,
we need two 1×4 de-multiplexer and one 1×2 de-multiplexer. The 1×4 multiplexer has 2 selection lines, 4 outputs,
and 1 input. The 1×2 de-multiplexer has only 1 selection line.
For getting 8 data outputs, we need two 1×4 de-multiplexer. The 1×2 de-multiplexer produces two outputs. So, in
order to get the final output, we have to pass the outputs of 1×2 de-multiplexer as an input of both the 1×4 de-
multiplexer. The block diagram of 1×8 de-multiplexer using 1×4 and 1×2 de-multiplexer is given below.
1 x 16 De-multiplexer
In 1×16 de-multiplexer, there are total of 16 outputs, i.e., Y0, Y1, …, Y16, 4 selection lines, i.e., S0, S1, S2, and S3 and single input, i.e., A.
On the basis of the combination of inputs which are present at the selection lines S0, S1, and S2, the input will be connected to one of
these outputs. The block diagram and the truth table of the 1×16 de-multiplexer are given below.

Block Diagram: Truth Table:

The logical expression of the term Y is as follows:
Y0=A.S0'.S1'.S2'.S3' Logical circuit of the above expressions is given below:
1×16 de-multiplexer using 1×8 and 1×2 de-multiplexer
We can implement the 1×16 de-multiplexer using a lower order de-multiplexer. To implement the 1×16 de-multiplexer,
we need two 1×8 de-multiplexer and one 1×2 de-multiplexer. The 1×8 multiplexer has 3 selection lines, 1 input, and 8
outputs. The 1×2 de-multiplexer has only 1 selection line.
For getting 16 data outputs, we need two 1×8 de-multiplexer. The 1×8 de-multiplexer produces eight outputs. So, in
order to get the final output, we need a 1×2 de-multiplexer to produce two outputs from a single input. Then we pass
these outputs into both the de-multiplexer as an input. The block diagram of 1×16 de-multiplexer using 1×8 and 1×2
de-multiplexer is given below.

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