Baroque Music History 2

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Baroque Music History

by Mine Malkoc
• About Me
• Definition of Baroque
• Major Composers
• Demonstration
• Philosophy of Baroque music
About Me (Mine Malkoc)
• Professional violinist for 20 years
• I play at events and teach
violin and piano
• I live in Canton
• Have two daughters who are
eager to learn (and teach music)
About Me
• Baroque Music is between 1600 and 1750

• Followed by Renaissance Music and was followed by Classical

• Formed the major portion of the “classical music” and is now
widely studied, performed and listened to
Vivaldi’s A minor Mandolin Concerto






Major Composers
Johann Sebastian Bach
• Seen as one of the greatest
geniuses in music history
• Born in 1685 Eisenach,
• Held three major jobs
• Worked for a duke
• Then for a prince
• And finally he became director
of music at the St. Thomas
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach
• Wrote all kinds of music
• Famous for his fugues:
Toccata and Fuge in D Minor
for organ
• Wrote S.D.G. at the end of all
his pieces.
• Soli Deo Gloria
• To the Glory of God
Toccata and Fuge in D Minor for organ
Johann Sebastian Bach
“His name ought not to be Bach [German for “brook”], but Ozean
[Ocean], because of his infinite and inexhaustible wealth of
combinations and harmonies.”
Ludwig van Beethoven, composer (Vienna, 1822)

“What I have achieved by industry and practice, anyone else with

tolerable natural gift and ability can also achieve. “Music’s ultimate
end or final goal…should be for the honor of God and the recreation of
the soul.”
Johann Sebastian Bach - Leipzig, 1738
Johann Sebastian Bach Sample
Cadmus et Hermione by Jean- Baptiste Lully
Philosophy of Baroque Music
>Represent the emotions
.A belief in music as a potent tool of communication
• The realities of patronage
• Composers began to search for inspiration for their
compositions in not only the church, but in nature
Characteristics of Baroque
• Contrast as a dramatic element
• Use of a Basso Continuo - harpsichord and cello providing the
base of the composition.
• Emphasized contrasts in texture, pace and volume.
• Strong use of improvisation in both melodies, and the
embellishments of those melodies.
• Most importantly – if you hear a harpsichord, it’s almost always
What musical forms came to define
• Opera: A drama that is primarily sung, accompanied by instruments, and presented on stage.
• Oratorio: an extended musical drama with a text based on religious subject matter, intended for performance
without scenery, costume or action.
• Cantata: an extended piece consisting of a succession of recitatives and set pieces such as arias, duets and
• Sonata: Used to describe several types of pieces in the baroque era, the term sonata most commonly
designated a work in several movements for one or more instruments (most frequently violins) and
bassocontinuo; a sonata for two violins or other treble instruments plus bass was usually called a trio sonata.
• Concerto: Derived from the Italian concertare (to join together, unite), the concerto took several forms during the
baroque era. Until the early 18th century, a concerto was simply a composition that united a diverse ensemble
consisting of voices, instruments or both. Later in the seventeenth century, the concerto began to assume its
modern definition: a multimovement work for instrumental soloist (or group of soloists) and orchestra.
• Suite: Based on the traditional pairing of dances in the Renaissance, the suite was the first multi-movement
work for instruments. The suite was essentially a series of dances in the same key, most or all of them in two-
part form.
• A characteristic Baroque form was the dance suite. While the pieces in a dance suite were inspired by actual
dance music, dance suites were designed purely for listening, not for accompanying dancers.

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