Chapter 3 Discussion 1 1
Chapter 3 Discussion 1 1
Chapter 3 Discussion 1 1
3.1 Introduction :
Chapter 1
• 1. introduction
• 2. statement of the Problem
• 3. Assumptions
• 4. Hypotheses (Alternative and Null)
• Alternative: There is a significant relationship between Financial
Problem and academic performance.
• Null: There is no significant relationship between Financial Problem and
academic performance.
• 5. Significance of the Study
• 6. Scope and Delimitation
• 7.Locale of the Study- place
• 8. Definition of Terms
Chapter II:
•Review of Related Literature:
•Books , internet, and Study
•ERIC , google scholar
Theme: Thematic
Adapted from: Miles & Huberman (1994, p. 40). Qualitative Data Analysis, available at
3.4 Research approach
•The research approach that was followed
for the purposes of this research was the
inductive one. According to this approach,
researchers begin with specific observation,
which are used to produce generalized
theories and conclusions drawn from the
3.5. Descriptive Method of Research
“Leadership Styles and Sources of Stress Among
Personnel in the Bureau Customs”
“Consumer Behavior on the Purchase of Dairy Product in
the Province of Laguna.
3.Developmental Studies. When you
intend to get reliable information about
group of people over a long period of time,
your study may be developmental. Such
study requires you to devote a considerable
period on participants who may be
relatively heterogenous or homogeneous.
There are three techniques used in this type
of research which are:
a. Longitudinal study.
• This technique devoted an extended period to study the
same sample. For example, you want to study the
development of the decision making skills of high school
students from first year to fourth year, a longitudinal
technique is necessary on which the researcher is required
to check the participants’ decision making skill from time
to time.
b. Cross-sectional research.
• It is a one-shot study of the development or occurrence of a
behavior or situation covering an extended period of time
(Dooley, 1995).
• It may involved participants of different level or life stages
or the same participants or sample in which the development
of such behavior is determined from the same participants
through the use of questionnaire that solicit responses
pertaining to its development covering a certain extended
period of time.
• For example, in the case of determining the
development of decision-making skills of
high school students, there will be four
groups of participants coming from four-
year levels in one specific time only.
4.Assessment or Evaluative Research.
• This study measures the efficiency or
effectiveness of practices, policies, instruments
or other variables that may be considered for
• In general, the word “assessment” is more
frequently used that “evaluation”.
Since surveys deal with impressions or perceptions of
respondents, it is oftentimes subjective. It is not like using
an instrument to measure blood pressure where one can
get the accurate measure. Evaluation is more strict and
• For examples:
• “The Implementation of Management by Objectives
(MBO) in Selected Government Agencies”
• “The Improvement of the Bureau of Customs’ Operation
under the Administration of President Duterte.”
5.Comparative Studies.
o Examples:
“Projecting Housing Needs of the National Capital Region
by 2030”
The Establishment of a Prawn Farm in Tingoy Island: A
Feasibility Study”.
8.Documentary Analysis.
• This involves the gathering of information
by analyzing written records and
documents in order to solve problem.
3.6 Sample and Sampling Procedures/Techniques
(Population and Sampling Procedures