1.Introduction to Microbiology

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Session 1
Students Learning Tasks
 By the end of this session
students are expected to be
able to:
 Define terms used in
 Explain the history and

development of microbiology
Common Terminologies Used in
Pharmaceutical Microbiology (10 minutes)

 Microorganisms
 Microorganisms are organisms that are too small
to be not seen by naked eyes
 Microorganisms include viruses, bacteria, fungi,
 Microbiology
 Microbiology is the study of microorganisms which
must be viewed with the aid of a microscope or
electron microscope
 Pharmaceutical microbiology
 This deals with the study of microorganisms of
pharmaceutical importance
Common Terminologies Used in
Pharmaceutical Microbiology…….

 Bacteriology
 Is the study of bacteria
 Mycology
 Is the study of fungi
 Protozoology
 Is the study of protozoans
 Virology
 Is the study of viruses
Pharmaceutical microbiology

 Is then the study of microorganisms

of pharmaceutical importance
 It deals with

 Production of drug by microbe e.g

 Development of vaccine e.g poliomylitis
 Production of recombinant protein to
treat diseases are untreatable by
traditional methods e.g insulin
History and Development of
Microbiology (35 minutes)

 Robert Hooke (1660’s )

 Observed

microorganisms for the

first time with a
microscope and coined
the term “cell”.
 His work started the

process of the
development of the cell
theory of life “cell is a
basic unit of life” Hook’s
 Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723 )
 Credited with having observed the first
 He observed living cells with a simple
microscope, what we know today as bacteria –
rod shaped , spiral shaped , etc.
 Ferdinand Cohn(1828-1898)
 Developed the first classification scheme
based on bacteria shape.
 Cohn detailed and described the life cycle
of Bacillus.
 Cohn’s Classification System:
 Sphaerobacteria are spherically shaped.
 Microbacteria are rod shaped
 Desmobacteria are filamentous
 Spirobacteria are spiral shaped
 Louis Pasteur (1822-
 Defined pasteurization to
prevent spoilage of food
by bacteria, develop
vaccines and disproved
the scientific dogma of
 He defined “Germ
Theory” and
demonstrated that germs
were responsible for
disease. Generation
 Robert Koch
 Identified anthrax

and developed agar

growth medium.
 Koch’s postulates

was a systematic
method to establish
the microbial cause
 Ignaz
 Was the first to
recognize the need
for good hygiene
during medical
 The first to identify
 Joseph Lister (1827-
 Developed antiseptic

methods for use in

surgery and
 Would wash their

hands childbed fever

was prevented.
 He knew that phenol

would kill bacteria

 Paul Ehrlich (1854-
 Developed
chemotherapy to cure
infectious diseases
 Discovers antibiotics to
treat sleeping sickness
and syphilis. Arsenic
compound, that was
effective against syphilis
Syphilis spirochete: T.
pallidum Paul Ehrlich
 Alexander Fleming(1881-
 Discovered penicillin and
 Observed mold growing on a
bacteria culture, there was a
ring of clearing around the
mold where the bacteria
didn’t grow
 The mold was later found to
be a penicillium species and
the naturally secreted
chemical was called
penicillin, an antibiotic
 Dmitri Ivansvski
 Discovered
the first virus
which is
known as the
mosaic virus Tobacco mosaic
(TMV). virus
 Hershey & Chase (1952)
 Experiments identified that

DNA was the genetic

material of bacteriophages.
 Hershey Case Experiment:

using phage radioactively

labeled with P32 (DNA) or
S35 (protein) they infected
bacteria cells.
 They found the P32 inside

the bacteria not S35.

Key Points (5 minutes)
 Microorganisms are minute living things
that are too small to be seen by the
naked eye.
 Microbiology is the scientific study of
 Pharmaceutical microbiology is the
scientific study of microorganisms of
pharmaceutical importance
Evaluation (5 minutes)
 What is a microorganism?
 What is the difference between
microbiology and biology?
 Who is the father of microbiology?
 Give important land marks in the history
of microbiology
 Hugo and Russell (2011),
Pharmaceutical Microbiology 8th
Edition, Willey-Blackwel publications
 Karen C. Carroll et al (2013); Jawetz,

Melnick and Adelberg’s Medical

Microbiology 26th Ed. McGraw Hill Co.
 Greenwood et al (2012); Medical

Microbiology, 18th edition Churchill


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