Milk Extraction

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Food Technologist III
• Principle of Milk Extraction
• Milking Operation
• Milking Equipment
Structure of Udder
• Mammary Gland
• Lobes
• Lobules
• Alveoli
• duct
Lobe or quarter
• Is a complex biological process involving
physical and chemical processes, hormonal
mechanisms and environmental factors
Hormonal Mechanism
• Prolactin is responsible for the mobilization
of milk to the nipple.
• Production of prolactin is influenced or
stimulated by environmental factors (calf
sucking activity or milking system)
• When stimuli decrease it will start to stop
producing milk (16hr)
Hormonal Mechanism
• Oxytocin causes cell contraction, and
contraction of these cells forces milk from
the alveoli into the duct system. Milk then
flows freely into the larger ducts and
• Adrenalin inhibits milk ejection primarily by
reducing blood flow to the gland so that
sufficient concentrations of oxytocin cannot
reach the receptors on the myoepithelial cells
Milking Operation
• Milking
• Operator Hygiene
• Teat Cleaning
• Fore Milking
• Abnormal Milk
• Pre and Post Milking Disinfectant
• Equipment Cleansing
• Milking Environment
• Milking should be done
regularly at the same time;
• should be started within 1
minute after udder hygiene;
• one milking time should not be
longer than 6 to 8 minutes
Personnel Requirements

Clean Clean skin

Clothing surface

In good
habits at
Indicators of good personnel

1. The health of the worker

-in good health
Indicators of good personnel hygiene

2. Personnel cleanliness
-clean personal habits
-not in the habit of touching the nose,
mouth or face
-wears clean clothing
Indicators of good personnel hygiene

3. Clean work habits

-washes hands regularly as needed
-handles dairy food cleanly and properly
-takes precautions against contaminating dairy
-follows rules for personnel sanitation
Healthy food handlers should
not have the following:

1. Diseases of the respiratory tract; su

common colds, sore throat,

pneumonia, scarlet fever,
Healthy food handlers should
not have the following:

2. Intestinal disorder;

dysentery, typhoid fever, and

infectious hepatitis
Healthy food handlers should
not have the following:

3. Skin diseases;

open sores, abrasions and

lesions, infected ears, boils,
scabies and severe rashes
Clean clothing

1. Hair restraint

prevent hair from falling

into the dairy food product
Clean clothing

2. Face mask

must cover the nose and

mouth; barrier to air-borne
Clean clothing

3. Apron and uniform

helps control cleanliness and

has impact on workers
attitude towards good hygiene.
Clean clothing

4. Gloves
Clean clothing

5. Footwear
Clean personal work habits
1. Regular hand washing
• Washes hands thoroughly after
coming from the toilets
• Washes hands before entering
the plant and regularly during
work depending on product
and type of work
Clean personal work habits

1. Regular hand washing:

• The best method to reduce
foodborne transmission - not
high tech technique
• Handwashing cuts down the
fecal-oral route that causes
most foodborne illnesses
Clean personal work habits

2. Controlling use of hands for

purposes other than dairy food

Controlling to scratch face, hair

Controlling to touch nose and
other dirty surfaces
Clean personal work habits

3. Follows sanitation rules;

Does not eat, smoke, spit in the

dairy plant
Teat Cleaning
• Checking the symptoms of clinical
• Udder cleaning is done for 10 to 20
• All teats, including adjacent udder
areas, must be cleaned
• Cleaning is done with a damp cloth
soaked in disinfectant solution
Teat Disinfection
• Disinfection of Teats Before
Milking - Predipping
• Disinfection of Teats After
Milking – Postdipping
• Proper application should
cover 80 to 90% of the teat.
Fore Milking
• Start the actual milking after
the necessary milk spattering
• Check for physical, chemical
and organoleptic
Fore Milking
• Assist early detection of
• Remove physically
contaminated milk from the
teat canal
• Stimulate milk let down
Milking Procedure
Basic Milk Testing

What is Milk Testing?

is compose of routine tests on acceptance,
quality, safety and composition

IMPORTANCE: to provide accurate information on decision

making of milk quality improvement.
Farm Level
 White Side Test
• In a watch glass put 3 mL milk, add 1 mL 1N
Sodium Hydroxide.
• Swirl for 15 seconds.
Farm Level
 California Mastitis Test (CMT)
• Take about 1 teaspoon milk from each quarter.
• Add an equal amount of CMT solution to each cup in the paddle (1:1).
• Rotate the CMT paddle a circular motion to thoroughly mix the contents. Do not
mix more than 10 seconds.
• Read the teat quickly. Visible reaction disintegrates after 20 seconds.
Steps on how to effectively clean a bucket milking
n machines can be
Bucket milking
difficult to clean.
The simplest and most effective way to clean a
bucket milking machine and ensure all surfaces of
the machine are clean is to use the ability of the
milking machine to suck water through the milking
Type 1: Portable bucket milking
machine systemType 2: Fixed bucket milking
Principles of
All internal surfaces must come into contact
with cleaning solution to remove any milk
deposits. Post milking rinse immediately after
milking has finished
1. Rinse
Drain and dry all of the
milking machine
components and
equipment used in the
cleaning process Hot water alkaline detergent
wash >70° C water
5. Drain 2. Alkaline

Turbulence created during cold rinse

and hot wash by lifting just out of
Scrubbing the lid of the the water while it sucks injecting air
milk can at the end of into the cluster
the cold rinse and hot
water wash 4. Scrub Turbulence
Key equipment required to washed a bucket milking
You will need:
Somewhere to hang
Hot water milking equipment to
20L bucket for hot drain and dry
and cold water or between milking
separate bucket for

Clean water for Alkaline detergent. Adequate footwear

both rinsing and Caustic soda as an and gloves for
hot water. If not alternative. (If protection
clean, treat with using dishwashing
5ml chlorine detergent hot water
10L water temp. is critical)
Hot Water Temperature

• Acid Wash: 96 0C water temp (70 0C)

• Alkali Wash: 85 0C water temp (50 0C)
Key considerations when cleaning a bucket machine
• Brushing parts of milking machine adds to cleaning process but is not as effective as sucking water
through milking machine to clean it. Effective cleaning reduces manual scrubbing to include only lid
and the milk can.

• Always use smaller bucket (20L) for washing solution. This ensures milk can does not fill to top
during washing and wash solution is not sucked through airline into milk pump. This can
damage milk pump.

• Ensure air admission hole in the cluster is unblocked. You will notice it is blocked if
milking machine is slow to suck water from the bucket.

• Cluster air admission hole is the 0.8 – 1.0mm hole you can see underneath
cluster. This may be positioned either on the bottom of the cluster, in the side of
the cluster or in the sight glass of the cluster
Wash turbulence isTurbulence
required to ensure the effective cleaning
of the milking machine
How to create wash

• Lifting the cluster out of the

water while holding the bottom
down on the cluster. This allows
air to be injected into milk
liners pushing the water
through the cluster and milk
tubing into milk can increase
• Lifting cluster out of water
should be done 3 times during
sucking of 20 liters of hot or
cold water.
Post Milking
Rinseafter milking
Rinse immediately
Effective rinsing steps:
• Use 20 Liters of clean water per cluster.
• Suck water through cluster into milk can.
• Lift cluster out of water 3 times while sucking for 3 seconds, to create
• Turn vacuum off once all water sucked through cluster into milk.
• Open milk can and scrub internal surfaces and lid.
• Discard all rinse water – do not reuse.
• Complete rinse procedure for all clusters.
Hot Detergent
Carry out on milking system at least
Effective hot wash steps:once a day
• Use 20 Liters hot water >70°C for 1-2 clusters.
• Wear gloves and boots when handling hot water and detergent.
• Add 1Tbsp (40g/ml) of alkaline detergent/ caustic soda per 20L.
• Always add chemical to water, not water to chemical.
• Suck hot water and detergent through cluster into milk can.
• Lift cluster out 3 times while sucking for 3 seconds to create
• Once all water is sucked through cluster into milk can.
• Scrub internal surfaces and lid of milk can with hot water.
• Pour hot water into bucket.
• Suck hot water wash through cluster again and scrub milk can
and lid, repeat 2 times.
• Water can be used to wash 2 clusters before new batch
Note: If no alkaline or caustic soda detergent available then non-perfumed dishwashing detergent can be
used but the hot water temperaturerequired.
is crucial to ensure an effective clean. Hot water wash should be
• onDiscard
completed at least once a day hot
the milking plant. water
If only after
done once use
a day you muston
rinse two cluster.
with 2x20L of
cold water after milking.
Ratio of Acid/Alkali with 95%
purity and Water

• Acid Wash: 150mL Acid/20L water

• Alkali Wash: 40g Alkali/20L water
Rinse after Rinse
hot water detergent
Effective rinsing steps: wash
• Use 10 liter of clean water per cluster and milk can.
• Once all water is sucked through cluster into milk can, turn
vacuum off.
• Open milk can, swirl rinse water around can
• Discard all rinse water – do not reuse.
• Rinse all clusters and milk cans with 10 liters of water.
Drain and Dry
It is important to drain and dry all
Effective draining: equipment
• Hang clusters, milk can and lids to drain and dry
• Suck water through cluster, lifting 2 times
• Dry surfaces, don’t grow bacteria.

1. Cold water rinse 3. Lift cluster 3 times for 3 seconds creating

2. Hot alkaline detergent wash

4. Scrub milk can and lid after 5. Drain and dry to reduce bacteria
rinse and detergent wash growth

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