Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Rahul Garg
Why do we need constitution
Sources of Indian Constitution
The Constitution of India is Supreme Law of India popularly known as “Mother of
all the laws” as all other laws derive their authority and force from the
Key Timelines Indian Constitution
» Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha was the first president (temporary)
of the Constituent Assembly when it met on December 9,
1946. Later, Dr. Rajendra Prasad became the President of
the Constituent Assembly and Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar
became the Chairman of its drafting committee on December
11,1946 .
First president (temporary) Dr. Sachchidananda Sinha (Left) on December 9, 1946. Dr. Rajendra Prasad (Middle) the
President of the Constituent Assembly and Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar (Right) the Chairman of its drafting committee as
on December 11,1946 .
The framing of Indian
The Constituent Assembly consisted of 385 members, of which 292 were elected by the elected
members of the Provincial Legislative Assemblies while 93 members were nominated by the
Princely States. To these were to be added a representative each from the four Chief
Commissioners Provinces of Delhi, Ajmer- Marwar, Coorg and British Baluchistan.
First day (December 9, 1946) of the Constituent Assembly. From right: B. G. Kher and Sardar Vallabhai
K. M. Munshi is seated behind Patel.
Structure of Indian Constitution
Dual Government,
Distribution Of Powers,
Supremacy Of The Constitution,
Independence of Judiciary,
Written Constitution, And
Rigid Procedure for the amendment of the
Single Citizenship
Emergency Power
Strong Centre
Residuary Power
Single Constitution
Parliamentary form of Government
Separation Of Powers
Right to Equality
Right to against Exploitation
Cultural and Educational Rights
Right To Freedom
Right To Freedom Of Religion
Right to constitutional Remedies
Right to Equality
Right to Equality
Equality before law & Equal protection of law: Article 14
of the constitution guarantees that all persons shall be
equally protected by the laws of the country. It means
that the State cannot discriminate any person within the
territory of India on the basis of their religion, race,
caste, sex or place of birth
Directive Principles are the ideals which the Union and State
Government must keep in mind while formulating policies or
pass a law. The Directives, however, differ from the
Fundamental Rights in the following respects:
(i) The Directives are not enforceable in the courts
(ii) The courts cannot declare any law as void on the ground that
it contravenes any of the Directive Principles.
(iii)The courts are not competent to compel the Government to
carry out any Directives or to make any law for that purpose.
1. State to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people
(b)To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our
national struggle for freedom;
Main Grounds
Supreme Court / High Can impose any amount of Can sentence any period of imprisonment
Court fine as prescribed under law as prescribed under law
including death sentence.
Session Judge / Additional Session Can impose any amount of They may pass any sentence authorised
fine as prescribed under law by law. Though death sentence passed by it is subject to approval
of High Court.
Assistant Session Judge Can impose any amount of They may pass any sentence authorised
fine as prescribed under by law upto 10 years.
Chief Judicial Magistrate Can impose any amount of They may pass any sentence authorised
/ Chief Metropolitan fine as prescribed under law by law upto 7 years.
Magistrate of the First Can impose any amount of They may pass any sentence authorised
Class / fine as prescribed by law upto 3 years.
Metropolitan Magistrate under law upto Rs. 10000/-
Magistrate of the Second Class Can impose any amount of They may pass any sentence authorised
fine as prescribed by law upto 1 year.
under law upto Rs. 5000/-
Local Self-Government system in India
Features :
(i) India to be divided into India and Pakistan, two independent
(ii) There would be a separate constituent assembly for Pakistan to
frame its constitution.
(iii)August 15, 1947, was date fixed for handling over power to India
and Pakistan.
(iv)The Act announced lapse of British power over Indian States
2 The tenure of Lok Sabha continues for 5 Rajya Sabha is a Permanent body.
years, except dissolved earlier.
3 The Speaker heads the Lok Sabha. Vice President of India heads the
Rajya Sabha.