Steps for Conducting Effective Social Research111
Steps for Conducting Effective Social Research111
Steps for Conducting Effective Social Research111
Social research can be defined as the study and analysis of social life
surrounding a broad event or an individual’s social life. Researchers conduct
social research that can help them modify or verify knowledge in order to
bring benefit for society and develop services that are responsive to the
needs of society.
Social Research has become an important part of Business and Government.
It contributes to expanding the knowledge both the sectors have on the
population and that their responses to the needs of people are relevant.
Government and Business require insights and information about the needs
of society, Social Research helps obtain these insights. The research
educates organizations on a wide range of issues important to society,
collected directly from humans, and helps create well-targeted responses.
Types of Social Research
Social research can be conducted in two ways. That is, you can gather
data relevant for the purpose of social research using two methods –
Qualitative and Quantitative Research.
Qualitative Research:
Open-text questions and conversation are the elements of Qualitative
Social Research. You can gather data from the target population using
any of these – Focus groups, Interviews (F2F or telephone), Ethnographic
Research, Case studies, etc.
In the case of Qualitative Social Research, the data is collected in the
natural environment of the respondent. This helps in promoting trust,
thus, produces real and accurate insights.
Close-ended questions are used to gather data
directly from the respondents.
The data is gathered using – Surveys, Polls,
Interviews, Experimental Research, etc. The aim of
the Quantitative method of data collection is to
obtain numerical data that can be easily analyzed
using statistical programs.
For quantitative research, a sample is selected from
the target population to ensure that the data
collected is representative of the entire target
Social Research intends to gather people’s
perceptions, attitudes, social influences, and thought
processes to broaden their understanding of people.
How can you
1st: Identify the Research
report should contain a detailed description of all the
aspects of the research. Your report should explain –
Purpose of the research, Research Question, Hypothesis,
Methods used to gather data and data analysis.
Make sure that the report illuminates the findings in a way
that is easy for the readers or fellow researchers to
understand. Make use of charts, tables, or graphs to make
the report interesting that it preoccupies the readers.