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Electrical and
Computer Engineering
People and Team

People Organization

Team Individual in

Together Everyone Achieve More



& focus

In the absence of alternative methods for

understanding, model provide value.





Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Personal Growth: It is essential to identify personal areas of
weakness and goals for continuous improvement. And the simple
approach is that before starting any work, plan your approach, process,
and expected outcomes.

Be a planner NOT a firefighter.

Learning: Understanding the learning process will help when you are
delegating tasks, training new employees, acquiring new skills, or
assessing professional progress.

Attention and focus: Understanding the relationship between tasks

and how people work makes it possible to be more effective.
Companies are made up of people with
different personalities and motivations, and
it is important for professionals to be able
to understand and work with these
differences in order to achieve common
goals. The following section provides
And Authority Organisation Politics
concepts and terms to help with this
understanding and problem-solving.

Loyalty And
Motivation can come from a variety of sources and can be affected by changes in an
organization. It is important for managers to strive to minimize negative factors and
empower employees in order to maximize motivation.

Signs of demotivation include:

• Passive behavior.
• Resentment.
• Anger.
• Social group formation.
• Increased absences.
• Quiet communication.
• And a change in perception.

It is important to address demotivation in order to improve the overall well-being and

productivity of the team.
Political strategies are the actions and behaviors that people use to achieve their
goals and influence others in an organization. There are both positive and negative
strategies that can be used.
• Positive strategies include finding mutually beneficial outcomes through
compromise (win-win) and involving people in shaping decisions to build
• Negative strategies include manipulation, tit-for-tat, domination, and isolation.

It is important to be aware of personal agendas and to try to understand and

respond thoughtfully to the agendas of others. Political problems can occur when
people do not unite or do not understand the goals of the organization. These
problems can be caused by conflicts between peers with referent power or between
referent and legitimate authority. Political warning signs include ideology and
absolutism, end-justifies-the-means philosophies, and social camps and groups.
In decision-making situations, it is important to consider the impact on individuals,
resources, and the rate of change, and to try to use win-win strategies. It is also
important to avoid forcing authority on others unless there are no alternatives and to
minimize the use of negative decisions.
Loyalty And Trust
Loyalty is a measure of how well people adhere to the needs of a company or
group. It is based on trust and is built over time. Trust is also important in
customer relationships, as it helps to build understanding and predictability.
Factors that contribute to building trust include ethics, experience, approach and
justification, honesty and transparency, realism, and confidence. Building trust is
especially important in the early stages of a project or business relationship.
Responsibility And Authority

Authority is the power to make decisions and take actions, accountability is the
review of the results of those actions, and responsibility is the combination of both. It
is important for managers to delegate authority appropriately, but also hold
employees accountable for their actions. Feedback is an important part of the
process, and should be given regularly in a positive and constructive manner. It is
also important to recognize positive contributions and provide constructive feedback
for areas that need improvement.
Being a senior person and directing others with
Leadership more topical knowledge and experience than you,
can seem intimidating at first, but it does get easier
with time and experience. If you can show people
Hiring And
that you are competent you will get respect. Look
Promotion to others for suggestions and feedback. Accepting
that all of us have strengths and weaknesses we
Managing can better understand ourselves and look to others
Individual in to help complement our abilities.

Conflicts Making
Management by objectives: The employees are
asked to propose their work goals in support of the
organization needs. The ability to influence work
Wellness assignments also increases employee self-control
Productivity and increases motivation. One approach is
outlined as follows:
1. Make a prioritized list of what you need them to do and what you want to do
2. Have them develop a list, also prioritized, of what they would like to do, and
what they want from you.
3. Sit together and review the lists, hopefully as professional peers.
4. Find those items that are wants and needs for each.
5. Then, go through the lists by priorities and pick some goals and eliminate
6. Leave some items off the lists. Do not try to do everything.
Leadership habits
As a manager there are a number of good practices you should get accustomed to
● Understand people: Understand individual motivations, what people need to
thrive, Be aware of issues in the group, Understand that everyone wants to
contribute in their own way, Listen to them,
● Motivate: Provide recognition for progress and work done well, Encourage and
allow people to apply their strengths, Allow people some freedom to choose what
they do.
● Be knowledgeable: Understand the objectives of the project, Structure
processes to manage complexity, Listen and respond thoughtfully, Look for
“orphan tasks” that need people or resources.
● Be trustworthy: Be honest and transparent, Keep people aware of reasons for
decisions and actions, Be selfless, Be proactive.
We all have bad habits: Identify some of the habits that you need to improve

Dehumanize and marginalize: Assume that a paycheck makes an employee do

whatever is asked; relate pay with motivation.
● ignore issues and worry until they become problems.
● Let people take care of themselves.
● Rely on self-preservation.
● Compare an individual’s effort to the strongest performers.
Bully and micromanage
● Use threats to get things to happen.
● Use fear to promote productivity and creativity.
● Punish all mistakes so that they will not occur again

As a manager It is natural that you will encounter negative and differing

opinions. Regardless of how or what is said, try to find the value. If you are competent
and capable you will accept that there are multiple views and they all have value. It is
incredibly beneficial to have somebody who will give you blunt criticism.
● Impartial: It may be your idea, but don’t be afraid to let it go.
● Ask: Find out why a person disagrees.
● Listen: The other person may be right.
● Explain: Your viewpoint may not be obvious.
● Agree: Be prepared to accept their opinion in place of yours.

Delegation means that responsibility is assigned by giving authority to the employee,

along with accountability. When responsibility is assigned you need agree, disagree, or say
what you will do instead.
Delegation is a simple cycle: assign a new task, the work is performed, the outcomes are
assessed, and plans are made for the next delegation cycle. Eventually the delegated task
becomes a permanent responsibility.
Some important points to consider when delegating are :
● Use delegation for training.
● Clear expectations are critical
● Provide resources and access during the learning phase.
● Don’t delegate a job you wouldn’t do yourself.
● Welcome mistakes as long as they come with learning and growth.
Making inclusive decisions
Are you aware that, If you are always behind you will never catch up ?

If employees have no control they will not willingly accept responsibility, A good practice is to seek
input on every decision and accept feedback constructively to achieve group approval. If a
decision is unanimous then people will be faithful.

Wellness And Productivity

Everybody has problems at some point in their life.A callous response is to discard employees
problem. The right thing to do is to help them overcome the problems, to improve their life, and
become productive and fulfilled.

Conflicts is the disagreement between people or individuals.When problems arise they come in
different variations including (1) all of the team with one person, (2) some of the team and one
person, (3) some of the team to some others on the team, and (4) one to one person.

Identification: it is neccessary to identify the causes of conflicts before intervention.

1. Equipment and facilities

3. Power
4. Threat

Resolution Methods:
2.Smoothing or accommodating
3.Confrontation or problem solving

 outcome of conflicts

• Factors to consider when hiring an employee or consultants includes (1) technical

abilities, (2) potential for trust, (3) potential for loyalty and faith, and (4) potential for
A team consist of people or individuals with
different ideology, opinions, personalities and
skills coming together to achieve a set goal. A
team increase working hours and productivity.

Teams Team Skills
Factors considered when developing teams

(1) technical knowledge and skills,

(2) personality (introvert, extrovert, detailed
etc.), and
Matching (3) working styles (methodical, strategic, etc.).

Skill matrix is a process of sectioning individauals with different skills to fit in certain areas
in a project that requires such critical skills. this is done when some expected challenges
are to arise in a project.
To begin, develop a list of challenges that are expected during the project. Focus on those
problems that (1) are unusual, (2) are not commonly done, (3) require a special skill, or
(4) must be done precisely. once this is done, fitting people with the ability to solve the
listed chenallges comes next.
A personal history tells us the most about how someone works and his or her personal
approach. Working with someone for the first tme, you count on informations that’s 1. self
reported, 2. Heard secondhand or 3. provided by references.
A starting piont to understanding people is to put names on prodective behaviors..
1. champion 2. intuitive 3. detail oriented 4. people person 5. problem solver

 personality trait changes over time especially when amplified by stress and
This fig 1.1explains a spectrum of personalities
that should be considered in team formation,
managers will group to minimize conflict
Personal matching
1. Blending (in absence of strong personalities)
it is far similar to match technical talents and knowledge
2. Grouping (with extreme offensive and
than to chose personalities that will be productive. In defensive personality types)
general you need some sort of natural leadership to move Offensive (extrovert)
through difficult decisions and tasks. Defensive (introvert
Linear responsibility chart
The Linear responsibility chart LRC is then used for activities such as labor
estimation, budgeting, assigning tasks, generating schedules, and job
When compiling Linear responsibility chart (LRC) you need consider

Managing teams
If you understand the composition of your team and the role of each team member, you will be able to
communicate these details, help people understand their contributions, understand your relationship to other team
Some guidelines for a successful team are
Productivity Bonding
Composition Responsibility
MethodsGoals and objectives
Frequent gratification
The goal of the engineering profession is to uphold the
public's trust. Engineers must be knowledgeable,
Time effective and moral.


There is always more work than time. You will never be

able to do everything. The same is true for people you
Entrepreneurship Being Organized
manage. The secret to time management is to
patronizes your tasks and complete them first.

Professionalism BEING ORGANIZED

There are so many ways in which information is been

processed which can Take a lot of time. Which includes,
mails, phone messages, verbal request written request
there are several tips that can be helpful while handing
email of other messages, bur email filters are the best.
Diversity Ethics These can accept incoming emails and either forward
them or place them in a folder based on the sender,
topic and content.
Morals are personal beliefs, quite often related to social and religious norms. Ethics are a set
of professional rules that preserve the trust for a profession and maintain legal boundaries.
As professionals grow they develop a clear distinction between their personal morals and
professional ethical decisions as illustrated below

The basic principles of ethics are a remarkably simple priority of obligations. Some of the
basic ethical principles are as follows:
 Be fair, impartial, and loyal.
 Put public safety ahead of all other responsibilities.
Honor integrity, courtesy, and good faith.
Disclose other concerns that might impact your decisions at work.
Only do technical work and express technical opinions that are well supported.
Common types of ethical lapses are:
• Negligence
• Failure to consider the safety and well-being of the ultimate user or consumer
• Failure to correct a situation dangerous to the public
• Failure to follow guidelines, codes, and standards
• Certifying work without verifying the content
• If directions are not followed point out the potential problems
This are ethical cases where the problem is open to interpretation. Common examples are
• Conflict of interest: Impartial decisions are tainted by personal interest. In these cases you have
something to gain personally when you are trusted to make an impartial decision.
• Whistle blowing: An employer is violating public trust and you must observe a higher-priority loyalty to
the public.
The basic steps to be followed in the whistle-blowing process are:
(1) Detection of a problem
(2) Investigation of the problem to form sound technical opinions
(3) Attempt to remedy the problem with employer/client
(4) If a “standoff” occurs, contact the appropriate government body and begin the whistle-blowing

Diversity is the practice or quality of including or involving people from range of different social and
ethical backgrounds and of different genders and sexual orientation. It a simple truth that on a
daily basis engineers will work with people different from themselves. These diverse groups of
people vary in many ways including cultures, ethnicity, gender, philosophies, disabilities, desires,
expectations, and much more.

A very limited list of these differences are shown as follows, but can be easily expanded.

• Religion: An endless source of conflict, even within the same religion

• Politics: Allegiances to politics These diverse groups of people vary in many ways including
cultures, ethnicity, gender, philosophies, disabilities, desires, expectations, and much more.
• Country: Nationalism and patriotic opinions
• Culture: A distinct group
• Class: An inherited or entitled attribute
• Financial status: How much money you make l Age: Perceptions of ability and contributions
Gender: Gender differences and relationships
People and Teams respond differently to stereotyping. The whole thing becomes messy
quickly. The safeststrategy is to wait for a person to define his or her identity. The following
list shows a number of triggers that lead to problems. However, if you are not sure, look for
cues and learn quickly.
1. Behavior: Gestures—Hand signs and motions, pointing Looking—Eye contact
Common sense—Practices that have developed and accepted as normal Social: Class Being
aware of class such as upper class versus servant Familiarity—Use of names and titles

2. Philosophy: Religious beliefs (this is a very big one to the point of life threatening) Sexual
beliefsPolitical—Freedom, democracy, religion, socialism, legal systems Superstition
Numbers, rituals, omens

3. Physiology:Age Gender Hygiene and cleanliness—Shoes, washing, cough/sneeze/sick,

A crisis means a change that creates both threat and opportunity. This section will outline some of the
business knowledge and anecdotes for first-time entrepreneurs. The key to starting a business is opportunity.
You will need to be able to do something that some- body else is willing to purchase. It is
often better to focus on industrial or specialized needs as they tend to be easier to develop, build, and
sell at a reasonable profit.
However, following the business/project plan will be the best path. Figure below shows some of the
problems that cause entrepreneurs to stray from their plans and lead to failure.
Some questions and thoughts are provided to prompt the progress assessment
1.Creativity is fun but invention is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. l Are you
treating each day like a regular job?
2. What can go wrong, and what can I do to prepare?
3. Is the plan working?
4. Am I on track for success?
5. Do I really need to spend money? Can I buy something used? Can I do without?
Can I improvise? L
6. Can I get similar results but spend less money?

When you succeed it will be very rewarding .When you fail, learn from your
mistakes; Fail constructively. Knowledge and support for creating small
businesses are available in many forms. Consider free government consulting,
paid services, business associations,professional societies and so on.
.The following lists a few of the items to consider
1. Motivation and failure:Most new companies fail, Success sometimes takes a few
times. Things change Persistence Poor for a while It often takes years Save your money
until it is needed
2. Factors in success: Persistence and enthusiasm First things first: Value-added only
Manage your employee: You Firm objectives: Flexible goals
3. Factors in failure: Spending freely on secondary needs
Following unrelated opportunities
Spending time on the unessential
Hiring staff too soon
Failure to plan.
4.Items to remember:
Permits and licenses (e.g., business)
Health insurance
Questions and Answers
1. What would widespread cynicism indicate? Answer: Lack of trust or
2. Is a personal agenda, personal or selfless? Answer: Personal
3. Are loyalty and obedience the same thing? Answer: No
Consider Maslow’s hierarchy.
4. Does accountability move up or down the pyramid? Answer: Down
5.Which of the following is not a conflict resolution mechanism?
(a)Forcing (b) Confrontation (c) Reputation (d) Collaborating
6.The following are factors to consider in hiring except
(a)Technical abilities (b) potential for trust (c) potential for loyalty (d)
7.The following are factors to be considered when developing a team except
(a)Personality (b) maturity (c) working style (d) technical knowledge
1.What does polite mean?
2. Define Entrepreneur
3. Is it possible for somebody to be a nurturing bully? Explain.
4.How could management by objective increase employee morale?
5.Explain the term Conflict and list 5 causes of conflicts
6.What do you understand by the word TEAM and list the factors to consider when developing
a team
7.Explain the following productive behaviours
a.Champion b. intuitive c. people person d. detail oriented e.problem solver
8. List three advantages of blending, and three advantages for grouping.
9. What are three advantages of an LRC?
10. How does the saying “put first things first” apply to time management?
11. Who is a firefighter?
1. Polite is having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of other
2. Entrepreneur is a person that set up a business or businesses taking on financial risks
in hope of profits.
3 . YES, A nurturing bully would use threats to get things to happen, Discipline in public
to teach others a lesson, Dictate actions, punish all mistakes so that they will not occur
4. management by objective could increase employee morale when the manager
consider the following approach
I. when the manager Make a prioritized list of what you need the employees to do and
what you want to do
Ii. Have them develop a list, also prioritized, of what they would like to do, and what they
want from you.
Iii. Sit together and review the lists,
Iv. Find those items that are wants and needs for each.
v. Then, go through the lists by priorities and pick some goals and eliminate others.
Vi. Leave some items off the lists. Do not try to do everything.
5.Conflicts is defined as the disagreement between people or individuals.
• Causes
4. Threat
5. Personality
6. A team consist of people or individuals with different ideology, opinions,
personalities and skills coming together to achieve a set goal. A team increase working
hours and productivity.
• Factors to consider
(1)technical knowledge
(2) personality
(3) working styles
7(a) champion: A champion is somebody who is personally driven to see a project from
beginning to end. Tends to take and do what needs to be done and always encourages
the team members.
(b) Intuitive: An intuitive person is Often able to tell when things don‘t feel right and is
able to make a reasonable choice In the absence of a solid direction.
(c) People Person: A social leader that promotes and is able to establish a good
relationship status with others.
(d) Detail Oriented: a detail oriented is very good at noticing small details and often
catches careless mistakes.
(e) Problem Solver or Shaper:
Uses a methodical approach to solve problems and can reduce complex problems to
manageable pieces.
Divers perspective
Increased creativity
Better decision making
Advantages of grouping
Improved team cohesion
Easier communication
9. A linear responsive chart is a visual representative of the roles and responsibility
within a team of project
Improved communication
Enhanced accountability
Increased efficiency
10. The saying ‘put first things first’ refers to the idea of prioritizing tasks based on
their importance. In the context of time management, this means focusing on the
most importance tasks first, rather than spending time on less important tasks or
11. A firefighter is a very noticeable person that ignores issues until they become

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