Crypto Currency1 (1)
Crypto Currency1 (1)
Crypto Currency1 (1)
Transparency Diversification
If you want to send someone money in the
United States, there are few ways to move
money or assets from one account to another
faster than you can with cryptocurrency. Most
transactions at U.S. financial institutions settle in
three to five days. A wire transfer usually takes
Transaction costs
The cost of transacting in
cryptocurrency is relatively low
compared to other financial
services. For example, it's not
uncommon for a domestic wire
transfer to cost $25 or $30. Sending
Anyone can use cryptocurrency. All you
need is a computer or smartphone and an
internet connection. The process of setting
up a crypto currency wallet is extremely
fast compared to opening an account at a
traditional financial institution. There's no
ID verification. There's no background or
credit check.
Unless someone gains access to the
private key for your crypto wallet,
they cannot sign transactions or
access your funds. However, if you
lose your private key, there's also no
way to recover your funds.
Since you don't have to register for
an account at a financial institution
to transact with crypto currency,
you can maintain a level of privacy.
Transactions are pseudonymous,
which means you have an identifier
on the blockchain -- your wallet
All crypto currency transactions takes
place on the publicly distributed
blockchain ledger. There are tools
that allow anyone to look up
transaction data, including where,
when, and how much of a
cryptocurrency someone sent from a
Cryptocurrency can offer investors
diversification from traditional financial
assets such as stocks and bonds. While
there's limited history on the price action
of the crypto markets relative to stocks or
bonds, so far the prices appear
uncorrelated with other markets. That can
make them a good source of portfolio
Inflation protection
Many see Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
as offering protection against inflation.
Bitcoin has a hard cap on the total number of
coins that will ever be minted. So, as the
growth of the money supply outpaces the
growth in the Bitcoin supply, the price of
Bitcoin ought to increase. There are
numerous other cryptocurrencies that use
mechanisms to cap supply and can act as a
Scaling Problems Crypto
Value and
Exchange Security
Worries About
Lack of Proper
Scaling Problems
The problems of scale in
cryptocurrency lie in their
infrastructure and technology in this
area has much room for
improvement. Although improvement
is ongoing, and of an evolving nature,
claim embracers of cryptocurrency, it
Crypto Exchange Security
Cryptocurrency relies heavily on digital
technology. As a result of this, it is open to
breaches in cybersecurity. Among some worries
over dealing with any crypto currency is the fact
that accounts can be hacked into. There is
already living proof of this with reports of hacking
into many ICOs, costing individuals millions in
dollars. The security infrastructure, thus, has to
be controlled and managed better than it
currently is. Traditional banking security
Cryptocurrency Value and Volatility
Crypto currency in india has taken over the
young and old investor’s mind with vivid
thoughts of making promising returns. While
many investors are riding the wave of
cryptocurrency, there are several who are
finding out that cryptocurrency prices tend to
be prone to a degree of volatility. This is
because cryptocurrency exhibits some lack in
its innate value, as the digital currency is not
Lack of Proper Regulation
The experienced investor stressed
on the lack of any regulatory
authority controlling assets in this
market. Due to the apparent lack of
any supervisory management, the
system is bound to “implode”, to
quote the word that Buffet used.
You may perfect the inherent
technology, but unless a regulatory
Worries About Changing Technology
There are particular logistical
problems of trading in
cryptocurrency in India, and the
world over. These are largely
connected with the technology that
the digital currency involves. For
instance, when the technology
related to cryptocurrency needs to
represent a
innovation in the
financial industry. They
offer a new way to
store, transfer, and
The future of cryptocurrency
The future of cryptocurrency holds
holds vast potential for
vast potential for disruption and
disruption and innovation
innovation in the financial sector.
the financial sector.
While cryptocurrencies offerWhile
crypto currencies
advantages offer
such as decentralization,
security, such as investors
and accessibility,
must know the market’s security,
volatility and
associated risks
and accessibility, investors