2. When there is only one of the Earth, the Sun, the Moon,
something (unique nouns) the sky, the world
3. Names of cinemas, theatres, the Titanic, the Globe Theatre,
ships, hotels, museums, the Odeon Cinema, the Ritz
monuments Hotel, the Louvre, the Eiffel
Tower, the Great Wall of China
4. Names of rivers, seas, the Mississippi, the Black Sea,
oceans, deserts, mountain the Pacific Ocean, the Sahara
ranges, group of lakes Desert, the Alps, the Great
5. Groups of states or islands, the United States, the
plural countries, countries Dominican Republic, the
containing the words Republic, United Kingdom, the
Kingdom, States Netherlands, the Philippines,
the Bahamas
6. Points on the globe the equator, the tropics,
the North Pole, the South
7. Musical instruments and Brian plays the violin and the
papers piano.
She works for the New York
8. Nationalities The British are well known for
drinking tea.