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Why Study Global Cities?

Global cities are the driving forces of the global economy.

They are centers of innovation, technology, finance, and
culture. Understanding their dynamics is crucial for
policymakers, businesses, and individuals alike.
by Miming
Defining the Global City

Economic Powerhouse Global Networks

Global cities dominate They are connected to

international trade and other cities around the
finance. They are home world through networks
to major corporations, of transportation,
financial institutions, and communication, and
stock exchanges. trade.

Cultural Hubs

Global cities attract diverse populations, fostering a rich

mix of cultures, ideas, and artistic expression.
Indicators for Globality

Indicator Description

Economic Power GDP, stock market

headquarters of
multinational corporations
Transportation Hubs Number of airports,
international flight
connections, port capacity
Human Capital Number of universities,
research institutions,
skilled workforce
The Challenges of Global Cities

1 Housing Crisis 2 Traffic Congestion

High demand for Increasing populations

housing in global cities and urban sprawl
often leads to soaring create major traffic
rents and bottlenecks, impacting
unaffordability. commutes and
Environmental Degradation4 transportation.
Social Inequality
Air and water Economic disparities
pollution, waste can lead to social
management, and divisions and
climate change are challenges for
pressing vulnerable populations
environmental within global cities.
concerns in densely
The Global City and the Poor
Lack of Access Urban Sprawl Social Exclusion

Limited access to affordable The expansion of global cities Poverty and lack of access to
housing, healthcare, education, can displace marginalized resources can create social and
and employment opportunities communities, pushing them to economic barriers for low-
often affects vulnerable the peripheries where services income residents in global
populations disproportionately. are limited. cities.
The Rise of Megacities
1 2 3

Urbanization Megacity Emergence Global Impact

Rapid population growth and Cities with populations Megacities have a significant
migration drive urbanization, exceeding 10 million are impact on the global economy,
particularly in developing becoming increasingly common, environment, and culture.
countries. posing challenges for
infrastructure and management.
Infrastructure Needs in Global Cities
Public Transportation

Efficient and affordable public transportation systems are crucial

for reducing congestion and promoting mobility.

Energy Infrastructure

Investing in renewable energy sources and smart grids is

essential for meeting the energy demands of rapidly growing

Waste Management

Sustainable waste management systems are needed to address

the growing volume of waste generated in global cities.

Water Supply

Reliable water supply systems are vital for ensuring public health
and supporting economic activities in global cities.
Environmental Concerns in Global Cities

Air Pollution Water Pollution

Traffic emissions, industrial Untreated wastewater,

activity, and energy production industrial discharges, and
contribute to air pollution, agricultural runoff can
impacting public health. contaminate water sources,
posing health risks.

Climate Change Urban Heat Island Effect

Global cities are particularly The concentration of buildings

vulnerable to the effects of and paved surfaces in cities
climate change, such as rising can create heat islands,
sea levels and extreme leading to higher temperatures
weather events. and heat stress.
Inequality and Gentrification in Global Cities

1 Income Disparity 2 Gentrification 3 Affordable Housing

High-income earners often The process of The demand for housing in

concentrate in global gentrification can displace global cities often outpaces
cities, leading to widening long-term residents and supply, pushing prices up
income disparities and change the character of and making affordable
limited access to resources neighborhoods, leading to housing increasingly
for low-income residents. social and economic scarce.
The Future of Global Cities
Global cities face significant challenges but also hold
immense potential. Sustainable urban planning,
technological innovation, and inclusive economic
development will be crucial for creating equitable and
resilient cities in the future.

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