Research Methodology

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R e is
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Research Methods

Wh h?
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What is research ?
 Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical information;
and analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in accordance with suitable methodologies set by specific
professional fields and academic disciplines.
 Any honest attempt to study a problem systematically or to add to man’s knowledge of a problem may be
regarded as research.’
 Research implies ‘a careful and systematic means of solving problems’
 Research is a systematic process of discovery and advancement of human knowledge.
 Hussey (1997), who summarize the different purposes of
research as follows:
1. To investigate some existing situation or problem.
2. To provide solutions to a problem.
3. To explore and analyze more general issues.
4. To construct or create a new procedure or system.
5. To explain a new phenomenon.
6. To generate new knowledge.
Stages of research
 Five important stages can be identified:
1. The stage before data collection, where the researcher decides upon the research
question, the aim of the research, the research objectives and the theoretical
framework that underlies the research.
2. The stage of designing how to collect the data to answer the question, or the research
3. The actual data collection stage, where the data is collected by one or more research
4. The analysis of the data – with reference to the theoretical framework adopted – to
answer the question.
5. The reporting of the research to communicate the findings to others.
Motivation in Research
 Desire to get degree
 Desire to face challenges in solving the
unsolved problems
 Desire to get intellectual joy doing some
creative work
 Desire to be of service to the society
 Desire to get responsibility
Characteristics of research
 Leedy (1985) and Walliman (2001) note a number of
characteristics of research. These include the following:
1. Research is generated by a specific research question,
hypothesis or problem.
2. Research follows a specific plan or procedure – the research
3. Research aims at increasing understanding by interpreting
facts and reaching conclusions based on those facts.
4. Research requires reasoned argument to support
5. Research is reiterative – it is based on previous knowledge,
which it aims to advance, but it may also develop further
research questions.
 Descriptive Research:-Means description of the state of
affairs as it exists at present. Researcher reports only what
has happened or what is happening
 Applied Research:- Aims at finding solution for an
immediate problem facing a society or an industry/ business
 Quantitative Research:-Based on the measurement of
quantity or amount. Applicable to phenomena that can be
expressed in terms of quantity.
 Conceptual Research: - Related to some abstract ideas or
theory. Used by philosophers and thinkers to develop new
concepts or re-interpret existing ones.
 Empirical Research: - Relies on experience or
observations alone, often without due regard for
system and theory.
 Qualitative Research: - Concerned with
qualitative phenomenon, i.e. phenomenon relating
to or involving quality or kind.
 Fundamental Research: - Mainly concerned with
generalizations and with the formulation of a
 Analytical Research: - Researcher has to use facts
on information already available and analyze these
to make a critical evaluation of the material.
Criteria of Good Research
 Good research is systematic:
It means that research is structured with
specified steps to be taken in a specified
sequence in accordance with the well defined
set of rules
 Good research is logical:

This implies that research is guided by the rules

of logical reasoning.
 Good research is empirical:
It implies that research is related basically to one or more
aspects of a real situation and deals with concrete data
that provides a basis for external validity to research

Good research is replicable:

This characteristic allows research results to be verified
by replicating the study and thereby building a sound
basis for decisions.
 Research Methods:- Refers to the methods/
techniques researchers use in performing
research operations.
 Research Methodology:- It may be understood
as a science of studying how research is done.
In it we study the various steps that are
generally adopted by researcher in studying his
research problem along with the logic behind

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