Regulator SEBI
Stocks and
Commodities Other
Derivative Intermediaries
Stock Brokers,
NSE, BSE, MSE, RTAs, Mutual
MCX etc. Funds, Investment
Advisors etc.
Starting Investment in Securities Market
Accounts Required
Many DPs offer a 3-in-1 account opening facility which gives you the convenience of opening a trading, demat and bank
account – all together. Now many DPs are offering online demat account opening. Trading or Broking account is
required only if you want to buy / sell shares through stock exchange.
About NSDL
Demat accountholders present in
First Depository One of the leading Depositories in the 99.27% of pincodes in India
in India world
Wide service network – all States
and UTs
No. of Service Centres – 61,298
Growing Custody Value
Dec. 2010 Dec. 2015 Dec. 2020 Dec. 2021 Mar 2024
Total Value of All Assets Held In All NSDL Demat Accounts in ₹ Lakh Crore
NSDL’s Progress
Bank deposits and
NSDL Custody Value 302
250 244
200 186
172 169
160 155
150 146
140 Aggregate Bank Deposits of All
129 Scheduled Banks (in ₹ Lakh
117 Crore)
NSDL Demat Custody Value (in ₹
Lakh Crore)
250 244
201 198
200 190 186 GDP at Market Price (in ₹ Lakh Crore)
171 172 NSDL Demat Custody Value (in ₹ Lakh Crore)
154 160
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Indian Securities Market - Depository System
DP 1 DP 2
*Even unlisted shares can be dematerialized. **Transfer of securities held in physical form not allowed w. e. f. April 1,
2019. Re-lodgement of transfer deeds which were submitted prior to this, but were rejected or returned, was allowed
till March 31, 2021. Shares pending for transfer with listed company / its RTA shall be issued only in demat.
Key points on Anti-Money Laundering
Legislative and Regulatory References
• Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
• Prevention of Money Laundering (Rules), 2005
• SEBI Master Circular – October 15, 2019
What is Money Laundering (ML)?
• Money Laundering is “the process in which the proceeds of crime are converted
and disguised as legitimate assets”
What is Anti-Money Laundering (AML)?
• Anti-Money Laundering is “the initiative to effectively prevent, detect, control
and report ML activities to the authorities”
What are Suspicious Transactions?
Transactions (including attempted transactions), that may involve proceeds from a
predicate offence, do not have any economic rationale, made in circumstances of
unusual or unjustified complexity or gives rise to a reasonable ground of suspicion that it
may involve financing of activities relating to terrorism
Key Authorities – Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU-IND), Ministry of Home Affairs
and the Enforcement Directorate
Key points for all Investors
• Provide officially valid documents for proof of identity and address
• Furnish correct information on income, occupation, business, marital status,
• Provide accurate financial information – salary or business income as
• Inform about any changes to the above information
• Invest only using own sources of funds, not third party funds
• Do not fall prey to any gimmicks or schemes from anyone
Non – Individuals:
• Provide officially valid documents for proof of identity and address
• Furnish information about Beneficial Owner(s), where applicable
• Furnish all other related documents (AoA, MoA, Partnership deed, ASL, etc.)
• Provide correct information about nature and type of business
• Changes to the above information may be duly informed to DPs
Accept the DIS only if serial number is pre printed and Client
ID is pre stamped or pre printed. Keep DIS in safe custody. Do
not to leave the DIS “blank or signed” with the Depository
Participants (DPs) or any other person/entity when not in use.
Be a Prudent Investor
Newsletter – The Education Financial
SEBI Investor Website
Available on Play
store and Apple
Available Free of Follow simple steps to
Cost register
4. Complete Captcha
2. Its available to any NSDL demat account holder provided his/her DP has
registered with NSDL.
5. Those having single holder demat account, can complete the registration
online at For joint demat accounts, client has to
submit physical SPEED-e registration request along with certain documents.
6. There are two types of access – Password users and e-token users (more
secured option).
7. In case of Password Users, facility can be used by one of the joint holders
Features of SPEED-e
1. View and download Statement of Holding and Transactions.
2. View latest balances and transactions in demat account.
3. View and download past 12 Consolidated Account Statement (CAS).
4. Redemption / repurchase of mutual fund units.
5. Submit electronic delivery instruction (limited to pre-notified broker
6. Submit margin pledge instructions.
7. Monitor the status of execution of instructions.
8. Participate in e-Voting.
5. An One Time Password (OTP) will be sent on the mobile number and
email ID registered in the demat account.
Facility to shareholders to
SMS alert to shareholders print details of vote.
after they cast votes.
How to Use NSDL e-Voting Service?
New Mode
4. Securities can be moved to broker’s pool account only
towards obligation for sell transaction
e-DIS Process
1. Client Login
Broker’s Trading
2. Client re-direction
3. Trigger for Client 4. Authentication by Client
6. Debit of Securities
NSDL Demat Gateway
5. Response to Broker
NSDL Depository Module
Do it Yourself - Online
Demat Ki Paathshala - An initiative by NSDL for Investor
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