Day 1
Day 1
Day 1
3 Quarter
Activating Prior
Short Review: Matching Type
1. A. Bishop’s hat
2. B. Pyramid
3. C. Shirt
4. D. Envelope
5. E. Pocket
Activating Prior
Processing Questions:
1. Any reaction to the video presented?
2. As an individual, how do you choose the
food you consume?
3. Now that you know the factors or
guidelines in selecting food, how can you
help your neighbors, or the community
select food that’s best for them?
Why do we need to
follow the guidelines
and the factors to
consider in food
Formative Assessment
As an individual, how can you influence
others to select the food to consume properly
to ensure a healthy and disease-free body?
Formative Assessment
Scoring rubric on Essay:
Criteria 5 4 3
Content 91%-100% of the content 81%-90% of the 71%-80% of the
is fully developed and content is well content is somewhat
strongly on-topic. Students developed and developed and remains
include personal opinions, remains on-topic on-topic some of the
thoughts, and feelings in for the most part. time.
the content.
Quality of It is somewhat illegible,
Responses Very legible. Work is Fairly legible. Work but I can read some of
exemplary; has less than consists of 5 to 9 the writing. Work
four spelling, grammatical, spelling, consists of 10 to 15
and content errors. grammatical, and spelling, grammatical,
content errors. and content errors.
Accuracy 91%-100% of the 81%-90% of the 71%-80% of the
responses are correct or on responses are responses are accurate
point. Very well thought- correct or on point. or on point. Fairly well
out responses. Well thought out. thought out.
Note the cooking method
performed by any of their family
members when preparing food
dishes at home.