Ch08 Introduction CIA Triad (1)
Ch08 Introduction CIA Triad (1)
Ch08 Introduction CIA Triad (1)
First Edition
by William Stallings and Lawrie Brown
TCP Communication
Types of
Packet Filtering Firewall
Applies rules to packets in/out of firewall
based on information in packet header
src/dest IP addr & port, IP protocol, interface
typically a list of rules of matches on fields
if match rule says if forward or discard packet
two default policies:
discard - prohibit unless expressly permitted
• more conservative, controlled, visible to users
forward - permit unless expressly prohibited
• easier to manage/use but less secure
Packet Filter
ACL Rules +
Stateful Inspection Firewall
Stateful Inspection Firewall
reviews packet header information but also
keeps info on TCP connections
typically have low, “known” port no for server(1024)
and high(1024-65535), dynamically assigned client
port no
simple packet filter must allow all return high port
numbered packets back in
Stateful Inspection Firewall
reviews packet header information but also
keeps info on TCP connections
stateful inspection packet firewall tightens rules for
TCP traffic using a directory of TCP connections
only allow incoming traffic to high-numbered ports for
packets matching an entry in this directory
may also track TCP seq numbers as well
Application-Level Gateway
Acts as a relay of application-level traffic
user contacts gateway with remote host name
authenticates themselves
gateway contacts application on remote host
and relays TCP segments between server
and user
must have proxy code for each application
may restrict application features supported
more secure than packet filters
but have higher overheads
Application-Level Gateway*70QEhe5XesOQUmPs
Circuit-Level Gateway
sets up two TCP connections, to an inside
user and to an outside host
relays TCP segments from one connection
to the other without examining contents
hence independent of application logic
just determines whether relay is permitted
typically used when inside users trusted
may use application-level gateway inbound
and circuit-level gateway outbound
hence lower overheads
Circuit-Level Gateway*oaH5SArrOnUp-kEA
SOCKS Circuit-Level Gateway
SOCKS v5 defined as RFC1928 to allow
TCP/UDP applications to use firewall
SOCKS server runs on Unix-Based firewall
SOCKS client library, runs on internal protected hosts
SOCKS-ified client applications such as FTP,Telnet
client app contacts SOCKS server,
authenticates, sends relay request
server evaluates & establishes relay connection
SOCKS Circuit-Level Gateway
TCP connection is opened to authenticate
a user to send and receive UDP
segments, and the UDP segments are
forwarded as long as the TCP connection
is open.
UDP handled with parallel TCP control
Firewall Basing
several options for locating firewall:
bastion host
individual host-based firewall
personal firewall
Bastion Hosts
critical strongpoint
in network
hosts application/circuit-level gateways
common characteristics:
runs secure O/S, only essential services
may require user auth to access proxy or host
each proxy is configured to support only a subset of
the application’s command set.
each proxy is configured to allow access only to
specific host systems.
each proxy maintains detailed audit information by
logging all traffic, each connection, and the duration
of each connection.
Bastion Hosts
each proxy module is a very small software package
specifically designed for network security, hence is
easier to check such modules for security flaws.
each proxy is independent of other proxies on the
bastion host, and can be uninstalled without
affecting the operation of the other proxy
generally performs no disk access other than to
read its initial configuration file.
each proxy runs as a non privileged user in a private
and secured directory on host
Dual Homed Bastion Hosts
Host-Based Firewalls
used to secure individual host
available in/add-on for many O/S
filter packet flows
often used on servers
taylored filter rules for specific host needs
protection from both internal / external attacks
additional layer of protection to org firewall
Personal Firewall
controls traffic flow to/from PC/workstation
for both home or corporate use
may be software module on PC
or in home cable/DSL router/gateway
typically much less complex
primary role to deny unauthorized access
may also monitor outgoing traffic to
detect/block worm/malware activity
Virtual Private Networks
Firewall Topologies
host-resident firewall
screening router
single bastion inline
single bastion T
double bastion inline
double bastion T
distributed firewall configuration
Firewall Topologies
Intrusion Prevention Systems
recent addition to security products which
inline net/host-based IDS that can block traffic
functional addition to firewall that adds IDS
can block traffic like a firewall
using IDS algorithms
may be network or host based
Host-Based IPS
identifies attacks using both:
signature techniques
• malicious application packets
anomaly detection techniques
• behavior patterns that indicate malware
can be tailored to the specific platform
e.g. general purpose, web/database server specific
can also sandbox applets to monitor behavior
may give desktop file, registry, I/O protection
Network-Based IPS
inline NIDS that can discard packets or
terminate TCP connections
uses signature and anomaly detection
may provide flow data protection
monitoring full application flow content
can identify malicious packets using:
pattern matching, stateful matching, protocol
anomaly, traffic anomaly, statistical anomaly
e.g. SNORT inline can drop/modify packets
Network-Based IPS
Pattern matching: Scans incoming packets for specific
byte sequences (the signature) stored in a database of
known attacks.
Stateful matching: Scans for attack signatures in the
context of a traffic stream rather than individual packets.
Protocol anomaly: Looks for deviation from standards set
forth in RFCs.
Traffic anomaly: Watches for unusual traffic activities,
such as a flood of UDP packets or a new service
appearing on the network.
Statistical anomaly: Develops baselines of normal traffic
activity and throughput, and alerts on deviations from
those baselines
introduced need for & purpose of firewalls
types of firewalls
packet filter, stateful inspection, application
and circuit gateways
firewall hosting, locations, topologies
intrusion prevention systems