Static Timing Analysis
Static Timing Analysis
Static Timing Analysis
Place Of Internship
SoC Players
SoC Flow
STA is a method of validating the timing performance of a design by checking all possible paths for timing violations. It is much faster than dynamic simulation because it is not necessary to simulate the logical operation of the design
Timing Need ?
15% delay
Mid 80 Scenario
Most of the input to output delay of the logic is due to gate delay
85% delay
50% delay
Mid 90 Scenario
Half of input to output delay of the logic is due to wire delay
50% delay
Today s Scenario
80% delay
20% delay
STA Advantage
Speed (orders of magnitude faster than dynamic simulation) Capacity to handling full chip Exhaustive timing coverage Test vectors are not required
STA disadvantage
It is pessimistic (too conservative) Reports false paths
Flow Inputs
Gate-level Netlist Constraints (SDC Standard Design Constraint) Extracted nets (SPEF Standard Parasitic Exchange Format) Libraries (liberty format - .lib)
Flow Output
Standard Delay Format (SDF)
Synthesis Team APR Team
STA Team
Modes understanding
Team DFT
FE Team