Types of business organisations ed
Types of business organisations ed
Types of business organisations ed
Partnerships are common among professions such as estate agents, insurance brokers, lawyers,
doctors, accountants.
Limited Companies
• Briefly discuss the various types of businesses clearly pointing out the
characteristics, pros and cons of each.
• A friend of yours wishes to set up a Kantemba business to sell fitumbuwa to
industrial workers. Advise your friend the advantages of and disadvantages of
being a sole trader.
• You have been asked to give a talk on the features of, advantages and
disadvantages of partnership type of business. What would include in your paper.
• A group of men in your neighbourhood have come together to form a private
limited company and they have come to you for advice. Explain to them the
features of the private limited company by outlining advantages and disadvantages
of this type of business.