Crisis Response:: The Role of The Crisis Worker

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Crisis Response:

The Role of the Crisis Worker

Amanda Varnish-Sharma, M.Ed.
Early Intervention Family Worker Schizophrenia Society of Ontario


What is Crisis and Crisis Intervention? Roles & Goals of Crisis Workers Best Practice Guidelines Integrative Model of Crisis Intervention What Can Families Do?

What is a Crisis?
An emotional upset, arising from situational, developmental, biological, psychological, sociocultural and/or spiritual factors. This state of emotional distress results in a temporary inability to cope by means of ones usual resources and coping mechanisms. Unless the stressors that precipitated the crisis are alleviated and/or the coping mechanisms are bolstered, major disorganization may result. It is recognized that a crisis state is subjective and as such may be defined by the individual, the family, or other members of the community.
(Hoff, 1995; Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care 1999)

What is Crisis Intervention?

A process that focuses on resolution of the immediate problem through the use of personal, social and environmental resources. The goals of crisis intervention are rapid resolution of the crisis to prevent further deterioration, to achieve at least a pre-crisis level of functioning, to promote growth and effective problem solving, and to recognize danger signs to prevent negative outcomes (RNAO, 2006; Hoff, 1995)

The Dichotomy of Crisis



Develop new coping skills Alter perceptions

Avoid seeking help Lowered level of functioning

Roles & Goals of Crisis Workers

Support individuals and families in crisis Mental Health Assessment Liaise with ER physician Liaise with Community Support Referral-community, hospital, etc. Liaise with psychiatrist

Best Practice Guidelines

1. 2.



Crisis intervention is founded on a particular set of values and beliefs, and guiding principles A comprehensive holistic assessment is performed prior to engaging in any plan to resolve crises To enhance the continuum of crisis care, the organization continuously strives to achieve a collaborative and integrative crisis intervention practice model within an interdisciplinary team The organization actively advocates for the provision of quality crisis intervention care on multiple levels including individual, family, and community

(RNAO, 2006)

Integrative Model of Crisis Intervention

Therapeutic Communication

P r o b l e m
S o l v i n g

Develop rapport Maintain contact

Identify the Problem Explore Coping Assess Risk to Life Collaborative action plan Implement the plan Follow up on the plan

D e c i s i o n
M a k i n g

Develop Rapport and Maintain Contact

Rapport, trust, and active listening

I can see that you are very distressed. I am concerned about you. Can you tell me what is upsetting you?

Maintain ongoing contact Therapeutic communication skillsvalidation

Active listening, paraphrasing in the individuals own words regarding his or her description of the current situation.

Identify the Problem & Therapeutic Interaction

Information collection Clinical judgment and expertise Facilitation of individual's understanding of the crisis Collaborate on new ways of appraising the situation

Mental Status Exam


Age, sex, posture, eye contact, dress, grooming, manner, facial expression Retardation, agitation, unusual movements, gait, catatonia Rate, rhythm, volume, amount, articulation, spontaneity Stability, range, appropriateness, intensity, affect, mood




Mental Status Exam

Thought Content

Suicidal or homicidal ideation, depressive cognition, obsessions, ruminations, phobias, ideas of reference, paranoid ideation, magical ideation, delusions, overvalued ideas, other major themes

Thought Process

Coherence, logic, stream, perseveration, neologism, blocking, attention

Hallucinations, illusions, depersonalization Awareness of illness



Explore Coping & Collaborate on Action Plan

Explore new ways of problem solving and decision making

What have you done in the past to get through difficult times? What else can you think of to try to get through this?

Facilitate and mobilize support networks

What Families Can Do

DOS Remain as calm as possible Decrease other distractions Allow the person to have personal space in the room DONTS Dont shout Dont criticize Dont challenge Avoid continuous eye contact Dont block the doorway Dont argue with other people

What Families Can Do

Have a family crisis plan- contact SSO for more details on crisis plans Keep a written record of treatments given including dates and times Be polite but assertive with hospital staff Keep conversations to the point- ask specific questions Try to form a partnering relationship between hospital staff, the individual in crisis and yourself

Thank You!

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