Legal Aspects OF Business: Click To Edit Master Subtitle Style
Legal Aspects OF Business: Click To Edit Master Subtitle Style
Legal Aspects OF Business: Click To Edit Master Subtitle Style
person signifies to another his willingness to do anything with a view to obtain the assent of the other to such act ,he is said to make a proposal.
Indian Contract Act, when a person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto ,the proposal is said to be accepted. A proposal when accepted ,becomes a promise.
Act , the person making the proposal is called the promisor and the person accepting the proposal is called the promisee.
CONSIDERATION Section 2(d), when at the desire of
the promisor, the promisee has done, or abstained from doing, promises to do or abstained from doing something, such an act or promisee is called a consideration of the promisee.
AGREEMENT Section 2(e),every promise and every
set of promise forming the consideration for each other is 3/11/12 an agreement.
called a contract.
VOIDABLE CONTRACT Sec 2(i), A voidable
contract, unlike a void contract, is a valid contract. At most, one party to the contract is 3/11/12 bound.
All contracts are agreements but all Agreements are not contracts.
Performance of Contract
Performance : After a contract is made, the parties are obliged by law to fulfill the promise they have made. When both the parties have fulfilled their respective obligations , the contract is deemed to be performed.
Identity of the performer By whom contract must be performed : a. by promisor himself b. by agent of promisor c. by legal representative of promisor d. performance by 3rd party
Time & place of performance a. where no application is to be made & no time is specified
b. Where time is specified c. When application is to be made by the promisee for performance on a certain day
c. Application by promisor when no place is fixed for performance d. Performance in a manner or time prescribed by promisee. 5. Performance of reciprocal promise a. unilateral contract
b. bilateral contract
Promises are classified as : a. b. c. Mutual & Concurrent promises Mutual & independent promises Conditional & dependent promises.
Order of performance of reciprocal promises : 1. Where reciprocal promise need to be performed at the same time.
3/11/12 2. One
Remedies :
1. Exoneration
2. Claim for damage 3. Claim for quantum merit 4. Claim for specific performance 5. Claim for injunction
Types of Damages:
1. General damage 2. Special damage 3. Vindictive damage 4. Nominal damage 5. Liquidated damages 6. Interest as damages
a. Such contracts are not made by the desire of the parties but are created by law of land. b. There is no agreement at all between the parties. c. The contract come into being after a party has received a profit or money.
1. Supply of necessities to person incompetent to contract. 3. Voluntary but non gratuitous(without cause) acts 4. Responsibility of finder of goods 5. Payment of money or deliver of goods by mistake or under coercion