Branches of Linguistics
Branches of Linguistics
Branches of Linguistics
General Linguistics studies language in general. What is language? It supplies the concepts and categories in terms of which particular language is to be analyzed. Descriptive Linguistics describes particular languages. Provides the data which confirm or refute the propositions and theories put forward in general linguistics. Historical Linguistics concerns with investigating the details of the historical development of particular languages and with formulating general hypothesis about language-change. languageDiachronic description of language traces the historical development of the language and records the changes that have taken place in it between successive points in time. Synchronic description of language: It is non-historical. It presents an language: nonaccount of the language as it is at some particular point in time.
Theoretical Linguistics studies language and languages with a view to constructing a theory of their structure and functions but without any practical applications that the investigation of language and languages might have. Applied Linguistics: It is concerned with the applications of the concepts and findings of linguistics to a variety of practical tasks, including language teaching. Microlinguistics concerns with the structure of language systems without regard to the way in which languages are acquired, stored in the brain or used in various functions. Macrolinguistics concerns with everything that pertains in any way at all to language and languages
Scientific Method
OBSERVATION HYPOTHESIS DATA COLLECTION DATA ANALYSIS TEST PROCEDURES FOLLOWED BY LINGUISTS TO STUDY LANGUAGE The detection by observation of a language phenomenon. The proposal of a possible explanation of the detected and observed phenomenon. The designing of a process to collect evidences (corpus) that may help to find the explanation. The analysis of the collected evidences (corpus). The organization of results that may lead to accept the explanation of the phenomenon, or reject , or modify it.
Select a problem related to language in the real world and investigate it using the procedures followed by linguists to study language. language. Metalinguistics: the study of the interrelationship between language and other cultural behavioral phenomena. Semiotics: The science of signs, of symbolic behavior or of communication-systems. communication-