1) Divine Charisma and Personal Experience 2) An Orthodox and Evangelical Dialogue On Theological Method
1) Divine Charisma and Personal Experience 2) An Orthodox and Evangelical Dialogue On Theological Method
1) Divine Charisma and Personal Experience 2) An Orthodox and Evangelical Dialogue On Theological Method
All theology is made possible by the Holy Spirit Theology is the most supreme and sublime of all gifts of the Holy Spirit Theology is perfected in the trinity Theology is the art of arts and the science of sciences
The gift is received from above and being taught from above Theology is a suprarational mystery into which one is initiated only by an unwavering faith God shapes the journey of our lives and not simply the concept in our minds
Evagrius of Pontos If one is a theologian, one will pray truly If one prays truly, then one is a theologian
__________________________________ Theology has to inspire human soul towards life giving and life saving love of God
St Symeon
Ap John
St Gregory
Orthodox theology the past Orthodox theology the modern world Orthodox theology the future with reference to Evangelical Protestant tradition
The Past
Kataphatic theology Proclaimed and expressed in as many ways as possible Within the mind set () ethos and experience by the churchs experience Revelations can not be conveyed alone by written rational concepts
Apophatic theology
to speak only in terms of what may not be said about the perfect goodness that is God
St John of Damascus
Experience of God is not his essence, but his contact point with us, his energies.
"The Apostolic Faith in the Scriptures and the Early Church" put it this way:
The New Testament writings exhibit diversity in the formulation of the faith confessed concerning Jesus. There are four gospel books to proclaim the one gospel. Epistles stem from the questions that are being addressed; but a positive variety of thought and formulation must also be ascribed to the abundant character of the faith and to the mystery of the person being confessed, both of which find a doxological expression. Questions arise as to whether the diversity amounts to internal contradictoriness. While individual Christians and scholars have sometimes considered this to be the case, the churches have maintained the unity and coherence of the scriptural canon whose establishment owed much to the use of these writings (sic!), all these writings, and no other writings in the gradually settled worship of the early church. Tensions among the various accepted writings permit mutual correction and enrichment.
The Present
analogia entis The analogy of being Analogies are used throughout Scripture and in tradition
Western thinking
The Future cont New theologies:Liberation Feminist of every kind Black Caribbean African Asian Polynesian Class
Interpretive or evaluative
Orthodox theological method and its obligatory appeals to the multifaceted criteria of dogmatic authorityholy Scripture, liturgical custom, patristic consensus, conciliar declaration, and creedal statement
Evagrius of Pontos
If one prays truly, then one is a theologian ______________________________________ Only through prayer can we truly know God otherwise we are only speaking of God