ECE Project Design Documentation

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Title Page
Acknowledgment Abstract Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction


Chapter 2 - Theoretical Framework
Chapter 3 - Methodology Chapter 4 - Results and Discussions Chapter 5 - Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations



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National University College of Engineering ECE Department


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in EC514L

Submitted by Proponents

Submitted to


This part of the paper serves as an expression of gratitude of the group to those who contributed towards the realization of the project.

Specific names of persons or groups of people, institutions are mentioned in this part including statements of what they have done to the proponents to realize the project.

Phrases such as

I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to ..

I would like to express my profound gratitude . I would like to thank .. I am thankful to .. My thanks and appreciation ..


.. support and guidance

technical expertise

time and patience

financial support

providing the researcher the ..

useful and practical advice

It consist of 1 or 2-page summary of the project study which includes: - re-statement of the problem - Importance of the project study - methodology - Project Design Presentation/Findings - conclusions

This part includes an organizational framework of the research topics which serves as the dimension of the covered topics arranged according to the organization of the content. Refer to the Sample

CHAPTER 1 Introduction
This part of the project includes the following:

Background of the Study

Objectives of the Study

Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitations

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Background of the Study

This includes the brief statements about the
problem and the need to study such problem.
The flow of presentation should lead into the identification of the problem.

Studies and literature being reviewed can be integrated in the background to strengthen the need to investigate the problem on hand.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Objectives of the Study

This determines the thrust and direction of the study. It contains a general and specific objectives of the study stated in a form of a statement or questions. These should be carefully and clearly stated.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Objectives of the Study

General Objective title of the study. is usually a reiteration of the

Specific Objectives or problems must be measurable and quantifiable.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives in the form of statement could be expressed as follows:

To know
To evaluate To find To investigate To discover etc.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Objectives of the Study

They can also be stated in a form of questions using the words

How. Will. Is there.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Objectives of the Study

The raising of questions should not be monotonous using single expressing of the questions like What is What objectives What standards What facilities etc.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Objectives of the Study

The monotony could be broken down by altering the questions with

Will there be etc

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Significance of the Study

This spells out the importance or values of the study and its contribution to the researcher, students, community, school, society, government science, administrator, environment, agencies involved and others.

The proponents should make convincing statements on the genuine need to conduct the study.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Significance of the Study

The use of the following phrases could help express this part of the project study: The study will provide. It will also contribute to the . The findings will also serve as a guide to This will also serve as basis.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Significance of the Study

Hopefully, the study will provide some insights and information on how Through this research, students will become aware of. This study will enhance the

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Scope and Limitations

Scope. It contains the coverage of the study. It should well define the subject, time, samples, institutions, persons involved.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Scope and Limitations

The use of the following phrases could help express the scope of the study: The coverage of the study.. The study focuses on. The study consist only of. It only involves. It covers the. The study includes.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Scope and Limitations


This includes statements on what are excluded or not a part of the study.
These are usually the constraints which are not under the control of the researcher.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction Scope and Limitations

The use of the following phrase could help write this portion of the study: The writer limits this study to.. The study is limited to.. The study does not cover the. The study excludes the The study involves only..

CHAPTER 2 Theoretical framework

This part of the Thesis includes the following:
Review of Related Studies

Review of Related Literature

Definition of Terms

CHAPTER 2 Theoretical Framework

Review of Related Studies
Studies are outputs of research formally undertaken using careful analysis of phenomenon development, questions or any other research procedure. They may be published or published researches, theses or dissertations.

CHAPTER 2 Theoretical Framework

Review of Related Literature
Literature on the other hand, is the body of writings on a particular subject or topic
It may be in the form of literary arts, poetry, drama, essay, fiction, speeches, letters, diaries, circular, bulletin etc. It maybe any written articles or publication find in books, manual, magazine, periodical, encyclopedias, journals, newspapers and the like. They may be written locally or in foreign countries.

CHAPTER 2 Theoretical Framework

Definition of Terms
It consists of words which need to be defined to provide better understanding of the study to be conducted. Usually presented in alphabetical orders or as they appear in the presentation. This will prevent misinterpretation of terms used with ambiguous meaning. The lexical or operational or both definitions of terms could be used in this part of the chapter.

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
This part of the chapter includes the following:
Research Design Instrumentation Procedure Statistical Analysis of Data

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Research Design
It is the research method used in the study, its definition or description including the justification why it is the best design for the study.

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Research Methods
Method is a systematic procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry use in a particular science, art or discipline. It is a systematic plan followed in presenting materials to produce the results.

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Scientific Method
Observation Statement of the Problem

Formulation of Hypothesis

Gathering of data



CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Different Types of Research Methods
Experimental Method Historical Method

Descriptive Method

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Experimental Method
It is used to discover information by utilizing experimentation. It is a method used to manipulate and control one or more variables used in the experiment. This method can be performed outside or inside laboratory conditions.

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Historical Method
It is a critical investigation of past events, experiences and development. It involves the careful evaluation of validity of the sources of past information and the interpretation of the weighted evidence. Knowing the past will give us useful information and direction for the present and for future action.

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Descriptive Method
It is a general procedure which describes the nature of a situation as it exists at the time of the study and explores the course of a particular phenomenon. It is used to discover facts on which judgement could be based. It describes records, analyses and interprets what it is.

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Types of Descriptive Method
Content Analysis It is the objective, systematic and quantitative evaluation of the contents of the documents under study. It is other wise known as a documentary analysis. These documents could be minutes of meetings, business records, speeches, newspapers, bulletin, journals or magazines.

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Types of Descriptive Method
Case Study It is comprehensive, extensive and thorough study of an individual, group, institution or situation involved in the study over a given period of time. The use of this method requires objectivity or fairness in presenting, analyzing the findings of the study. The use of the design could be called Descriptive Case Study Method

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Types of Descriptive Method
Feasibility Study It is a comprehensive, extensive and systematic analysis of all factors needed to find the viability or possibility of success of a proposed undertaking like the establishment of an institution, development plan, management systems, programs, marketing or teaching strategies etc. This can be called Descriptive Feasibility study

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Types of Descriptive Method
Survey Method It is a systematic examination of the condition, situation or value in order to collect data for the analysis of some aspect area or group. It can be used to gather data on the needs, practices, attitudes, interests, perception of a given population. It can be a census or a sample survey.

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
It includes the use of questionnaires, interview or observation tools that will be used in the study, its description, content, development and validation

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
It includes the steps to be used in the gathering of data, time frame and the persons responsible for the collection of data.

CHAPTER 3 Methodology
Statistical Analysis of Data
It includes the statistical tools to be used in the analysis of data and the reasons of appropriateness of the said tools. This part of the paper should resolve stated hypothesis which subsequently resolves the objectives of the study

CHAPTER 4 Results and Discussion

This includes the presentation of the data presented according to the specific objectives or problem of the study using figures, tables and graphs. Data Flow Diagram System Flow Diagrams Block Diagrams Schematic Circuits Materials Used

CHAPTER 4 Results and Discussion

Project Presentation

Presents the most important findings, its analysis and interpretation of data in a holistic approach.

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

It includes brief statements of the research objectives, significance, methodology and findings.

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

It includes the general statements inferred from the results usually based on the hypothesis or assumption

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

It includes suggestions to be undertaken based on the significance of the findings and recommendation for future study.

Books and Manuals
Journals, Magazines and Newspaper Published and Unpublished Theses/Dissertations

Source Codes Users Manual Financial Statement Leaders Report GANTT Chart Photographic Documentation Curriculum Vitae of each member

Estimated Cost
Microcontroller ECG Leads LCD and controller Printing P1000.00 Miscellaneous TOTAL P2000.00 P5000.00 P12000.00

P1000.00 P21000.00

(Show receipt. Misc are snack, transportation and etc.)

Gantt Chart
Please refer to the separate sheet for the Gantt chart.

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