Project Monitoring Evaluation SR 1223744598885201 9
Project Monitoring Evaluation SR 1223744598885201 9
Project Monitoring Evaluation SR 1223744598885201 9
soon as the boss decides he wants his workers to do something, he has two problems: making them do it and monitoring what they do?.
Monitoring & Evaluation Monitoring is the systematic, regular collection and occasional analysis of information to identify and possibly measure changes over a period of time. Evaluation is the analysis of the effectiveness and direction of an activity and involves making a judgment about progress and impact. The main differences between monitoring and evaluation are the timing and frequency of observations and the types of questions asked. However, when monitoring and evaluation are integrated as a project management tool, the line between the two becomes rather blurred. Participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) is the joint effort or partnership of two or more stakeholders (such as researchers, farmers, government officials, extension workers) to monitor and evaluate, systematically, one or more research or development activities (Vernooy et al., 2003).
Project Monitoring
2. Monitoring involves watching the progress of a project against time, resources and performance schedules during the execution of the project and identifying lagging areas requiring timely attention and action. 3. Monitoring is defined as a management function to guide in the intended direction and to check performance against pre determined plans. 4. Monitoring means periodic checking of progress of works against the targets laid down in order to ensure timely completion of the project.
Effectiveness describes whether or not the research process was useful in reaching project goals and objectives, or resulted in positive outcomes.
Relevance or appropriateness describes the usefulness, ethics, and flexibility of a project within the particular context Combined, these criteria enable judgment about whether the outputs and outcomes of the project are worth the costs of the inputs. Effectiveness, efficiency and appropriateness can be considered for the different methods, tools and approaches rather than questioning the value of the research approach as a whole.
Purpose of Monitoring:
Project monitoring helps to provide constructive suggestions like. Rescheduling the project (if the project run behind the schedule) Re budgeting the project (appropriating funds from one head to another; avoiding expenses under unnecessary heading). Re assigning the staff (shifting the staff from one area to other; recruiting temporary staff to meet the time schedule)
Steps in Monitoring: Identifying the different units involved in planning & implementation Identifying items on which feedback is required. Developing proforma for reporting. Determining the periodicity of reporting. Fixing the responsibility of reporting at different levels. Processing and analyzing the reports. Identifying the critical / unreliable areas in implementation. Providing feedback to corrective measures.
Projects are usually monitored against Whether the projects -Running on schedule -Running within the planned costs -Receiving adequate costs.
Methods / Techniques of monitoring. Project reporting, project appraisal, project monitoring project evaluation are inter related terminologys with minor differences in their meaning. In project evaluation monitoring is referred as interim or concurrent evaluation. So many of the methods used for evaluation can also relevant for monitoring the project. First hand information. Formal reports Project status report Project schedule chart Project financial status Report Informal Reports. Graphic presentations.
Meaning Objectives Scope Principles Functions & Methods of Project Evaluation. Types (internal / external) of Evaluation. A guideline for evaluating Projects.
Evaluation has its origin in the Latin word Valupure which means the value of a particular thing, idea or action. Evaluation, Thus, helps us to understand the worth, quality, significance amount, degree or condition of any intervention desired to tackle a social problem. Meaning of evaluation:
Evaluation means finding out the value of something. Evaluation simply refers to the procedures of fact finding
Meaning of Evaluation
Evaluation consists of assessments whether or not certain activities, treatment and interventions are in conformity with generally accepted professional standards.
Any information obtained by any means on either the conduct or the outcome of interventions, treatment or of social change projects is considered to be evaluation. Evaluation is designated to provide systematic, reliable and valid information on the conduct, impact and effectiveness of the projects. Evaluation is essentially the study and review of past operating experience.
Purpose of Evaluation
From an accountability perspective:
The purpose of evaluation is to make the best possible use of funds by the program managers who are accountable for the worth of their programs. Measuring accomplishment in order to avoid weaknesses and future mistakes. -Observing the efficiency of the techniques and skills employed -Scope for modification and improvement. -Verifying whether the benefits reached the people for whom the program was meant.
Form a knowledge perspective: The purpose of evaluation is to establish new knowledge about social problems and the effectiveness of policies and programs designed to alleviate them. Understanding peoples participation & reasons for the same. Evaluation helps to make plans for future work.
Principles of Evaluation
The following are some of the principles, which should be kept in view in evaluation. 1. Evaluation is a continuous process (continuity). 2. Evaluation should involve minimum possible costs (inexpensive). 3. Evaluation should be done without prejudice to day to day work (minimum hindrance to day to day work). 4. Evaluation must be done on a co-operative basis in which the entire staff and the board members should participate (total participation). 5. As far as possible, the agency should itself evaluate its program but occasionally outside evaluation machinery should also be made use of (external evaluation). 6. Total overall examination of the agency will reveal strength and weaknesses. (agency / program totality). 7. The result of evaluation should be shared with workers of the agency (sharing).
Stages in Evaluation.
1. Program Planning Stage. Pre investment evaluation or Formative evaluation or Ex ante evaluation or Early / Formulation Pre project evaluation or Exploratory evaluation or Need assessment. 2.Program Monitoring Stage. Monitoring Evaluation or Ongoing / interim. Concurrent evaluation 3.Program completion Stage. Impact evaluation or Ex- post evaluation or (Summative / Terminal / Final) Final evaluation.
Steps in Evaluation:
Learning about the program Creating on evaluation plan & Evaluation indicators Briefing the concerned people about the evaluation plan & indicators Revising and elaborating the evaluation plan Initiating Evaluation Utilizing / Sharing the Information
Types of Evaluation
Evaluation can be categorized under different headings A) By timing (when to evaluate) Formative Evaluation Done during the program -Development stages (Process Evaluation, ex-ante evaluation, project appraisals) Summative Evaluation Taken up when the program achieves a stable of operation or when it is terminated (Outcome evaluation, ex post evaluation etc.) B) By Agency. Who is evaluating? Internal Evaluation External Evaluation It is a progress / impact Unbiased, objective detailed Monitoring by the management it self assessment by an outsider (Ongoing / concurrent evaluation) C) By Stages On going Terminal Ex post During the implementation At the end of After a time lag of a project or immediately from completion after the completion of a project
Types of Evaluation
Desired Situation
Sustained benefits and impact
Present Situation
Evaluation may be split into various aspects, so that each area of the work of the agency, or of its particular project is evaluated. These may be, 1.Purpose 2.Programs 3.Staff 4.Financial Administration 5.General. Purpose: The review the objectives of the agency / project and how far these are being fulfilled. Programs: Aspects like number of beneficiaries, nature of services rendered to them, their reaction to the services, effectiveness and adequacy of services etc. may be evaluated. Staff: The success of any welfare program / agency depends upon the type of the staff an agency employs. Their attitude, qualifications, recruitment policy, pay and other benefits and organizational environment. These are the areas which help to understand the effectiveness of the project / agency. Financial Administration: The flow of resources and its consumption is a crucial factor in any project / agency. Whether the project money is rightly consumed any over spending in some headings, appropriation and misappropriation. These are some of the indicators that reveal the reasons for the success or failures of any project. General: Factors like public relations strategies employed by the project / agency, the constitution of the agency board or project advisory committee and their contribution future plans of the agency are important to understand the success or failures of any project.
Areas of evaluation:
Overall Objectives
Analysis of the overall effects of the project Analysis of the contribution of the project purpose to the overall objectives Focus on long-term changes in the environment of the project Collection and analysis of information at the levels of communities and society at large focusing on the final beneficiaries of the project Also analysis of unintended impacts (negative and positive)
Project Purpose + Assumptions utilisation
Results + Assumptions
action Activities+
Analysis on how well the production of project results Effectiveness Contributes to the achievement of the project purpose, i.e.: Are there clear Indications of changes and improvements that benefit the beneficiaries of the project? Uses base-line information on the pre project situation as a starting point Analysis on how successful the project has been in Transforming the means (i.e. the resources and inputs allocated to the project) through project activities into concrete project results Provides the stakeholders with information on inputs/costs per unit produced
Means + Preconditions
= A measure of the extent to which an aid intervention attains its objectives Possible questions: To what extent were the objectives achieved/are likely to be achieved? What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives?
= Efficiency measures the outputs qualitative and quantitative in relation to the inputs. It is a term which signifies that the aid uses the Least costly resources in order to achieve the Desired results. This generally requires Comparing alternative approaches to achieving the same outputs, to see whether the most efficient process has been adopted Possible questions: Were the activities cost-efficient? Were objectives achieved on time? What were the major factors influencing the achievement of the results?
= The positive and negative changes produced by an intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended. Possible questions: What has happened as a result of the programme or project? What real difference has the activity made to the beneficiaries? How many people have been affected?
= Sustainability is concerned with measuring whether the benefits of an activity are likely to continue after donor funding has been withdrawn. Possible questions: To what extent did the benefits of a programme or project continue after donor funding ceased? What were the major factors which influenced the achievement or non-achievement of sustainability of the program or project?