Code of Conduct in Journalism

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Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

By Pushker Srivastava
B.Tech., MBA, PGDCA, MMC, Ph.D.

Ex. Production Manager, SAIL, Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India Corporate Trainer & Consultant (IT & Digital Media) Visiting Professor Indian Institute of Mass Communication Jawaharlal Nehru University University of Delhi GGS IP University ICAR Universities Corporate Trainer Indian Armed Forces Indian Coastal Guards Border Security Force Indian Information Service Media consultant and adviser UNICEF BBC CNEB TV

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

Norms of Journalism Conduct The fundamental objective of journalism is to serve the society with news, views, comments and information on matters of public interest in a fair, accurate, unbiased, sober and decent manner.

The Press is expected to conduct itself keeping with certain norms of professionalism universally recognized.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

Accuracy & Fairness The Press shall eschew (avoid) publication of inaccurate, baseless, graceless, misleading or distorted material. All sides of the core issue or subject should be reported. Unjustified rumours and surmises (guesswork) should not be set forth as facts.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

Pre-publication verification On receipt of a report or article of public interest and benefit containing imputations or comments against a citizen, the editor should check with due care and attention its factual accuracy apart from other authentic sources with the person or the organization concerned to elicit his / her or its version, comments or reaction and publish the same with due amendments in the report where necessary. In the event of lack or absence of response, a footnote to that effect should be appended to the report.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

Publication of news such as those of pertaining to cancellation of examinations or withdrawal of candidates from election should be avoided without proper verification and cross checking. A document, which forms a basis of a news report, should be preserved at least for six months.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

Caution against defamatory writings Newspapers should not publish anything which is manifestly defamatory or libellous against any individual organization unless after due care and verification, there is sufficient reason / evidence to believe that it is true and its publication will be for public good. Truth is no defence for publishing derogatory, scurrilous (insulting) and defamatory material against a private citizen where no public interest is involved.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

No personal remarks which may be considered or construed (interpret) to be derogatory in nature against a dead person should be published except in rare cases of public interest, as the dead person cannot possibly contradict or deny those remarks.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

The Press has a duty, discretion and right to serve the public interest by drawing readers attention to citizens of doubtful antecedents (background) and of questionable character but as responsible journalists they should observe due restraint and caution in hazarding their own opinion or conclusion in branding these persons as cheats or killers etc. The cardinal principle being that the guilt of a person should be established by proof of facts alleged and not by proof of the bad character of the accused. In the zest to expose, the Press should not exceed the limits of ethical caution and fair comment.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

The Press shall not rely on objectionable past behaviour of a citizen to provide the background for adverse comments with reference to fresh action of that person. If pubic good requires such reference, the Press should make pre-publication inquiries from the authorities concerned about the follow-up action, if any, in regard to earlier adverse actions.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

Where the impugned publication is manifestly injurious to the reputation of the complainant, the onus (responsibility) shall be on the respondent to show it was true or to establish that it constituted fair comment made in good faith and for public good. Newspapers cannot claim privilege or license to malign a person or body claiming special protection or immunity on plea of having published the item as a satire under special columns as gossip, parody etc.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

Publication of defamatory news by one paper does not give license to others to publish news / information reproducing or repeating the same. Insertion of out of context, uncalled for and irrelevant statements likely to malign a person or an organization must be eschewed (avoided). Freedom or Press does not give license to a newspaper to malign a political leader or mar his future political prospects by publishing fake and defamatory writings.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

LOCUS STANDI In cases involving personal allegations / criticism, only the concerned person enjoying the locus standi can move the plaint or claim right to reply. However, a representative organization of persons attached to an organization or a section / group has the locus standi to move complaints against a publication directly criticizing the conduct of a leader.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

Public Interest and Public Bodies As a custodian of public interest, the Press has a right to highlight cases of corruption and irregularities in public bodies but such material should be based on irrefutable (certain / unquestionable) evidence and published after due inquiries and verification from the concerned source and after obtaining the version of the person / authority being commented upon. Newspapers should refrain from barbed, stinging and pungent language and ironical / satirical style of comment.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

Parameters of the right of the press to comment on the acts and conduct of public officials (A) So far as the government, local authority and other organs / institutions, exercising government power are concerned, they can not bring charge of defamation for reports critical of their acts and conduct relevant to the to the discharge of their official duties unless the official establishes that the publication was made with reckless disregard for the truth. However, judiciary, which is protected by the power to punish for contempt of court and the Parliament and the Legislatures, protected as their privileges are by Article 105 and 194 respectively of the Constitution of India, represent exception to this rule.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

(B) The central and local bodies are not entitled to bring a civil or criminal action for defamation in respect of article / report criticizing their functioning. (C) Publication of news or comments / information on public officials conducting investigations should not have a tendency to help the commission of offences or to impede the prevention or detection of offences or prosecution of the guilty. The investigative agency is also under a corresponding obligation not to leak out or disclose such information or indulge in misinformation.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

(D) The Official Secrets Act 1923 or any other similar enactment or provision having the force of law equally bind the press or media though there is no law empowering the state or its officials to prohibit, or to impose a prior restraint upon the Press / Media. (E) Those who hold public office and by their own conduct give scope for criticizing them, cannot be heard to complain against such criticism.

Code of conduct in Journalism

(Source : Press Council of India)

Criticism of public figures / music reviews An actor or singer who appears on a public stage submits his performance to the judgement

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