Prepared By: Riddhi Modi (B-28) Dimple Thadhani (B-49)
Prepared By: Riddhi Modi (B-28) Dimple Thadhani (B-49)
Prepared By: Riddhi Modi (B-28) Dimple Thadhani (B-49)
Shareholders are the owners of joint-stock, limited liability company and are its principals.
By virtue of their ownership, the principals define the objectives of the company. The management, directly or indirectly selected by shareholders to pursue such objectives, are the agents. While the principals might assume that the agents will invariably do their bidding, it is often not so.
Two broad instruments that reduce agency costs and hence, improve ethical corporate governance, are
Independent oversight of management, which consists of two aspects the first relates to the role of the independent, statutory auditors and the second to the board of directors of a company
Rights of Shareholders
A Shareholder of a Company 1. has a right to obtain copies of the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association and certain resolutions and agreements on request on payment of prescribed fees (Section 39); 2. has a right to have the certificate of shares held by him within 3 months of the allotment;
5. has the preferential right to purchase shares on a pro-rata basis in case of a further issue of shares by the Company. Moreover, he/she also has the right of renouncing all or any of the shares in favour of any other person;
11. is entitled to receive copies of the annual report of the directors, annual accounts and auditors report;
16. is entitled to inspect and obtain copies of minutes of proceedings of general meetings;
17. has a right to participate in declaration of dividends and receive his/her dividends duly;
Rights of Shareholders (contd.) 18. has a right to demand poll; 19. has a right to apply to the Company Law Board for investigation of the affairs of the Company. 20. has the right to remove a director before the expiry of the term of his/her office;
22. can make a petition to the High Court for the winding up of the Company under certain circumstances;
23. has a right to participate in passing of a special resolution that the company be wound up by the Court or voluntarily; and
24. has a right to participate in the surplus assets of the company, if any, on its winding up.
- high and low monthly averages of share prices in a major stock exchange where the company is listed for the reporting year
- greater details on business segments up to 10% of turnover, giving share in sales revenue, review of operations, analysis of markets and future prospects
Responsibilities of shareholders
Shareholders Rights
Setting up of quality review boards for the ICAI, ICSI, ICWA and a public oversight Board similar to the one in U.S
- Protect the rights of minority shareholders and also to ensure investor protection
SEBI in its guidelines to investors/shareholders, titled A Quick Reference Guide for Investors published recently, makes it known that a shareholder of a company enjoys the following rights :
Rights of a shareholder, as an individual To receive the share certificates on allotment or transfer as the case may be in due time. To receive copies of the abridged Annual Report, the Balance Sheet, the Profit & Loss A/c and the Auditors Report. To participate and vote in General Meetings either personally or through proxies.
To apply to Company Law Board (CLB) to call or direct the Annual General Meeting. To inspect the minute books of the General Meetings and to receive copies thereof. To proceed against the company by way of civil or criminal proceedings. To apply for the winding-up of the Company. To receive the residual proceeds.
Shareholders Responsibilities
Shareholders are responsible To remain informed
To be vigilant
To participate and vote in general meetings To exercise ones rights on ones own, or as a group.
Investor Protection
Definition: Investor protection can be defined by both (i) the extent of the laws that protect investors rights, and (ii) the strength of the legal institutions that facilitate law enforcement.
Relationship Between Investor Protection and Corporate Governance How do Insiders Steal Investors Funds? Rights to Information and Other Rights
Investor Education and Protection Fund which is under the Companies Act should be shifted to the SEBI Act and be administered by SEBI;
4. SEBI should be the only capital market regulator, clothed with the powers of investigation; 5. The regulator, SEBI, should require all IPOs to be insured under third party insurance with differential premium based on the risk study by the insurance company.
6. SEBI Act 1992, to be amended to provide for statutory standing committees on investors protection, market operation and standard setting; and
7. The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, to be amended to provide for corporatization and good governance of stock exchanges.