Teaching Reading
Teaching Reading
Teaching Reading
Teaching reading
Prelimitary definition. For the purposes of this module, reading means reading and undestanding. A foreign language learner who says, ican read the words but i dont know what they mean is not, therefore, reading, in this sense. He or she is merily decoding- translating written symbols into corresponding sounds.
1.How do we read?
Some assumptions about the nature of rading
1. We need to perceive and decode letters in order to read words 2. We need to understand all the words in order to understand the meaning of a text. 3. The more symbols (letters or words) there are in a text, the longer it will take to read it. 4. We gather meaning from what we read. 5. Our understanding of a text comes from understanding the words of which it is composed.
2. Jam hot pin call did tap son tick 3. How quickly can you read and understand this?
2. Beginning reading
Note: this unit is relevant for situations where the learners mother tongue has a different alpahabet from that of the foreing language taught. Some guidelines: 1. The learners should have some basic knowledge of the spoken language. 2. To begin with single letters (the conventional phonic method), starting with the most common and useful. 3. The learner knows the most common sound of the letter. 4. The letters the learners do know can immediately be recognized in the context of a text.
A convecional type of reading activity or test consists of a text followed by comprhension questions.
Yesterday I saw the palgish flester gollining begrunt the bruck. He seemed very chanderbil, so I did not jorter him, just deapled to him quistly. Perhaps later he will besand cander, and I will be able to rangel to him. 1.- What was the flester dong, and where? 2.- What sort of a flester was he? 3.- Why did the writer decide not to jorter him? 4.- How did she deaple? 5.- What did she hope would happen later?
Yesterday I saw the new patient hurrying along the corridor. He seemed very upset, so I did not follow him, just called to him gently. Perhaps later he will feel better, and I will be able to talk to him.
1.- What is the problem described here? 2.- Is the event taking place indoors or outdoors? 3.- Did the writer try to get near the patient? 4.- What do you think she said when she called to him? 5.- What might the job of the writer be? 6.- Why do you think she wants to talk to the patient?
1.- Pre-question. 2.- Do-it-yourself questions. 3.- Provide a title. 4.- Summarize. 5.- Continue. 6.- Preface. 7.- Gapped text. 8.- Mistakes in the text. 9.- Comparison. 10.- Responding. 11.-Re-presentation of content.
1.- Languege. 2.- Content. 3.- Speed. 4.- Attention. 5.- Incomprehensible Vocabulary. 6.- Prediction. 7.- Background Information. 8.- Motivation. 9.- Purpose. 10.- Strategies,
1.- Make sure your students get a lot of successful readin experence: through encouraging them to choose their own simplified readers, for example, and giving them time to read them. 2.- Make sure that most of the vocabulary in reading texts is familiar to your students, and that words that are unknown can be either easily guessed or safely ignored. 3.- Give interesting tasks before asking learners to read, so that they have a clear purpose and motivating challenge. Or use texts that are interesting enough to provide their own motivation. 4.- Make sure that the tasks encourage selective, intelligent reading for the main meaning, and do not just test undesrtanding of tivial details. 5.- Alloow, and even encourage, students to manage without understanding every word: by the use of scanning tasks, for example, that require them to focus on limited items of informations. 6.- Provide as wide a variety of tasks as you can, to give learners practice in different kinds of reading.