MS 204 Marketing Management
MS 204 Marketing Management
MS 204 Marketing Management
MBA II Semester
Dr. Vibhuti Tripathi
Quota System, production driven market Liberalized Economy Demand driven market; Informed and Demanding Customers Focus on: Value Creation, Relationships, Retention, company and customer interface, integrated marketing programs
Defining Marketing
Term Market originates from Latin Word Marcatus, Physical place where business is conducted Has wider implications Customers Stake Holders Business Partners Competitors William J. stanton: A total system of interacting business activities designed to plan, promote and distribute want-satisfying products and services. American Marketing Association: The performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services through producers to consumers or users.
Philip Kotler: A social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others. Marketing is a process by which companies create value for customers and build strong Customer Relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.
Attempt is made to convert societal needs into profitable Opportunities. In the process activities involved create time, place and possession utilities. And a Value Proposition
Sales: An activity which involves order taking and delivery of Products. In the process it builds goodwill, generates Demand and does problem solving
A Ratio between what a customer gets and what he gives.
Perceived tangible and intangible benefits offered by the products / services and its cost to the customers.
Value Price (Low, Competitive) Service (After Sales, Embedded, Extra Efforts
Reflects in the perceived tangible and intangible benefits offered by the product and its cost to the customers. Reflects in the cost of the product/ services and the revenue generated in the selling process.
Raise Benefits at same price Reduce Cost at same benefits Raise benefits reduce costs
Marketing is not only facilitating selling of a product but also creation of demand. Needs: State of felt deprivation. Physical, Social and Individual Needs. Physical: Basic to Survival Social: Desire to Belong Individual: Self Expression Wants: Needs directed towards specific satisfiers.
Companies focus on wants and loose sight of needs and purchasing power
Marketing Process
1. Analyse and understand Markets and Prospective Customers needs and wants. (Market Segmentation, Target Marketing) 2. Design a customer driven marketing strategy with the goal of acquiring, retaining and growing target customers. (Differentiation and Positioning; Marketing Mix) 3. Create a strategy delivering superior value. 4. Build profitable customer relationships and creating customer delight. 5. Reap the rewards.
Differentiation: Developing unique differences with the intent to influence demand. Positioning: Tailoring a product's image and presentation to appeal to a selected market segment.
Marketing Mix; includes a combination of tools like; Product, Packaging, Price, Channels of distribution, Advertising, Promotion and Personal selling to pursue the marketing objective of the company and fulfilling needs and wants of the customers.
and Experience of
Marketing Research
Product Planning and Development Functions of Exchange: Buying and Assembling Selling
Product Concept:
Assumption: Consumers will favour those products that offer the most quality, performance or innovative features .
Selling Concept: Companies not only produce the product but also try to convince customers to buy them.
Assumptions: If consumers are left alone they will ordinarily not buy enough of Organization's products. and Consumer typically show buying dis-interest or resistance and must be coaxed into buying.
Marketing Concept: Matching a companys capabilities with customers wants. Make and-sell to Sense-and-respond Assumption: Key to achieve its organisational goals consists of a company being more effective than competitors.
Customer is the King. You are the Boss. Putting people first.
Marketing Concept Involves: Customer Orientation. Integration and unification of company operations. Focus:
Customer is important.
Profit goals will be reached through satisfied customers.
Holistic Marketing Concept: Organizations keep in mind all the aspects of: - Relationship Marketing: Building mutually satisfying long-term relationships. - Integrated Marketing: all departments work together to serve the customers interest - Internal Marketing: recruiting, motivating and retaining staff who want to serve customers well. - Social Responsibility: focus on delivering desired satisfaction effectively and efficiently that competitors, at same time and societys well being.
preserving consumers
Economic Conditions: Business Cycle Purchasing Power of Customers Inflation Interest Rates
Business Cycle
Recovery Prosperity
Competitive Environment:
Competitive Environment
Threat of Substitute
Production Facility; R & D Capability; Financial Resource; Human Resource;
Demographic and Socio-Cultural Factors: Age Structure (composition of population Age-wise) Gender Distribution Life Expectancy Population Density Household Size (Family Size) Marital Status Income and wealth distribution Employment Education Occupation Value System Consumption Patterns and attitudes
Changing Gender Roles: Related to family Jobs Recreation Buying Behaviour A Premium on Time: Paucity of time Attitude towards gaining more free time Convenience Physical Fitness and Health; Geographical Shift in Population; Strategies: Product Development Distribution Arrangements Pricing Policies Promotion
Every Marketing Activity starts and ends with consumers. Marketers Identify decision makers. It is important to know : who are the people that consume the product
Needs/ Wants
Culture: Peoples shared customs, beliefs, values that are generated from generation to generation.
Sub-culture: smaller groups within cultural framework with common life experiences and situations. Social Class: relatively homogeneous and enduring divisions in a society.
2. Social Factors; Reference Groups, Family, Roles and \ Status. Reference Groups: Small Social Groups to which an individual belongs or aspires to belong. Membership Groups; Primary and Secondary Aspirational Groups Dissociative Groups Opinion Leaders;
Family : Persons related by blood, marriage or adoption who reside together. Family is a major influencer on buying behaviour. Consumption Roles: Influencers; Deciders; Buyers; Users; Maintainers; Involvement and roles vary by products.
1. Bachelor Stage
2. Newly Married Couples 3. Full Nest I (Young, married, with child) 4. Full Nest II (Older, married, with children 5. Full Nest III (Older, married, with dependent children) 6. Empty Nest I (Older, married, with no children living with them) 7. Solitary Survivor
At each stage of Family Life Cycle a person behaves differently; consumption patterns are
also shaped up accordingly.
Roles and Status: A person enters and exists different roles and status throughout the life.
3. Personal Factors: Age and Life Cycle Stage, Occupation, Economic Situation, Lifestyle, Personality. Age and Life Cycle Stage: Preferences to purchase goods and Render services vary over the life time. Occupation: Occupation influences consumption patterns. Economic Situation: Product Choice is greatly affected by economic circumstances like: Spendable income (stability, time duration, level), savings, credit availability Personal Income Family Income Consumer Credit
Lifestyle: a persons pattern of living in the world reflected in activities, interests, opinions. Personality: individuals distinguishing psychological Characteristics; self confidence, dominance, sociability, adaptability. Brand Personality:
4. Psychological factors: Motivation, Perception, Learning and Beliefs and Attitude. Motivation: is a drive, which propels a person towards achieving his goals. A need becomes a motive when sufficiently backed with intensity
Freuds Theory: Psychological forces shaping up peoples behavior are largely unconscious and that a person can not fully understand his or her own motivation. Some consumers resist prune (dried plum) because prunes are wrinkled looking and remind of old age. Maslows Theory: People satisfy their most important needs first. The needs are placed in a hierarchical order.
Perception: is the process by which an individual selects, organizes and interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture. Perceptions can vary widely among individuals exposed to same situation,
Learning: involves changes in an individuals behavior arising from experience. Learning is a continuous process, Consumers can be made to learn the desired behaviour.
Beliefs and Attitudes: are developed by doing and learning. Marketers are interested in understanding beliefs that consumers have the product, and try to change negative beliefs.
When making a decision to buy a product from many competing products/brands, a consumer unknowingly passes through a few stages of the decision process. The consumer does not pass through all the stages before purchasing a product. Need Arousal is the first stage of a buying decision process. The need for a given product is activated by internal and external stimuli.
Stimuli: Internal
Evaluation of Alternatives
Purchase Intention
Attitudes of Others
Purchase sub-decisions: Brand Decision Vendor Decision Quantity Decision Timing Decision Payment Methods
Types of Buying Behaviours Consumers would demonstrate different buying behaviour based on; Involvement Nature of Products Toothpaste / Brush / Soap etc. Car / Bike Apparels Complex and expensive purchases are likely to involve more buyer deliberation and more participants.
Ones who know exactly what they want. Visitors who some what know what they want. The window shoppers, Non-Prospects
High Involvement
Low Involvement
Complex Buying Behaviour: Highly self expressive products, Learning Process, infrequent purchases
Dissonance Reducing Buying Behaviour: anxiety or conflict of pre or post purchase decision.
Habitual Buying Behaviour: frequently purchased, Brand familiarity, no strong attitude towards a brand.
Variety Seeking Buying Behaviour: frequent brand switching, breaking the monotony.
Socio Cultural Environment 1. Family 2. Informal Sources 3. Non Commercial Sources 4. Social Class, Culture
Trial Repeat Purchase
OUTPUT Post Purchase Evaluation
5. Laggards
Market Segmentation A company can not serve all customers in a category. Customers differ widely in terms of Perception Values Preferences Buying habits Potential Market;
Mass Marketing; A company appeals to a broad range of consumers through a single basic marketing program.
Companies consider large potential markets. Assumptions; 1. People have similar characteristics and wants for a product category. 2. One Marketing Mix Strategy will satisfy them. 3. People do have different characteristics and wants but it is not worth to develop separate marketing mix.
The elements of the marketing mix do not change for different consumers, all elements are developed for all consumers.
1 Pricing strategy 1 Promotional program aimed at everybody 1 Type of product with little/no variation 1 Distribution system aimed at entire market
Maruti 800 in 1980s, News Papers etc.
Pure Mass Marketing approach is dying rapidly because ; Intense Competition Much Aware Customer Technological Up-gradations Process Information Companies are turning to micro marketing by adopting different approaches based on Segmentation, Target Identification and Positioning. Market Segmentation: Process of identifying smaller groups of people that exist within a larger market. Market Segment : consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of wants, tastes and preferences. Homogeneity (A marketer does not create segment.)
Actionable; Differentiable;
The purpose is to design a Marketing Mix that more precisely matches the needs of individuals in a selected market segment.
Approaches to build Market Segment: Homogeneous Demand- uniform, everyone demands the product for the same reason Diffused Demand- Product differentiation more costly and more difficult to communicate. Cosmetic market, need to offer hundreds of shades of lipstick. Firms try to modify consumer demand to develop clusters of at least a moderate size. Clustered Demand- consumer demand classified in 2 or more identifiable clusters. Automobiles: luxury, Sporty, Spacious
Analyse the needs of customers Analyse the characteristics of consumers Dis-integrate the viable, profitable, lucrative segments Formulate different market mix for different segments Feedback of various segments Select the higher potential segments
Segment B Segment C
Segment D
Multi-segment strategy 2 or more segments are sought with a Marketing Mix for each segment, different marketing plan for each segment.
Marketing Mix
Segment A
Marketing Mix
Segment B
Segment C
Marketing Mix
Segment D
Bases for segmenting Markets. Two Broader groups of variables used by companies. Consumer Characteristics: Geographic, Demographic and Psychographic.
Major Segmentation Variables Geographic: Companies can operate in one or few geographic areas, or operate in all areas with separate Marketing Mix Regionally. Cities, Regions Retailers, Fast Food Chains, Tyres Demographic: most popular basis. Easier to measure. Age, Gender, Income, Family Size, Education, Occupation etc. Psychographic: refers to as lifestyle analysis.
Alternative Strategies
Narrow Coverage
Micro Marketing
Selecting a single segment and one marketing mix. Choice of Smaller companies with limited resources.
M1 P1
Selective Specialisation Strategy / Differentiated Strategy: Multiple segments catered. Different Marketing Mix to different segments. Product itself may or may not be different.
M1 P1
Product Specialisation: Company Specialising in a single product. Company builds up strong reputation.
M1 P1
M1 P1
Full Market Coverage: A company attempts to serve the entire market, Single undifferentiated marketing strategy, or Separate marketing mix for each segment.
M1 P1
Playing the Ponies, The Strategist, Business Standard, Tuesday, 8 January 2008 Survey conducted to assess the launch of a Brand and Rebranding strategies. Parameters used Visibility Media Pressure Sales/ Market Share Likeability of advertisements Parent Company Promotional Activities POP Displays Performance of Similar Brands Word of Mouth Consumer insight-based strategy
Market Survey to find out the snacking habits of Indian Consumers They were looking for excitement in snacks. Product Development; Chefs in ITC hotel were given the task Varied Falvours with twists; Chatkila Nimbu Achar, Bindas Masti Chaas,
ITC dominated media of every kind, with good creative along with good product. web site: with offers, games, downloads and mobile games.
On television 10 to 15 spots per channel per day, 20 spots on radio channels, 1000 outdoor hoardings.
Huge brand recall would ensure repeat purchase.
Positioning: is the act of designing the companys offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market. End result of positioning is the successful creation of a customer Value Proposition. Product Positioning Vs. Brand Positioning.
Steps Involved in Positioning Task: 1. Identifying Competitive advantage 2. Choosing right competitive advantage 3. Selecting an overall Positioning Strategy
1. Identifying Competitive Advantage a. Product; Features; Performance; Durability; Reliability; Reparability; Style; Design; Quality b. Service; Delivery; After Sales Services; Customer Care; Installation; c. People; Competence; Courtesy; Credibility; Responsiveness; Communication. d. Image;
2. Choosing right competitive advantage How many differences to choose? USP Unique Selling Proposition More differentiators; useful in intense competition
Which differences to promote? Criteria to select differences; 1. Importance 2. Distinctive 3. Superior 4. Communicable 5. Preemptive 6. Affordable 7. Profitable
Loosing Proposition
Marginal Proposition
Loosing Proposition
Loosing Proposition
Attribute Positioning : features Benefit Positioning: benefits Competitor Positioning: better than competitor Product Category Positioning: leader in certain product category Quality and Price Positioning: emphasizing quality or price Beliefs / Value Positioning:
Why Repositioning ?
1. Under Positioning: Vague idea about the brand. Pepsi in Vanilla Flavour 2. Over Positioning: Narrow image of the brand. Tanishque 3. Confused Positioning: Confused image in the mind of customers. Maruti Versa and Maruti Omni VAN 4. Doubtful Positioning: hard to believe the brand claims.
A product is anything that might satisfy a want or need, whether it is a
Business or Organization
Pure Services
Financial Consultant
Convenience Products
Bought Frequently Low Priced Many Purchase Locations Includes: Staple goods Impulse Goods Emergency Goods
Shopping Products
Bought Less Frequently Information Search Fewer Purchase Locations Compare for Suitability Quality Price and Style
Specialty Products
Special Purchase Efforts Unique Characteristics
Brand Identification
Few Purchase Locations
Unsought Products
New Innovations Products consumers dont want to think about
Industrial Products
Materials and Parts:
Social Advertising
Concept Selling Destination Selling
Each product may have a different life cycle PLC determines revenue earned
Advertising and promotion campaigns
Increased consumer awareness Sales rise Revenues increase Costs - fixed costs/variable costs, profits may be made Monitor market competitors reaction?
New entrants likely to mean market is flooded Necessity to develop new strategies becomes more pressing: Searching out new markets:
Linking to changing fashions Seeking new or exploiting market segments Linking to joint ventures media/music, etc.
Re-packaging or format
Improving the standard or quality Developing the product range
Decision to withdraw may be dependent on availability of new products and whether fashions/trends will come around again
Profits Losses Break Even Time
Question Mark
Dogs Cash Cows
Cash Cows
Packaging and Labeling: Product Support Services:
Product Quality
Product Features
3. Customer Care
Marketer must periodically asses the; The value of current services to obtain new ideas The cost of providing the services
Branding ???
Brand: a name, term, sign, symbol or design OR a combination of all these. Intended to identify the goods or services of seller. Differentiate from competitors. Legal Protection for product
Classification of Brands
Individual Brands:
Separate brand names are used For different items by a single company Attract various segments. These brands have distinct images and appeals and marketed differently One brand name is used for two or more individual products. Family branding is more effective for specialised companies Positive fall out on other products. Buyers refer the type of product they want by producers brand name. Dangerous for the company. Retailers are creating their own brands.
Generic Brands :
Private Labels:
INDIVIDUAL BRANDS Hindustan Unilever Limited Home and Personal Care Category: Lux Surf Excel Fair & Lovely Wheel Ponds Vaseline Dove Rin Liril
Pepsodent Axe Lakme Ayush
Closeup Rexona
FAMILY / BLANKET BRANDS Dabur India Limited : Quality Ayurvedic and nature-based Health care, Personal Care, Food Products
Health Care: Chyawanprash, Glucose D, Hajmola, Pudin hara, Dabur Lal Tail, Shankh Pushpi etc.
Personal Care: Amla Hair Oil, Vatika hair oil, Vatika Face Pack, Dabur Lal Toothpaste and Dant Manjan, Babool, Meswak. Food Products: Real Juices, Coolers, Homemade
KORYA, Tasty Treat, Star and Sitara : BIG BAZAR Life, Kashish and Vittorio Fratini : SHOPPERS STOP
Brand Equity
In a market where products are similar, branding can have a large effect on the price that customers will pay.
Financial - One way to measure brand equity is to determine the price premium that a brand commands over a competitor.
Facilitates a more predictable income stream. Increases cash flow by increasing market share, reducing promotional costs, and allowing premium pricing.
Brand extensions - A successful brand can be used as a platform to launch related products. Leveraging of existing brand awareness
Consumer-based - A strong brand increases the consumer attitude toward the product associated with the brand. Brand equity is an asset that can be sold or leased.
Product Categories
Line Extension: introducing additional items in a given product category under same brand name. 1. Low cost, low risk 2. Consumers desire for variety
Brand Extension: using successful brand name to introduce new or modified products in a new category.
1. Instant Recognition
2. Saves costs
Multi Brands: introducing new brands or additional brands in the same category. 1. Catering to different segments and motives 2. Each brand may obtain only a small market share none may be very profitable
New Brands: Company may create a new brand in a new product category.
Product Line Decisions: The group of related company products that are similar in their target markets, pricing, and distribution channels
Decisions Involve:
Product Line Length: Line Stretching: going beyond current range Downward or upward Stretching can be done. Product Line Filling: adding more items within present range
Product Mix Dimensions: Product Mix Width: Number of different product lines a company offers. Product Mix Length: Total number of items a company carries within its product line.
Managing the Brand 1. Brands Positioning must be continuously communicated. 2. Developing Brand Experience (Managing the touch points)
Packaging: involves designing and producing container or wrapper for a product. Functions: Contain Safety .
Primary Container
Secondary Container
Shipping Package
To Increase Profit
Steps in Developing a good package: Packaging Concept Develop specific elements of package Elements must support products position and marketing strategy.
Labels ???
Labeling : Printed information appearing on or with the package Performs certain functions: Identifies product or brand Describes several things about the product Promotes the product through attractive graphics