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Point-to-Point Links
Reading: Peterson and Davie, Ch. 2
Hardware building blocks Encoding Framing Error Detection Reliable transmission
Sliding Window Algorithm

Breaks continuous stream/sequence of bits into a frame and demarcates units of transfer Typically implemented by network adaptor
Adaptor fetches/deposits frames out of/into host memory
Node A Adaptor Bits Adaptor Node B


Advantages of Framing
Synchronization recovery
consider continuous stream of unframed bytes recall RS-232 start and stop bits

Multiplexing of link
multiple hosts on shared medium simplifies multiplexing of logical channels

Efficient error detection

frame serves as unit of detection (valid or invalid) error detection overhead scales as log N

Problem ?

Recognizing exactly the boundaries of a frame

Must determine the first and last bit of a frame

Organized by end of frame detection method Approaches to framing
sentinel (marker, like C strings) length-based (like Pascal strings) clock-based

Other aspects of a particular approach
bit- or byte-oriented fixed- or variable-length data-dependent or data-independent length

Framing with Sentinels

End of frame: special byte or bit pattern Choice of end of frame marker
valid data byte or bit sequence e.g. 01111110 physical signal not used by valid data symbol
8 16 16 8

Beginning sequence




Ending sequence

Sentinel Based Approach

Problem: special pattern appears in the payload Solution: bit stuffing
sender: insert 0 after five consecutive 1s receiver: delete 0 that follows five consecutive 1s

x 1 1 1 1 1 0

x 1 1 1 1 1 0

Node A
x 0 1 1 1 1 1 0

Node B
x 0 1 1 1 1 1 0

Sentinel Based Approach

Problem: equal size frames are not possible
frame length is data-dependent

Sentinel based framing examples

High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) protocol Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) ARPANET IMP-IMP protocol IEEE 802.4 (token bus)

Sentinels: HDLC
Developed by IBM, standardized by OSI Bit-oriented, variable-length, datadependent Special bit pattern 01111110 marks end of frame Insert 0 after pattern 011111 in data (bit stuffing)

Sentinels: HDLC
At receiver end, if the frame received is:
0111110 bit stuffed, therefore receive only 011111 error in end of frame marker, lose two frames 01111110: end of frame 01111111: error, lose one or two frames

Sentinels: PPP
Byte-oriented, variable-length, datadependent Special flag 01111110 for start-of-text
address and control field uses default values (FF / 8E) protocol field used for demultiplexing (IP,LCP,) LCP (Link Control Protocol) send control messages
flag address control establishes payload protocol link between two peers checksum negotiates payload and checksum size flag


Interface Message Processors (IMPs): packet-switching nodes in the original ARPANET Byte-oriented, variable-length, datadependent Special bytes (aid to understand frame format below)
DLE: data link escape SYN SYN DLE STX header body DLE STX/ETX: start and end of transmission

DLE byte in data sent as two DLEs (byte

Sentinels: IEEE 802.4 (token bus)

Alternative to Ethernet (802.3) with fairer arbitration End of frame marked by encoding violation, i.e., physical signal not used by valid data symbol Recall Manchester encoding
low-high means 0, high-low means 1, lowlow and high-high are invalid

Byte-oriented,variable-length,dataindependent Technique also applicable to bit-oriented


Length-based Framing
Include payload length in header e.g., DDCMP (byte-oriented, variablelength) 8 8 8 14 42 e.g. RS-232 (bit-oriented, implicit fixed 16 SYN length) SYN Class Length Header CRC Body

Problem: count field corrupted


Clock-based Framing
Continuous stream of fixed-length frames
each frame is 125s long (all STS formats) (why?)

Clocks must remain synchronized e.g., SONET: Synchronous Optical Network

dominated standard for long distance transmission multiplexing of low-speed links onto one highspeed link byte-interleaved multiplexing


SONET Frame Format (STS-1)

Ov erhead Pay load

9 rows

90 columns


Clock-based Framing
Problem: how to recover frame synchronization
2-byte synchronization pattern starts each frame (unlikely to occur in data) wait until pattern appears in same place repeatedly


Clock-based Framing
Problem: how to maintain clock synchronization
NRZ encoding, data scrambled (XORd) with 127-bit pattern creates transitions also reduces chance of finding false sync. pattern

SONET Frame Merging

STS-1 merged bytewise round-robin into STS-3
unmerged (single-source) format called STS-3c



STS -1



STS -1


STS -3c


SONET Frame Merging

Problem: simultaneous synchronization of many distributed clocks
not too difficult to synchronize clocks such that first byte of all incoming flows arrives just before sending first 3 bytes of outgoing flow (buffering ? delays ?)

Clock-based Framing
Problem: simultaneous synchronization of many distributed clocks Solution: payload frame floats within clock frame, part of overhead specifies first byte of payload 87 col
Frame 0 9 rows

Frame 1


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