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Pros and Cons of The Global Positioning System

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Pros and Cons of the Global Positioning System for O&M: 10 years Later

Research, Products and Usage for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

L. Jeffrey Fitterman, Ed.S., ATP AT Consultant

Florida Instructional Materials Center f/t Visually Impaired 4210 West Bay Villa Avenue, Room 26 Tampa, Florida 33611-1206 813-837-7830 voice 813-837-7979 fax http://www.fimcvi.org jfitterman@fimcvi.org Micro-Enabling Resources, Inc. (MERI) 13176 North Dale Mabry Highway Suite 135 Tampa, Florida 33618-2406 813-244-7499 or 3198 voice meri@tampabay.rr.com


In an effort to improve the orientation and mobility skills of the Blind and Visually Impaired (after 10 years of using Global Position Systems), I am revisiting the journey to bring educators research on the selection, acquisition, implementation, and use of GPS technological developments.


This presentation is not meant to be an in-depth explanation of GPS research, products and usage, but a means of disseminating thought provoking information on a topic of importance to those individuals that experience orientation and mobility challenges in their daily lives.
L. Jeffrey Fitterman, Ed.S., ATP


History of the Global Positioning System (GPS) How GPS works Types of GPS receivers Applications and Uses of GPS Implications for O&M usage Past research and development Off-the-shelf product usage Overall advantages and disadvantages Applied Research Educational activities using GPS technology Conclusion Where do we go from here?

What is GPS?

Electronic navigational system based on the use of high orbiting satellites to find your relative position on the Earths land, water or sky.

History Satellite-Based Systems

1957 Sputnik
Measuring Doppler Shift in the frequency of satellites bleep, bleep

1960s SatNav Navy Navigation Satellite System

Measuring the Doppler Shift in the frequency of satellites radio wave of four to five satellites nested. Intermittent coverage

1970 Radio Determination Satellite Systems (RDSS)

Loran-C: continuous position-fixing but lacked worldwide coverage

History Satellite-Based Systems

1973 Navigational Satellite Timing And Ranging Global Positioning System (NavStart GPS)
Consists of 24 satellites in six orbital planes 98% probability of having 21 or more satellites operational at one time Continuous position fixing with a minimum of 5 satellites in view to users world wide

How GPS Works

System Characteristics
Control Segment

Provides and updates the information on satellite position that is transmitted as part of the satellites message

Space Segment

Consists of a constellation of 24 satellites positioned in six synchronic orbital planes

User Segment

Consists of all areas in which GPS signals are used to determine navigation and time information

How GPS Works

Space Segment

User Segment

Control Segment

How GPS Works

GPS determines the range at a specific time by measuring how long it takes a radio signal to reach a receiver from the satellite
Signal transfer time is achieved by synchronizing the satellites and GPS receivers. By measuring the time difference in receiving the satellites code, distance from the satellite can be computed to establish Line Of Position (LOP)

How GPS Works

Line of Position (LOP)

How GPS Works

To get a two dimensional fix, another LOP is calculated from a second satellite Where the LOPs cross is your relative position To resolve the time element

A third satellite is needed to determine a two dimensional fix A fourth satellite is necessary for a three dimensional fix

How GPS Works

Time is of the Essence Distance = Speed x Time

Known: Radio waves travel at the speed of light Known: Speed is a known constant (186,000 miles/second) Variable: transmission time of a satellite-generated radio signal The difference (Time) between the receiver and satellite generated code

How GPS Works

Finding the LOP of 3 separate satellites will give you a 2 dimensional look at your position.

1. Satellites are at an altitude of 20,180 km. 2. Satellite orbits are 60 degrees between each of 6 orbital plane. 3. At least 5 satellites visible to user at any given time.



GPS Accuracy

The GPS system

has been turned over to the Public Domain and all military cryptology has been removed to allow a Precise Positioning System (PPS). Positioning now gives us a range with a decrease margin of error from 100 meters to 0-3 meters.

GPS Accuracy

Errors in accuracy Control Segment produced Less expensive clock in receiver Atmospheric conditions Physical Obstructions

GPS Accuracy

WAAS-Wide Area Augmentation System

a system of satellites and ground stations that provide GPS signal corrections, giving position accuracy up to five times better. A WAAS-capable receiver can give you a position accuracy of better than three meters, 95 percent of the time. You don't have to purchase additional receiving equipment or pay service fees to use WAAS.

GPS Accuracy

How WAAS Works Ground reference stations monitor GPS satellite data, and master stations collect data from the reference stations and create a GPS correction message accounting for GPS satellite orbit and clock drift plus signal delays caused by the atmosphere. The corrected differential message is then broadcast through geo-stationary satellites (satellites with a fixed position over the equator). Any WAAS-enabled GPS receiver can read the signal.

GPS Receivers Functions

Receivers Acquire or lock onto the satellites Make measurements or determine how far away the satellite is from the receiver Read the satellites navigational message

Types of GPS Receivers

Sequential (Slow Lock Increased Error) Acquire and move through a set of satellites with a single channel to solve for position. Simultaneous/Parallel (12 channels) Acquire and solve each individual satellites data using parallel channels, each of which is dedicated to a single satellite.

Types of GPS Receivers

Sequential Receivers (most are obsolete) Starved power single channel Single channel slow sequence Two channel slow sequence Single channel fast sequence

Types of GPS Receivers

Multiple/Parallel Receivers Independent Channels (4 to 12) Instantaneous position Constant velocity data High accuracy Require less signal strength Better performance to acquire satellites and begin navigation (Time to First Fix - TTFF)

General Applications and Uses of GPS

Everyday Uses can be water, land, or air Position Functions (Where are you?)

Dead Reckoning Functions (Where do we want to go?)

Steering Functions (How do we get there?)

General Applications and Uses of GPS

Position Functions (Where are you?) Latitude and Longitude Present position Warning area Waypoint arrival

General Applications and Uses of GPS

Dead Reckoning Functions (Where do we want to go?) Course over ground Speed over ground Distance traveled Distance to waypoint Elapsed time Estimated time of arrival Sensory and Physical Landmarks

General Applications and Uses of GPS

Steering Functions (How do we get there? ) Course to steer Course corrections Graphical displays

Land Applications and Uses of GPS





Land Applications and Uses of GPS

Hiking Walking


From point to point

Locating current point


on city map Waypoint

Land Applications and Uses of GPS



From point to point


and skating Automobile Sailing and boating

Locating current point


on city map Waypoint

Research Implications for O&M Usage


Drishti Brunel Navigation System for the Blind NOPPA BrailleNote GPS Trekker Trinetra

Research Implications for O&M Usage

MoBIC means Mobility of Blind and Elderly people Interacting with Computers, which was carried out from 1994 to 1996 supported by the Commission of the European Union. It was developing a route planning system which is designed to allow a blind person access to information from many sources such as bus and train timetables as well as electronic maps of the locality. The planning system helps blind people to study and plan their routes in advance, indoors. With the addition of devices to give the precise current position and orientation of the blind pedestrian, the system could then be used outdoors. The outdoor positioning system is based on signals and satellites which give the longitude and latitude to within a meter; the computer converts this data to a position on an electronic map of locality. The output from the system is in the form of spoken messages. Add additional GPS/DGPS capabilities for current position and orientation of pedestrians.

Research Implications for O&M Usage

is a wireless pedestrian navigation system. It integrates several technologies including wearable computers, voice recognition and synthesis, wireless networks, Geographic information system (GIS) and GPS. It augments contextual information to the visually impaired and computed optimized routes based on user preference, temporal constraints (e.g. traffic congestion), and dynamic obstacles (e.g. ongoing ground work, road blockade for special events). constantly guides the blind user to navigate based on static and dynamic data. Environmental conditions and landmark information queries from a spatial database along their route are provided on the fly through detailed explanatory voice cues. The system also provides capability for the user to add intelligence, as perceived by the blind user, to the central server hosting the spatial database.

Research Implications for O&M Usage


navigation system for the blind

Prof. W. Balachandran is the pioneer and the head of GPS research group at Brunel University. He and his research team are pursuing research on navigation system for blind and visually impaired people. The system is based on the integration of state of the art current technologies, including high-accuracy GPS positioning, GIS, electronic compass and wireless digital video transmission (remote vision) facility with an accuracy of 3~4m. It provides an automated guidance using the information from daily updated digital map datasets e.g. roadworks. If required the remote guidance of visually impaired pedestrians by a sighted human guide using the information from the digital map and from the remote video image provides flexibility. The difficulties encountered includes the availability of up to date information and what information to offer including the navigation protocol. Levels of functionality have been created to tailor the information to the users requirements.

Research Implications for O&M Usage

navigation and guidance system was designed to offer public transport passenger and route information using GPS technology for the visually impaired. This was a three-year (2002~2004) project in VTT Industrial Systems in Finland. The system provides an unbroken trip chain for a pedestrian using buses, commuter trains and trams in three neighbor cities area. It is based on an information server concept, which has user-centered and task oriented approach for solving information needs of special needs groups. information Server is an interpreter between the user and Internet information systems. It collects, filters and integrates information from different sources and delivers results to the user. The server handles speech recognition and functions requiring either heavy calculations or data transfer. The data transfer between the server and the client is minimized. The user terminal holds speech synthesis and most of route guidance. currently able to offer basic route planning and navigation services in Finland. In practice, the limits are map data can have outdated information or inaccuracies, positioning can be unavailable or inaccurate, or wireless data transmission is not always available.

Research Implications for O&M Usage



device is developed by Sendero Group, LLC, and Pulse Data International, now called Humanware, in 2002. It is like a combination of a personal digital assistant, Map-quest software and a mechanical voice. With a receiver about the size of a small cell phone, the BrailleNote GPS utilizes the GPS network to pinpoint a travelers position on earth and nearby points of interest. The personal computers receive radio signals from satellites to chart the location of users and direct them to their destination with recorded voice commands. The system uses satellites to triangulate the carriers position, much like a ship finding its location at sea. Visually impaired people can encode points of interest such as local restaurants or any other location, into the computers database. Afterward, they can punch keys on the units keyboard to direct themselves to a specific point of interest.

Research Implications for O&M Usage



designed and manufactured by Canada-based company VisuAid, was launched on March 2003. It is a personal digital assistant (PDA) application operating on a Pocket PC, adapted for the blind and visually impaired with talking menus, talking maps and GPS information. Fully portable (weight 600g), it offered features enabling a blind person to determine position, create routes and receive information on navigating to a destination. It also provided search functions for an exhaustive database of point of interests, such as restaurants, hotels, etc. It is fully upgradeable, so it can expand to accommodate new hardware platforms and more detailed geographic information. Trekker and Maestro, which is the first off-the-shelf accessible PDA based on Windows Mobile Pocket PC, are integrated and available in May 2005.

Research Implications for O&M Usage

The project aims to develop cost-effective, independence-enhancing technologies to benefit blind people. One such system addresses accessibility concerns of blind people using public transportation systems. Using GPS receivers and staggered Infrared sensors, information is relayed to a centralized fleet management server via a cellular modem. Blind people, using common text-to-speech enabled cell phones can query estimated time of arrival, locality, and current bus capacity using a web browser. Trinetra, spearheaded by Professor Priya Narasimhan, is an ongoing project at the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of Carnegie Mellon University. Additional research topics include item-level UPC and RFID identification while grocery shopping and indoor navigation in retail settings. Additional information can be found here: http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~trinetra/

Research Implications for O&M Usage

GPS research Research considerations for the User
Travel planning and orientation during travel. Need more detailed information before travel. Have to rely on less perceptual information from the environment during travel. More information on useful landmarks (dead-reckoning). Information on head height obstacles. Suitable places to cross streets. Headphones may block environmental sounds. Device should be inconspicuous.

Research Implications for O&M Usage



Research considerations for the O&M Specialist Increase independence and quality of life.
Increase independence through sensory, navigational, and mobility skills. Should be easy to integrate into existing training programs. Should be used as an enhancement to training. O&M specialists need adequate training in the implementation and integration of GPS devices before they were expected to teach users.

Advantages of GPS Navigation

Assistive Technology enhancement for orientation & mobility Source of real-time information for navigation User can manipulate navigational information Navigational information is sequential Add individual routes and dead reckoning information Can be used overseas in other countries

Disadvantages of GPS Navigation

Variable accuracy Obstructed reception Physically conspicuous Auditory discrimination Cost and maintenance Power supply issues

Off-the-Shelf Hardware
Factory Adapted for the Blind

User Adapted f/t Blind

Off-the-Shelf Software

PacMate StreetTalk GPS Maestro Braille Note GPS calculate the distance and directions to an address/intersection find out the relative location of hundreds of Points of Interest create routes for either walking or riding in a vehicle information on speed, direction, and your altitude
Blue Tooth GPS Receivers

Off-the-Shelf Software
Not Adapted f/t Blind
RouteBuddy The Premium Mac OSX GPS mapping software title that all Mac GPS Users have been waiting for... USA or North America Streets & Trips includes Pocket Streets for your Pocket PC and SmartPhones - WM5 Support!

iGuidance navigation software for Windows & Pocket PC. USA & CANADA (DVD)with WM5 Support!

Off-the-Shelf Software
Not Adapted f/t Blind
Street Atlas Adds 150 million phone & address listings linked to the maps. Import and geo-locate your own data. PLUS all the features of Street Atlas USA

Fugawi atlas of the continental USA for the home computer with included software for GPS and PDA

Where Do We Go From Here?

GPS devices will become: more accurate quicker TTFF better resolution and larger displays Better quality voices on smaller units less costly more compact longer and more reliable battery life

Review and Applications

Our Turn. Who will benefit from this technology? What type of technology should I consider? Where do I go to obtain assistance regarding this technology? When should this technology be used? Why should this technology be considered? How will you use this new technology?

O&M GPS Research

Accessible GPS: Reorientation and Target Location Among Users with Visual Impairments Journal of Visual Impaired and Blind, 2006. Abstract: This article presents the results of two single-subject experiments that were designed to determine consumers' ability to use a BrailleNote GPS. The participants decreased their mean orientation time from 6 minutes to 45 seconds and increased their target- location efficiency fourfold with BGPS than without BGPS. Additional results and implications for the field are presented. Braillenote GPS: Making the World Accessible for the Blind and Visually Impaired Traveler Melanie White, COMS, Global Positioning Satellite technology is having a very positive benefit for many visually impaired travelers. In this session participants will learn the sequence of skills for the GPS and have a chance to see videos of these skills in use. They will also receive resources for lessoning planning. http://www.tsbvi.edu/Outreach/handouts/jun07/index.htm

O&M GPS Research

Florida State University/College of Education: Mapping the Campus for Students Who are Blind
Abstract: The outcome of the project is to map the FSU campus with Points of Interest that Would allow a blind student to navigate the campus with no or very little assistance. Bruce Alsup from OSET will serve as the overall project manager. This project envisions the FSU summer intern graduate students using equipment provided by VisuAide and Freedom Scientific. The student teachers will first map the FSU campus and then work with newly arriving Undergraduate students as part of their campus Orientation and Mobility (O&M) training. Training for the student teachers will be provided by a team from OSET, FS, and VisuAide: Bruce Alsup, Jeff Bazer, and Louis Duchene respectively. Training will be provided to undergraduate students by the student teacher interns and OSET. FSU Department of Education will provide an on-site project supervisor, presumably Kathryn O'Farrell. Timeline: Preparation and intern training, April-May 15 2004; Customize mapping of FSU campus, May-June 2004; and Undergraduate student O&M, June-July 2004 Desired Outcomes: Accessibility for O&M on the FSU Campus will be dramatically increased. Newly arriving undergraduate students will be able to navigate the FSU campus independently. Graduate student interns will gain invaluable experience and training for using technology devises coupled with O&M techniques.

O&M GPS Activities

Street Orientation/Verification (POI)
Setting Point of Interests
Restaurants, meeting location, schools, street intersection, etc.

Planned Trip POI

Highway intersections, hotels, restaurants, origin/destination

Pedestrian and Public Transportation Verification (POI)

Bus stops, transfers, riding time Taxi

verify distance, directions, route, and POI Special Transport verify direction, POI, route

O&M GPS Activities

Educational/Instructional and Supervised Activities - GeoCaching

Traditional Cache "If you take an item, leave an item, and write in the logbook." Multi-Cache A multi-cache ("multiple") involves two or more locations Letterbox Hybrid A letterbox is another form of treasure hunting using clues instead of coordinates Event Cache Litter (trash out), charity walks related to finding multiple cache locations Mega-Event Cache
500 or more people

Mystery or puzzle caches involve word puzzles. You first need to solve to determine the coordinates for a locations. GPS Adventures Maze Exhibit traveling educational exhibits designed to teach people of all ages about navigation, GPS technology and geocaching. Virtual Cache Finding a location from coordinates and sharing information about your visit

Outside locations such as Sporting field, gardens, swimming pool, fish pond, etc.

Locationless (Reverse) Cache A scavenger hunt for a specific object and log the coordinates

The Rest Is Up To You!

The presentation was not meant to be a complete compendium of information and activities. It was meant to be a starting point for the inclusion of the Global Positioning System Technology into your Orientation and Mobility Program for clients and students.

GPS Presentation Materials


may obtain a copy of this presentation by going to the following link and selecting GPS Ten Years Later. The presentation will be in 3 formats (PowerPoint Show, PDF, and RTF Text)

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