REDUCTION in CAD MORTALITY (14 %), MAY HAVE RESULTED FROM NEW THROMBOLYTIC THERAPIES and LIPIDLOWERING DRUGS. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease of vascular wall initiated and amplified by vascular oxidative stress.
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The Role of Oxidative Stress in Cardiovascular Disease
REDUCTION in CAD MORTALITY (14 %), MAY HAVE RESULTED FROM NEW THROMBOLYTIC THERAPIES and LIPIDLOWERING DRUGS. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease of vascular wall initiated and amplified by vascular oxidative stress.
REDUCTION in CAD MORTALITY (14 %), MAY HAVE RESULTED FROM NEW THROMBOLYTIC THERAPIES and LIPIDLOWERING DRUGS. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease of vascular wall initiated and amplified by vascular oxidative stress.
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The Role of Oxidative Stress in Cardiovascular Disease
REDUCTION in CAD MORTALITY (14 %), MAY HAVE RESULTED FROM NEW THROMBOLYTIC THERAPIES and LIPIDLOWERING DRUGS. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease of vascular wall initiated and amplified by vascular oxidative stress.
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Seminar :The Multiple Role of Antioxidant in The
Improvement of Life Quality
The role of OXIDATIVE STRESS in CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CAD MORTALITY RATE ROSE BY 36 % IN MEN AND 23 % IN WOMEN. IN INDONESIA, MORTALITY RATE ROSE BY 8,1 % (16,4 % IN 1992 TO 24,5 % IN 1995) DATA FROM USA SUGGESTS THAT REDUCTION IN CAD MORTALITY (14 %), MAY HAVE RESULTED FROM NEW THROMBOLYTIC THERAPIES AND LIPID- LOWERING DRUGS. Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease of vascular wall initiated and amplified by vascular oxidative stress Atherosclerosis is low grade chronic inflamatory disease Am J Cardiology 2001;87(suppl):25c-32c ATHEROSCLEROSIS COMPRISES THREE ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS 1. ATHEROSIS THE ACCUMULATION OF CHOLESTEROL- RICH GRUEL ATHEROMA. 2. SCLEROSIS THE EXPANSION OF FIBROUS TISSUE. 3. INFLAMMATION WHICH INVOLVES MONOCYTES/ MAKROPHAGES, T - LIMFOCYTES AND MAST CELLS Newby (1997): Medicine international, 40,11:31-34 Risk Factors for Atherothrombosis Risk Factors for Atherothrombosis Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis Atherothrombotic Atherothrombotic Manifestations Manifestations (MI, (MI, Ischemic Ischemic Stroke, Vascular Death) Stroke, Vascular Death) Age Age Obesity Obesity Diabetes Diabetes Hyperlipidemia Hyperlipidemia Hypercoagulable Hypercoagulable states states Hypertension Hypertension Genetics Genetics Infection? Infection? Homocysteinemia Homocysteinemia Life-style (e.g., Life-style (e.g., smoking, diet, smoking, diet, lack of exercise) lack of exercise) Gender Gender 9 American Heart Association. Heart and Stroke Facts: 1997 Statistical Supplement; Wolf. Stroke 1990;21( American Heart Association. Heart and Stroke Facts: 1997 Statistical Supplement; Wolf. Stroke 1990;21(suppl suppl 2): 2): II -4II -6; II -4II -6; Laurila Laurila et al. et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1997; 17: 2910-2913; 1997; 17: 2910-2913; Grau Grau et al. Stroke 1997;28:1724-1729; et al. Stroke 1997;28:1724-1729; Graham et al. JAMA 1997;277: 1775-1781; Graham et al. JAMA 1997;277: 1775-1781; Brigden Brigden.. Postgrad Postgrad Med 1997;101(5):249-262. Med 1997;101(5):249-262. Risk factors: diabetes hypertension Vascular dysfunction Tissue injury (MI, stroke) Pathological remodeling Endothelial Dysfunction Target Organ Damage Mild Severe
The Cardiovascular Continuum: Targeting Mechanisms and Mediators
Adapted 2003 from Dzau V, Braunwald E. Am Heart J. 1991; Gibbons 1999. Vascular disease Target organ dysfunction (HF, renal) THE ROLES OF OXIDATIVE STRESS (ROS) (Pepine 1998) Thrombosis Inflammation Vasoconstriction Vascular lesion and remodelling Plaque rupture | LDL | BP Diabetes Smoking Oxidative stress Endothelial dysfunction + NO - | Local mediators - | Tissue ACE-Alt PAI-1 VCAM-1 ICAM-1 CYTOKINE Growth factors matrix Endothelial Proteolysis Risk Factors Clinical Sequelae Proatherogenic mechanisms Ross R. NEJM 1999;340:115-126 Vascular inflammation Progression and clinical complications of atherosclerosis Risk Factors Vascular ROS production Endothelial dysfunction (Reduced NO availability) LDL oxidation Pro-inflammatory gene expression(eg. VCAM-1 and MCP-1,Il-6) (Landmesser & Drexler, 2003) The inflammatory cascade. Pro-Inflamatory Risk Factors Primary Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines (eg.IL-1,TNF-o) ICAM-1 Selectin, HSPs,etc Endothelium and other cells IL-6 Messenger Cytokine CRP SAA Liver Circulation Libby, Ridker. Circulation 1999;100:1148-1150 Hypertension Hyperglycemia/Diabetes Hypercholesterolemia Oscillatory Shear Stress
Il-6 Ang II ICAM-1 VCAM-1
LDL Endothelia l Cells
Lox Nox Nox
Foam cells Migration Proliferation Ox-LDL MCP-1 O 2 0-
Smooth Muscle Cells Fibroblasts O 2 0-
Risk factor, oxidative stress, and early atherosclerosis Weiss D, Sorescu D, Taylor WR. Am J Cardiol 2001;87(suppl):25C-32C
Faktor Resiko : Merokok, Hipertensi, DM, dan lain-lain
|VCAM-1 |hs - CRP | hs- IL-6 Monocyt Infiltration| LDL INFILTRATION | Mo | ROS MM LDL| ox - LDL | Growth Factor Proliferation and migration of fibroblast and muscle cell Foam Cell Advanced Lesion (Rupture and Hemorrhage) Acute Myocardial Infarction Fibrinogen| TNFo ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION RISK FACTORS : HYPERTENSION, SMOKING, DM, HYPERLIPIDEMI Hs CRP, IL - 6 Oxidative Stress HDL LDL Triglycerides Oxidized LDL
Macrophage Figure : Atherosclerotic Processes (1) Oxidation of LDL depend on HDL/triglycerides level; and (2) scavenging ox-LDL depend on opsonizing by hs-CRP. Pro- Atherogenic Effects of 0x- LDL Chemotactic to Monocytes, smooth muscle cells and T lymphocytes Induced T cell activation and monocyte differentiation Inhibits macrophage motility, potentially trapping macrophage Cytototoxic to cells Inhibits Endothelium Dependent Relaxation Factor
(Brown 1996) Pro- Atherogenic Effects of 0x- LDL Induces the expression of adhesion molecules on the endothelium Induces Interleukin synthesis and secretion by mcrophage Increases tonus of vasomotor Increases hypercoagulation
(Brown 1996) Protective effects of HDL HDL is a reverse Cholesterol Transport HDL decreased LDL oxidation Decreased expression of VCAM-1 and MCP-1 Prevent the plaques stability and plaques rupture Prevent the endothelial cell integrity Anti inflammation
(Miller 1986, Tjokroprawiro A, 2001) EFFECTS OF DIABETES MELLITUS ON CAD (Giugliano 1996) Hyperglycemia Polyol pathway Protein glycation
fibrinogen is an independent risk factor for stroke and coronary mortality
promotes thrombosis and atherosclerosis ?
alterations in coronary artery tone ?
ischemic injury ?
reduction in an independent negative risk factor for CHD increase in an independent positive risk factor for CHD | | . | | . Adelphi Communications ,1987 | | 22 Endothelial dysfunction: Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis (I) Monocyte adhesion Endothelial adhesion Monocyte migration Endothelial permeability Monocyte transmigration Vessel wall Ross R, N Engl J Med 340 (1999) & Lusis AJ, Nature 407 (2000) Monocy te Lipid-Cluster 0.5 m Endothelial barrier Monocy te Subintima 10.078 x Formation of an Advanced, Complicated lesion : Falk et al, Circulation 92 (1995),Epstein, NEJM 14(1999) Fibrous cap formation Macrophage accumulation Formation of necrotic core Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis (III) Vessel wall Coronary plaque with lipid core STATINS STABILIZE VULNERABLE PLAQUE Statin treated ACE ENDOTHELIAL CELL ACE SMOOTH MUSCLE CELL INFLAMMATORY CELLS Mast Cell (Chymase) Macrophage (ACE) Neutrophil Tissue AII VASOCONSTRICTION INFLAMMATION PLAQUE INSTABILITY THROMBOSIS VASCULAR REMODELING Endothelin MCP-1 VCAM Cytokines (IL-6) Metalloproteinase PAI-1 Platelet aggregation PDGF, FGF, IGF, TGF-| Proliferation Migration Extracellular matrix modulation ROLES OF MOLECULE IN ATHEROSCLEROSIS (Dzau et al, 2001) Angiotensin II-stimulated Release of Interleukine 6 (IL-6) in Plaques Role of cytokines in atherosclerosis: adapt. from Schieffer et al., Hypertension 35 (2000) 1.0 0.5 1.5 10 -9 10 -8 10 -7 Stimulation of cultured smooth muscle cells for 6 h 0 Angiotensin II (mM) Control I n t e r l e u k i n e - 6
P r o t e i n
( n g / m l )
Immunostaining of IL-6 (brown) in a human coronary artery plaque Foam-cell Role of Macrophages and Angiotensin II: Dysregulation of Extracellular Matrix Synthesis in Vulnerable Plaques fibrous cap Adapt. from Libby P, Circulation 91 (1995) Matrix synthesis Matrix degradation smooth muscle cells Collagen Elastin endothelial cells T-lymphocyte Metallo- proteinases ACE Peptides, amino acids TNF-o M-CSF MCP-1 etc. INF- TGF- Ang II, IL-6 Plaque INF- = Interferon- Amino acids INF-
Nomenclature and main histology Sequences in progression Main growth mechanism Earliest onset Clinical correlation Type I (initial) lesion isolated macrophage foam cells Type II (fatty streak) lesion mainly intracellular lipid accumulation From first decade Type III (intermediate) lesion Type II changes & small extracellular lipid pools Clinically silent Type IV (atheroma) lesion Type II changes & core of extracellular lipid Growth mainly by lipid accumu- lation From third decade Type V (fibroatheroma) lesion lipid core & fibrotic layer, or multiple lipid cores & fibrotic layers, or mainly calcific, or mainly fibrotic Accelerated smooth muscle and collagen increase Type VI (complicated) lesion surface defect, hematoma- hemorrhage, thrombus Trombosis, hematoma From fourth decade Clinically silent or overt III II I IV V VI PROGRESSION OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS ( Stary 2000) Rupture of shoulder region with occlusive thrombosis: from Burke et al., N Engl J Med 336 (1997) x120 x30 ruptured cap lipid core human coronary artery, postmortem Ruptured Plaque in Coronary Artery Disease Characteristics a Vulnerable Plaques Usually < 70 % stenosis Eccentric shape with irregular borders Large , lipid-rich core,high in cholesterol esters Thin fibrous cap High in macrophages Low in smooth muscle cells and collagen Presence of inflammation Tissue fatigue of the fibrous cap ( Doering , 1919 ) External triggering event : Circadian variation ( morning ) Seasonal variation ( winter ) Physical exertion Emotional stress Internal triggering event : + Cap tension + Cap Compression + Cap flexion + Coagulability + Vasoconstriction THROMBOSIS Intermittent Occlusion or Occlusion < 1 hour Persistent Occlusion Unstablbe angina Non-Q-Wave MI Q-Wave MI SCD Role of triggering events in acute coronary events . Vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque ( Doering , 1919 ) SCD = Sudden cardiac death THE ROLES OF OXIDATIVE STRESS
EPIDEMIOLOGY PATHOBIOLOGY CLINICAL MANIFESTATION TREATMENT PROGNOSIS/EVALUATION CONCLUSSION Morbidity and mortality rate of atherosclerosis were increased Atherosclerosis is low grade chronic inflamatory disease Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease of vascular wall initiated and amplified by vascular oxidative stress Hs CRP level and hs IL 6 level were correlated with prognosis of atherosclerosis Immunoregulatory treatments were the ideal treatment of atherosclerosis