Groups: We Study Groups Because Is The Key Element of Our Culture
Groups: We Study Groups Because Is The Key Element of Our Culture
Groups: We Study Groups Because Is The Key Element of Our Culture
Formal group Is the one that deliberately created to perform a specific task. Members are usually appointed by organization. However this is not normally the case, eg you might have a number of people assigned to a specific job, the management can form a formal group (eg committee)
Informal Group Is one that arise out of interaction, attractions, and needs of individuals. Membership is voluntarily and depends upon the mutual attraction of the individual and group for each other. They often develop from formal group at certain values or concerns which some member find them or share them
Command Group A manager and his/her immediately subordinates. * Task Group This evolves people working together to complete a job task * Interest Group Are those working together to attain a specific objectives with which each is concerned
Friendship Group Are those people brought together because they share one or more common characteristics. Reference Group Is any group to which an individual belongs or sometimes aspires to belong and which he/she uses as a standard for self evaluation and as source of personal values and attitudes. This group is said to provide two functions for individuals. 1st is social comparison and 2nd is social validation.
Social Comparison;
Social validation;
In which they use the group to evaluate their attitudes, belief and values.
Open group is constant state of change, while Closed group is quite stable in as much they dont allow new members.
Group cohesiveness is the structural characteristics where the factors acting on group members to remain and participate to the group is greater than those acting on group members to leave it.
Stimulate competition with other groups Physically isolate the group Increase the time members spend together Give rewards to the group rather than to individuals Encourage agreement with group goals. Make the group smaller Increase the status of the group and the perceived difficulty of attaining membership of the group. Increase personal attractiveness and dependency.
Key Terms
Social network; specific set of linkages among a define set of individuals Clusters; these are groups that exist within social networks. Prescribed clusters; these are formal groups such as departments, work teams, committees and settlements etc Emergent cluster; are informal an official groups
Key Terms
Coalitions; these are clusters of individuals who temporally come together to achieve a specific purpose Cliques; these are relatively permanent information groups that involve friendship Stars; these are individual with the most linkage in the network
Key Terms
Liaisons; these are individuals who connect two or more clusters but are not members of any cluster. Bridges; individuals who save as linking in by belonging to two or more clusters Isolates; these are individuals who are not connected to a social network.