E Standardized Testing

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The goals are to introduce the process of constructing, validating, administering and interpreting standardized tests of language; and

to acquaint us with a variety of

current standardized tests that claim to test overall language proficiency.

A standardized test presupposes certain

standard objectives, or criteria, that are held constant across one form of the test to another. The criteria in large-scale standardized tests are designed to apply to a broad band of competencies that are usually not exclusive to one particular curriculum. A good standardized test is the product of a thorough process of empirical research and development. TOEFL and IELTS

Advantages of standardized testing include the following: It provides a ready-made previously validated product that frees the teacher from having to spend hours creating a test. Administration to large groups can be accomplished within reasonable time limits. In the case of multiple-choice formats, scoring procedures are streamlined (for either scannable computerized scoring or handscoring with a hole-punched grid) for fast turnaround time. There is often an air of face validity to such authoritative-looking instruments

Disadvantages of standardized testing include the following: The tests are inappropriately used. Misunderstanding the difference between direct and indirect testing often appears.

Determine the purpose and objectives of

the test. Design test specification. Design, select, and arrange test tasks/items. Make appropriate evaluation of different kinds of items. Specify scoring procedures and reporting formats. Perform ongoing construct validation studies.


Test of English as Foreign Language MELAB Michigan English Language Assessment Battery IELTS International English Language Testing System TOEIC Test of English for International Communication

Standardized Vs Classroom Tests

Standardized Classroom

Content and objectives Content and

common to many objectives specific to school throughout the teachers own class or country. school. Deals with large May deal either with a segments of specific limited topic knowledge or skill, or skill or with larger usually with only a few segments of items appraising any knowledge and skill. one skill or topic.

Developed with the

Developed usually by one

help of professional teacher with little or no writers, reviewers, and outside help. editors of test items. Uses items that have Uses items that have been tried out, rarely been tried out, analyzed, and revised analyzed, or revised before becoming part before becoming part of of the test. the test. Has high reliability Has moderate or low typically. reliability typically. Provides norms for Limited usually to the various groups that are class or a single school broadly representative as a reference group. of performance throughout the country.

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