Yanbu Industrial College: High Voltage Cables (Day1)

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The document defines various cable terminology used in the industry such as ACSR, AWG, attenuation, ampacity, etc.

Some important cable terminology defined include ACSR, AWG, attenuation, ampacity, armoured, bandwidth, braid, dielectric constant, sheath, etc.

The ampacity of a cable depends on its insulation temperature rating, conductor electrical properties for current flow, and ambient temperature.



Terminology for Cable Technology

AAC - All-Aluminum Cable - for use in overhead transmission and distribution systems, and as bus connections in substations and switchyards. Solid conductors used for mechanical and grounding applications. AAAC - Aluminum alloy conductor cable offers better sag performance due to the high strength to weight ratio

Aerial Cable -A cable suspended in the air on poles or other overhead structure. Alloy - A metal formed by combining two or more different metals to obtain desirable properties. Ambient Temperature - The temperature of a medium surrounding an object.

Abrasion Resistance - Ability of a wire, cable or material to resist surface wear. ACSR - Aluminum conductor steel reinforced - Used as bare overhead transmission cable and as primary and secondary distribution cable. ACSR offers optimal strength for line design. Variable steel core stranding enables desired strength to be achieved without sacrificing ampacity.

Armoured - A braid or wrapping of sheet metal, usually steel or aluminum, used for mechanical protection. ANSII - Abbreviation for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

AUDIO FREQUENCY - Those frequencies audible to the human ear, generally considered to be in the range of 32 to 16,000 hertz (Hz). ATTENUATION - Power loss in an electrical system. In Cables, generally expressed in dB per unit length . Attenuation is dependent on the resistance per length unit R (conductor resistance) and the capacitance per length unit C (mutual capacitance). It cable attenuation increases approximately with square root of the frequency up to 50MHz, and linearly for higher frequencies. The attenuation is increasing linearly with the length.

AWG - A standard system for designating wire diameter. Primarily used in the United States.

AMPACITY - The maximum amount of current a cable can carry before sustaining immediate or pregressive deterioration. Also described as current rating or current-carrying capacity, is the RMS electric current which a device can continuously carry while remaining within its temperature rating. The ampacity of a cable depends on its insulation temperature rating, conductor electrical properties for current flow, and ambient temperature.

Annealed - Wire, which after final draw down, has been heated and slowly cooled to remove the effects of cold working.

BANDWIDTH - The difference between the upper and lower limits of a given band of frequencies. Expressed in hertz (Hz).

BINDER TAPE - A spirally served tape or thread used for holding assembled cable components in place awaiting subsequent manufacturing operations. BRAID - A fibrous metallic group of filaments interwoven in cylindrical form to form a covering over one or more wires. BRAID ANGLE - The smaller of the two angles formed by the shielding strand and the axis of the cable being shielded. BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE - The voltage at which the insulation between two conductors is destroyed. BUNCHED STRANDING - A group of wires of the same diameter twisted together without a predetermined pattern. BURIED CABLE - A cable installed directly in the earth without use of underground conduit. Also called "direct burial cable". BUSBAR - In electrical power distribution, a busbar is a thick strip of copper or aluminium that conducts electricity within a switchboard, distribution board, substation or other electrical apparatus. The size of the busbar is important in determining the maximum amount of current that can be safely carried. Busbars have a wide range of cross-sectional areas depending upon application.


CABLE - A group of individually insulated conductors in twisted or parallel configuration under common sheath.

CABLING - The twisting together of two or more insulated conductors to form an element. CAPACITANCE - Storage of electrically separated charges between two plates having different potentials. The value depends largely on the surface area of the plates and the distance between them. CAPACITANCE DIRECT - The capacitance measured directly from conductor to conductor through a single insulating layer. CAPACITANCE MUTUAL - The capacitance between two conductors with all other conductors, including shield, short circuited to ground.

CHARACTERISTIC IMPEDANCE - The impedance that, when connected to the output terminals of a transmission line of any length, makes the line appear infinitely long. The ration of voltage to current at every point along a transmission line on which there are no standing waves.

CIRCULAR MIL - The area of a circle one mil (.001") in diameter; 7.845 x 107 sq.in. Used in expressing wire cross sectional area CLAD - A method of applying a metal over another metal whereby the junction of the two metals is continuously welded.

COAXIAL CABLE - coax, is an electrical cable with an inner conductor surrounded by a tubular insulating layer typically of a flexible material with a high dielectric constant, all of which are surrounded by a conductive layer called the shield (typically of fine woven wire for flexibility, or of a thin metallic foil), and finally covered with a thin insulating layer on the outside.

COMPACT ROUND CONDUCTOR - A conductor constructed with a central core surrounded by one or more layers of helically laid wires and formed into final shape by rolling, drawing, or other means.

COMPACT STRANDED CONDUCTOR - A unidirectional or conventional concentric conductor manufactured to a specified diameter, approximately 8 to 10% below the nominal diameter of a noncompact conductor of the same cross-sectional area. COMPOSITE CABLE - A cable containing more than one gauge size or a variety of circuit types, e.g. pairs, triples, quads, coaxial, etc.

COMPOUND - An insulation or jacketing material made by mixing two or more ingredients.

CONCENTRIC STRANDING - A central wire surrounded by one or more layers of helically wound strands in a fixed round geometric arrangement.

CONCENTRICITY - In a wire or cable, the measurement of the location of the center of the conductor with respect to the geometric center of the surrounding insulation

CONDUCTANCE - The ability of a conductor to carry an electrical charge. The ratio of the current flow to the potential difference causing the flow. The reciprocal of resistance.

CONDUCTIVITY - The capability of a material to carry electrical current usually expressed as a percentage of copper conductivity (copper being 100%).

COPOLYMER - A compound resulting from the polymerization of two different monomers. COPPER-CLAD - Steel with a coating of copper welded to it, as distinguished from copperplated. CORE - In cables, a component or assembly of components over which additional components (shield, sheath, etc.) are applied.

CPE (Chlorinated Polyethylene) - An oil, ozone and heat resistant sheathing compound. CRAZING - The minute cracks on the surface of plastic materials. CREEP - The dimensional change with time of a material under load.

CROSS-LINK - A term denoting intermolecular bonds between long chain thermoplastic polymers, effected by chemical or irradiation techniques.

CSP, CSPE (Chlorosulphonated Polyethylene) - Oil, ozone and heat resistant sheathing material. DuPont Trade Name for this product is Hypalon.

CURRENT CARYING CAPACITY - The maximum current an insulated conductor can safely carry without exceeding its insulation and jacket temperature limitations (same as Ampacity).

CUT THROUGH RESISTANCE -The ability of a material to withstand mechanical pressure, (usually a sharp edge or small radius) without separation.

CONDUCTANCE PER LENGTH UNIT G -Conductance per length unit describes the isolation loss, dieletric loss as well as the corona loss between the conductors. Instead of the often strongly frequency dependent conductance per length unit G, the loss factor 0 is specified (0+theta). The size of the loss factor depends on isolation design, and on frequency and temperature. In general 0 should be as possible.

CONDUCTOR RESISTANCE -The resistance load per length unit measures the loss in metalic conductors. The conductor dimensions, the conductive materials and temperature determine unit R) the dc resistance Ro. Because of the skin effect, the resistance load per length unit increase with increasing frequency. It also increase with increasing cable length.

DECIBELS - A unit to express differences of power level. A term that expresses two power levels used to indicate gains or losses in a system. DERATING FACTOR - A factor used to reduce the current carrying capacity of a wire when used in environments other than that for which the value was established. DIELECTRIC - Any insulating material between two conductors which permits electrostatic attraction and repulsion to take place across it.

DIELECTRIC STRENGTH - In an insulating material, the maximum electric field strength that it can withstand intrinsically without breaking down, i.e., without experiencing failure of its insulating properties.

DIELECTRIC STRENGTH TEST - A standard test voltage is applied (below the established Breakdown Voltage) and the resulting leakage current is monitored. The leakage current must be below a preset limit or the test is considered to have failed. This test is nondestructive and is usually required by safety agencies to be performed as a 100% production line test on all products before they leave the factory.

DRAIN WIRE - In a cable, the uninsulated wire in a intimate contact with a shield to provide for easier termination of such a shield to ground

DRAWING -In the manufacture of wire, pulling the metal through a die or series of dies for reduction of diameter to specified size.

DECIBELS (db) -In engineering, the relationship between received voltage (V) and transmitted voltage (V) is expressed in(db). The relationship is : V/V(db)=20 log (V/V)


- A measure of the lack of coincidence of longitudinal axes of a circular cross-sectional wire and its surrounding circular cross-sectional insulation. It is expressed as the percentage ratio of the distance between wire and insulation centers to the difference between wire and insulation radii.

ELASTOMER - A class of long chain polymers capable of being cross linked to produce elastic and magnetic fields associated with movements of electrons through conductors, e.g. polychloroprene and ethylene propylene rubber.

EMI - Electromagnetic interference.

EPR (Ethylene propylene rubber ) - An insulation used for high voltage cables. It has improved thermal characteristics over more traditional cables, such as cross-linked polyethylene, enabling a smaller cross sectional area for the same load carrying capacity. The cable is flexible and suited to applications where regular cable movement is required such as in the mining industry and for temporary installations. A water and ozone resistant, flexile, cross linked high grade insulation material.

EXTRUSION -The process of continuously forcing either a plastic or elastomer and a conductor or core through a die, thereby applying an insulation or jacket to the conductor or core.

EMC (Compatibility) -The ability of electrical equipment to satisfactory function in its electromagnetic (Electromagnetic Compatibility) environment and also not to inadmissibly influence the same environment occupied by others equipment.

FARAD - Unit of capacitance whereby a charge of one coulomb produces a one volt potential difference. FATIGUE RESISTANCE - Resistance to metal crystallization which leads to conductors breaking from flexing.

FEB (Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene) - is a ''Teflon'' fluorocarbon resin and is a registered trademark of the DuPont Company. This is a melt extrudable fluorocarbon resin.

FILLER - A material used in multi conductor cables to occupy large interstices formed by the assembled conductors. (2) An inert substance added to a compound to improve properties or decrease cost.

FLAT CABLE - cable with two smooth or corrugated but essentially flat surfaces. FLAME RESISTANCE - The ability of a material not to propagate flame once the flame source is removed

FLAME RETARDANT - The property of cables to retard or slow the progress of fire and flame along the cable. This is achieved through the use of materials that do not readily burn and will tend to selfextinguish.

FLEX LIFE - The measurement of the ability of a conductor or cable to withstand repeated bending. FLEXIBILITY - That quality of a cable or cable component which allows for bending under the influence of outside force, as opposed to limpness which is bending due to the cable's own weight.

FLEXING TEST - Any test to determine the ability of a cable to withstand repeated bending and twisting.

FIRE RESISTANT -The property of cables to continue to function while under the influence of fire. Fire Resistant provide circuit integrity even when burned and maintains integrity after the fire has extinguished. In most cases, the cables will withstand a water spray and still provide circuit integrity.

GROUNDING CONDUCTOR - A conductor used to connect equipment or the grounded circuit of a wiring system to a grounding electrode or electrodes; usually colored green.

HARNESS - An arrangement of wires and cables, usually with many breakouts, which have been tied together or pulled into a rubber or plastic sheath, used to interconnect electric circuits.

HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) - Generally used as a sheathing material where it provides high resistance to water penetration, is very hard, has low coefficient of friction, and is abrasion resistant. HIPOT - High potential, traditionally, Hipot is a term given to a class of electrical safety testing instruments used to verify electrical insulation in finished appliances, cables . A Hipot test (also called a Dielectric Withstand test) verifies that the insulation of a product or component is sufficient to protect the operator from electrical shock. In a typical Hipot test, high voltage is applied between a product's current-carrying conductors and its metallic chassis. The resulting current that flows through the insulation, known as leakage current, is monitored by the hipot tester. The theory behind the test is that if a deliberate over-application of test voltage does not cause the insulation to break down, the product will be safe to use under normal operating conditionshence the name, Dielectric Withstand test


- Attracting or absorbing moisture from the ambient atmosphere.

IEC - Abbreviation for International Electro technical Commission. IEEE - Abbreviation for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IMPACT TEST - for determining the mechanical punishment a cable can withstand without physical or electrical breakdown by impacting with a given weight, dropped a given distance, in a controlled environment.

INDUCTANCE - The property of a circuit or circuit element that opposes a change in current flow, thus causing current changes to lag behind voltage changes. It is measured in henrys.

INSULATION RESISTANCE (IR) - That resistance offered by an insulation to an impressed DC voltage, tending to produce a leakage current through the insulation. ISO - Abbreviation for International Standards Organization. INSTRUMENTATION CABLES - are multi-strand cables used in process control applications and are usually shielded from electrostatic interference. IMPEDANCE -The total opposition that a circuit offers to the flow of alternating current or any other varying current at a particular frequency. It is a combination of resistance (R) and reactance (X), measured in ohms.

JACKET - An outer covering, usually nonmetallic, mainly used for protection against the environment. JUMPER WIRE - The jumper wire is used for wiring telephone and signal distributors. Tinned copper conductor with a diameter of 0.6 mm PVC (Polyvinylchloride) insulating cover.

LAMINATED - A tape consisting of two or more layers of different materials bonded together.

LAY - The length measured along the axis of a wire or cable required for a single strand (in a stranded wire) or conductor (in cable) to make one complete turn about the axis of the conductor or cable. LEAKAGE CURRENT - The undesirable flow of current through or over the surface of an insulation.

LOOP RESISTANCE - The total resistance of two conductors measured round trip from on end. LOSS FACTOR - The product of the dissipation and dielectric constant of an insulating material.

Mho - The unit of conductivity. The reciprocal of an ohm.

Mil - A unit used in measuring diameter of a wire or thickness of insulation over a conductor. One onethousandth of an inch (.001").

MUTUAL CAPACITANCE -is intentional or unintentional capacitance that occurs between two charge-holding objects or conductors, in which the current passing through one passes over into the other. Unlike mutual inductance, mutual capacitance only works along short distances. In transmission lines, when conductors are closely spaced together, the air or material separating them acts as a dielectric, and the conductors act as capacitor plates.

MUTUAL INDUCTANCE (Inductance per length unit L) -Inductance per length unit consists of several components. External inductivity is determine by the line geometry and the magnetic material properties , it is independent of frequency. Since predominantly non-ferromagnetic metals are used as conducts, it is also independent of current. The internal inductivity can be traced back to current and the current and the associated magnetic field. Because of the current displacement , this part disappears at high frequencies. In addition, for screened, symmetrical lines, the frequency-dependent cladding inductivity as well as inductivity induced by short-range effect must be taken into account.

NOMINAL -Name or identifying value of a measurable property by which a conductor or component or property of a conductor is identified, and to which tolerances are applied.

PLASTICIZER - A chemical agent added to plastics to make them softer and more pliable. PCP (POLYCHLOROPRENE) - This is an oil resistant, tough sheathing material, that is used mainly in mining cables as an outer sheath. PE (POLYETHYLENE) -A family of insulations derived from the polymerization of ethylene gas and characterized by outstanding electrical properties, including high I.T. low dielectric constant, and low dielectric loss across the frequency spectrum. Mechanically rugged, it resists abrasion and cold flow. Polyethylene is a non-halogen plastic which burns easily. Additives can make flameretardant with low smoke emission.

PROPAAGATION CONSTANT PER LENGTH UNIT -Each homogeneous line is completely characteristic by four primary qualities related to line length. These are, are general, frequency-dependent. They are: resistance load per length unit R (conductor resistance) in ohms, the inductance per length unit L (mutual inductor) in henrys, the capacitance per length unit C (mutual capacitance) in farads and the conductance per length unit G in Siemens.

PVC (Polyvinylchloride) -In contrast to polyethylene, polyvinylchloride contains halogens. The halogen are chlorine, bromine, fluorine, iodine and astatine. Chlorine and fluorine are used to make plastics flame retardant and are most resistant to outside influences. PVC sheathed cables are flame-resistant. Halogen-containing plastic generate highly poisonous gases when burned. These gases from aggressive acids when they dissolve In water and are capable of causing extensive corrosion damage.

POWER FACTOR - The ratio of resistance to impedance. The ration of the actual power of an alternating current to apparent power. Mathematically, the cosine of the angle between the voltage applied and the current resulting. PROPAGATION - Delay time required for an electrical wave to travel between two points on a transmission line.

QUAD - A four conductor cable.

REACTANCE - The opposition offered to the flow of alternating current by inductance or capacitance of a component or circuit. The part of the total impedance of a circuit not due to pure resistance, measured in ohms. Symbol X. It is the imaginary part of the complex impedance, Z given by: Z = R +iX where R is resistance, X is reactance and i equals .Reactance is due to the presence of capacitance or inductance in a circuit. The effect of reactance is to cause the voltage and current to become out-of-phase.

RESIN - A synthetic organic material formed by the union (polymerization) of one or more monomers with one or more acids RESISTANCE - A measure of the difficulty in moving electrical current through a medium, when voltage is applied. It is measure in ohms. RFI - Abbreviation for radio frequency interference. RMS (ROOT MEAN SQUARE) - The effective value of an alternating current or voltage ROPE LAY CONDUCTOR - A conductor composed of a central core surrounded by one or more layers of helically laid groups of wires. RUPTURE -In the breaking strength or tensile strength tests, the point at which the material physically comes apart, as opposed to elongation yield strength, etc.

RELATIVE PERMITTIVITY (RP) -This is the material constant of the electric. The dielectric constant specifies how many times larger the capacitance of the capacitor would be if, instead of air, insulating material is used as the dielectric. If the RP of the empty space multiplied by the dielectric constant, the result is the RP of the dielectric.

RETURN LOSS (RL) -Owing to unavoidable manufacturing tolerances (measuring tolerances, different relative permittivity's along the insulation), line parameters do not exhibit identical values at all locations along the line. These irregularities in the structure, by they even very small, lead to reflections of voltage and current waves. The result: Reflection factor = Ratio of transmitted and reflected voltage and current waves at the irregularity. Return Loss Factor = Sum all the effective reflections on the line decisive for line usability) Return Loss = Logarithm of the reciprocal of the return loss factor.

SEMI-CONDUCTING TAPE - A tape of such resistance that when applied between two elements of a cable, the adjacent surfaces of the two elements will maintain substantially the same potential. Such tapes are commonly used for conductor shielding and in conjunction with metallic shielding over the insulation. SEMI-CONDUCTOR - A material that has a resistance characteristic between that of insulators and conductors. SHIELD - In cable, a metallic layer placed around a conductor or group of conductors to prevent electrostatic interference between the enclosed wires and external fields. SHIELDED/ SCREENED CABLE - A shielded or screened cable is an electrical cable of one or more insulated conductors enclosed by a common conductive layer. The shield may be composed of braided strands of copper (or other metal), a non-braided spiral winding of copper tape, or a layer of conducting polymer. Usually, this shield is covered with a jacket. The shield acts as a Faraday cage to reduce electrical noise from affecting the signals, and to reduce electromagnetic radiation that may interfere with other devices. The shield minimizes capacitive coupled noise from other electrical sources. In shielded signal cables the shield may act as the return path for the signal, or may act as screening only. SHIELD COVERAGE - The physical area of a cable that is actually covered by the shielding material and is expressed in percent. SHRINKAGE RATIO - The ratio between the expanded diameter and recovered diameter of shrinkable products. SIGNAL CABLE - A cable designed to carry current of usually less than one ampere per conductor.

SURFACE RESISTANCE - The resistance of a material between two opposite sides of a unit square of its surface. It is usually expressed in ohms.

SURGE - A temporary large increase in the voltage or current in an electric circuit or cable.

SWEEP - A method to determine the frequency response of a cable by generating an RF voltage whose frequency is varied at a rapid constant rate over a given range.

SWITCHBOARD CABLE - The switchboard cables are used as connecting cables between racks and between racks and main distribution frames in telecommunication exchanges for telephone, measuring and signaling purposes.

SPARK TESTER - A test designed to locate imperfections (usually pinholes) in the insulation of a wire or cable by application of a voltage for a very short period of time while the wire is being drawn through the electrode field.

SPECIFIC GRAVITY - The ratio of the density (mass per unit volume) of a material to that of water.

SKIN EFFECT -The phenomenon in which the depth of penetration of electric currents into a conductor decreases as the frequency increases.

SKIN EFFECT -The higher the frequency of the desired or interfering signal, the more the high frequency current is forced to the outer surfaced of the conductor.

SWA - Steel Wire Armour. This is used to provide mechanical protection for the cable.

TEMPERATURE RATING - The maximum and minimum temperature at which an insulating material may be used in continuous operation without loss of its basic properties.

THERMAL SHOCK - A test to determine the ability of a material to withstand heat and cold by subjecting it to rapid and wide changes in temperature. THERMOCOUPLE - A device consisting of two dissimilar metals in physical contact, which when heated will develop an emf output. THERMOPLASTIC -A material which softens when heated or reheated and becomes firm on cooling. It is a polymer that turns to a liquid when heated and freezes to a very glassy state when cooled sufficiently. Most thermoplastics are high-molecular-weight polymers whose chains associate through weak Van der Waals forces (polyethylene); stronger dipole-dipole interactions and hydrogen bonding (nylon); or even stacking of aromatic rings (polystyrene). Thermoplastic polymers differ from thermosetting polymers (Bakelite) as they can, unlike thermosetting polymers, be remelted and remolded. Many thermoplastic materials are addition polymers; e.g., vinyl chain-growth polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene. THERMOCOUPLE CABLE - A cable comprised of one or more twisted thermocouple extension wires under a common sheath. TENSILE STRENGTH - The pull stress required to break a given specimen. THERMOSET - A material which hardens or sets by heat, chemical or radiation crosslinking techniques and which, once set, cannot be resoftened by heating. A thermosetting plastic, also known as a thermo set, is polymer material that irreversibly cures. The cure may be done through heat (generally above 200 C (392 F)), through a chemical reaction (two-part epoxy, for example), or irradiation such as electron beam processing. Thermo set materials are usually liquid or malleable prior to curing and designed to be molded into their final form, or used as adhesives. Others are solids like that of the molding compound used in semiconductors and integrated circuits (IC's). According to IUPAC recommendation: A thermosetting polymer is a prepolymer in a soft solid or viscous state that changes irreversibly into an infusible, insoluble polymer network by curing. Curing can be induced by the action of heat or suitable radiation, or both. A cured thermosetting polymer is called a thermo set. TINNED COPPER - Tin coating added to copper to aid in soldering and inhibit corrosion.

TOLERANCE - The allowable deviation from a standard especially the range of variation permitted in maintaining a specified dimension in machining a piece; or The variance between the quantity ordered and the quantity shipped, generally accepted in the wire industry to be plus or minus 10%. TRAY - A cable tray system is a unit or assembly of units or sections, and associated fittings, made of noncombustible materials forming a rigid structural system used to support cables. Cable tray systems (previously termed continuous rigid cable supports) include ladders, troughs, channels, solid bottom trays, and similar structures.

TWISTED CABLE - Twisted pair cabling is a type of wiring in which two conductors (the forward and return conductors of a single circuit) are twisted together for the purposes of canceling out electromagnetic interference (EMI) from external sources; for instance, electromagnetic radiation from Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cables, and crosstalk between neighboring pairs. TRANSMISSION LINE -A signalcarrying circuit with controlled electrical characteristics used to transmit highfrequency or narrowpulse signals.

TRANSFER IMPEDANCE -Transfer impedance is the decisive variable for the quality of screening and frequency dependence. It is it ratio of the voltage drop along a screen on the interfered side (outside) to the interfering current on the other side (inside) of the screen. Transfer impedance is determined by the design of the screen, the skin effect and the capacitive coupling.

UHF -Abbreviation for ultra high frequency, 300 to 3,000 MHz

VELOCITY PROPAGATION - The speed of an electrical signal down a length of cable compared to speed in free space expressed as a percent. It is the reciprocal of the square root of the dielectric constant of the cable insulation. The wave propagation speed in meter per second is the speed at which a wave front (e.g. an acoustic signal or en electro-magnetic signal such as a radio wave front, a light pulse in a fiber channel or a change of the electrical voltage on a copper wire) passes through a medium. The propagation speed for transmission in a vacuum, for example wireless communication, is the speed of light, meaning that the VoP of 1 (100%). In electrical cables, the speed mainly depends on the isolating material

VHF - Abbreviation for very high frequency, 30 to 300 MHz.

VOLTAGE - The term most often used in place of electromotive force, potential, potential difference, or voltage drop to designate the electric pressure that exists between two points and is capable of producing a current when a closed circuit is connected between two points.

VOLTAGE DROP - Voltage drop is the reduction in voltage in an electrical circuit between the source and load. In electrical wiring national and local electrical codes may set guidelines for maximum voltage drop allowed in a circuit, to ensure reasonable efficiency of distribution and proper operation of electrical equipment. To reduce voltage drop is to increase the diameter of the conductor between the source and the load which lowers the overall resistance.

VOLTAGE RATING - The highest voltage that may be continuously applied to a wire in conformance with standards or specifications.

VOLUME RESISTIVITY - The electrical resistance between opposite faces of a one cm. cube of insulating material, commonly expressed in ohmscentimeter.

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