Process Improvement: ©ian Sommerville 2004
Process Improvement: ©ian Sommerville 2004
Process Improvement: ©ian Sommerville 2004
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To explain the principles of software process improvement To explain how software process factors influence software quality and productivity To explain how to develop simple models of software processes To explain the notion of process capability and the CMMI process improvement model
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Topics covered
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Process and product quality Process classification Process measurement Process analysis and modelling Process change The CMMI process improvement framework
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Process improvement
Understanding existing processes and introducing process changes to improve product quality, reduce costs or accelerate schedules. Most process improvement work so far has focused on defect reduction. This reflects the increasing attention paid by industry to quality. However, other process attributes can also be the focus of improvement
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Process attributes
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Me Cha An
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Process measurement
Attributes of the current process are measured. These are a baseline for assessing improvements. The current process is assessed and bottlenecks and weaknesses are identified. Changes to the process that have been identified during the analysis are introduced.
Process analysis
Process change
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Process quality and product quality are closely related and process improvement benefits arise because the quality of the product depends on its development process. A good process is usually required to produce a good product. For manufactured goods, process is the principal quality determinant. For design-based activity, other factors are also involved especially the capabilities of the designers.
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Quality factors
For large projects with average capabilities, the development process determines product quality. For small projects, the capabilities of the developers is the main determinant. The development technology is particularly significant for small projects. In all cases, if an unrealistic schedule is imposed then product quality will suffer.
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Process classification
No detailed process model. Development team chose their own way of working. Defined process model which drives the development process. Processes supported by some development method such as the RUP.
Processes supported by automated CASE tools.
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Pr oto t-li Infus orSho mal pr4G oces Sm sy Mana ged Lar ge prR-e oces Lon od W ep llMeth p tio pra oces e ine ed
Process applicability
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Process choice
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Infion orPr Im mal p Man ged Me o v prman ocess prde oces pre oce Confi atool tojec An ysi Gener Sp mana gem gem tools tools wr oto kb
Process tool support
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Process measurement
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Goal-Question-Metric Paradigm
What is the organisation trying to achieve? The objective of process improvement is to satisfy these goals. Questions about areas of uncertainty related to the goals. You need process knowledge to derive these. Measurements to be collected to answer the questions.
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Process analysis
The study of existing processes to understand the relationships between parts of the process and to compare them with other processes. The documentation of a process which records the tasks, the roles and the entities used; Process models may be presented from different perspectives.
Process modelling
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Study an existing process to understand its activities. Produce an abstract model of the process. You should normally represent this graphically. Several different views (e.g. activities, deliverables, etc.) may be required. Analyse the model to discover process problems. This involves discussing process activities with stakeholders and discovering problems and possible process changes.
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Ethnographic analysis
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Process (shown as a round-edged rectangle with drop shadow) Deliverable (shown as a rectangle with drop shadow) Condition (shown as a parallelogram )
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The module testing activity
Ian Sommerville 2004 Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 28 Slide 23
TEdingrtt SAeION TNtionta Aadeubm TSION ie RARta EPrSmo ARTE TTPvrw PP R Dftest Po ie epar REtamod eRHAR accor van specific tioneete wCo specif MODU m LEface SE adha Tion r A Pr Check outepar ef freomod omnesu aR Rcor t R da conf modu o te manate gement TEon r r S u fdtes T EXE CUTION Incorpor a R o ssi titee mo ppr v eg er withemo TEon a Sobrlrsul Tlems EPOR TISubm NG pr Wrfepor redar ub epor t oe t testing ppr oS v of v e disco
Activities in module testing
Ian Sommerville 2004 Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 28 Slide 24
Process exceptions
Software processes are complex and process models cannot effectively represent how to handle exceptions:
Several key people becoming ill just before a critical review; A breach of security that means all external communications are out of action for several days; Organisational reorganisation; A need to respond to an unanticipated request for new proposals.
Under these circumstances, the model is suspended and managers use their initiative to deal with the exception.
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Process change
Intr odu pr n oce Identif Prior T u improv impri o me v eng e Tpr oc rR ain ine Pr Timp ocesso Pr F e ocess r eed aini v model plan plan om v e
The process change process
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Improvement identification. Improvement prioritisation. Process change introduction. Process change training. Change tuning.
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The CMMI framework is the current stage of work on process assessment and improvement that started at the Software Engineering Institute in the 1980s. The SEIs mission is to promote software technology transfer particularly to US defence contractors. It has had a profound influence on process improvement
Capability Maturity Model introduced in the early 1990s. Revised maturity framework (CMMI) introduced in 2001.
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Intended as a means to assess the extent to which an organisations processes follow best practice. My providing a means for assessment, it is possible to identify areas of weakness for process improvement. There have been various process assessment and improvement models but the SEI work has been most influential.
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Essentially uncontrolled Product management procedures defined and used Process management procedures and strategies defined and used Quality management strategies defined and used Process improvement strategies defined and used
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An integrated capability model that includes software and systems engineering capability assessment. The model has two instantiations
Staged where the model is expressed in terms of capability levels; Continuous where a capability rating is computed.
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Process areas
24 process areas that are relevant to process capability and improvement are identified. These are organised into 4 groups. Goals are descriptions of desirable organisational states. Each process area has associated goals. Practices are ways of achieving a goal - however, they are advisory and other approaches to achieve the goal may be used.
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CMMI goals
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CMMI practices
Practice Analyse derived requirements to ensure that they are necessary and sufficient Validate requirements to ensure that the resulting product will perform as intended in the users environment using multiple techniques as appropriate. Select the defects and other problems for analysis. Perform causal analysis of selected defects and other problems and propose actions to address them. Establish and maintain an organisational policy for planning and performing the requirements development process. Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products and providing the services of the requirements development process. Associated goal The requirements are analysed and validated and a definition of the required functionality is developed.
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CMMI assessment
Examines the processes used in an organisation and assesses their maturity in each process area. Based on a 6-point scale:
Not performed; Performed; Managed; Defined; Quantitatively managed; Optimizing.
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Comparable with the software CMM. Each maturity level has process areas and goals. For example, the process area associated with the managed level include:
Requirements management; Project planning; Project monitoring and control; Supplier agreement management; Measurement and analysis; Process and product quality assurance.
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Institutional practices
Institutions operating at the managed level should have institutionalised practices that are geared to standardisation.
Establish and maintain policy for performing the project management process; Provide adequate resources for performing the project management process; Monitor and control the project planning process; Review the activities, status and results of the project planning process.
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This is a finer-grain model that considers individual or groups of practices and assesses their use. The maturity assessment is not a single value but is a set of values showing the organisations maturity in each area. The CMMI rates each process area from levels 1 to 5. The advantage of a continuous approach is that organisations can pick and choose process areas to improve according to their local needs.
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Projec and c Suppli reem mana Risk mana Config mana Requi mana V135 erifica Vlidat a2 4
A process capability profile
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Key points
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Process improvement involves process analysis, standardisation, measurement and change. Processes can be classified as informal, managed, methodical and improving. This classification can be used to identify process tool support. The process improvement cycle involves process measurement, process analysis and process change. Process measurement should be used to answer specific process questions, based on organisational improvement goals.
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Key points
The three types of process metrics used in the measurement process are time metrics, resource utilisation metrics and event metrics. Process models include descriptions of tasks, activities, roles, exceptions, communications, deliverables and other processes. The CMMI process maturity model integrates software and systems engineering process improvement. Process improvement in the CMMI model is based on reaching a set of goals related to good software engineering practice.
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