Safety: Ra'ed Ali Jaradat Lecturer Mu'tah University
Safety: Ra'ed Ali Jaradat Lecturer Mu'tah University
Safety: Ra'ed Ali Jaradat Lecturer Mu'tah University
Emotional state: stressful situation can alter concentration, error of judgment Ability to communicate: aphasic pt & unable to read
(cannot read sign of no smoking, O2 in use) Safety awareness: lack of awareness about equipment as O2 tank, IV tube, hot packs, fire precaution
Environmental factors: machinery, industrial belts, noise & air pollution, unsafe work environment for nurses
Ra'ed Ali Jaradat
Preventing Poisoning
Teaching parents to childproof the environment Providing information and counseling about insect, snake bites and drugs used for recreational purposes Safeguarding the environment and monitoring the underlying problems to prevent accidental ingestion of toxic substances Teaching the telephone number of poison control centers Educating the public about what to do in the event of poisoning
Ra'ed Ali Jaradat
Background music
Firearm Safety
Store all guns in sturdy locked cabinets without glass Make sure the keys are inaccessible to children Store the bullets in a different location Tell children never to touch a gun or stay in a friends house where a gun is accessible Teach children never to point the barrel of a gun at anyone Ensure the firearm in unloaded and the action open when handing to someone else
Ra'ed Ali Jaradat
Firearm Safety
Dont handle firearms while affected by alcohol or drugs of any kind, including pharmaceuticals When cleaning or dry firing a firearm, remove all ammunition to another room Double-check the firearm when entering the room used to clean the firearm Have firearms that are regularly used inspected by a qualified gunsmith at least every 2 years
Seizure Precautions
Pad the bed by securing blankets, linens around the head, foot, and side rails of the bed Put oral suction equipment in place and test to ensure that it is functional Children who have frequent seizures should wear helmets for protection.
Seizure Precautions
In the home, safety precautions if seizures are not well-controlled include restriction or direct supervision by others for certain activities:
Tub bathing Swimming Cooking Using electrical equipment or machinery Driving
Ra'ed Ali Jaradat
Alternatives to Restraints
Assign nurses in pairs Place unstable clients in an area that is constantly or closely supervised Prepare clients before a move to limit relocation shock Stay with a client using a bedside commode or bathroom if confused, sedated or has a gait disturbance or a high risk score for falling
Ra'ed Ali Jaradat
Alternatives to Restraints
Monitor all the clients medication and if possible lower or eliminate dosages of sedatives or psychotropics Position beds in lowest position Replace full-length side rails with half- or three-quarter length rails
Alternatives to Restraints
Use rocking chairs to help confused clients expend some energy Wedge pillows or pads against the sides of wheelchairs Place a removable lap tray on a wheelchair
Alternatives to Restraints
Try a warm beverage, soft lights, a back rub or a walk Use environmental restraints Place a picture or other personal item on the door to the clients room Try to determine the causes of the clients sundowner syndrome Establish ongoing assessment