Introduction To Dentistry
Introduction To Dentistry
Introduction To Dentistry
Patient Management
Caries Loss of teeth Periodontal disease Pericoronitis tooth impaction Trauma Tooth wear Malocclusion Other soft and hard tissue lesions
Treated by
RCT and/or excision/pus drainage/antibiotics (Endodontics) and/or Posts/crowns (Fixed prosthodontics) Extraction (Oral Surgery)
Loss of teeth
Treated by (Prosthodontics)
Periodontal disease
Treated by periodontics
Irrigation Extraction
Dental trauma
Treated by
Tooth wear
Treated by
Developmental lesions
Oral Pathology is needed Oral Surgery may be needed Benign treated by Oral Medicine
Pediatric dentistry
Branches of Dentistry
Oral Biology Oral Anatomy, Histology and Embryology Dental Anatomy Oral Pathology Oral Radiology Conservative Dentistry Endodontics
Fixed Removable