Developmental Milestones Presentation
Developmental Milestones Presentation
Developmental Milestones Presentation
Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Branch of psychology that studies intraindividual changes and interindividual changes within the intraindividual changes. Its task is explication of age-related changes in behavior in terms of antecedent- consequent relationship. Preoccupied with ages and stages Developmental changes covering the life span from conception to death. Attempt to give a complete picture of growth and decline.
Progressive series of changes that occurs as a result of maturation and experience. Implies qualitative change which involves process of integrating many structures and functions. 2 essential antagonistic processes in development take place simultaneously throughout life- growth and atrophy. Both begin at conception and end at death.
Development is the acquisition and refinement of advancing skills. The goal is to enable people to adapt to the environment. Under normal circumstances, the acquisition of the new skills proceeds along a predictable sequence and time table.
Gesell and Amatruda pioneered in categorizing development milestones in 4 distinct areas of function.
Gross motor behavior- preambulatory skills, walking and advanced physical activities. Fine motor adaptive behavior- prehension, manipulatory hand skills and application of sensorimotor abilities to tasks of daily life Language behaviorvocalization, comprehension, expression in spoken or other modes of communication Personal-social behavior- acquisition of societal and cultural standards of behavior
Growth, evolution and atrophy, involution.
Increase in physical size and dimensions relative to maturity. Most rapidly in infancy and prepubescence through adolescence. Head growth is fastest in infancy.
Trunk growth is fastest in infancy and adolescence. Extremities growth is fastest from 1 year through puberty. Center of gravity of newborn is at xiphoid process.
Center of gravity of late childhood is at sacral promontory. 2-3 year has a mild lumbar lordosis Transient shifts in growth parameters may occur in the 1st 418months but reach a stable rate by 1.5 years.
Prenatal Period. Conception to birth. Infancy. Birth- End of 2nd week. Babyhood. End of 2nd week- End of 2nd year. Early Childhood. End of 2nd year- 6 years. Late Childhood. 6 years- 12 years.
Puberty/Preadolescence. 12 years 14 years. Adolescence. 14 years- 18 years. Early Adulthood. 18 years- 40 years. Middle Age. 40 years- 60 years. Old Age or Senescence. 60 yearsDeath.
Definition of Terms
Fertilization- Occurs at the time of conception. It normally occurs while the ovum is in the fallopian tube. It takes place 12-36 hrs and usually within the 1st 24 hrs after the ovum has entered the tube. Implantation- The process of attachment of the embryo to the maternal uterine wall.
Embryonic from 2nd week to the end of 2nd month, major differentiation of organs & tissues occur (specifically 4th- 9th week). Fetal Period- from the beginning of the 3rd month to the time of birth when the fetus becomes an infant.
Viable Fetus- Viability refers to a point in fetal development at which the fetus may survive outside the womb. The lower limit of viability is approximately five months gestational age and usually later. There is no sharp limit of development, age, or weight at which a fetus automatically becomes viable.
According to data years 2003-2005, 20 to 35% of babies born at 23 weeks of gestation survive, while 50 to 70% of babies born at 24 to 25 weeks, and more than 90% born at 26 to 27 weeks.
It is rare for a baby weighing less than 500 gm to survive. If given expert postnatal care, some fetuses weighing less than 500 gm may survive, and are referred to as extremely low birth weight or immature infants. Preterm birth is the most common cause of perinatal mortality, causing almost 30 percent of neonatal deaths.
Brain develops 4-6 wks of gestation. Grows rapidly during infancy & childhood. Gradually slows down on mid childhood to 10yrs. Small increments in adolescent period. Myelinization is completed by 6-12 months. The Pineal body calcifies by 10 yrs (used as point reference in roentgenography by the CNS).
It takes place at the premuscular mesodermic tissue. The largest part of increment takes place from the 4th month of gestation to early maturity.
Cardio-Respiratory Development
Heart grows slow during 1st 4-months of gestation. The ECG of the fetal viability index can be taken through maternal abdominal wall. Ductus venosus & the foramen ovale become functionally closed at birth. Ductus arteriosus closes at 8-12 weeks. Heart Rate is 140-160bpm; F>M.
Genetic Factors
Traits of the parents are transmitted to the children. (race: infants of blacks usually develop motor skills faster than Caucasians).
Prenatal Factor
Mother`s health.
Infectious diseases- viral (Rubella) occur in the 1st trimester, protozoan(toxoplasmosis), and spirochetal (syphilis) infection last shalf of pregnancy; TORCH. Abnormal uterine condition. Actinic rays- exposure of pregnant women in therapeutic and diagnostic x-rays can cause congenital malformation.
Type of Disease
Myoma Amniotic bands Tumors Thalidomide
Immunologic Factors
RH and ABO abnormalities obviously affect growth & development towards the end of pregnancy if not managed properly.
Perinatal Factors
Anesthesia and analgesia, method of infant delivery & immediate care after delivery may contribute to anoxia & trauma. Drugs are notorious for causing malformation. Alcohol, smoking, & the effects of the nicotine on the unborn child stunted growth.
Maternal Nutrition
Endocrine Problems large babies higher incidence of perinatal mortality, congenital anomalies & morbidity are generally smaller in size. Other factors are duration of pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, age of the mother (associated with Down syndrome, found in older group) & order of birth of infants.
Growth Potential
Size at birth especially in relation to duration of gestation, nutrition, mental deficiency, family value orientation, social deprivation, endocrine disorders. Poverty associated with ignorance & low intelligence.
Histological Layers
Mesodermal Layers- skeletal system, muscle cells, dermis, tissues, urinary, serous membranes of peritoneal, pleural and pericardial cavities, cardio and lymphatic system and cortical portion of the suprarenal. Endodermal Derivatives- lining of the respiratory tract, tympanic membrane and eustachian tubes, part of the bladder & urethra, parenchyma of the thyroids, tonsils and the GI tract. Ectodermal DerivativesCNS, PNS, the epithelium of the sensory organs, the epidermis, enamel of the teeth and epithelial lining of other organs.
120 110 100 85-90 80-85
11-14 15-18
60-70 50-60
Heart Rate/Min
125 120 100-110 90-100 85-90 70-80
Vital Capacity
Newborn 5 years 10 years 15 years
Urinary Output
2 ml/kg/hr in infants and young children
Bladder Capacity
Newborn=16-25 ml; 1-14 years= (age in years + 2) x 30ml
Newborns below 2500gm are categorized as low birth weight infants.
Birth 4 months 12 months Maturity
3400 gm Double Triple 2 kg annually until adolescence
Birth 12 months 2 years 4 years Early school age Prepubescence/ Adolescence
50cm 75cm 87cm 100cm 5cm annually 5-8cm annually
Sitting Height
5 years
10 years
18 years
4-6 months
Positive Supporting
Obligatory or hyperactive abnormal at any age, early sign of lower extremity, may be associated With scissoring
Neck flexion Arm flex and Neck legs extend extension Arm extend and legs flex
6-7 months
Plantar Grasp
Placement or Placing
Before end of Absent in 1st year LMN paralysis or with lower extremity spasticity.
Tonic Labyrinthine
4-6 months
Hyperactivity/o bligatory abnormal at any age, persist in CNS damage/ static encephalopathy.
Visual and Align Proneface, 2months Vestibular head Supine- 3vertical 4months and mouth horizontal
Cognitive Development
Refers to increasing ability of the child to interpret sensory events; register and retrieve information from memory; and manipulate schemata, images, symbols and concepts in thinking , reasoning, problem solving and the acquisition of knowledge and beliefs in the environment
Cry Sensorimotor: State-dependent Reflex stage quieling and head turning to rattle or voice Reflex sucking and swallowing is present
7 months Uses single Sensorimotor: word and Circular double Reaction consonantvowel combinations
7 years
24-36 months
2-2.5 years
Color Concept
Colors Matching Discrimin Identifica ating tion
Primary colors
2 years
3 years
3.6 years
Color Concept
Green, 2.6 years Orange and Purple 3.6 years 4 years
Color Concept
Brown, Black, Pink and Gray
3 years
4 years
4.6 years
4 years
5 years
5.6 years
Circle/ Triangle Square/ Rectangle Diamond
3 years 4 years 5.6 years
Discriminati Identificati ng on
3.6 years 4.6 years 6 years 4 years 5 years 6.6 years
Quantitative Concepts
Age Concepts
2 years Many/one and little big 3 years Empty/full and light/heavy
Quantitative Concepts
3.6 years Short/tall, thin/fat, less/more and short/long
4 years Slow/fast, few/many and thin/thick 5 years Narrow/wide
Number Concept
1.6 years one more 2.6 years Just one Counts objects
3 years
Number Concept
4 years
6 years
Numeral Comprehension
6.3 years 1-9 7 years 1-10
Ordinal Position
Age Concepts
5.3 years 1st, 2nd and last 6.3 years Middle, 3rd and 4th 7 years 5th
Addition Combination
Age Concepts
6.3 years 4, 6, 8, 10,12, 14, 16 7 years 18
Subtraction combination
6.3 years 4, 6, 8 7 years 10
Age Concepts
3.6 years Knows the part of the day for specific daily activities 4 years Can sequence 5 daily activities and tell time of the day for each activity
5 years Differentiates between the little and the big hands of the clock Knows the position of the hands of the clock for daily activities Knows the direction in which the clock hands turn
6 years Identifies numerals on the clock face Differentiate between the hour hand and the minute hand Can tell time to the hour and the half-hour Can tell the exact time
7 years
Alphabet Concepts
5 years and Recites A-Y 3 months Matches uppercase and lowercase letters from A-Y 5 years and Points to uppercase and 7 months lowercase letters named from A-Y Matches lowercase letters a-z
Alphabet Concepts
5 years and Recites A-Z 10 months Matches uppercase letters from A-Z Points to uppercase and lowercase letters named from A-Z Names uppercase and lowercase letters pointed to from A-Y
Alphabet Concepts
6 years and 3 Names upper and lowercase months letters pointed to from A-Z
3 years
Hair, Head, Hands, Arms, Stomach, Teeth, Tongue, Ears, Legs, Fingers, Back, Toes Chin, Knees, Fingernails, Thumb, Neck
Paper tearing Snipping Cutting clay (1-scissor length then 2scissor length) Cutting card board (1-scissor length then 2-scissor length) Cutting regular paper (1-scissor length then 2-scissor length)
Cutting straight line Cutting regular geometric figure Cutting curve lines Cutting circles Cutting intricate pictures Collage
Introduce coloring materials Scribbling (circular, horizontal then vertical) Coloring large geometric figure Coloring small geometric figure Color irregular figure Color a picture
Tracing Imitating Copying (near point copying then far point copying)
Horizontal line Vertical line Cross Diagonal X Triangle Square
Diamond Semi-circle Circle Alphabet
Bold and upper case Bold and lower case Cursive upper case Cursive lower case
General Rule
Start with large diameter writing/coloring materials then gradate Start with thick borders figure/picture during scissoring/drawing then gradate
General Rule
Match Sort Discriminate Identify through pointing ( near point) Identify through naming Associate
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