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Leadership Is Action, Not Position
Objectives of the program Learn how to lead change efficiently and build effective teams  Develop a better sense of your leadership roles  Understand the competencies needed to become an Effective Leader
Introduction Now a days  a lot of emphasis is given on choosing the competencies that will create wealth for organizations. Competencies link organizational strategy with people, and people who are aligned with strategic goals are better able to meet challenges . No matter, which  issues people face , they want to know where they fit in,  what the   work is, and  what competencies they need. Competency  based approach  and response is a powerful answer to the  problems people and  organizations face.
Introduction contd.. While most people in the leadership field are familiar with  competencies like problem solving, financial analysis and marketing savvy, these skills do not, of themselves make a Leader. It is the nine competencies in addition to the traditionally valued competencies, which make a well-rounded Leader.
LEADERSHIP  COMPETENCIES What is Competence and Competency? 'Competence' means a skill and the standard of performance reached while 'Competency' refers to the behavior by which it is achieved.
In other words Competence describes what people can do and Competency focuses on how they do it. Competence  is skill based and Competency is behavior  based.
Let us take a look at the Leadership Model
The Leadership Capstone Model It is built on the pillars  of  Management Skill s  and   Financial Acumen  with  the capstone consisting of the   Nine Leadership Competencies  on top.
Advantages of the model This model will help you build a frame work to act in your  leadership moments. Your personal mastery of the Capstone piece will define and differentiate your role as a Leader
Building your  capstone will make you: Aware of opportunities to act in leadership moments. Incorporate competencies into your succession planning process. Build cohesive teams. Provide a base to build loyalty and   trust.
Let us understand the  Nine Leadership Competencies
Nine Leadership Competencies Passion Humor Courage Integrity and Trust Energy/Vitality/Enthusiasm Building a Team Setting priorities Creativity Vision
It is an intense concentration (focus) on a belief that a task can be completed despite scarcity of human support or any other resource.
How to raise your passion competency  Lead a team in your organization. Tie the team activities to organization's mission statement or vision. Mentor an employee. Write an article on your Passion for your company newsletter.
Passion contd... When you get involved in activities you really enjoy, you become energized and people can tell that you have a sense of purpose, which brings out your natural leadership abilities.
Brooklyn Bridge Story
HUMOR It is the ability or quality of people, objects, or situations to evoke feelings of amusement in other people.  The term encompasses a form of entertainment or human communication which evokes such feelings, or which makes people laugh or feel happy.
Humor-How does it help? It helps to relieve day-to-day pressures . Executives who are open with humor become more approachable to their employees. Allows everyone to perceive and view things in a different light.
Remember It is dangerous to confuse professionalism  with seriousness.  You can take your job and your world seriously, and still take yourself lightly.
COURAGE It is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation.
The Key The key to courageous leadership and conscious action is how one responds to what arises on the path, rather than whether individual circumstances are defined as great, good, bad or just plain ugly.  In conscious, courageous leadership, every situation or circumstance — every so-called success or failure, barrier or doorway — is simply another opportunity for greater creativity, mastery, and fulfillment of higher potential.
Tips to improve your Courage quotient Choose role model who exemplifies behavior, values and beliefs that show courage in action. Learn to coach a colleague on one aspect of his or her job.
COURAGE Courageous leaders fight their fears and do what needs to be done in the face of opposition.  “ What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes
This is what Osho says about courage: "You cannot be truthful if you are not courageous - You cannot be loving if you are not courageous - You cannot be trusting if you are not courageous- You cannot inquire into reality if you are not courageous - Hence courage comes first and everything else follows."
Case Study- Courage
INTEGRITY AND TRUST Integrity: Firm adherence to a code of moral or artistic values. Trust: Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
Integrity Integrity is set of values that we hold ourselves responsible for and demonstrate in our behavior toward others.  We can develop and maintain integrity . We develop self-awareness and become independent thinkers by keeping our promises.
Trust If we break our promises  to ourselves and to other  people, then we erode trust. It is necessary to 'walk the talk'. The assuring words that you speak or write are like promises. People expect these promises to be kept. And if they are not then the problem arises as the trust and credibility are lost. Thus always remember, 'When you break a promise, more than the promise gets broken.'
Leadership in Action “ Re-examine all that you have been told...Dismiss that which insults your soul.” - Walt Witman
Exercise- Integrity and Trust
End of Day 1
Day 2
Energy/Vitality/Enthusiasm Energy: The capacity of being active or capacity for doing work. Vitality: Power to survive or grow. Enthusiasm: Strong excitement of feeling.
By practising this competency you can: Pursue goals passionately. You are driven to be the best in whatever you do. Find the opportunities and make the most of them.
Remember A lack of this competency will result in falling short of your goals, even though you may have the opportunities. But once people are involved and action ensues, enthusiasm becomes contagious. “ Enthusiasm finds the opportunities and energy makes the most of them.” - Henry S. Haskins
Exercise- Energy/Vitality/Enthusiasm
Building a Team Build: To develop according to a systematic plan, by a definite process, or on a particular base. Team: Is a group of people linked in a common purpose.
Tips to team building Live the question:  Keep asking yourself constantly - 'of all that is required to happen, how can I use my time most valuably right now?'  The Philosophy of Continuing Improvement:  Ability is strength. Work consciously everyday, at getting a little better at every little thing you are involved with.  Maintain integrity:  An effective leader is known for his integrity. Always keep your word.  Recognize your most valuable asset:  While your products or your bottom-line may be terrific, internalize the knowledge that your most valuable asset is the people who work with you.
Tips to team building contd... Feel-good factor:  Strive to create an environment that encourages your people to feel good about themselves, take pride in their work and in doing it well.  Declare your objectives:  Tell your people what your objectives are and what their role is in meeting those objectives. And then, allow them to get on with their job.  Acknowledge:  To get your team to constantly give their best to you, you must continually acknowledge them and let them know how important they are to you.  Recognize special talents:  You may have a team member who has some special talent that is not being tapped in the present set-up. Recognize the value of that talent and create a position to put that talent to good use.
Tips to team building contd... Learn to listen:  Make time  to listen to you r team members and hear what they are actually saying. Some times, peop le don't know how to clearly say what they mean. Learn to listen  to even  what is not being said.  Lead by example:  Your team  will only truly  learn the standards you expect of them, if you walk your talk. You, be  their  example.  Confronting fear:  True leaders are not fearless people. They are those who face their fear, acknowledge it  and move  ahead towards their objective inspite of the fear.  Dress right:  The way you look has an impact on the responses you get. Ensure you dress crisply, neatly and in keeping with your role....don't overdo it, at the same time avoid being sloppy. Dress to convey you mean business. Image is important when leading other people. Dress for success. In the game of people, they tend to judge you by the way you look on the outside.
Remember Building teams helps organization move to a competency based structure. It helps team members to know what skill sets are required. Mutual trust and respect are a foundation for team-based organizations.
Exercise-Building a Team
Setting Priorities Setting priorities is like building a house, but the bricks are moving. It is a manner, position, or direction in which something is set under preferential rating.
How... Narrow your objectives Focus first on the goals that matter Be prepared for conflicts Put time on your side
How... Choose carefully Start now Sweat the big stuff Be prepared for change
Remember “ The way the organization handles the personal agendas determines the success of the enterprise.“
Exercise-Setting Priorities
Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
Methods of creativity Brainstorming Utilizing a round-robin Playing games Working with a colleague Setting up an innovative center Holding think-tank sessions
It helps as it: Allow employees to unleash their talent at the same time eliminate potential barriers.
Vision V ision  refers to the category of intentions that are broad, all-intrusive and forward-thinking.
Vision is .... Building a personal commitment to values by creating visual images of the future. The collective values and aspirations of  individuals. A dream created in our waking hours of how we like our lives to be.
The Bottom Line Look at your own work and acknowledge your strengths as well as what skills you need to improve. Your focus should be to lead your organization to success. Ensure positive results through implementation of various competencies.
Acknowledge your competencies Putting it all together Based on the situations you face everyday you can determine which of the competencies you will use to ensure the success of your efforts. Recognize that sometimes we have to 'stretch' ourselves to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Remember Excellence is measured one step at a time, and it all begins with effort.

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(2) leadership workshop

  • 1. Leadership Is Action, Not Position
  • 2. Objectives of the program Learn how to lead change efficiently and build effective teams Develop a better sense of your leadership roles Understand the competencies needed to become an Effective Leader
  • 3. Introduction Now a days a lot of emphasis is given on choosing the competencies that will create wealth for organizations. Competencies link organizational strategy with people, and people who are aligned with strategic goals are better able to meet challenges . No matter, which issues people face , they want to know where they fit in, what the work is, and what competencies they need. Competency based approach and response is a powerful answer to the problems people and organizations face.
  • 4. Introduction contd.. While most people in the leadership field are familiar with competencies like problem solving, financial analysis and marketing savvy, these skills do not, of themselves make a Leader. It is the nine competencies in addition to the traditionally valued competencies, which make a well-rounded Leader.
  • 5. LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES What is Competence and Competency? 'Competence' means a skill and the standard of performance reached while 'Competency' refers to the behavior by which it is achieved.
  • 6. In other words Competence describes what people can do and Competency focuses on how they do it. Competence is skill based and Competency is behavior based.
  • 7. Let us take a look at the Leadership Model
  • 9. The Leadership Capstone Model It is built on the pillars of Management Skill s and Financial Acumen with the capstone consisting of the Nine Leadership Competencies on top.
  • 10. Advantages of the model This model will help you build a frame work to act in your leadership moments. Your personal mastery of the Capstone piece will define and differentiate your role as a Leader
  • 11. Building your capstone will make you: Aware of opportunities to act in leadership moments. Incorporate competencies into your succession planning process. Build cohesive teams. Provide a base to build loyalty and trust.
  • 12. Let us understand the Nine Leadership Competencies
  • 13. Nine Leadership Competencies Passion Humor Courage Integrity and Trust Energy/Vitality/Enthusiasm Building a Team Setting priorities Creativity Vision
  • 14. It is an intense concentration (focus) on a belief that a task can be completed despite scarcity of human support or any other resource.
  • 15. How to raise your passion competency Lead a team in your organization. Tie the team activities to organization's mission statement or vision. Mentor an employee. Write an article on your Passion for your company newsletter.
  • 16. Passion contd... When you get involved in activities you really enjoy, you become energized and people can tell that you have a sense of purpose, which brings out your natural leadership abilities.
  • 18. HUMOR It is the ability or quality of people, objects, or situations to evoke feelings of amusement in other people. The term encompasses a form of entertainment or human communication which evokes such feelings, or which makes people laugh or feel happy.
  • 19. Humor-How does it help? It helps to relieve day-to-day pressures . Executives who are open with humor become more approachable to their employees. Allows everyone to perceive and view things in a different light.
  • 20. Remember It is dangerous to confuse professionalism with seriousness. You can take your job and your world seriously, and still take yourself lightly.
  • 21. COURAGE It is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation.
  • 22. The Key The key to courageous leadership and conscious action is how one responds to what arises on the path, rather than whether individual circumstances are defined as great, good, bad or just plain ugly. In conscious, courageous leadership, every situation or circumstance — every so-called success or failure, barrier or doorway — is simply another opportunity for greater creativity, mastery, and fulfillment of higher potential.
  • 23. Tips to improve your Courage quotient Choose role model who exemplifies behavior, values and beliefs that show courage in action. Learn to coach a colleague on one aspect of his or her job.
  • 24. COURAGE Courageous leaders fight their fears and do what needs to be done in the face of opposition. “ What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • 25. This is what Osho says about courage: "You cannot be truthful if you are not courageous - You cannot be loving if you are not courageous - You cannot be trusting if you are not courageous- You cannot inquire into reality if you are not courageous - Hence courage comes first and everything else follows."
  • 27. INTEGRITY AND TRUST Integrity: Firm adherence to a code of moral or artistic values. Trust: Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
  • 28. Integrity Integrity is set of values that we hold ourselves responsible for and demonstrate in our behavior toward others. We can develop and maintain integrity . We develop self-awareness and become independent thinkers by keeping our promises.
  • 29. Trust If we break our promises to ourselves and to other people, then we erode trust. It is necessary to 'walk the talk'. The assuring words that you speak or write are like promises. People expect these promises to be kept. And if they are not then the problem arises as the trust and credibility are lost. Thus always remember, 'When you break a promise, more than the promise gets broken.'
  • 30. Leadership in Action “ Re-examine all that you have been told...Dismiss that which insults your soul.” - Walt Witman
  • 33. Day 2
  • 34. Energy/Vitality/Enthusiasm Energy: The capacity of being active or capacity for doing work. Vitality: Power to survive or grow. Enthusiasm: Strong excitement of feeling.
  • 35. By practising this competency you can: Pursue goals passionately. You are driven to be the best in whatever you do. Find the opportunities and make the most of them.
  • 36. Remember A lack of this competency will result in falling short of your goals, even though you may have the opportunities. But once people are involved and action ensues, enthusiasm becomes contagious. “ Enthusiasm finds the opportunities and energy makes the most of them.” - Henry S. Haskins
  • 38. Building a Team Build: To develop according to a systematic plan, by a definite process, or on a particular base. Team: Is a group of people linked in a common purpose.
  • 39. Tips to team building Live the question: Keep asking yourself constantly - 'of all that is required to happen, how can I use my time most valuably right now?' The Philosophy of Continuing Improvement: Ability is strength. Work consciously everyday, at getting a little better at every little thing you are involved with. Maintain integrity: An effective leader is known for his integrity. Always keep your word. Recognize your most valuable asset: While your products or your bottom-line may be terrific, internalize the knowledge that your most valuable asset is the people who work with you.
  • 40. Tips to team building contd... Feel-good factor: Strive to create an environment that encourages your people to feel good about themselves, take pride in their work and in doing it well. Declare your objectives: Tell your people what your objectives are and what their role is in meeting those objectives. And then, allow them to get on with their job. Acknowledge: To get your team to constantly give their best to you, you must continually acknowledge them and let them know how important they are to you. Recognize special talents: You may have a team member who has some special talent that is not being tapped in the present set-up. Recognize the value of that talent and create a position to put that talent to good use.
  • 41. Tips to team building contd... Learn to listen: Make time to listen to you r team members and hear what they are actually saying. Some times, peop le don't know how to clearly say what they mean. Learn to listen to even what is not being said. Lead by example: Your team will only truly learn the standards you expect of them, if you walk your talk. You, be their example. Confronting fear: True leaders are not fearless people. They are those who face their fear, acknowledge it and move ahead towards their objective inspite of the fear. Dress right: The way you look has an impact on the responses you get. Ensure you dress crisply, neatly and in keeping with your role....don't overdo it, at the same time avoid being sloppy. Dress to convey you mean business. Image is important when leading other people. Dress for success. In the game of people, they tend to judge you by the way you look on the outside.
  • 42. Remember Building teams helps organization move to a competency based structure. It helps team members to know what skill sets are required. Mutual trust and respect are a foundation for team-based organizations.
  • 44. Setting Priorities Setting priorities is like building a house, but the bricks are moving. It is a manner, position, or direction in which something is set under preferential rating.
  • 45. How... Narrow your objectives Focus first on the goals that matter Be prepared for conflicts Put time on your side
  • 46. How... Choose carefully Start now Sweat the big stuff Be prepared for change
  • 47. Remember “ The way the organization handles the personal agendas determines the success of the enterprise.“
  • 49. Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
  • 50. Methods of creativity Brainstorming Utilizing a round-robin Playing games Working with a colleague Setting up an innovative center Holding think-tank sessions
  • 51. It helps as it: Allow employees to unleash their talent at the same time eliminate potential barriers.
  • 53. Vision V ision refers to the category of intentions that are broad, all-intrusive and forward-thinking.
  • 54. Vision is .... Building a personal commitment to values by creating visual images of the future. The collective values and aspirations of individuals. A dream created in our waking hours of how we like our lives to be.
  • 56. The Bottom Line Look at your own work and acknowledge your strengths as well as what skills you need to improve. Your focus should be to lead your organization to success. Ensure positive results through implementation of various competencies.
  • 57. Acknowledge your competencies Putting it all together Based on the situations you face everyday you can determine which of the competencies you will use to ensure the success of your efforts. Recognize that sometimes we have to 'stretch' ourselves to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
  • 58. Remember Excellence is measured one step at a time, and it all begins with effort.
  • 59.  

Editor's Notes

  • #21: Human beings by nature are spontaneous and playful creatures. Yet the older we become, the less appropriate it seems for us to allow it to be expressed. We get professionally serious and then pay comedians to do a job we've forgotten how to do ourselves. You will need to find your own comfort level with what works and what does not, based on the people you lead, the situation, the culture, the pressures of your industry, etc; but we invite you to work on incorporating this competency in some manner into your daily life. Studies have proven that you will live longer.
  • #46: Narrow your objectives You probably won't be able to achieve every financial goal you've ever dreamed of. So identify your goals clearly and why they matter to you, and decide which are most important. By concentrating your efforts, you have a better chance of achieving what matters most. Focus first on the goals that matter To accomplish primary goals, you will often need to put desirable but less important ones on the back burner. Be prepared for conflicts Even worthy goals often conflict with one another. When faced with such a conflict, you should ask yourself questions like: Will one of the conflicting goals benefit more people than the other? Which goal will cause the greater harm if it is deferred? Put time on your side The most important ally you have in reaching your goals is time. The more time you have, the more chance you have of success. Your age is a big factor -- younger people (who have more time to build their nest egg) can invest differently than older ones.
  • #47: Choose carefully Once you have your list together, you need to rank the items in order of importance Start now The longer you wait to identify and begin working toward your goals, the more difficulty you'll have reaching them. Sweat the big stuff Once you have prioritized your list of goals, keep your spending on course. Always ask yourself: "Is this taking me nearer to my primary goals -- or leading me further away from them?" If a big expense doesn't get you closer to your goals, try to defer or reduce it. Be prepared for change Your needs and desires will change as things change, so you should probably reexamine your priorities at regular intervals.