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Welcome / selamat datang
     Parents’ Briefing
Global Citizenship Programme
     Brunei Darussalam
     5 November - 9 November 2012
SST’s Global Citizenry Program (GCP)

The GCP is designed to:

 Prepare students for a global future shaped
 with the attributes that will allow them to take
 advantage of the myriad of opportunities
 abroad, while remaining connected and
 emotionally rooted to Singapore.
Alignment with SST’s Vision, Mission and Goals


 To Develop World-Ready and
 Future-Looking Leaders through
 Innovative Technology and Applied
GCP Goals
Acquiring Knowledge
• Students develop interest in and take stewardship of local and global
• Students understand Singapore’s relationships with ASEAN, ASIA
  and the rest of the world

Building Competencies
• Equip students with 21st century skills
• Promote self-awareness, self-management and responsible decision-
  making in students

Cultivating Character
• Students embrace diversity and cultivate respect for all people
• Students act upon ideas for the improvement of their society and the
  wider world
Objectives of GCP Brunei

• Extend a platform for students to develop an
understanding of Singapore’s relationship with Brunei.

• Enhance understanding and appreciation of Brunei’s
role and identity by creating a meaningful opportunity for
students to explore, appreciate and understand the
culture and language of the people in Brunei

• Broaden our students’ learning networks with their
Bruneian counterparts with SST’s twinning school, the
prestigious Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Science
What it means for
                            SST and the students

 Expectations of the group upon their return
 - impact the school community

• Share their learning to parents and the rest of the

• Host the next visiting Maktab Sains contingent (2012)
• Role model to their peers the expected attributes
Being a leader and caring about the community
Brunei Darussalam, The Abode of Peace.

• A rainforest covered gem of a country nestled on the
northern shores of the island of Borneo
• Richly diverse natural and cultural heritage
• Centuries old majestic Royal heritage
• A prosperous oil and gas producing nation with a small,
peace loving population
• Ruled by His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei, the 29th of an
unbroken line dating back 600 years
• Tranquil, clean and pollution free environment
• Safe, stable, healthy, wholesome and sincerely hospitable
• Near absence of traffic jams
Accompanying Teachers

• Mr Nur Johari (teacher ic)
• Mr Kenny Teoh (asst teacher ic)
• Ms Shireen (asst teacher ic)

Accompanying Secondary 2 Student Leaders
• Sharifa Suhaila
• Md Ada
Brunei Darussalam, The Abode of Peace.

Land Area = 5,675 sq. km
Population = 390,000
Density = 68 persons/sq. km.

Flight Details

Departure – 5 Nov 2012
• ETD 1155 / ETA 1405
• Royal Brunei Airlines Flight No: BI 422
• Terminal 2. Row to be confirmed.
• Students are to report at 0900 hrs @ Changi Airport.

Return – 9 Nov 2012
• ETD 1800 / ETA 2000
• Royal Brunei Airlines Flight No: BI 423
* Students will be dismissed from Changi Airport Arrival Hall.

• Kiulap Plaza Hotel
• 4* hotel
• Address: Kiulap Commercial Area, Bandar Seri
 Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam BE1518

 Tel: (673)223 2252
Trip Highlights - Water Village
• Water Village (Kampung Ayer)
• Venice of the East
• Largest water village in the world
• Approximately 40 000 people live here
• About 1500 years old
• Built on stilts in the water along the Brunei River
• Mode of transport – water taxi
• Schools, houses, mosques
Trip Highlights - Royal Regalia

Opened in 1992
Large collection of the Royal Regalia across generations
Trip Highlights - Food and Custom

• Bruneian dish
• derived from the interior trunk of the sago palm
• starchy bland substance, similar to tapioca starch
• eaten with a bamboo fork called a chandas, by rolling the starch around the
 prongs and then dipping it into a sour fruit sauce.
Profile of Partner School
Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan (Paduka
Seri Begawan Sultan Science College)
Profile of Partner School
            Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan (Paduka
            Seri Begawan Sultan Science College)
•Renowned throughout the region for
its excellent O-level and A-level
•Former Maktab Sains students can be
found in universities all over the world
including Imperial College, Oxbridge
and the Ivy League.
Profile of Partner School
           Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan (Paduka
           Seri Begawan Sultan Science College)
•To gain admission to the school, students must earn
straight 5 As in their Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (formerly
known as Primary Certificate Of Education).

•Many of Brunei's royal family, were taught in Maktab
Programme and Itinerary
Trip Cost

Total cost = $990 includes

‣ Return flight (including taxes) on Royal Brunei Airlines
‣ All meals
‣ 4* Hotel accommodation (twin-sharing) - Kiulap Plaza
‣ Travel insurance (AIG Chartis Superior Plan)
‣ Land transport by coach
‣ Accompanying tour manager from Singapore
‣ Local tour guide
• SST standard subsidy = 50% = $495 (exclude visa costs, if any)
Students on 75% and 100% ISB will have further subsidies.
Modes of Payment

• Edusave
• Cheque
• Combination of Edusave & Cheque
Edusave Authorisation Form has been given out.

If you have not already done so, kindly complete the reply
slip and submit together with any cheque payment by 5th
Oct 2012.
Safety Measures/Precautions
• Traffic
– Look right, look left and look right again before alighting
bus or crossing the road

• Illness / Hospitalisation
– Travel insurance (AIG Chartis Superior Plan) included in
– Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Hospital, or RIPAS

• Accommodation
– Always look doors
– Stay in assigned room
Rules and Expectations

• Students are ambassadors of Singapore and SST!
• Be socially sensitive and aware. Exercise courtesy and
graciousness during interaction with peers in the local schools e.g.
not to 'brag' about Singapore's progress, or what luxuries are absent
in Brunei. Their conduct will determine whether these schools want a
continued relationship with SST.
• Behave appropriately at public places
• Observe the laws and regulations in Brunei
• Follow teachers’ instructions at all times
• All students are required to sleep by 11pm so that they have
enough rest for the next day’s activities.
• Respect other visitors in the hotel. Noise must be kept to the
Rules and Expectations

•Speak in low and gentle tone. No shouting or screaming.
•Be polite and exercise courtesy and graciousness during interaction
with peers in the local schools e.g. not to 'brag' about Singapore's
progress, or what luxuries are absent in Brunei. Their conduct will
determine whether these schools want a continued relationship with
•Do dress modestly. No shorts / bermudas / short skirts ! long track
•Do to take off your shoes when visiting a mosque. Women are
required to cover their heads and wear a dress that covers their
knees and arms.
Rules and Expectations

• Students are advised to stay locked in their rooms and avoid going
to and fro their friends’ rooms for their own safety and well-being.
• Be punctual at all times.
• Be considerate and helpful to your peers.
There will be disciplinary consequences for students who do not
adhere to school rules and instructions given during the trip.
Students who endanger their own safety and that of others will be
barred from participating in subsequent activities.
Suggested Packing List
• Clothes & Footwear
– School uniform (x 2)
– Formal attire (Blazer) & formal shoes
– PE t-shirt & long track pants (x2)
– Sports/track shoes
– Cap & umbrella

• Learning Device & Power plug adapter (for assigned leaders only)
• Camera & charger
• Writing materials
• Pocket money of maximum $100
• Others - medication
*Detailed packing list will be provided at a later
SST Brunei GCP Blog
Emergency Contact

•School’s contact – handphone 9339 – 5028 (in

•Teachers’ contact will be advised at a later date
•Please minimise phone calls and communication times
with students.

•In case of any emergencies, please call the teachers
 NOT students – students may not know how to handle
the situation.
Secondary Two Students’ Sharing on their
   Learning Takeaways from the trips

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2012 Brunei Presentation

  • 1. Welcome / selamat datang Parents’ Briefing for Global Citizenship Programme Brunei Darussalam 5 November - 9 November 2012
  • 2. SST’s Global Citizenry Program (GCP) The GCP is designed to: Prepare students for a global future shaped with the attributes that will allow them to take advantage of the myriad of opportunities abroad, while remaining connected and emotionally rooted to Singapore.
  • 3. Alignment with SST’s Vision, Mission and Goals (VMG) Mission To Develop World-Ready and Future-Looking Leaders through Innovative Technology and Applied Learning
  • 4. GCP Goals Acquiring Knowledge • Students develop interest in and take stewardship of local and global issues • Students understand Singapore’s relationships with ASEAN, ASIA and the rest of the world Building Competencies • Equip students with 21st century skills • Promote self-awareness, self-management and responsible decision- making in students Cultivating Character • Students embrace diversity and cultivate respect for all people • Students act upon ideas for the improvement of their society and the wider world
  • 5. Objectives of GCP Brunei • Extend a platform for students to develop an understanding of Singapore’s relationship with Brunei. • Enhance understanding and appreciation of Brunei’s role and identity by creating a meaningful opportunity for students to explore, appreciate and understand the culture and language of the people in Brunei • Broaden our students’ learning networks with their Bruneian counterparts with SST’s twinning school, the prestigious Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Science College
  • 6. What it means for SST and the students Expectations of the group upon their return - impact the school community • Share their learning to parents and the rest of the school • Host the next visiting Maktab Sains contingent (2012) • Role model to their peers the expected attributes Being a leader and caring about the community
  • 7. Brunei Darussalam, The Abode of Peace. • A rainforest covered gem of a country nestled on the northern shores of the island of Borneo • Richly diverse natural and cultural heritage • Centuries old majestic Royal heritage • A prosperous oil and gas producing nation with a small, peace loving population • Ruled by His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei, the 29th of an unbroken line dating back 600 years • Tranquil, clean and pollution free environment • Safe, stable, healthy, wholesome and sincerely hospitable society • Near absence of traffic jams
  • 8. Accompanying Teachers • Mr Nur Johari (teacher ic) • Mr Kenny Teoh (asst teacher ic) • Ms Shireen (asst teacher ic) Accompanying Secondary 2 Student Leaders • Sharifa Suhaila • Md Ada
  • 9. Brunei Darussalam, The Abode of Peace. Land Area = 5,675 sq. km Population = 390,000 Density = 68 persons/sq. km.
  • 10. Flight Details Departure – 5 Nov 2012 • ETD 1155 / ETA 1405 • Royal Brunei Airlines Flight No: BI 422 • Terminal 2. Row to be confirmed. • Students are to report at 0900 hrs @ Changi Airport. Return – 9 Nov 2012 • ETD 1800 / ETA 2000 • Royal Brunei Airlines Flight No: BI 423 * Students will be dismissed from Changi Airport Arrival Hall.
  • 11. Accommodation • Kiulap Plaza Hotel • 4* hotel • Address: Kiulap Commercial Area, Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam BE1518 Tel: (673)223 2252
  • 12. Trip Highlights - Water Village • Water Village (Kampung Ayer) • Venice of the East • Largest water village in the world • Approximately 40 000 people live here • About 1500 years old • Built on stilts in the water along the Brunei River • Mode of transport – water taxi • Schools, houses, mosques
  • 13. Trip Highlights - Royal Regalia Opened in 1992 Large collection of the Royal Regalia across generations
  • 14. Trip Highlights - Food and Custom Ambuyat • Bruneian dish • derived from the interior trunk of the sago palm • starchy bland substance, similar to tapioca starch • eaten with a bamboo fork called a chandas, by rolling the starch around the prongs and then dipping it into a sour fruit sauce.
  • 15. Profile of Partner School Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan (Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Science College)
  • 16. Profile of Partner School Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan (Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Science College) •Renowned throughout the region for its excellent O-level and A-level results. •Former Maktab Sains students can be found in universities all over the world including Imperial College, Oxbridge and the Ivy League.
  • 17. Profile of Partner School Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan (Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Science College) •To gain admission to the school, students must earn straight 5 As in their Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (formerly known as Primary Certificate Of Education). •Many of Brunei's royal family, were taught in Maktab Sains.
  • 19. Trip Cost Total cost = $990 includes ‣ Return flight (including taxes) on Royal Brunei Airlines ‣ All meals ‣ 4* Hotel accommodation (twin-sharing) - Kiulap Plaza Hotel ‣ Travel insurance (AIG Chartis Superior Plan) ‣ Land transport by coach ‣ Accompanying tour manager from Singapore ‣ Local tour guide • SST standard subsidy = 50% = $495 (exclude visa costs, if any) Students on 75% and 100% ISB will have further subsidies.
  • 20. Modes of Payment • Edusave • Cheque • Combination of Edusave & Cheque Edusave Authorisation Form has been given out. If you have not already done so, kindly complete the reply slip and submit together with any cheque payment by 5th Oct 2012.
  • 21. Safety Measures/Precautions • Traffic – Look right, look left and look right again before alighting bus or crossing the road • Illness / Hospitalisation – Travel insurance (AIG Chartis Superior Plan) included in price – Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Hospital, or RIPAS Hospital • Accommodation – Always look doors – Stay in assigned room
  • 22. Rules and Expectations • Students are ambassadors of Singapore and SST! • Be socially sensitive and aware. Exercise courtesy and graciousness during interaction with peers in the local schools e.g. not to 'brag' about Singapore's progress, or what luxuries are absent in Brunei. Their conduct will determine whether these schools want a continued relationship with SST. • Behave appropriately at public places • Observe the laws and regulations in Brunei • Follow teachers’ instructions at all times • All students are required to sleep by 11pm so that they have enough rest for the next day’s activities. • Respect other visitors in the hotel. Noise must be kept to the minimum.
  • 23. Rules and Expectations •Speak in low and gentle tone. No shouting or screaming. •Be polite and exercise courtesy and graciousness during interaction with peers in the local schools e.g. not to 'brag' about Singapore's progress, or what luxuries are absent in Brunei. Their conduct will determine whether these schools want a continued relationship with SST. •Do dress modestly. No shorts / bermudas / short skirts ! long track pants •Do to take off your shoes when visiting a mosque. Women are required to cover their heads and wear a dress that covers their knees and arms.
  • 24. Rules and Expectations • Students are advised to stay locked in their rooms and avoid going to and fro their friends’ rooms for their own safety and well-being. • Be punctual at all times. • Be considerate and helpful to your peers. There will be disciplinary consequences for students who do not adhere to school rules and instructions given during the trip. Students who endanger their own safety and that of others will be barred from participating in subsequent activities.
  • 25. Suggested Packing List • Clothes & Footwear – School uniform (x 2) – Formal attire (Blazer) & formal shoes – PE t-shirt & long track pants (x2) – Sports/track shoes – Cap & umbrella • Learning Device & Power plug adapter (for assigned leaders only) • Camera & charger • Writing materials • Pocket money of maximum $100 • Others - medication *Detailed packing list will be provided at a later date
  • 26. Communication SST Brunei GCP Blog
  • 27. Emergency Contact •School’s contact – handphone 9339 – 5028 (in Singapore) •Teachers’ contact will be advised at a later date •Please minimise phone calls and communication times with students. •In case of any emergencies, please call the teachers NOT students – students may not know how to handle the situation.
  • 28. Secondary Two Students’ Sharing on their Learning Takeaways from the trips