Speaker Deckにアップしていた(https://speakerdeck.com/tkakeda/software-development-and-re-thinking-pattern-language)
2017/02/27の SEA Forum in February 2017 [パターン・ランゲージ]のディスカッションの前説を再度アップ。Nature Of Orderにはあまり触れていないのは意図的です。
This document contains a list of links to blog posts and articles about software development practices like extreme programming and agile manifesto principles. The links relate to software engineering techniques and include Japanese language sources on visual representations of agile processes and risks associated with extreme programming approaches.
Sawada Mansion which was built by only two people in Kochi, Japan is the one of most biggest self-build building in the world. The building had been built like agile process, lean startup, and living thing. It has been embracing changes, purpose, form, and community to keep up with the times since it was built. I think that it has a lot of agilities and we can learn a lot from it.
I talked about it in Open Jam in Agile2008.