As the demand for vector databases and Generative AI continues to rise, integrating vector storage and search capabilities into traditional databases has become increasingly important. This session introduces the *MyVector Plugin*, a project that brings native vector storage and similarity search to MySQL. Unlike PostgreSQL, which offers interfaces for adding new data types and index methods, MySQL lacks such extensibility. However, by utilizing MySQL's server component plugin and UDF, the *MyVector Plugin* successfully adds a fully functional vector search feature within the existing MySQL + InnoDB infrastructure, eliminating the need for a separate vector database. The session explains the technical aspects of integrating vector support into MySQL, the challenges posed by its architecture, and real-world use cases that showcase the advantages of combining vector search with MySQL's robust features. Attendees will leave with practical insights on how to add vector search capabilities to their MySQL
Boosting MySQL with Vector Search Fosdem 2025.pdfAlkin Tezuysal
As the demand for vector databases and Generative AI continues to rise, integrating vector storage and search capabilities into traditional databases has become increasingly important. This session introduces the MyVector Plugin, a project that brings native vector storage and similarity search to MySQL. Unlike PostgreSQL, which offers interfaces for adding new data types and index methods, MySQL lacks such extensibility. However, by utilizing MySQL's server component plugin and UDF, the MyVector Plugin successfully adds a fully functional vector search feature within the existing MySQL + InnoDB infrastructure, eliminating the need for a separate vector database. The session explains the technical aspects of integrating vector support into MySQL, the challenges posed by its architecture, and real-world use cases that showcase the advantages of combining vector search with MySQL's robust features. Attendees will leave with practical insights on how to add vector search capabilities to their MySQL systems.
Design and Modeling with MySQL and PostgreSQL - Percona University Istanbul S...Alkin Tezuysal
Database Design and Modeling with PostgreSQL and MySQL: Build efficient and scalable databases for modern applications using open source databases. This talk proposal explores the essential concepts and practical skills outlined in the book "Database Design and Modeling with MySQL." Databases, the backbone of modern applications, are a crucial area for professional growth. Mastering their design and modeling is not just important but essential for building efficient and scalable systems. This talk will provide an overview of the book's key insights and how they can empower developers, database administrators, and data professionals to create robust, high-performing databases.
Unleashing Real-time Insights with ClickHouse_ Navigating the Landscape in 20...Alkin Tezuysal
This session will focus on ClickHouse, an open-source column-oriented database management system, and its role in facilitating real-time analytics in 2024. As organizations demand faster insights from their large datasets, ClickHouse has emerged as a critical player in the open-source database landscape. This session aims to provide an in-depth look at the capabilities, challenges, and best practices in utilizing ClickHouse for real-time analytics.
Design and Modeling for MySQL SCALE 21X Pasadena, CA Mar 2024Alkin Tezuysal
Databases are at the heart of every data-driven application. Whether you're building a web app, a mobile application, or managing an enterprise-level system, the design and modeling of your database can make or break your project. In this talk, we will dive into the world of databases and explore how you can master database design and modeling using MySQL.
To truly master database design, we'll venture into advanced territory. This includes denormalization for performance optimization, index strategies, transaction management, and concurrency control for multi-user environments.
As your data grows, you need to scale. We'll discuss scaling techniques such as sharding, replication, and load balancing. You'll also learn about robust backup and recovery strategies.
Databases don't exist in isolation. We'll explore best practices for integrating your databases with web applications. You'll discover how to connect, query, and secure data effectively.
The world of databases is ever-evolving. We'll touch upon emerging trends like NoSQL databases, cloud databases, and the integration of machine learning and AI. Stay ahead of the curve.
FOSSASIA - MySQL Cookbook 4e Journey APR 2023.pdfAlkin Tezuysal
Presenting the newly released MySQL Cookbook 4th edition to help developers and administrators to understand simple to complex recipes.
MySQL Cookbook 4th edition was released this summer. We are the book's authors and will show you how to "cook" MySQL. We will show you a few tasks with different priorities, such as JSON in MySQL for those who need flexibility, modern SQL for analytics, and Group Replication for high availability. We will also show how to write programs using JavaScript and Python languages, X DevAPI, and MySQL Shell. We will touch on some of the exciting features of MySQL Spatial Indexes and Geographical Data, Using a Full-Text Search, and more. We're hoping this talk will interest developers and administrators of MySQL.
I'd like to share my authoring experience e and knowledge about an open-source database product MySQL. I also want to touch on this journey's technical and non-technical aspects giving vision and inspiration to future authors. At the end of the talk, I will give away one printed copy of the MySQL Cookbook 4e to an audience after a trivia question.
MySQL Ecosystem in 2023 - FOSSASIA'23 - Alkin.pptx.pdfAlkin Tezuysal
MySQL is still hot, with Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) and MariaDB Server. Welcome back post-pandemic to see what is on offer in the current ecosystem.
Did you know that Amazon RDS now uses semi-sync replication rather than DRBD for multi-AZ deployments? Did you know that Galera Cluster for MySQL 8 is much more efficient with CLONE SST rather than using the xtrabackup method for SST? Did you know that Percona Server continues to extend MyRocks? Did you know that MariaDB Server has more Oracle syntax compatibility? This and more will be covered in the session, while short and quick, should leave you wandering to discover new features for production.
Popular open-source databases are designed to handle specific workloads; hence there's no silver bullet. But taking advantage of time-series data with the columnar data store is possible. OLTP databases such as Postgres, MariaDB, and MySQL can handle a variety of workloads as long as they are within the limits of smaller transactional operations and data sizes.
Having these databases as the source and OLTP databases being the destination to support an organization's analytics needs has become a standard operation as the data has grown more significant over the past two decades. In this talk, we will demonstrate a possible solution to carry over the time-series data part of the OLTP database to a columnar store for performance and efficiency. We've been working on multiple projects to put together a solution that will change the way of keeping OLTP databases slim, efficient, and performing while taking advantage of a database that's designed to handle a massive amount of data with fantastic performance gains and results.
MySQL Cookbook: Recipes for Developers, Alkin Tezuysal and Sveta Smirnova - P...Alkin Tezuysal
This document provides an overview of the MySQL Cookbook by O'Reilly. It discusses the intended audience of database administrators and developers. It also demonstrates different ways of interacting with MySQL, including through the command line interface, MySQL Shell, and X DevAPI. Examples are provided for common tasks like reading, writing, and updating data in both standard SQL and the object-oriented X DevAPI.
Alkin Tezuysal discusses his first 90 days working at ChistaDATA Inc. as EVP of Global Services. He has experience working with databases like MySQL, Oracle, and ClickHouse. ChistaDATA focuses on providing ClickHouse infrastructure operations through managed services, support, and consulting. ClickHouse is an open source columnar database that uses a shared-nothing architecture for high performance analytics workloads.
Vitess is a cloud-native storage solution that can scale indefinitely. In this session, we will first cover a high level overview of Vitess features, the architecture, and what database workloads are a good fit. Then we will demonstrate how to get started with Vitess on Kubernetes. This will be followed by VTAdmin, the next generation of tooling and UIs for managing large-scale, multi-cluster Vitess deployments, built for developers and operators alike. We will demo resharding using VTAdmin, and will talk about improvements to performance and scalability along the way.
Integrating best of breed open source tools to vitess orchestrator pleu21Alkin Tezuysal
Vitess is an open source database clustering system for horizontally scaling MySQL and MariaDB. It uses a control plane including a proxy server (vtgate), orchestration tools like XtraBackup and Orchestrator (vtorc), and supports features like sharding, replication, and online DDL using tools like gh-ost and pt-online-schema change. The presentation demonstrated how Vitess routes queries to shards in a transparent way using its topology configuration and control servers.
Vitess: Scalable Database Architecture - Kubernetes Community Days Africa Ap...Alkin Tezuysal
Vitess is an open source database clustering system for horizontally scaling MySQL and MariaDB databases. It uses a control plane of proxies (vtgates), backend servers (vttablets), and a topology server to transparently route queries to the correct databases and shards. This allows a Vitess deployment to span multiple database clusters and provide a single entry point, while maintaining high availability and enabling operations like resharding and backup/recovery. Vitess has gained adoption by companies like GitHub and Square to scale their MySQL infrastructures on Kubernetes.
How to shard MariaDB like a pro - FOSDEM 2021Alkin Tezuysal
This document discusses how Vitess can be used to shard MariaDB databases. Vitess is an open-source database clustering system that enables horizontal scaling of MySQL and MariaDB. It provides a control plane that includes a proxy server, orchestration tools, and supports sharding schemes. While Vitess supports MariaDB 10.3, more work is needed for full compatibility. The presentation demonstrates Vitess architecture and how it can route queries to different database shards in a transparent manner.
This document discusses Vitess, an open source database clustering system for sharding MySQL databases and running them across multiple servers. It provides high availability, scalability and can be run on Kubernetes. Vitess uses MySQL as its database, has a control plane to manage shards and utilities to help with tasks like backup and recovery. Major companies like Square have adopted Vitess to scale their MySQL databases.
* Use cases of MySQL as well as edge cases of MySQL topologies using real-life examples and "war" stories
* How scalability and proxy wars make MySQL topologies more robust to serve webscale shops
* Open-source tools, utilities, and surrounding MySQL Ecosystem.
Introduction to Vitess on Kubernetes for MySQL - WebinarAlkin Tezuysal
During this joint webinar our speakers, Alkin Tezuysal, Technical Expert at Percona and Sugu Sougoumarane, Co-Founder and CTO at PlanetScale, will provide attendees with hands-on experience using Vitess using Kubernetes. They will start by providing a quick overview of Vitess – including key concepts and terminology, and then describe the deployment options for both in Kubernetes.
The hands-on exercises will cover many of the key workflows with running a sharded system:
– Moving from an unsharded system to a vertical split one (moving some tables to a different host)
– Sharding large tables across several instances
– Backups, Recoveries, and failovers (both planned and unplanned).
Attendees are not expected to have any prior experience with Vitess but will find it useful if they have prior experience completing these tasks in a MySQL environment and general know-how on Kubernetes operations.
The tutorial will be in three parts as follows:
Introduction to Vitess
History and background
Setting up Vitess in Kubernetes
Initial deployment and configurations
Operational tasks with Vitess
Vertical Split
Horizontal Split
Shard Management
Performance Considerations
Schema Changes
In this talk, we'll walk through RocksDB technology and look into areas where MyRocks is a good fit by comparison to other engines such as InnoDB. We will go over internals, benchmarks, and tuning of MyRocks engine. We also aim to explore the benefits of using MyRocks within the MySQL ecosystem. Attendees will be able to conclude with the latest development of tools and integration within MySQL.
One of the benefits of using MySQL is the fact you can choose a storage engine fitting your requirements. Even though InnoDB is prevalent, it is helpful to know the available choices. Lately, LSM-tree based storage engines and engines using ideas of the technique, are seeing a rise in popularity and use. MyRocks brings LSM-tree benefits and tradeoffs to MySQL. In this talk, we'll walk through RocksDB technology and look into areas where MyRocks is a good fit by comparison to other engines such as InnoDB. We will go over internals, benchmarks, and tuning of MyRocks engine. We also aim to explore the benefits of using MyRocks within the MySQL ecosystem. Attendees will be able to conclude with the latest development of tools and integration within MySQL.
At the moment MySQL 8 and MariaDB 10.4 are the latest versions of the corresponding database management systems. Each of these DBMSs has a unique set of features, unavailable in its analogue (MariaDB features might be unavailable in MySQL, and vice versa). In this presentation, we’ll cover these new features and provide recommendations re: which application will work best on which DBMS.
Attendees will be able to identify what focus areas that either MySQL or MariaDB targeted. This talk also gives a great overview of what are the benefits of using one over another.
Myrocks in the wild wild west! FOSDEM 2020Alkin Tezuysal
In this talk, we'll walk through RocksDB technology and look into areas where MyRocks is a good fit by comparison to other engines such as InnoDB. We will go over internals, benchmarks, and tuning of MyRocks engine. We also aim to explore the benefits of using MyRocks within the MySQL ecosystem. Attendees will be able to conclude with the latest development of tools and integration within MySQL.
At the moment MySQL 8 and MariaDB 10.4 are the latest versions of the corresponding database management systems. Each of these DBMSs has a unique set of features, unavailable in its analogue (MariaDB features might be unavailable in MySQL, and vice versa). In this presentation, we’ll cover these new features and provide recommendations re: which application will work best on which DBMS.
In this talk, we'll walk through RocksDB technology and look into areas where MyRocks is a good fit by comparison to other engines such as InnoDB. We will go over internals, benchmarks, and tuning of MyRocks engine. We also aim to explore the benefits of using MyRocks within the MySQL ecosystem. Attendees will be able to conclude with the latest development of tools and integration within MySQL.
How to upgrade like a boss to MySQL 8.0 - PLE19Alkin Tezuysal
Here are the key steps for installing Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 using yum on CentOS/RHEL:
1. Install the Percona yum repository
2. Enable the Percona Server 8.0 repository
3. Install the percona-server-server package
4. Check that Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 and related packages are installed
5. Connect to the server using MySQL Shell to validate the installation
The yum installation provides an easy way to get the latest version of Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 on CentOS/RHEL systems.
This talk is about covering MySQL as Open Source Database. We will be talking about the past, now and future of MySQL.
What are the best use cases of MySQL and edge Cases of MySQL? Time permitting mention on war stories, real-life examples. We will also cover important topics like scalability and proxy wars.
This talk will explain best practices for upgrade techniques in MySQL. In deep dive, we will go over how to upgrade successfully to MySQL 8.0. Explain MySQL 8.0 upgrade specific challenges. Go over gotchas and best practices. Review the latest version of MySQL 8.0 and bug reports.
Percona XtraDB Cluster (a.k.a PXC) is multi-master high-availability clustering solution. Given the multi-master aspect, there are multi-guards to protect cluster from entering an inconsistent state. Most of these guards are configurable based on user environment but if they are not configured properly it could cause the cluster to stall, fail, error-out.
In this session, we would go over some of these failure scenarios like cluster entering non-primary due to network partitioning, cluster stall due to flow control, data inconsistency causing shutdown of node, common problem during initial catch up (a.k.a State Snapshot transfer (SST)), delay in purging of transaction, blocking DDL causing complete cluster to staff, misconfigured cluster, etc
Securing your database servers from external attacksAlkin Tezuysal
A critical piece of your infrastructure is the database tier, yet people don't pay enough attention to it judging by how many are bitten via poorly chosen defaults, or just a lack understanding of running a secure database tier. In this talk, I'll focus on MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB, and cover external authentication, auditing, encryption, SSL, firewalls, replication, and more gems from over a decade of consulting in this space from Percona's 4,000+ customers.
Serverless computing is becoming more popular with developers, as it enables them to build and run applications without needing to operate and manage servers. This talk will provide a high-level overview of serverless applications in the database world, including the use cases, possible solutions, services and benefits provided through the cloud ecosystem, with a focus on the capabilities of the AWS serverless platform.
The truth behind the numbers: spotting statistical misuse.pptxandyprosser3
As a producer of official statistics, being able to define what misinformation means in relation to data and statistics is so important to us.
For our sixth webinar, we explored how we handle statistical misuse especially in the media. We were also joined by speakers from the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) to explain how they play an important role in investigating and challenging the misuse of statistics across government.
Cost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetsupreetk82004
Cost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheet
MySQL Cookbook: Recipes for Developers, Alkin Tezuysal and Sveta Smirnova - P...Alkin Tezuysal
This document provides an overview of the MySQL Cookbook by O'Reilly. It discusses the intended audience of database administrators and developers. It also demonstrates different ways of interacting with MySQL, including through the command line interface, MySQL Shell, and X DevAPI. Examples are provided for common tasks like reading, writing, and updating data in both standard SQL and the object-oriented X DevAPI.
Alkin Tezuysal discusses his first 90 days working at ChistaDATA Inc. as EVP of Global Services. He has experience working with databases like MySQL, Oracle, and ClickHouse. ChistaDATA focuses on providing ClickHouse infrastructure operations through managed services, support, and consulting. ClickHouse is an open source columnar database that uses a shared-nothing architecture for high performance analytics workloads.
Vitess is a cloud-native storage solution that can scale indefinitely. In this session, we will first cover a high level overview of Vitess features, the architecture, and what database workloads are a good fit. Then we will demonstrate how to get started with Vitess on Kubernetes. This will be followed by VTAdmin, the next generation of tooling and UIs for managing large-scale, multi-cluster Vitess deployments, built for developers and operators alike. We will demo resharding using VTAdmin, and will talk about improvements to performance and scalability along the way.
Integrating best of breed open source tools to vitess orchestrator pleu21Alkin Tezuysal
Vitess is an open source database clustering system for horizontally scaling MySQL and MariaDB. It uses a control plane including a proxy server (vtgate), orchestration tools like XtraBackup and Orchestrator (vtorc), and supports features like sharding, replication, and online DDL using tools like gh-ost and pt-online-schema change. The presentation demonstrated how Vitess routes queries to shards in a transparent way using its topology configuration and control servers.
Vitess: Scalable Database Architecture - Kubernetes Community Days Africa Ap...Alkin Tezuysal
Vitess is an open source database clustering system for horizontally scaling MySQL and MariaDB databases. It uses a control plane of proxies (vtgates), backend servers (vttablets), and a topology server to transparently route queries to the correct databases and shards. This allows a Vitess deployment to span multiple database clusters and provide a single entry point, while maintaining high availability and enabling operations like resharding and backup/recovery. Vitess has gained adoption by companies like GitHub and Square to scale their MySQL infrastructures on Kubernetes.
How to shard MariaDB like a pro - FOSDEM 2021Alkin Tezuysal
This document discusses how Vitess can be used to shard MariaDB databases. Vitess is an open-source database clustering system that enables horizontal scaling of MySQL and MariaDB. It provides a control plane that includes a proxy server, orchestration tools, and supports sharding schemes. While Vitess supports MariaDB 10.3, more work is needed for full compatibility. The presentation demonstrates Vitess architecture and how it can route queries to different database shards in a transparent manner.
This document discusses Vitess, an open source database clustering system for sharding MySQL databases and running them across multiple servers. It provides high availability, scalability and can be run on Kubernetes. Vitess uses MySQL as its database, has a control plane to manage shards and utilities to help with tasks like backup and recovery. Major companies like Square have adopted Vitess to scale their MySQL databases.
* Use cases of MySQL as well as edge cases of MySQL topologies using real-life examples and "war" stories
* How scalability and proxy wars make MySQL topologies more robust to serve webscale shops
* Open-source tools, utilities, and surrounding MySQL Ecosystem.
Introduction to Vitess on Kubernetes for MySQL - WebinarAlkin Tezuysal
During this joint webinar our speakers, Alkin Tezuysal, Technical Expert at Percona and Sugu Sougoumarane, Co-Founder and CTO at PlanetScale, will provide attendees with hands-on experience using Vitess using Kubernetes. They will start by providing a quick overview of Vitess – including key concepts and terminology, and then describe the deployment options for both in Kubernetes.
The hands-on exercises will cover many of the key workflows with running a sharded system:
– Moving from an unsharded system to a vertical split one (moving some tables to a different host)
– Sharding large tables across several instances
– Backups, Recoveries, and failovers (both planned and unplanned).
Attendees are not expected to have any prior experience with Vitess but will find it useful if they have prior experience completing these tasks in a MySQL environment and general know-how on Kubernetes operations.
The tutorial will be in three parts as follows:
Introduction to Vitess
History and background
Setting up Vitess in Kubernetes
Initial deployment and configurations
Operational tasks with Vitess
Vertical Split
Horizontal Split
Shard Management
Performance Considerations
Schema Changes
In this talk, we'll walk through RocksDB technology and look into areas where MyRocks is a good fit by comparison to other engines such as InnoDB. We will go over internals, benchmarks, and tuning of MyRocks engine. We also aim to explore the benefits of using MyRocks within the MySQL ecosystem. Attendees will be able to conclude with the latest development of tools and integration within MySQL.
One of the benefits of using MySQL is the fact you can choose a storage engine fitting your requirements. Even though InnoDB is prevalent, it is helpful to know the available choices. Lately, LSM-tree based storage engines and engines using ideas of the technique, are seeing a rise in popularity and use. MyRocks brings LSM-tree benefits and tradeoffs to MySQL. In this talk, we'll walk through RocksDB technology and look into areas where MyRocks is a good fit by comparison to other engines such as InnoDB. We will go over internals, benchmarks, and tuning of MyRocks engine. We also aim to explore the benefits of using MyRocks within the MySQL ecosystem. Attendees will be able to conclude with the latest development of tools and integration within MySQL.
At the moment MySQL 8 and MariaDB 10.4 are the latest versions of the corresponding database management systems. Each of these DBMSs has a unique set of features, unavailable in its analogue (MariaDB features might be unavailable in MySQL, and vice versa). In this presentation, we’ll cover these new features and provide recommendations re: which application will work best on which DBMS.
Attendees will be able to identify what focus areas that either MySQL or MariaDB targeted. This talk also gives a great overview of what are the benefits of using one over another.
Myrocks in the wild wild west! FOSDEM 2020Alkin Tezuysal
In this talk, we'll walk through RocksDB technology and look into areas where MyRocks is a good fit by comparison to other engines such as InnoDB. We will go over internals, benchmarks, and tuning of MyRocks engine. We also aim to explore the benefits of using MyRocks within the MySQL ecosystem. Attendees will be able to conclude with the latest development of tools and integration within MySQL.
At the moment MySQL 8 and MariaDB 10.4 are the latest versions of the corresponding database management systems. Each of these DBMSs has a unique set of features, unavailable in its analogue (MariaDB features might be unavailable in MySQL, and vice versa). In this presentation, we’ll cover these new features and provide recommendations re: which application will work best on which DBMS.
In this talk, we'll walk through RocksDB technology and look into areas where MyRocks is a good fit by comparison to other engines such as InnoDB. We will go over internals, benchmarks, and tuning of MyRocks engine. We also aim to explore the benefits of using MyRocks within the MySQL ecosystem. Attendees will be able to conclude with the latest development of tools and integration within MySQL.
How to upgrade like a boss to MySQL 8.0 - PLE19Alkin Tezuysal
Here are the key steps for installing Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 using yum on CentOS/RHEL:
1. Install the Percona yum repository
2. Enable the Percona Server 8.0 repository
3. Install the percona-server-server package
4. Check that Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 and related packages are installed
5. Connect to the server using MySQL Shell to validate the installation
The yum installation provides an easy way to get the latest version of Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 on CentOS/RHEL systems.
This talk is about covering MySQL as Open Source Database. We will be talking about the past, now and future of MySQL.
What are the best use cases of MySQL and edge Cases of MySQL? Time permitting mention on war stories, real-life examples. We will also cover important topics like scalability and proxy wars.
This talk will explain best practices for upgrade techniques in MySQL. In deep dive, we will go over how to upgrade successfully to MySQL 8.0. Explain MySQL 8.0 upgrade specific challenges. Go over gotchas and best practices. Review the latest version of MySQL 8.0 and bug reports.
Percona XtraDB Cluster (a.k.a PXC) is multi-master high-availability clustering solution. Given the multi-master aspect, there are multi-guards to protect cluster from entering an inconsistent state. Most of these guards are configurable based on user environment but if they are not configured properly it could cause the cluster to stall, fail, error-out.
In this session, we would go over some of these failure scenarios like cluster entering non-primary due to network partitioning, cluster stall due to flow control, data inconsistency causing shutdown of node, common problem during initial catch up (a.k.a State Snapshot transfer (SST)), delay in purging of transaction, blocking DDL causing complete cluster to staff, misconfigured cluster, etc
Securing your database servers from external attacksAlkin Tezuysal
A critical piece of your infrastructure is the database tier, yet people don't pay enough attention to it judging by how many are bitten via poorly chosen defaults, or just a lack understanding of running a secure database tier. In this talk, I'll focus on MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB, and cover external authentication, auditing, encryption, SSL, firewalls, replication, and more gems from over a decade of consulting in this space from Percona's 4,000+ customers.
Serverless computing is becoming more popular with developers, as it enables them to build and run applications without needing to operate and manage servers. This talk will provide a high-level overview of serverless applications in the database world, including the use cases, possible solutions, services and benefits provided through the cloud ecosystem, with a focus on the capabilities of the AWS serverless platform.
The truth behind the numbers: spotting statistical misuse.pptxandyprosser3
As a producer of official statistics, being able to define what misinformation means in relation to data and statistics is so important to us.
For our sixth webinar, we explored how we handle statistical misuse especially in the media. We were also joined by speakers from the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) to explain how they play an important role in investigating and challenging the misuse of statistics across government.
Cost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetsupreetk82004
Cost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheetCost sheet. with basics and formats of sheet
Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures
CH. 4.pptxt and I will be there in aboutmiesoabdela57
The reason why I am not words that start with a good things to do anything else 😉😉 and I will be there in about you that go against the future is only today and tomorrow is unborn child hood I have a few that you told to us the reason why I was children and I will be
19th Edition Of International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awardsdataanalysisconferen
19th Edition Of International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards
International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards is the Researchers and Research organizations around the world in the motive of Encouraging and Honoring them for their Significant contributions & Achievements for the Advancement in their field of expertise. Researchers and scholars of all nationalities are eligible to receive ScienceFather Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards. Nominees are judged on past accomplishments, research excellence and outstanding academic achievements.
Place: San Francisco, United States
Visit Our Website:
Nomination Link:
AI + Disability. Coded Futures: Better opportunities or biased outcomes?Christine Hemphill
A summary report into attitudes to and implications of AI as it relates to disability. Will AI enabled solutions create greater opportunities or amplify biases in society and datasets? Informed by primary mixed methods research conducted in the UK and globally by Open Inclusion on behalf of the Institute of People Centred AI, Uni of Surrey and Royal Holloway University. Initially presented at Google London in Jan 2025.
If you prefer an audio visual format you can access the full video recorded at Google ADC London where we presented this research in January 2025. It has captioned content and audio described visuals and is available at There is also a short Fireside Chat about the research held at Zero Project Conference March 2025 available at
If Slide Share's format is not accessible to you in any way, please contact us at and we can provide you with the underlying document.
Design Data Model Objects for Analytics, Activation, and AIaaronmwinters
Explore using industry-specific data standards to design data model objects in Data Cloud that can consolidate fragmented and multi-format data sources into a single view of the customer.
Design of the data model objects is a critical first step in setting up Data Cloud and will impact aspects of the implementation, including the data harmonization and mappings, as well as downstream automations and AI processing. This session will provide concrete examples of data standards in the education space and how to design a Data Cloud data model that will hold up over the long-term as new source systems and activation targets are added to the landscape. This will help architects and business analysts accelerate adoption of Data Cloud.
CloudMonitor - Architecture Audit Review February 2025.pdfRodney Joyce
CloudMonitor FinOps is now a Microsoft Certified solution in the Azure Marketplace. This little badge means that we passed a 3rd-party Technical Audit as well as met various sales KPIs and milestones over the last 12 months.
We used our existing Architecture docs for CISOs and Cloud Architects to craft an Audit Response - I've shared it below to help others obtain their cert.
Interestingly, 90% of our customers are in the USA, with very few in Australia. This is odd as the first thing I hear in every meetup and conference, from partners, customers and Microsoft, is that they want to optimise their cloud spend! But very few Australian companies are using the FinOps Framework to lower Azure costs.
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Boosting MySQL with Vector Search Scale22X 2025.pdf
1. Boosting MySQL with Vector Search
Scale22X 2025
Introducing the MyVector Plugin
Alkin Tezuysal
2. Let’s get connected!
Alkin Tezuysal - Director of Services @AltinityDB
● Linkedin :
Open Source Database Evangelist
● Previously ChistaDATA, PlanetScale, Percona and Pythian as Senior Technical Manager, SRE, DBA
● Earlier in life Enterprise DBA , Informix, Oracle, DB2 , SQL Server
● Recent Recognitions:
○ Most Influential in Database Community 2022 - The Redgate 100
○ MySQL Cookbook, 4th Edition 2022 - O'Reilly Media, Inc.
○ MySQL Rockstar 2023 - Oracle (MySQL Community)
○ Database Design and Modeling with PostgreSQL and MySQL 2024 - <Packt>
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
Born to Sail, Forced to Work!
3. Sailing Trivia
What is the name of the horizontal spar that
extends from the mast to control the angle
of the sail?
4. Vectors and Dimensions
● Mathematical objects representing
magnitude and direction (velocity,
● Vectors can be represented as
arrays or ordered lists of numbers
○ 2D (x, y), 3D (x, y, z), n-dimensional
● Basically data points
● When dimensions increase data
points increase and they turn into
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
5. Understanding Vector
● Vector Embeddings: Mathematical
representations of data in a
high-dimensional space.
● Capture semantic meaning and
relationships between words, phrases, or
other data.
● Enable more accurate and relevant search
results compared to traditional keyword
● Power AI applications like semantic search,
recommendation systems, and chatbots.
● Data analysis and application functionality
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
6. Vector Embeddings
Transforming data into vectors in
a way that captures the semantic
meaning or relationships between
the data points. (The image on the
left shows a OpenAI vector
embedding for a Wikipedia article
using text-embedding-ada-002
Vector dimension is 1536)
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
OpenAI has another model text-embedding-3-large model provides
3,072-dimensional vector embeddings. P.S: Deep Seek can
generate embedding dimensions upto 8K!
7. Benefits of Vector
● Efficient and relevant search results.
● Improved relevance for text and image
● Semantic understanding.
● Supports AI-based applications.
● Leverage and unlock value from live
and historical business data in the
MySQL database : e.g conversation
logs, clinical records, support tickets,
persona descriptions, medical images,
product catalog, legal filings etc.
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
8. Vector Support Helps
● Traditional search struggles with
high-dimensional data and semantic
● Inefficient for AI and ML applications
that rely on vector embeddings.
● Vector support enhances performance
and relevance for similarity searches.
● Enables new AI-driven applications
directly within MySQL.
● Unlocks advanced data analysis
techniques using vector embeddings.
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
9. Why Vector Search in MySQL?
● MySQL World’s number one open-source
relational database
● Vector search allows for more efficient and
relevant search results.
● Improved relevance for text and image search
with semantic understanding.
● MyVector plugin extends MySQL with vector
search capabilities.
● Supports a wide range of AI-based applications.
P.S: MySQL does not come with extensibility
interfaces to add new data types, and no support
to add new index types and to add new access
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
10. Vector Search Use Cases
Use Cases:
Natural Language Processing (NLP): Words or
sentences are converted into vectors where similar
words or phrases are closer in vector space.
Recommender Systems: Items or users can be
embedded to find similarities or predict preferences.
Image Recognition: Images can be encoded into
vectors for tasks like similarity search or classification.
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
14. MySQL Vector Plugin Architecture
The MyVector Plugin, discussed earlier,
leverages this architecture. Here's how it
● UDFs in the plugin: Adds vector-related
SQL functions.
● Data storage : Use varbinary in MySQL
8.x and VECTOR in MySQL 9.x.
● Indexing: Integrates vector similarity
search via HNSW indexing.
● Similarity Search - Intuitive syntax for
search using SQL
● Administration - Simple MySQL stored
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
15. MySQL Vector Plugin Build
/// get the MyVector sources
$ cd mysql-server/src/plugin
$ git clone ./myvector
/// Generate makefile for the new plugin
$ cd mysql-server/bld
$ cmake .. <other options used for this build >
/// Build the plugin
$ cd mysql-server/bld/plugin/myvector
$ make
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
16. MySQL Vector Plugin Install
/// Copy the MyVector plugin shared library to the MySQL installation
$ cp mysql-server/bld/plugin_output_directory/
/// Register the MyVector plugin and create MyVector stored procedures.
$ cd mysql-server/plugin/myvector
/// Connect to 'mysql' database as 'root'
$ mysql -u root -p mysql
mysql> source myvectorplugin.sql
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
17. MySQL Vector Plugin Architecture
● MySQL V8.X - InnoDB + Plugin + Varbinary Data Type
● MySQL V9.X - InnoDB + Plugin + Vector Data Type
mysql> select udf_name from performance_schema.user_defined_functions
where udf_name like "myvector%" ;
| udf_name |
+-----------------------------+ |
| myvector_is_valid |
| myvector_distance |
| myvector_display |
| myvector_ann_set |
| myvector_row_distance |
| myvector_construct |
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
18. MyVector Features
High speed, parallel build of HNSW index
Specify recall v/s latency parameters : M, ef, ef_search
HNSW index is incrementally persisted after initial build
Online update of index via binlog read & parse of DMLs
HNSW Index is crash-safe and is recovered on MySQL
instance crash
Write amplification to redo log/undo log avoided
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
19. MySQL Vector Plugin Examples MySQL 8.X
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
mysql > create table words50d( wordid
int primary key,
word varchar(200),
wordvec MYVECTOR(type=HNSW,
– Load the Data (insert …)
mysql> call
20. MySQL Vector Plugin Examples MySQL 9.1
mysql > create table words50d(
wordid int primary key,
word varchar(200),
wordvec MYVECTOR(type=HNSW,
– Load the Data (insert …)
mysql> call
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
21. MySQL Vector Plugin Examples
myvector_construct(vector_string VARCHAR):
Purpose: Converts a human-readable vector string into a serialized binary format suitable for storage
in a VARBINARY / VECTOR column.
Usage Example:
INSERT INTO vectors_table (vector_column)
VALUES (myvector_construct('[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...]'));
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
22. MySQL Vector Plugin Examples
myvector_display(vector_col_expr VARBINARY/VECTOR):
Purpose: Transforms a binary-stored vector back into a human-readable string
Usage Example:
SELECT myvector_display(vector_column) AS readable_vector
FROM vectors_table;
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
23. MySQL Vector Plugin Examples
myvector_distance(vec1 VARBINARY/VECTOR, vec2 VARBINARY/VECTOR, disttype VARCHAR):
Purpose: Calculates the distance between two vectors using the specified distance metric ('L2',
'EUCLIDEAN', or 'IP' for inner product).
Usage Example:
mysql> select myvector_distance((select wordvec from words50d where word =
'school'), (select wordvec from words50d where word='institute'))G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
myvector_distance((select wordvec from words50d where word = 'school'), (select
wordvec from words50d where word='institute')): 25.51254653930664
1 row in set (0.36 sec)
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
24. MySQL Vector Plugin Examples
Similarity Search (ANN)
SELECT <column-list> FROM <table> WHERE
MYVECTOR_IS_ANN('vector_column','key column',
<search vector>, options)
// search vector(s) should first be inserted to <query_table>
SELECT <column-list> FROM
MYVECTOR_SEARCH[<base_table>, <key column>,
<vector_column>, <query_table>]
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
25. MySQL Vector Plugin Examples
myvector_ann_set(veccol VARCHAR, options VARCHAR, searchvec
Purpose: Returns a comma-separated list of IDs corresponding to the nearest neighbors
of a given search vector.
Usage Example:
SELECT myvector_ann_set('vector_column', 'options',
myvector_construct('[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...]')) AS neighbors FROM
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
26. MySQL Vector Plugin Examples
Vector Index Administration - Stored Procedures
// build the index
CALL myvector_index_build('vector column', 'key column')
// check current status of the index - number of rows, parameters etc
CALL myvector_index_status('vector column')
// open/load the index into memory after a restart (if not marked
CALL myvector_index_load('vector column')
// drop the the index
CALL myvector_index_drop('vector column')
@2025 Altinity, Inc.
30. References
Introducing MyVector Plugin — Vector Storage & Similarity Search in MySQL - HNSW, ANN | Medium
Introducing MyVector Plugin — Vector Storage & Similarity Search in MySQL — Part 2 | by Shankar Iyer | Medium
MySQL Vector Datatype: create your operations (part 1)
MySQL Vector Datatype: create your operations (part 2) - lefred blog
O'Reilly/Safari Books
@2025 Altinity, Inc.