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Definition of a TEAM
 Working towards a shared purpose or goal
 Complementary skills• Sharing responsibility•
Interdependence• Collaborative decision making – acting as
a unit• Characterized by participation, trust, communication,
struggles, collaboration, clear struggles roles, quality control
 Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common
vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain
uncommon results." Andrew Carnegie
 TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More
 “I am because you are, and you are because we are.”
Group Vs Team
 Group:
 Complementary effort by group of people
 e.g. lifting something, stuffing envelopes
 Team
 Cooperative effort required to carry out a joint task
 e.g. maintenance crews, project teams, Sales Team
How Teams Evolve?
 Among other skills, one that most successful leaders
have mastered is the ability to build great teams. In the
absence of a great team, nothing worthwhile can get
 Team building is a science.
 Teams – irrespective of what field they are in – go
through the same four distinct stages on their way to
becoming well-functioning units. It is a science that you
would do well to master
Story of a NEW Hire - DM
 Ravi had recently joined a team as a District manager from a large organization. He had
limited experience in handling and managing a team for less than four months in his earlier
place of work. He had been hired owing to the fact that he possessed strong Scientific and
Business Accumen and the fact that he had four months of managerial experience, had been
sufficient to get the hiring manager to choose him over the other candidates that had been
 Ravi took charge of a team of Four members, comprising of Two tenured employees and
One who had joined a week after he had taken charge
 Ravi found the team to be well knit with everyone seemingly on good terms with each
other. The new member had been welcomed warmly into the team.
 Ravi soon began to notice the patterns of behavior that he had not, till then.
 Nakul and Jai, two of his senior most members seem to be engrossed in proving their
knowledge and superiority over each other to everyone. Each began to run a campaign to
get the new recruits to be aligned to them, over the other. This mini-power struggle
between Nakul and Jai began to bother Ravi, but he let it pass thinking it will blow over
 As time passed the infighting (disagreement) and team conflicts soon became the order of
the day. Team performance deteriorated resulting the team failing to meet the quarterly
performance targets
 Why Kevin’s team began functioning poorly?
The answer to this question lies in Kevin’s lack of
understanding the basics of team management.
Specifically, in understanding the science behind, how a
bunch of dissimilar individuals turn into a well-
functioning unit.
Why Build Team?
 Build relationships.
 Reduce stress.
 Raise morale.
 Enhance communication.
 Reward, recognize and motivate.
 Share experience.
 Stimulate creative thinking.
5 Facts of Effective Team-
 Focus on results
 Accountability
 Commitment
 Trusting
 Showing Vulnerability
How teams evolve into a
well-functioning unit?
 How teams evolve into a well-functioning unit
Every team that finally turns into a well-formed unit
goes through four distinct stages.
 Here is a quick glimpse of the four stages of team
development. We also mention the steps that a
manager need to take in guiding the team through the
 Stage 1: The Coming Together Stage:
 Stage 2 – The Falling Out Stage:
 Stage 3 –Settling Down:
 Stage 4 – The High Performing Stage:
Stage 1: Coming together
 This is the initial phase of team formation. This could refer to a bunch of people coming
together to form an altogether new team, or it could refer to an existing team which has
seen a change in personnel, where new members or a new manager has joined in. You may
consider this stage to be one, where relationships are being formed.
 In this stage, as is human nature when people get together for the first time, they are usually
putting their best foot forward.
 They are on their best behaviour. They are looking for guidance on how to move forward
 Team members experience excitement, anxiety and a lot of nervous energy that needs to be
channeled in the right direction
 Manager’s role is as under :
 Define team structure, roles and responsibilities, team goals and objectives and expectations.
 Managers should also look to help foster relationships between individual team members.
 The importance of these actions on the part of the manager cannot be underestimated.
 Failure to perform these tasks leaves the team feeling lost concerning what is expected of
 This stage lasts for a short time before the team moves to the second stage
Stage 2: Falling Out
 As time progresses, people’s real selves begin to show.
 The formality diminishes and there are possibilities of face to face outbursts and frustration being
expressed openly.
 In this stage, infighting (disagreement) and conflicts also arise due to clashes of personality, ideas,
opinions, etc.
 Team members often try to show themselves as being one-up on fellow team members, which
further intensifies conflicts.
 Unfulfilled expectations and members’ failure to meet teams’ goals can also add fuel to the fire.
 If you have seen teams fall apart due to infighting (disagreement) and ego clashes, then it is this
stage most often that they could not negotiate.
 Manager Role
 Initiate conflict management and group sessions to help clear the air.
 Manager needs to constantly reiterate the need for individual members to work in conjunction
with others, both in words and in action (rewards and penalties)
 Two things are the key to remember here:
 The conflicts that come with this stage are part of the natural evolution of every team
 Manager has to be actively involved in helping the team sort out differences and function as a
closely knit unit
Stage 3: Settling Down
 If a team manages to overcome the second stage, then they
reach a stage that is called settling down.
 In this stage, team members go through the phase of
acceptance of each other and greater unity in their
 A greater sense of comfort and friendliness is seen within
the team members. They discuss opinions and issues openly
and congratulate each other more warmly.
 These developments lead to better productivity and
enhanced team performance. This makes it easier to
accomplish team goals and objectives.
 The manager’s role in this stage of the team’s development
is to continue guiding the team to fulfill their fullest
Stage 4: High Performing
 In this stage, members become more receptive to each
other’s strengths and weaknesses and even constructive
criticism (positive feedback).
 There is a sense of understanding that the team is one
functional unit and its’ members drive it to success.
 In Conclusion:
 Every team goes through these four stages on the way to
becoming well-oiled, high performing unit. Managers will
do well to be mindful of these stages and then take the
steps required to guide the team to an immediate next
step till the team reaches the fourth. It is this that will
help a bunch of individuals to transform into a well-oiled
unit, performing at peak levels.
Characteristics of High
Performance team
 Sense of purpose
 Setting Clear Expectations
 Open Communication
 Regular Conversations
 Trust & Mutual Respect
 Sincerity, Integrity, Commitment, Reliability
 Shared Leadership
 Situational Leadership
Characteristics of High
Performance team
 Effective working procedures
 Building on differences
 Strength based leaderships
 Flexibility and Adaptability
 Decision Making
 Continuous Learning
 Review Mechanism
Improve Quality & Output Reduce Time & Cost
Increase Safety Streamline Process
Meet Deadlines Enhance Interpersonal Cooperation
Review Mechanism
 After Action Review (AAR)
 What did you do well?
 What was not done well?
 What will you do differently next time?
 “The Army's After Action Review (AAR) is arguably one of
the most successful organizational learning methods yet
devised. Yet, most every corporate effort to graft this
truly innovative practices into their culture has failed
because, again and again, people reduce the living
practice of AAR's to a sterile technique.” (Senge, 1999)
At what stage is my team?
 Homework:
 As you would have realized by now, this program has a
focus on the implementation of lessons learned.
 We have looked at the four stages that a team goes
through on the way to becoming a highly performing
 It is now time to apply this learning to your own work
 With this in mind, we request you to identify as to what
stage in its development is your team at currently.
Please note that this might be a team that you manage
or a team that you are a part of, even if you do not
actively manage a team.

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Building high performance teams

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Definition of a TEAM  Working towards a shared purpose or goal  Complementary skills• Sharing responsibility• Interdependence• Collaborative decision making – acting as a unit• Characterized by participation, trust, communication, struggles, collaboration, clear struggles roles, quality control  Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." Andrew Carnegie  TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More  “I am because you are, and you are because we are.” 2
  • 3. Group Vs Team  Group:  Complementary effort by group of people  e.g. lifting something, stuffing envelopes  Team  Cooperative effort required to carry out a joint task  e.g. maintenance crews, project teams, Sales Team 3
  • 4. How Teams Evolve?  Among other skills, one that most successful leaders have mastered is the ability to build great teams. In the absence of a great team, nothing worthwhile can get accomplished.  Team building is a science.  Teams – irrespective of what field they are in – go through the same four distinct stages on their way to becoming well-functioning units. It is a science that you would do well to master 4
  • 5. Story of a NEW Hire - DM  Ravi had recently joined a team as a District manager from a large organization. He had limited experience in handling and managing a team for less than four months in his earlier place of work. He had been hired owing to the fact that he possessed strong Scientific and Business Accumen and the fact that he had four months of managerial experience, had been sufficient to get the hiring manager to choose him over the other candidates that had been interviewed.  Ravi took charge of a team of Four members, comprising of Two tenured employees and One who had joined a week after he had taken charge  Ravi found the team to be well knit with everyone seemingly on good terms with each other. The new member had been welcomed warmly into the team.  Ravi soon began to notice the patterns of behavior that he had not, till then.  Nakul and Jai, two of his senior most members seem to be engrossed in proving their knowledge and superiority over each other to everyone. Each began to run a campaign to get the new recruits to be aligned to them, over the other. This mini-power struggle between Nakul and Jai began to bother Ravi, but he let it pass thinking it will blow over naturally  As time passed the infighting (disagreement) and team conflicts soon became the order of the day. Team performance deteriorated resulting the team failing to meet the quarterly performance targets 5
  • 6.  Why Kevin’s team began functioning poorly? The answer to this question lies in Kevin’s lack of understanding the basics of team management. Specifically, in understanding the science behind, how a bunch of dissimilar individuals turn into a well- functioning unit. 6
  • 7. Why Build Team?  Build relationships.  Reduce stress.  Raise morale.  Enhance communication.  Reward, recognize and motivate.  Share experience.  Stimulate creative thinking. 7
  • 8. 5 Facts of Effective Team- Building  Focus on results  Accountability  Commitment  Trusting  Showing Vulnerability 8
  • 9. How teams evolve into a well-functioning unit?  How teams evolve into a well-functioning unit Every team that finally turns into a well-formed unit goes through four distinct stages.  Here is a quick glimpse of the four stages of team development. We also mention the steps that a manager need to take in guiding the team through the stages:  Stage 1: The Coming Together Stage:  Stage 2 – The Falling Out Stage:  Stage 3 –Settling Down:  Stage 4 – The High Performing Stage: 9
  • 10. Stage 1: Coming together  This is the initial phase of team formation. This could refer to a bunch of people coming together to form an altogether new team, or it could refer to an existing team which has seen a change in personnel, where new members or a new manager has joined in. You may consider this stage to be one, where relationships are being formed.  In this stage, as is human nature when people get together for the first time, they are usually putting their best foot forward.  They are on their best behaviour. They are looking for guidance on how to move forward together.  Team members experience excitement, anxiety and a lot of nervous energy that needs to be channeled in the right direction  Manager’s role is as under :  Define team structure, roles and responsibilities, team goals and objectives and expectations.  Managers should also look to help foster relationships between individual team members.  The importance of these actions on the part of the manager cannot be underestimated.  Failure to perform these tasks leaves the team feeling lost concerning what is expected of them.  This stage lasts for a short time before the team moves to the second stage 10
  • 11. Stage 2: Falling Out  As time progresses, people’s real selves begin to show.  The formality diminishes and there are possibilities of face to face outbursts and frustration being expressed openly.  In this stage, infighting (disagreement) and conflicts also arise due to clashes of personality, ideas, opinions, etc.  Team members often try to show themselves as being one-up on fellow team members, which further intensifies conflicts.  Unfulfilled expectations and members’ failure to meet teams’ goals can also add fuel to the fire.  If you have seen teams fall apart due to infighting (disagreement) and ego clashes, then it is this stage most often that they could not negotiate.  Manager Role  Initiate conflict management and group sessions to help clear the air.  Manager needs to constantly reiterate the need for individual members to work in conjunction with others, both in words and in action (rewards and penalties)  Two things are the key to remember here:  The conflicts that come with this stage are part of the natural evolution of every team  Manager has to be actively involved in helping the team sort out differences and function as a closely knit unit 11
  • 12. Stage 3: Settling Down  If a team manages to overcome the second stage, then they reach a stage that is called settling down.  In this stage, team members go through the phase of acceptance of each other and greater unity in their working.  A greater sense of comfort and friendliness is seen within the team members. They discuss opinions and issues openly and congratulate each other more warmly.  These developments lead to better productivity and enhanced team performance. This makes it easier to accomplish team goals and objectives.  The manager’s role in this stage of the team’s development is to continue guiding the team to fulfill their fullest potential. 12
  • 13. Stage 4: High Performing Stage  In this stage, members become more receptive to each other’s strengths and weaknesses and even constructive criticism (positive feedback).  There is a sense of understanding that the team is one functional unit and its’ members drive it to success.  In Conclusion:  Every team goes through these four stages on the way to becoming well-oiled, high performing unit. Managers will do well to be mindful of these stages and then take the steps required to guide the team to an immediate next step till the team reaches the fourth. It is this that will help a bunch of individuals to transform into a well-oiled unit, performing at peak levels. 13
  • 14. Characteristics of High Performance team  Sense of purpose  Setting Clear Expectations  Open Communication  Regular Conversations  Trust & Mutual Respect  Sincerity, Integrity, Commitment, Reliability  Shared Leadership  Situational Leadership 14
  • 15. Characteristics of High Performance team  Effective working procedures  Building on differences  Strength based leaderships  Flexibility and Adaptability  Decision Making  Continuous Learning  Review Mechanism 15 Improve Quality & Output Reduce Time & Cost Increase Safety Streamline Process Meet Deadlines Enhance Interpersonal Cooperation
  • 16. Review Mechanism  After Action Review (AAR)  What did you do well?  What was not done well?  What will you do differently next time?  “The Army's After Action Review (AAR) is arguably one of the most successful organizational learning methods yet devised. Yet, most every corporate effort to graft this truly innovative practices into their culture has failed because, again and again, people reduce the living practice of AAR's to a sterile technique.” (Senge, 1999) 16
  • 17. At what stage is my team?  Homework:  As you would have realized by now, this program has a focus on the implementation of lessons learned.  We have looked at the four stages that a team goes through on the way to becoming a highly performing unit.  It is now time to apply this learning to your own work scenario.  With this in mind, we request you to identify as to what stage in its development is your team at currently. Please note that this might be a team that you manage or a team that you are a part of, even if you do not actively manage a team. 17

Editor's Notes

  • #15: Sense of Purpose • Setting clear expectations 7. Managing Expectations What are my expectations as the leader? Have I communicated these expectations to my team? Do my team understand my expectations? Do my team members accept my expectations? Are my team members committed to meeting those expectations? Do my team members know how they are performing against those expectations? Am I supporting my team members to achieve those expectations? 8. Open Communication • Regular conversations 9. The five conversations framework Date Topic Content Key Questions Month 1 Climate review Job satisfaction, morale and communication • How would you rate your current job satisfaction? • How would you rate morale? • How would you rate communication? Month 2 Strengths and talents Efficiently deploying strengths and talents • What are your strengths and talents? • How can these strengths and talents be used in your current and future roles in the organisation? Month 3 Opportunities for growth Improving performance and standards • Where are opportunities for improved performance? • How can I assist you to improve your performance? Month 4 Learning and development Support and growth • What skills would you like to learn? • What learning opportunities would you like to undertake? Month 5 Innovation and continuous improvement Ways and means to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the business • What is the one way that you could improve your own working efficiency? • What is the one way that we can improve our team’s operations? Baker, T. (2013). The End of the Performance Review: A New Approach to Appraising Employee Performance 10. Trust and Mutual Respect • Characteristics of trust 11. Shared Leadership • Situational Leadership 12. Effective Working Procedures • Dimensions of innovation & continuous improvement 13. 8 Dimensions of Innovation & Continuous Improvement qualityImproving timeReducing costsReducing outputIncreasing safetyIncreasing deadlinesMeeting interpersonal cooperationEnhancing systems and processesStreamlining 14. Building on Differences • Strengths-based leadership 15. Flexibility and Adaptability • Decision-making 16. Three choices … Decisions that follow a process Decisions that can either follow a process or where initiative can be displayed Decisions where initiative is expected
  • #16: Sense of Purpose • Setting clear expectations 7. Managing Expectations What are my expectations as the leader? Have I communicated these expectations to my team? Do my team understand my expectations? Do my team members accept my expectations? Are my team members committed to meeting those expectations? Do my team members know how they are performing against those expectations? Am I supporting my team members to achieve those expectations? 8. Open Communication • Regular conversations 9. The five conversations framework Date Topic Content Key Questions Month 1 Climate review Job satisfaction, morale and communication • How would you rate your current job satisfaction? • How would you rate morale? • How would you rate communication? Month 2 Strengths and talents Efficiently deploying strengths and talents • What are your strengths and talents? • How can these strengths and talents be used in your current and future roles in the organisation? Month 3 Opportunities for growth Improving performance and standards • Where are opportunities for improved performance? • How can I assist you to improve your performance? Month 4 Learning and development Support and growth • What skills would you like to learn? • What learning opportunities would you like to undertake? Month 5 Innovation and continuous improvement Ways and means to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the business • What is the one way that you could improve your own working efficiency? • What is the one way that we can improve our team’s operations? Baker, T. (2013). The End of the Performance Review: A New Approach to Appraising Employee Performance 10. Trust and Mutual Respect • Characteristics of trust 11. Shared Leadership • Situational Leadership 12. Effective Working Procedures • Dimensions of innovation & continuous improvement 13. 8 Dimensions of Innovation & Continuous Improvement qualityImproving timeReducing costsReducing outputIncreasing safetyIncreasing deadlinesMeeting interpersonal cooperationEnhancing systems and processesStreamlining 14. Building on Differences • Strengths-based leadership 15. Flexibility and Adaptability • Decision-making 16. Three choices … Decisions that follow a process Decisions that can either follow a process or where initiative can be displayed Decisions where initiative is expected