Jawad Saffarini has over 8 years of experience in quality assurance and control roles. He currently works as a Senior Quality Assurance and Control Engineer at Islamic International Arab Bank, where he is responsible for testing software releases and performing analysis on change requests. Previously he held technical support roles at Effective Solutions and The World's Ambassador Trading. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and certificates in banking, AML, and software testing.
The Byzantine Empire developed from the Eastern Roman Empire after the decline of Western Rome. It had two main components: the monarchy headed by emperors, and Christianity. Emperor Justinian attempted to restore the former Roman Empire by reconquering Mediterranean territories, but his victories were short-lived as most lands were lost after he spent too much on reconquest and died bankrupt. Byzantine emperors played both political and religious roles as head of state and God's representatives on Earth.
The document provides tips for finding and developing your unique writing voice. It advises that your voice comes from your life experiences, perspective on the world, and choice of what to share. Readers should slow down and listen to their inner voice, then write honestly without trying to mimic others. Using sensory details, active verbs, vivid language, and varied sentence structures can help readers engage audiences and express their authentic voice. Transitions between ideas should blend the discussion smoothly.
Santiago de Compostela es un destino popular para el turismo de peregrinaje, ya que ofrece varias opciones para realizar el Camino como caminar, ir en bicicleta o a caballo, además de ofrecer alojamiento en albergues, hoteles, camping o casas rurales.
Alexander Fushtey is a student at Kingsborough Community College pursuing an Associate's degree in Liberal Arts and Humanities with a 3.51 GPA. He is fluent in English, Ukrainian, and Russian. His work experience includes administrative and customer service roles at various companies in Brooklyn, NY. He has skills in Microsoft Office, Quickbooks, typing, and customer service.
1. The document discusses the conceptual model of an education organization that aims to create affordable schools across India through a hub-and-spoke model.
2. The model involves an "Indus World School" acting as a hub that provides resources and support to lower-cost "Rajeev Gandhi Foundation Schools" via teacher training, curriculum design, and technology support.
3. The organization aims for the schools to be self-sustaining through entrepreneurial couples serving as educators and administrators of the lower-cost schools, with funding from student enrollment fees, government support, and financing institutions.
Las redes sociales son una herramienta de publicidad efectiva. Para usarlas de manera estratégica, primero se debe analizar la situación actual, identificar al público objetivo y definir claramente los objetivos de la campaña teniendo en cuenta los recursos disponibles.
This document provides an overview of a New Testament survey course taught by Glenn Johnson. It includes introductions and icebreakers, a devotion, a syllabus review, and previews of upcoming class discussions and assignments. The first workshop will cover the background of how the New Testament came to be, including the influence of figures like Alexander the Great and events like the Maccabean Revolution. Students will discuss the relevance of the Sermon on the Mount and review the assignment for the first workshop.
O documento discute sistemas de controle de processos, definindo variáveis de processo e como elas são medidas e controladas. Explica controle em malha aberta, onde o sinal de controle é pré-determinado, e malha fechada, onde informações de saída são usadas para determinar o próximo sinal de controle. Também define termos como variável manipulada, controlada e controladores.
The Clayworth Legacy - Generation One, Chapter onecholliebear
Mia Clayworth begins her legacy in a small starter home with little money. She works as an EMT to earn funds. After catching butterflies and greeting neighbors, Mia finds a job as a cement mixer and hopes to become an architect. Though socializing proves difficult, she continues networking to improve her situation and find a partner to assist with her goals.
This document discusses emerging trends in technology and new products from July 2012. Some of the trends highlighted include increased patent applications, the rise of fast growing social apps and companies, subscription-based business models, tryvertising which allows trial versions of apps, and location-based apps that integrate the digital and physical world. New products mentioned provide services like photo editing, music creation, e-paper watches, selling used goods, free product samples, and location-based messaging and reminders.
Este documento resume la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-019 sobre la práctica de enfermería en el Sistema Nacional de Salud. Describe los antecedentes y objetivos del programa de profesionalización para el personal de enfermería, trabajo social y terapia física. Explica los diferentes perfiles académicos y profesionales de enfermería, así como sus actividades y ámbitos de aplicación. Además, detalla los aspectos de vigilancia de la norma.
Santiago de Compostela es un destino popular para el turismo de peregrinaje, ya que ofrece varias opciones para realizar el Camino como caminar, ir en bicicleta o a caballo, además de ofrecer alojamiento en albergues, hoteles, camping o casas rurales.
Alexander Fushtey is a student at Kingsborough Community College pursuing an Associate's degree in Liberal Arts and Humanities with a 3.51 GPA. He is fluent in English, Ukrainian, and Russian. His work experience includes administrative and customer service roles at various companies in Brooklyn, NY. He has skills in Microsoft Office, Quickbooks, typing, and customer service.
1. The document discusses the conceptual model of an education organization that aims to create affordable schools across India through a hub-and-spoke model.
2. The model involves an "Indus World School" acting as a hub that provides resources and support to lower-cost "Rajeev Gandhi Foundation Schools" via teacher training, curriculum design, and technology support.
3. The organization aims for the schools to be self-sustaining through entrepreneurial couples serving as educators and administrators of the lower-cost schools, with funding from student enrollment fees, government support, and financing institutions.
Las redes sociales son una herramienta de publicidad efectiva. Para usarlas de manera estratégica, primero se debe analizar la situación actual, identificar al público objetivo y definir claramente los objetivos de la campaña teniendo en cuenta los recursos disponibles.
This document provides an overview of a New Testament survey course taught by Glenn Johnson. It includes introductions and icebreakers, a devotion, a syllabus review, and previews of upcoming class discussions and assignments. The first workshop will cover the background of how the New Testament came to be, including the influence of figures like Alexander the Great and events like the Maccabean Revolution. Students will discuss the relevance of the Sermon on the Mount and review the assignment for the first workshop.
O documento discute sistemas de controle de processos, definindo variáveis de processo e como elas são medidas e controladas. Explica controle em malha aberta, onde o sinal de controle é pré-determinado, e malha fechada, onde informações de saída são usadas para determinar o próximo sinal de controle. Também define termos como variável manipulada, controlada e controladores.
The Clayworth Legacy - Generation One, Chapter onecholliebear
Mia Clayworth begins her legacy in a small starter home with little money. She works as an EMT to earn funds. After catching butterflies and greeting neighbors, Mia finds a job as a cement mixer and hopes to become an architect. Though socializing proves difficult, she continues networking to improve her situation and find a partner to assist with her goals.
This document discusses emerging trends in technology and new products from July 2012. Some of the trends highlighted include increased patent applications, the rise of fast growing social apps and companies, subscription-based business models, tryvertising which allows trial versions of apps, and location-based apps that integrate the digital and physical world. New products mentioned provide services like photo editing, music creation, e-paper watches, selling used goods, free product samples, and location-based messaging and reminders.
Este documento resume la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-019 sobre la práctica de enfermería en el Sistema Nacional de Salud. Describe los antecedentes y objetivos del programa de profesionalización para el personal de enfermería, trabajo social y terapia física. Explica los diferentes perfiles académicos y profesionales de enfermería, así como sus actividades y ámbitos de aplicación. Además, detalla los aspectos de vigilancia de la norma.
2. «Изучение химии имеет двоякую цель:
одна – усовершенствование естественных наук,
другая – умножение жизненных благ»
Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов
первый русский ученый-естествоиспытатель мирового значения.
Яркий пример «универсального человека» (лат. homo universalis)
4. Назначение
и длительность курса
Для иностранных студентов первого года
обучения на факультете международного
образования НТУ “ХПИ”
Длительность очного курса составляет 32
недели (8 месяцев)
Дистанционный курс “Химия” рассчитан на
16 недель (4 месяца)
5. Цели, задачи курса
Систематизация и закрепление знаний по химии,
приобретенных иностранными студентами на родине.
Овладение языком предмета (буквенная и графическая
символика, лексика, грамматические конструкции) в
объеме, необходимом для дальнейшего обучения в
вузах Украины.
Создание теоретической основы химических знаний для
последующего изучения специальных дисциплин.
6. Начальная подготовка
(базовые знания)
Базовые знания школьной программы по химии
и математике
Знание химических терминов на родном языке
Минимальные знания русского языка (7-8 недель
изучения русского языка на момент начала
изучения курса)
Умение выполнять расчётные задания
Владение компьютерными технологиями
7. Срок выполнения заданий каждой темы - 1 неделя.
В процессе изучения курса студент будет выполнять
следующие виды деятельности:
- - изучение химической и общенаучной лексики;
- - чтение теоретического материала (лекция);
- - ответы на вопросы;
- - выполнение практических заданий;
- - выполнение тестовых заданий;
- - участие в обсуждении тем с преподавателем и
другими студентами на форумах.
Особенности работы
с курсом
8. План изучения темы
Изучить лексику темы
Изучить теоретический материал
Ответить на вопросы по заданному тексту
Выполнить практические задания
Ответить на вопросы теста
Отчитаться о выполнении заданий на форуме
9. План выполнения
практических заданий
Срок выполнения 1 неделя
Форма отчета – сообщение в форуме
Анализ полученной оценки
Вопросы преподавателю по итогам выполнения
10. Тематические форумы по каждой теме
Общение студентов в группах
Использование email сообщений
Ресурсы социальных сетей
Организация общения
11. Оценивание и контроль
Тестовый контроль проводится каждую неделю
Максимальная оценка каждого выполненного
задания 10 баллов
Рейтинговая система оценок:
5А (90-100 баллов);
4В (80-89 баллов);
4С (75-79 баллов);
3D (70-74 балла);
3Е (60-69 баллов)
Максимальное количество баллов для успешного окончания
курса 770
Минимальное количество баллов
для окончания курса 350
12. Результаты
После окончания курса студент будет:
1) владеть языком предмета (буквенная и
графическая символика, лексика,
грамматические конструкции) в объёме,
обеспечивающем дальнейшее обучение в
вузах Украины;
2) знать основные явления, понятия, законы и
теории, которые необходимы студентам при
изучении химии в вузе;
3) уметь решать расчётные задачи.