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Level 5 Certificate in Coaching
and Mentoring
Day 1
Aims for day 1
• To introduce the Level 5 certificate in coaching
and mentoring
• To identify the differences between coaching
mentoring, and counselling
• To review the GROW model for coaching
• To identify the role of contracting
• Your development as a coach
• To undertake coaching practice and
Introduction to the course
• Institute of Leadership & Management
• Candidate handbook – Its Learning
• Workshop programmes
• Assignments
• Assessment
• Support and guidance
• Appeals procedure
• Equal opportunities
Aims for the course
• To enhance your coaching/mentoring skills
• To achieve the qualification
• To improve management style through
application of coaching
Assignments – Submission dates
• Assignment 1: Understanding the skills, principles
and practice of effective management coaching and
• Assignment 2: Undertaking management coaching or
mentoring in the workplace (minimum of 12 hours)
• Assignment 3: Reviewing own ability as a
management coach or mentor
Assignment submission
• Assignment 1 (principles) Monday 5
• Assignment 2 and 3 (undertaking and
reflecting) due Friday 6 January
• Use assignment templates on Its learning
• Submit through Its learning
Programme terms of reference
• We all agree not to discuss with other parties
outside of this course anything that a delegate
discloses about a coachee or mentee
Getting to Know You
• You have 5 minutes each to interview the
person sitting next to you and be prepared to
introduce them to the group.
• Help yourselves to coffee and Tea
Definitions, similarities and
differences of coaching and
Coaching defined
• “A collaborative solution-focused, results-
orientated and systematic process in which
the coach facilitates the enhancement of work
performance, life experience, self-directed
learning and personal growth of the coachee.”
Mentoring defined
• “Mentoring is a collaborative, mutually
beneficial partnership between a Mentor
(who possesses greater skills, knowledge and
experience) and a mentee (who is looking to
increase his or her skills, knowledge and
Counselling defined
• “the process of assisting and guiding clients,
especially by a trained person on a
professional basis, to resolve especially
personal, social, or psychological problems
and difficulties.”
Find more at:
Activity: Skills of a coach / mentor
• In your groups list the similarities and
differences between coaching and mentoring
• Then identify:
 what are the key skills/attributes of a coach
 What are the key skills/attributes of a mentor
Similarities of coach / mentors
• Both facilitate the exploration of needs, motivations,
desires, skills and thought processes to assist the
individual in making real, lasting change.
• Both use questioning techniques to facilitate client's
own thought processes in order to identify solutions
and actions rather than takes a wholly directive
• Both support the client in setting appropriate goals
and methods of assessing progress in relation to
these goals
Similarities of coach / mentors
• Both observe, listen and ask questions to understand
the client's situation
• Both creatively apply tools and techniques which
may include one-to-one training, facilitating, and
• Both encourage a commitment to action and the
development of lasting personal growth and change
Key differences
Mentor Coach
Focus Individual Performance
Role Facilitator with no agenda Specific agenda
Relationship Self-selecting Comes with the job
Source of
Perceived value Position
Personal returns Affirmation/learning Teamwork/performance
Arena Life Task related
Matt M. Starcevich, 1998
List the key Skills attributes for a
coach / mentor
• checklist
Self assessment
• Your coaching qualities
Coaching Models
Coaching models
• There are a variety of coaching models that
you can apply to help you structure your
• Skilled Helper
Agree topic for discussion
Agree specific objective of
Set long-term aim
Invite self reflection
Offer specific examples of feedback
Check assumptions / avoid
Discard irrelevant history
Examine range of options
Encourage suggestions from coachee
Offer suggestions (carefully)
Ensure choices are made
Way Forward
Wrap up
Gain committment to action
Use SMART plan
Identify possible obstacles
Agree support
Take control of the goal
• Using scaling
The GROW Model in action
Pc4 (7 mins)
The TGROW model
Using questions
• Use short, clear, simple questions, starting
with words such as:
• Who?
• How?
• Where?
• When?
• What?
• In what way?
• Use ‘why’ with caution
What is contracting?
• Contracting within coaching/mentoring
formalises the process whereby the
boundaries, expectations, and limits of
confidentiality can all be agreed at the outset
Why Contract?
• Professional good practice
• Ensures that both parties have the same
purpose, expectations and outcomes
• A contract can protect the liabilities of the
• Protects the interests of the client
• Adds credibility to the coaching relationship
Use contracting to
• Introduce yourself
• Explain role/responsibilities and limitations
• Find out brief details about client e.g. personal details, reason
for contact, initial expectations, thoughts about interview
• Rapport building
• Explain how the interview could be used
• Confidentiality (boundaries of this) and data protection
• Other relevant policies e.g. health & safety, equal
• Agree time available – does client they have any limitations?
• Create an agenda
Coaching / mentoring Practice
Undertake a coaching session
• Work in 3s – coach/mentor, client, observer
• Switch roles
• Keep notes – this is evidence for your
Your learning log
Date Activity
What happened?
What did I do?
What did I learn?
How will I used this experience?
What do I need to do
For Next Session
• Complete your learning log for session 1
• Identify your coachee(s) / mentee(s)
• Begin to write your assignment 1, you can
address the following AC: 1.1 and 2.1

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C&M day1

  • 1. Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring Day 1
  • 2. Aims for day 1 • To introduce the Level 5 certificate in coaching and mentoring • To identify the differences between coaching mentoring, and counselling • To review the GROW model for coaching • To identify the role of contracting • Your development as a coach • To undertake coaching practice and supervision
  • 3. Introduction to the course • Institute of Leadership & Management • Candidate handbook – Its Learning • Workshop programmes • Assignments • Assessment • Support and guidance • Appeals procedure • Equal opportunities
  • 4. Aims for the course • To enhance your coaching/mentoring skills • To achieve the qualification • To improve management style through application of coaching
  • 5. Assignments – Submission dates • Assignment 1: Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching and mentoring • Assignment 2: Undertaking management coaching or mentoring in the workplace (minimum of 12 hours) • Assignment 3: Reviewing own ability as a management coach or mentor
  • 6. Assignment submission • Assignment 1 (principles) Monday 5 December • Assignment 2 and 3 (undertaking and reflecting) due Friday 6 January • Use assignment templates on Its learning • Submit through Its learning
  • 7. Programme terms of reference Confidentiality • We all agree not to discuss with other parties outside of this course anything that a delegate discloses about a coachee or mentee
  • 8. Getting to Know You • You have 5 minutes each to interview the person sitting next to you and be prepared to introduce them to the group. • Help yourselves to coffee and Tea
  • 9. Definitions, similarities and differences of coaching and mentoring
  • 10. Coaching defined • “A collaborative solution-focused, results- orientated and systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance, life experience, self-directed learning and personal growth of the coachee.” (
  • 11. Mentoring defined • “Mentoring is a collaborative, mutually beneficial partnership between a Mentor (who possesses greater skills, knowledge and experience) and a mentee (who is looking to increase his or her skills, knowledge and experience).”
  • 12. Counselling defined • “the process of assisting and guiding clients, especially by a trained person on a professional basis, to resolve especially personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties.” Find more at: elling.html#ixzz4AnIPknsw
  • 13. Activity: Skills of a coach / mentor • In your groups list the similarities and differences between coaching and mentoring • Then identify:  what are the key skills/attributes of a coach  What are the key skills/attributes of a mentor
  • 14. Similarities of coach / mentors • Both facilitate the exploration of needs, motivations, desires, skills and thought processes to assist the individual in making real, lasting change. • Both use questioning techniques to facilitate client's own thought processes in order to identify solutions and actions rather than takes a wholly directive approach • Both support the client in setting appropriate goals and methods of assessing progress in relation to these goals
  • 15. Similarities of coach / mentors • Both observe, listen and ask questions to understand the client's situation • Both creatively apply tools and techniques which may include one-to-one training, facilitating, and networking. • Both encourage a commitment to action and the development of lasting personal growth and change
  • 16. Key differences Mentor Coach Focus Individual Performance Role Facilitator with no agenda Specific agenda Relationship Self-selecting Comes with the job Source of influence Perceived value Position Personal returns Affirmation/learning Teamwork/performance Arena Life Task related Matt M. Starcevich, 1998
  • 17. List the key Skills attributes for a coach / mentor • checklist
  • 18. Self assessment • Your coaching qualities
  • 20. Coaching models • There are a variety of coaching models that you can apply to help you structure your sessions: • OSKAR • OSCAR • GROW • CLEAR • ARROW • Skilled Helper • FACTS
  • 21. Goal Agree topic for discussion Agree specific objective of session Set long-term aim Reality Invite self reflection Offer specific examples of feedback Check assumptions / avoid assumptions Discard irrelevant history Options Examine range of options Encourage suggestions from coachee Offer suggestions (carefully) Ensure choices are made Way Forward Wrap up Gain committment to action Use SMART plan Identify possible obstacles Agree support
  • 22. Take control of the goal • Using scaling
  • 23. The GROW Model in action • Pc4 (7 mins)
  • 25. Using questions • Use short, clear, simple questions, starting with words such as: • Who? • How? • Where? • When? • What? • In what way? • Use ‘why’ with caution
  • 27. What is contracting? • Contracting within coaching/mentoring formalises the process whereby the boundaries, expectations, and limits of confidentiality can all be agreed at the outset
  • 28. Why Contract? • Professional good practice • Ensures that both parties have the same purpose, expectations and outcomes • A contract can protect the liabilities of the coach • Protects the interests of the client • Adds credibility to the coaching relationship
  • 29. Use contracting to • Introduce yourself • Explain role/responsibilities and limitations • Find out brief details about client e.g. personal details, reason for contact, initial expectations, thoughts about interview • Rapport building • Explain how the interview could be used • Confidentiality (boundaries of this) and data protection • Other relevant policies e.g. health & safety, equal opportunities • Agree time available – does client they have any limitations? • Create an agenda
  • 31. Undertake a coaching session • Work in 3s – coach/mentor, client, observer • Switch roles • Keep notes – this is evidence for your assignments
  • 32. Your learning log Date Activity What happened? What did I do? Outcomes What did I learn? Actions How will I used this experience? Actions What do I need to do
  • 33. For Next Session • Complete your learning log for session 1 • Identify your coachee(s) / mentee(s) • Begin to write your assignment 1, you can address the following AC: 1.1 and 2.1