Michael Blythe explored the economic opportunities and pressure points for Australia and other economies over the next five years. All forecasters expect continued Australian economic growth, though below average. Unemployment is peaking at just over 6%. The rise of middle income consumers in Asia is expected to reach 1.25 billion by 2020 and demand more goods and services. There is debate that potential GDP growth rates may be lower than the assumed 3.25%, which would mean less spare capacity and less need for policy stimulus.
CPA Congress Melbourne 2015 - Day Three Wrap UpCPA Australia
Andrew Miller recently stepped down as Chief Executive of Guardian Media Group after transforming the company's business model. He drove costs down and reinvested savings while shifting the company's focus from print to a global digital brand. The Guardian now embraces digital and social media and has become a leader in global, open, and interconnected journalism.
CPA Congress Sydney 2015 - Day Three Wrap UpCPA Australia
Todd Sampson discussed how modern science has proven that the brain is plastic and can be improved at any age through various techniques like mental flexibility, forced adaption, memory techniques, meditation, and managing fear and emotions. Jacqui Clarke emphasized the importance of succession planning for long term business survival and reducing complexity to develop talent. Anastasia Clarke discussed how finance can support business strategy through investing capital, managing debt and equity, and ensuring policies are board approved.
This document provides nine tips for accountants, including becoming a client's de facto CFO by outsourcing services offshore, having conversations with clients about downturns and how to avoid losing money, building moral character to fulfill duties and do the right thing, adapting to technology changes that bring new competition, building deep client engagement through relationships, using networking tools properly on platforms like LinkedIn, understanding the pros and cons of social media marketing, avoiding frequent errors in compilation reports, and identifying future trends to plan for changing conditions.
CPA Congress Melbourne 2015 - Day One Wrap Up CPA Australia
The document provides summaries of presentations from a conference on October 12, 2015 in Melbourne. It summarizes talks on the Australian and global economic outlook, the future of the accounting profession, cybersecurity risks, tax reform, building organizational resilience, and creating an ethical corporate culture. Key points from each session are highlighted around issues like economic growth forecasts, technological trends impacting business, and strategies for leadership and reform.
Across employers and industries, we have heard stories about the value young people bring to the workplace. Employers in manufacturing cited the need for serious hand-eye coordination and reported positive experiences with young people filling these roles. Others cited the benefit of having youth in their companies who can use evolving technologies. For others, especially firms that need a lot of entry-level employees, young workers are their lifeblood.
Youth Hold the Key: Building Your Workforce Today and in the Future focuses on the role that youth can play in helping employers meet some of their current and looming workforce challenges, and how companies can improve how they hire and retain youth. The findings are based on a recent survey of 350 employers, more than 80 interviews with employers and workforce experts conducted during 2014 by The Bridgespan Group and Bain & Company, as well as a review of published literature. Much of this work focused on the potential of the millions of young people—referred to here as "opportunity youth"—who are disconnected from both work and school, and lack a college degree, to address the needs of employers.
The Simplification of Work: What can HR and business leaders do to make work ...Josh Bersin
The Simplification of Work: What can HR and business leaders do to make work more simple, enjoyable, and productive? This presentation reviews the five major steps to simplifying the workplace and your entire organization.
State of Conversion Optimization Report 2016 - ConversionXLCXL
This document summarizes the key findings of a 2016 state of the industry report on conversion rate optimization (CRO). Some of the main findings include:
- The average age of CRO professionals is 37 and most work in the US, UK, or Canada.
- The top CRO job titles are analyst, consultant, and strategist.
- The average salary is $71,340 and salaries tend to be higher at larger companies.
- A/B testing is the most commonly used testing technique but personalized is not widely implemented.
- Optimizely and Google Analytics are popular testing tools.
- Acquiring new customers and increasing conversion rates are top optimization challenges.
6 Ways to change human resources in the millennial ageConduent
Work is changing faster than ever before. HR professionals know and live this every day. The head-on collision of digitization, disruptive business models, technology advances and powerful socio-economic forces are transforming every company in every market. Here's how to adapt and thrive.
How Do You Attract the Best Talent? Five Companies Exemplify Recruiting Innov...Centerfor HCI
We have seen the emergence of the Human Age, where talent is the new differentiator. Yet organizations around the world struggle to find the talent they need. This is especially problematic, because 75 million Baby Boomers will retire within the next 10 to 15 years. Between now and then, there will be a lot of jobs to fill, and if finding great talent is difficult now, organizations are going to have to up their recruiting game, or suffer the consequences of being understaffed.
The Robert Half Salary Guides track compensation levels for more than 500 positions in Canada. Find out which positions are expected to see the biggest gains in 2016 and what trends will affect the employment landscape.
Breaking Down Benefits: How to Leverage Data to Better Your Employees' Health...Aggregage
We need to shift away from the focus on purchasing healthcare and instead, focus on how we can create health for our employees. By incorporating dashboards in our benefits selection process, we can watch for trends in benefits and leverage that data to lower costs, retain employees, and attract new talent. Join Darrell Moon, CEO of Orriant, to learn if your benefits selection is meeting your employees' needs.
Future of Work: 2015-2020: Unleashing You. Making the Future Work. Now.Bill Jensen
Groundbreaking global study:
Rather than add to all the hype...
We studied what it will take to make the future actually work.
Among top findings:
• Our leaders are holding back the future
• Engagement, as we view it now, is so horribly incomplete that it is dangerous!
• Get ready for super-sized personal accountability!
Study sponsor: The Jensen Group, Search for a Simpler Way
For more: http://www.simplerwork.com
Etude PwC CEO Survey Talent "People Strategy for the Digital Age" (juillet 2015)PwC France
Dans son étude « People strategy for the digital age : A new take on talent » menée à l’échelle mondiale, le cabinet d’audit et de conseil PwC constate que, dans un contexte de concurrence mondiale accrue, les entreprises ont désormais besoin de compétences plus diversifiées pour rester compétitives : 73% des dirigeants voient la pénurie des compétences comme une menace sérieuse à la poursuite de leur activité (contre seulement 46% en 2009).
Une des réponses consiste à mettre en place une stratégie de diversification des talents. Pour aller plus loin, les entreprises doivent également se tourner vers l’exploitation et l’analyse des données qu’elles collectent.
With talent recruitment and retention topping the list of issues facing CPA Firms along with partner alignment and succession planning issues, the stakes have never been higher for CPA Firms in their recruitment and retention strategies. BLI just announced the 'magnetic firm' framework and the 'big four' ways for firms to become talent magnets.
This presentation has the latest scores on the magnetic firm index which is averaging 67% or a D+ across CPA Firms.
The four categories for a magnetic firm are:
1) Purpose driven workplace
2) Culture of growth (Career Development)
3) Inspiring workplace – flexible and inclusive
4) Great leadership – trust & transparent
Visit us at www.blionline.org
2016 Glassdoor Summit
Katie Burke, VP Culture & Experience at Hubspot – Culture as a Competitive Business Advantage
Talent Lifecycle Management: Using AI to Enhance the Candidate and Employee E...Aggregage
Future Workplace Founder Jeanne Meister will be sharing the latest research and use cases on the deployment of AI in HR so you can understand how artificial intelligence will impact, transform and enhance the candidate and employee experience.
It used to be the case that staff worked the way they were told to by their employers. It was therefore the objectives of the organisation – efficiency, in most cases – that defined the working style of the majority.
Now, though, the way we work is subject to all manner of influences. Organisations that wish to design engaging and productive working environments for their employees must understand those forces, and react accordingly.
CPA Congress Melbourne 2015 - Day Two Wrap Up CPA Australia
The panel discussion focused on Australia's future of work and major trends in the industry. Key points discussed were:
- Working environments are becoming more flexible and jobs need to become more meaningful.
- Key future jobs will be in agriculture, tourism, hospitality and aged care. Robots will take over repetitive jobs.
- More people will become entrepreneurs and specialists in their specialized fields. Technology will give people more time to work on other activities and enterprises.
CPA Congress Sydney 2015 - Day One Wrap UpCPA Australia
The summaries provided 3 sentences or less on the key information from each document:
The NSW Treasurer discussed the state's strong budget and economy due to fiscal discipline. The budget highlights infrastructure investment, job creation, and health and education services. Revenue comes from the federal government, stamp duties, and payroll tax.
CPA Australia's chief executive discussed the organization's vision to be the best member services organization. The approach involves global governance, regulating technology, and reclaiming the financial services space. The strategy is to widen audiences and personalize the brand through disruption, integration, communication and entertainment.
A Sydney Water executive outlined how measuring the value finance adds helped transform relationships. It established clear purposes for value
This document provides a collection of articles summarizing key topics related to business, work, and the economy in China. It discusses China's transition to domestic consumption and opportunities for Australian businesses through the China Australia Free Trade Agreement. Several articles describe China's leading role in e-commerce, innovation, and protecting intellectual property. Other topics include the influence of WeChat on social media, competition between Alibaba and JD.com, and Chinese entrepreneurs starting tech startups. The document also mentions opportunities for the airport industry and lessons that businesses can learn from expanding into Asia.
This document provides a summary of 10 articles on economic perspectives to inform business decision making. The articles discuss major economic ideas and forecasts for the next decade; predictions for which economies will be strongest in 2050; how to cultivate superforecasting skills; whether technology is boosting living standards; the accuracy and flaws of economic forecasts; economists who predicted the 2008 crisis; mysteries holding back economic growth; why growth remains slow; and debates around limiting foreign investment.
The document provides an overview of 8 ways to improve Excel skills through a collection of demonstrations on functions like Slicer, summarizing multiple data sheets, PowerPivot, managing interest calculations, budget shortcuts, pattern matching with Flash Fill, enhancing PivotTables with "Show Values As", and fixing VLOOKUP errors. It also promotes additional Excel resources and a complimentary eBook from signing up for an e-newsletter.
This document provides short profiles of various leaders and their lessons about leadership traits and becoming a better leader. It highlights stories from leaders in different fields and industries, such as Graeme Samuel who sets direction for the Australian economy, Kerrie Mather who is future-proofing Sydney Airport, and John Lo who is changing the world through digital technology at Tencent. The document encourages learning more about these leaders and others featured to gain wisdom from their experiences.
The Simplification of Work: What can HR and business leaders do to make work ...Josh Bersin
The Simplification of Work: What can HR and business leaders do to make work more simple, enjoyable, and productive? This presentation reviews the five major steps to simplifying the workplace and your entire organization.
State of Conversion Optimization Report 2016 - ConversionXLCXL
This document summarizes the key findings of a 2016 state of the industry report on conversion rate optimization (CRO). Some of the main findings include:
- The average age of CRO professionals is 37 and most work in the US, UK, or Canada.
- The top CRO job titles are analyst, consultant, and strategist.
- The average salary is $71,340 and salaries tend to be higher at larger companies.
- A/B testing is the most commonly used testing technique but personalized is not widely implemented.
- Optimizely and Google Analytics are popular testing tools.
- Acquiring new customers and increasing conversion rates are top optimization challenges.
6 Ways to change human resources in the millennial ageConduent
Work is changing faster than ever before. HR professionals know and live this every day. The head-on collision of digitization, disruptive business models, technology advances and powerful socio-economic forces are transforming every company in every market. Here's how to adapt and thrive.
How Do You Attract the Best Talent? Five Companies Exemplify Recruiting Innov...Centerfor HCI
We have seen the emergence of the Human Age, where talent is the new differentiator. Yet organizations around the world struggle to find the talent they need. This is especially problematic, because 75 million Baby Boomers will retire within the next 10 to 15 years. Between now and then, there will be a lot of jobs to fill, and if finding great talent is difficult now, organizations are going to have to up their recruiting game, or suffer the consequences of being understaffed.
The Robert Half Salary Guides track compensation levels for more than 500 positions in Canada. Find out which positions are expected to see the biggest gains in 2016 and what trends will affect the employment landscape.
Breaking Down Benefits: How to Leverage Data to Better Your Employees' Health...Aggregage
We need to shift away from the focus on purchasing healthcare and instead, focus on how we can create health for our employees. By incorporating dashboards in our benefits selection process, we can watch for trends in benefits and leverage that data to lower costs, retain employees, and attract new talent. Join Darrell Moon, CEO of Orriant, to learn if your benefits selection is meeting your employees' needs.
Future of Work: 2015-2020: Unleashing You. Making the Future Work. Now.Bill Jensen
Groundbreaking global study:
Rather than add to all the hype...
We studied what it will take to make the future actually work.
Among top findings:
• Our leaders are holding back the future
• Engagement, as we view it now, is so horribly incomplete that it is dangerous!
• Get ready for super-sized personal accountability!
Study sponsor: The Jensen Group, Search for a Simpler Way
For more: http://www.simplerwork.com
Etude PwC CEO Survey Talent "People Strategy for the Digital Age" (juillet 2015)PwC France
Dans son étude « People strategy for the digital age : A new take on talent » menée à l’échelle mondiale, le cabinet d’audit et de conseil PwC constate que, dans un contexte de concurrence mondiale accrue, les entreprises ont désormais besoin de compétences plus diversifiées pour rester compétitives : 73% des dirigeants voient la pénurie des compétences comme une menace sérieuse à la poursuite de leur activité (contre seulement 46% en 2009).
Une des réponses consiste à mettre en place une stratégie de diversification des talents. Pour aller plus loin, les entreprises doivent également se tourner vers l’exploitation et l’analyse des données qu’elles collectent.
With talent recruitment and retention topping the list of issues facing CPA Firms along with partner alignment and succession planning issues, the stakes have never been higher for CPA Firms in their recruitment and retention strategies. BLI just announced the 'magnetic firm' framework and the 'big four' ways for firms to become talent magnets.
This presentation has the latest scores on the magnetic firm index which is averaging 67% or a D+ across CPA Firms.
The four categories for a magnetic firm are:
1) Purpose driven workplace
2) Culture of growth (Career Development)
3) Inspiring workplace – flexible and inclusive
4) Great leadership – trust & transparent
Visit us at www.blionline.org
2016 Glassdoor Summit
Katie Burke, VP Culture & Experience at Hubspot – Culture as a Competitive Business Advantage
Talent Lifecycle Management: Using AI to Enhance the Candidate and Employee E...Aggregage
Future Workplace Founder Jeanne Meister will be sharing the latest research and use cases on the deployment of AI in HR so you can understand how artificial intelligence will impact, transform and enhance the candidate and employee experience.
It used to be the case that staff worked the way they were told to by their employers. It was therefore the objectives of the organisation – efficiency, in most cases – that defined the working style of the majority.
Now, though, the way we work is subject to all manner of influences. Organisations that wish to design engaging and productive working environments for their employees must understand those forces, and react accordingly.
CPA Congress Melbourne 2015 - Day Two Wrap Up CPA Australia
The panel discussion focused on Australia's future of work and major trends in the industry. Key points discussed were:
- Working environments are becoming more flexible and jobs need to become more meaningful.
- Key future jobs will be in agriculture, tourism, hospitality and aged care. Robots will take over repetitive jobs.
- More people will become entrepreneurs and specialists in their specialized fields. Technology will give people more time to work on other activities and enterprises.
CPA Congress Sydney 2015 - Day One Wrap UpCPA Australia
The summaries provided 3 sentences or less on the key information from each document:
The NSW Treasurer discussed the state's strong budget and economy due to fiscal discipline. The budget highlights infrastructure investment, job creation, and health and education services. Revenue comes from the federal government, stamp duties, and payroll tax.
CPA Australia's chief executive discussed the organization's vision to be the best member services organization. The approach involves global governance, regulating technology, and reclaiming the financial services space. The strategy is to widen audiences and personalize the brand through disruption, integration, communication and entertainment.
A Sydney Water executive outlined how measuring the value finance adds helped transform relationships. It established clear purposes for value
This document provides a collection of articles summarizing key topics related to business, work, and the economy in China. It discusses China's transition to domestic consumption and opportunities for Australian businesses through the China Australia Free Trade Agreement. Several articles describe China's leading role in e-commerce, innovation, and protecting intellectual property. Other topics include the influence of WeChat on social media, competition between Alibaba and JD.com, and Chinese entrepreneurs starting tech startups. The document also mentions opportunities for the airport industry and lessons that businesses can learn from expanding into Asia.
This document provides a summary of 10 articles on economic perspectives to inform business decision making. The articles discuss major economic ideas and forecasts for the next decade; predictions for which economies will be strongest in 2050; how to cultivate superforecasting skills; whether technology is boosting living standards; the accuracy and flaws of economic forecasts; economists who predicted the 2008 crisis; mysteries holding back economic growth; why growth remains slow; and debates around limiting foreign investment.
The document provides an overview of 8 ways to improve Excel skills through a collection of demonstrations on functions like Slicer, summarizing multiple data sheets, PowerPivot, managing interest calculations, budget shortcuts, pattern matching with Flash Fill, enhancing PivotTables with "Show Values As", and fixing VLOOKUP errors. It also promotes additional Excel resources and a complimentary eBook from signing up for an e-newsletter.
This document provides short profiles of various leaders and their lessons about leadership traits and becoming a better leader. It highlights stories from leaders in different fields and industries, such as Graeme Samuel who sets direction for the Australian economy, Kerrie Mather who is future-proofing Sydney Airport, and John Lo who is changing the world through digital technology at Tencent. The document encourages learning more about these leaders and others featured to gain wisdom from their experiences.
The document provides summaries from the presentations given on Day 3 of CPA Congress 2014. Key topics covered include global leadership and competitiveness, corporate tax updates, cashflow strategies, diversity and inclusion, financial performance, innovation through collaboration, doing business in China, using LinkedIn, reinventing the ATO, and frontline leadership. The summaries highlight the main points made by each speaker.
In 2016, forward-thinking workplaces want to make it easier for employees to balance office live with personal life, with health and wellbeing set to become a major focus
This document provides tips to improve Excel skills in order to work faster, look more professional, impress your boss, and grow your career. It includes nine demonstrations on better using Excel covering topics like custom formatting, moving averages, combining annual and monthly data, using trial balances, identifying and removing duplicates, data relationships, flexible budget models, toggling macros, and consistent styles. Videos and other resources from CPA Australia on Excel for finance professionals are also promoted.
This summary discusses the risks of growth and how boards can better manage them:
- Many companies become so obsessed with growth that they forget the risks, which can destroy business value. Pursuing only growth and size is misguided and has led companies like Toyota and Starbucks into problems.
- Smart growth means managing the risks of growth. As companies prepare for better prospects after the financial crisis, boards must examine what growth means and how to mitigate its risks.
- A panel of directors and executives discussed that growth should not always be the top priority. It is important to maintain capabilities and invest in people as the business changes. Rapid growth that overstretches a company can lead to failures.
- Bo
Better managers, better business - a thought paperPete Fullard
We’re all in business and we’re all constantly searching for the same thing. Something magical with the power to create profit without changing our products, services or customers.
The good news is that I’ve found it! And it may not be quite what you were expecting. It’s been around longer than any technology. It requires no market intelligence. And there’s not a hashtag or emoji in sight! Even better, is that there’s a simple three-step plan to harness it. Or should I say ‘them’.
Because the opportunity is to be found in our people. Particularly our managers who have the ability to take our culture, our people and our performance to new levels. Like all the greatest opportunities, it has been caused by change. People like us who are running businesses are (on average) getting older. Yet, in Asia, seventy percent of employees are Millennials. Elsewhere in the world that number is over thirty percent. Between them and the directors who pay their wages lies a huge gulf in culture, expectations and values.
The ‘C’ suite within so many businesses remains linear and traditional. They have grown-up in a world where the numbers come first, and the culture comes a distant second at best. Employees, on the other hand, are more agile and value-led. They choose to work in ethical, progressive and consultative environments. They are uninspired by the ‘same old’ approach to HR, training and culture. They are desperate to find something newer, better and more empathetic and they are willing to move jobs to find it.
This presents an incredible opportunity. The vast majority of businesses are not bridging the culture gap. They have focused on what their customers want, without making a similar adjustment to the ever-changing needs of their employees. This is so easy to change. Many great businesses have already done it. The majority are run by Millennials. They recognise that, even in the age of technology, people remain our greatest asset, and can produce the greatest returns of all. Each has delivered on these three simple steps:
• They have a clear corporate vision embracing everything they do
• With an agility that allows their people to flourish
• And an empathy that allows them to embrace, not repel, their people
In that setting, managers can be empowered to motivate and engage. We can help those who are more experienced develop more current skills through coaching and mentoring rather than box-ticking and lecturing. They, in turn, can harness the talent within our Millennial and Generation Z workforce. Investing in a new app may be sexier, but developing our people will have a much deeper and more meaningful impact on the bottom line.
I really hope this thought piece is different. It addresses fundamental issues that are holding back so many businesses and presents a better way forward.
The document discusses the importance of entrepreneurship and how companies can go international. It outlines key benefits of entrepreneurship such as job creation, innovation, and community development. It also provides steps for companies to expand globally, including creating an international business plan, researching foreign markets, evaluating distribution methods, pricing for exports, obtaining financing, and shipping goods internationally. Important considerations for going global include understanding foreign cultures, financing assistance programs, and finding qualified foreign distributors.
The document provides information on career planning and development for employees at NAB Private Wealth. It outlines a six step process for career and development planning. It then provides guidance on key responsibilities for managing performance, development, and teams. Key responsibilities for managing performance include setting clear expectations, holding performance conversations, providing feedback, and recognizing strong performance. For managing development, responsibilities include creating meaningful development plans following a 70:10:20 model and having career planning conversations. For managing teams, the document outlines adhering to policies, managing the employee experience, communicating openly, and applying flexible working policies.
This document provides an overview of entrepreneurship and the characteristics of entrepreneurs. It defines entrepreneurship as developing, organizing and managing a business venture to make a profit, such as by starting a new business. Key characteristics of entrepreneurs include motivation, creativity, versatility, business skills, risk tolerance, drive, vision, flexibility and decisiveness. The document also discusses the importance of entrepreneurs in creating new businesses and jobs, adding to national income, and driving social change. Entrepreneurship is important for a nation's economic success in today's competitive global marketplace.
How Independent Training Providers (ITPs) can survive and thrive in an inflat...The Pathway Group
The attached
white paper has been produced to help Independent
Training Providers (ITPs) negotiate the
uncertain economic and policy terrain.
We have a simple goal – to offer helpful
information to training providers to help
them survive and deliver what the UK needs –
a skilled, successful and happy workforce.
Deloitte Dbriefs Program Guide | April - June 2014Franco Ferrario
Object : Anticipating tomorrow's complex issues and new strategies is a challenge. Stay tuned in with DBRIEFS Llive webcasts that give you valuable insights on important developments affecting your business
Uploaded by Franco Ferrario Technologies Executives ; Deloitte Evangelist
GT Events and Program Guide is a look ahead at the latest knowledge and insights available from Grant Thornton LLP. It includes a collection of our research, thought leadership and a schedule of upcoming webcasts and events.
Are traditional financial reports still a valid part of organisational communication and accountability? Or has the financial report become an impenetrable collection of numbers and words, prepared only for compliance purposes, and only understood by a few technical elite? Is financial reporting keeping up with the increasingly complex demands of business? What effect is digital disruption having?
Noise, Numbers and Cut-Through looks at the effectiveness of financial reporting as a communication tool and responds to these questions by examining the experiences of two leading companies and their assault against disclosure overload.
Learn more: http://www.charteredaccountants.com.au/futureinc
Digi biz master_class_presentation_15052014hayleyfeduni
This document outlines the key points from a workshop on good governance presented by Mark Schultz. The learning outcomes include increasing awareness of how broadband can benefit organizations, identifying success factors and barriers to good governance, and determining improvements. The workshop discusses how broadband benefits productivity and competitiveness. It also covers governance principles, the roles and responsibilities of nonprofit boards, risk management, performance management, and what makes an effective board. Attendees are encouraged to join digital initiatives and access online resources to help organizations adopt new technologies.
This document provides an agenda for an HR conference on innovation and "next practices" in global workforce management. The agenda includes sessions on developing a committed and agile workforce, expatriate programs, employment law trends in Latin America, business immigration law updates, embracing technology in corporate training, and a panel discussion on challenges and the outlook for global talent management. Speakers include experts from KPMG, Allign, Jackson Lewis LLP, Crown Relocations, Citibank, Bank of America, and HTH Worldwide.
This document provides an agenda for the "HR Innovation & 'Next Practices' in Global Workforce Management, International Assignments and Employee Mobility Policy" conference on August 13, 2009. The agenda includes keynotes on topics like developing a committed workforce, expatriate programs, employment law trends in Latin America, business immigration law updates, and embracing technology for corporate training. There will also be networking sessions and a panel discussion on challenges in global talent management. The event aims to facilitate idea exchange on innovative practices for managing an international workforce.
EDOs have been measuring their performance for years, but with differing viewpoints, metrics have gotten muddy and misunderstood. In 2011, Atlas put together its first survey of EDO outcomes to assist EDOs in planning their marketing, business attraction, and business retention programs.
Icehouse business growth challenges facing Māori businessesEco-Lifestle Club
The document provides findings from surveys of 100 Māori business owners/managers and trustees to identify their business goals and challenges. Key findings include:
- Māori Trusts derive business from land assets like agriculture and tourism, with average returns less than 7%. Trustees see economic goals as most important.
- Politics within the organization is seen as the biggest challenge preventing Trusts from achieving goals, along with attracting/retaining high quality leaders.
- Māori SMEs cover many industries, mostly with revenues under $1 million. Their main challenges are accessing capital and succession planning.
- Both Trusts and SMEs engage consultants mainly for accounting but invest little in leadership development,
CFO Summit 2015 - Executive Perspectives - Michael Rosemann John Stanhope Gi...Maya Filadska
The document summarizes discussions from speakers at the 2015 CFO Summit in Australia about the capabilities forward-thinking CFOs should develop. Michael Rosemann argues that CFOs must assess how digital developments threaten revenue models and find new ways to protect and grow revenue. John Stanhope states that CFOs must lead organizations to identify market risks, estimate financial impacts, and help execute strategies to ensure long-term sustainability. Gilbert Enoka advises CFOs to identify significant new challenges, understand the importance of continuous small improvements, and take initiative rather than waiting for opportunities.
This document summarizes an annual report for KAIR, an insurance company in Qatar. The annual report focuses on the theme of "peace of mind" to reflect KAIR's focus on wealth, prosperity, and good living. Large letters on the cover visually connect KAIR's activities to its identity. Imagery inside continues the theme with rich tones and landscapes in yellow and grey to represent prosperity, peace, and wealth. The annual report distinguishes KAIR from other insurance providers in Qatar through its fresh design highlighting this "Big Idea."
What do next generation leaders say they need to be 'future ready'? This report is from 200+ next generation leaders attending the #AICPA_EDGE Conference in Las Vegas in August, 2016.
Next Gen leaders will be called to lead in a different environment than many leaders of the past. These times of exponential change will require a different skill set. They will be leading in transformational and adaptive times which require new skills and new practices.
This report highlights top challenges, top skills, insights from the session and more.
These polls were integrated during a presentation on "The Future Ready CPA" where we covered the 5 C's - Context, Certainty, Capacity, Competency, and Core Purpose & Values.
We are living in “exponential times” where the size, scale and scope of change is incredible. That means there are incredible opportunities for those who can see through the fog of uncertainty and anticipate what’s next. The biggest opportunity is to harness the wisdom of our older generations with the fresh perspectives of the tech-savvy younger generations. The next generation of leaders is enthusiastically ready to have a seat at the table. The future is not created; the future is co- created. Let’s get to work!
The CPA of the (not too distant) future looks different that today’s CPA. Tax preparation is not a core CPA service. Increased specialization and collaboration among specialists will be necessary to service clients and work on internal organizational issues. Scared yet? Get yourself ready for this change through a glimpse of how the CPA profession is expected to evolve as we share with you the results of the AICPA’s CPA Horizons 2025 research study and key insights from thought leaders in the profession.
Neale Blackwood provides 11 tips for boosting Excel skills from recent articles in INTHEBLACK magazine. The tips include how to [1] convert an existing budget into a forecast, [2] use conditional formatting to identify important information, and [3] incorporate icons into spreadsheets. Each slide features an article and accompanying video to demonstrate how to better utilize Excel functions and features such as PivotCharts, the IF function, and message boxes.
How technology and data are transforming accounting and auditCPA Australia
This document discusses how technologies like robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are transforming the accounting and audit professions by taking over routine compliance work. It presents summaries of several articles on this topic, including how AI will provide suggestions to accountants rather than just automating tasks, how auditors will use larger data sets and analytics, and how accountants need to adapt by focusing on delivering insights and strengthening client relationships as technologies automate more functions. The document also discusses issues like cybersecurity risks, how businesses are using data analytics, and the need for a change in mindset for many accounting firms to take advantage of emerging data opportunities.
The document provides lessons and advice from various CFOs on their roles and responsibilities. It discusses how CFOs need analytical skills to understand financial information as well as social skills to present and convince stakeholders. Several CFOs offer specific advice, such as maintaining mentor relationships, understanding the business problems to be solved rather than just the financial aspects, getting involved in change programs, understanding what levers can be pulled to drive business growth, and engaging managers in budgeting. The document emphasizes that the CFO role requires both strong financial skills as well as business strategies and marketing understanding.
Excel is more than spreadsheets. It can be used for data analysis and to transform numbers to graphics that can be used in presentations. That makes it a valuable tool for anyone in their finance career. Here are 9 handy demonstrations of how to use Excel better.
This document provides a summary of six hot topics in auditing:
1. It examines whether new technologies will create opportunities or challenges for auditors and how data analytics will change auditors' roles.
2. It discusses whether auditors should be held liable if they miss fraud.
3. It explores warning signs the tax office uses to monitor SMSF auditors and potential problems with auditor independence or quality.
4. It considers whether detecting fraud should be part of an auditor's duty of care or is too far.
5. It looks at when auditors are raising concerns about companies' ability to continue operating.
6. It addresses whether data analytics is fundamentally transforming the audit or
7 tips to keep your energy levels high at workCPA Australia
Want to feel more energy throughout your work day? Here are seven strategies to get you started on your own personal energy project.
Read more:
8 tips to gain more from Microsoft Excel – Excel UpdateCPA Australia
Here you’ll find a collection of eight handy demonstrations on how to use excel better. Looking for more tips on Microsoft Excel? – visit our website: https://www.intheblack.com/
6 strategies to protect yourself from cyber attackCPA Australia
The document provides 6 strategies to protect against cyberattacks, which are becoming a major threat as more criminals exploit the internet for profit. It discusses how accountants can help combat cybercrime and provides links to learn more about specific strategies like the 8 recommended by the Australian Signals Directorate to protect businesses. These include tips on protecting yourself at home and work, protecting your digital privacy with settings and encryption, and preventing ransomware attacks.
CPA Australia interviewed more than 2000 small business owners across the Asia-Pacific region and found six common factors to business success. Learn more.
6 ways to create a good first impression and win the clientCPA Australia
The initial meeting with a potential client is where you want to make the right impact, but it’s also what you do before and after the meeting that can win their business. Take a read of these 6 ways to create a good first impression
The document discusses perspectives on the future of the banking and finance industry. It provides top ideas and insights, including thoughts from a chief strategy officer on how industries must consider potential disruption that could cause them to not exist in 5-10 years. Several links are provided to learn more about specific topics like changes to banking regulations in Australia, the rise of digital payment platforms in China, and attracting and developing talent in the finance sector.
The document discusses 11 technology ideas and trends that businesses should be aware of to stay up to date with the latest changes. It highlights how technology underpins everything and where significant opportunities and investments will occur. Businesses are encouraged to learn more about topics like electronic signatures, cybersecurity threats, accounting robots, driverless trucks, payments systems, and data crime through the various links provided.
This document provides nine tips for accountants, including becoming a client's de facto CFO by outsourcing services offshore, having difficult conversations with clients during economic downturns, building strong relationships and engagement with clients, establishing professional networks using tools like LinkedIn, considering the pros and cons of social media marketing, avoiding common mistakes in compilation reports, and identifying future trends to plan for. The tips are presented across multiple pages with links to learn more about each individual topic.
This document provides advice from several CFOs on how to succeed in finance. It outlines 9 key lessons: 1) understand the business outside of finance and use numbers to tell the story; 2) be motivated, passionate, and persistent to achieve goals but also patient and engaged; 3) take on challenges others won't and don't get bored; 4) have a positive mindset and don't wait for instructions; 5) most things are harder than they seem so show trust and connect stories to numbers; 6) be bold and courageous to change industries; 7) build a great diverse team without "yes" people; 8) be approachable as a leader so you hear the real problems; 9) finance is about
This document provides 15 ideas for successfully navigating the modern workplace. It discusses topics such as finding happiness at work, improving brain productivity, achieving gender equality, recognizing toxic work environments, the importance of sleep, using video-conferencing, and redefining retirement. Each topic provides a brief overview and encourages the reader to learn more in the associated article. The overarching message is that success today requires not just completing one's job but skillfully navigating various workplace issues and trends.
Covering workplace gender equality, innovative start-ups and how to get ahead, here are a collection of articles on women, leadership and the workplace
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Engage is FSU College of Social Sciences and Public Policy’s annual magazine for alumni and friends.
Each edition contains highlights from the college’s many student, faculty, staff, and alumni achievements during that academic year.
I served as Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director for this project, which included all graphic design services.
Title of the Proposal
Introduction and Background
Research Questions and Objectives
Significance and Implications
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Engage is FSU College of Social Sciences and Public Policy’s annual magazine for alumni and friends.
Each edition contains highlights from the college’s many student, faculty, staff, and alumni achievements during that academic year.
I served as Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director for this project, which included all graphic design services.
This page contains my portfolio data and career journey, which consists of: introduction, educational background, internship experience and organizational experience.
Tuesday 20th October, 2015
2. Michael Blythe
Chief Economist, Managing Director, Economics,
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Australia: The next five years
Key points to remember:About the session:
In recent times we have seen an
unprecedented level of
transition in global and
Australian economic markets.
The economy continues to
perform better than most
people realise. However, what
does the future hold for
Australia and abroad? Michael
Blythe explores the pressure
points and opportunities that lie
ahead for the US, Eurozone, Asia
and Australian economies.
All forecasters think the Australian economy will continue to expand -
although economic growth is expected to run below average for a while.
Public finances and the financial system remain in reasonable shape - the
AAA sovereign rating remains. Unemployment appears to be peaking at just
over 6%.
The rise of middle income consumers in the Asia Pacific region is expected to
reach 1 1/4 billion by 2020. Middle income populations want more goods -
housing, food and consumer durables - and services - education, tourism,
financial services. The Chinese Government has set a growth target of 7% for
There is a debate that potential GDP growth rates are lower than the 3 1/4%
long assumed . If potential growth rates are lower then:
• there is less spare capacity in product and labour markets than assumed
• there is less need for additional policy stimulus if the shortfall in aggregate
demand is smaller
• income growth will be lower
• interest rates, on average, will be lower
3. Jacquetta Griggs CPA
Financial Controller, Sturrock and Robson Australia
Liberating cash through effective working capital management
Description: Key Points to remember:
Effective working-capital management is crucial to liquidity and cash
generation. Sustainable improvement will enable an organisation to
execute strategy and drive its growth potential.
Using current business examples, the focus of the presentation was on
understanding that the key to successful cash management is to be in
control of each step in the working-capital cycle. Businesses with
effective cashflow management have the flexibility to take advantage of
opportunity and growth.
About the session:
4. James White
Director, Ernst & Young
Leading cultural and operational transformation
Key Points to remember:
In this session James White
discussed culturally aligning
both Australian and
international teams embedding
process and building continuity
of the workforce
About the session:
• You can't change people but you can
change their behaviour in the
• It's important to understand the cross-
cultural differences of people in your
• If you want to do any operational or
cultural transformation you need to
build up trust, have a good rapport,
acknowledge diversity and reward a
good team
• All organisations have hundreds of
tools for collaboration such as
Yammer or Lync - it's important to
choose the right tool for your business
5. Matt Fehon
Partner, McGrathNicol
Fraud and corruption in modern business –
How well do you know your people?
Description: Key Points to remember:
Steven will discuss the work
QBE had done in establishing
their large-scale global shared
services centres in record
time, including:
- integrating an effective
shared services model in three
major geographic locations
- culturally aligning both
Australian and international
- embedding process and
building continuity of the
When instances of fraud and corruption come to light, most victims conclude,
with the benefit of hindsight, that a flawed or non-existent internal control
system is to blame. However, fraud and corruption are essentially a “people
problem” and the logical solution, therefore, is for the organisation to get to
know its people better and to better control the people risks.
Using a case study approach, this session looked at what motivates people to
commit financial crime, how perpetrators justify their conduct and what, if
anything, would have stopped them in their tracks. It explored warning signs of
corrupt behaviour and provided guidance on how to protect businesses against
internally-instigated criminal behaviour.
About the session:
6. Sonia Bhojwani
Head of Financial Operations, SBS
Leading the modern workforce with cultural intelligence
Key Points to remember:
Examined the challenges of managing, leading
and influencing across cultures and borders.
Navigating conflict, communication barriers,
managing distrust and motivating a culturally
diverse groups are all requirements of any
leadership role.
This session taught how to:
• create high performing teams, by creating
leadership alignment based on
reconciliation of cross-cultural differences
• grow you CQ, be equipped to lead multi-
cultural teams and work across borders
• overcome communication barriers
resulting from differences in geography,
language and culture
• be comfortable in starting a conversation
on the effect that cultural differences have
on performance.
• distinguish behaviours arising due to
cultural upbringing that may hinder team
• solve cultural differences because you
understand the background
About the session:
Formula: IQ + EQ = CQ
Four factors of CQ:
What are the organisational benefits of CQ?
Fosters innovation
Avoids groupthink
Attract and retain top talent
Improved productivity
Reduced compliance costs
CQ action points for the workplace:
1. Adapt your communication - both verbal and non-verbal
2. Lead differently - depending on situation and people
3. Know when to adapt
7. Bri Williams CPA
Principle Consultant and Behavioural Specialist, People Patterns
Practical leadership – using behavioural techniques to influence
performance outcomes
Key Points to remember:
Attract, retain and grow the right staff by understanding the hidden motivations that
shape behaviour. Learn why people really behave the way they do, and how to better
influence outcomes.
Using insights from the emerging field of behavioural economics we covered the
science behind why:
• Interviewing people while they are driving a car can be a good idea
• how you communicate a pay rise is as important as what the pay rise is
• financial incentives can make performance worse
• where you hold a meeting can change the outcome
About the session:
8. Steven Hui CPA
Founder and CEO, iFLYflat
Growth opportunities within SMEs:
Should David replicate Goliath?
Key Points to remember:
Steven Hui shared his
experiences building his
business - iFLYflat.
He discussed:
• Why grow?
• How to grow?
• Risks of growing?
• Where to grow?
About the session:
• Why grow a SME? You have more freedom, you can
prove your capability, you can provide a unique
service and you can spread your vision
• Growing a business is like working with Lego blocks,
you need to decide what you want to build first
• How to grow? With partnerships, with referrals,
marketing, advertising, PR and social media
• Risks of growing? More of a chance that something
could go wrong, cash flow problems and extra stress
• Where to grow? Geographically, customer segments,
expand service offerings and cross promotions with
other companies
• You don't need to be big - you need to be impactful
and influential to grow
9. Paul Drum FCPA
Head of Policy, CPA Australia
Reforming Australia’s tax system
Is holistic and meaningful tax
reform really achievable in
This session provided an update
on the Australian Government’s
Tax White Paper process,
including CPA Australia’s ten-
point plan for reform, aimed at
enhancing Australia’s
competitiveness and improved
standards of living by
encouraging investment,
consumption, savings and job
Key Points to remember:About the session:
• We need to keep the economy growing to safeguard our
way of life
• CPA Australia has a 10 point plan of preferred reform on the
tax system via the Rethink discussion paper - find it here on
the website
• The focus of tax reform is on outcomes - creating jobs,
growing the economy and removing inefficiencies
• There are four 'what if' scenarios of GST models showing
how Australia's GDP could be increased - find it here on the
• The OECD has two papers that summarise the action plans
on base erosion and profit shifting - find the papers on the
OECD website
10. Craig Templeton
Principle, Cyber Security Research, ANZ Banking Group
Cyber is the new black
Cyber has gone mainstream. There’s not a
week goes by that the news isn’t filled with
stories about cyber-crime and data breaches.
Mega trends such as the adoption of social
media, big data, cloud computing and
increasingly artificial intelligence, coupled with
a crash in the cost of computing, have
accelerated the use of new technologies, and
with it, introduced new risks and attack paths
for business. Moreover, individuals and
corporations are consuming these services on
a platform that was never intended nor
designed to carry these new services or
support the business models we have today
such as the “sharing economy”.
But what is the biggest cyber threat to
organisations today and in the future and is
there anything they can do about it? Join Craig
in exploring these issues and discover that the
answer may not be what you expect…
Key Points to remember:About the session:
• Cyber attacks are getting bigger and more frequent
• The world is generating 1,200 Exabytes of data per
year and that number is growing
• Data storage devices are getting bigger and cheaper
• Information is the oil of the digital economy - in 2015
the number of network devices is double that of the
entire global population
• A big cyber attack can put your company out of
• Companies need to make sure staff are educated on
how to look out for cyber attacks
11. Major Matina Jewell (Retired)
ex UN Peacekeeper, author and speaker on resilience and leading through change
A peacekeepers perspective on leadership, resilience and change
Key Points to remember:
Matina shared her raw first-hand
account of what really happens in
modern warfare and the high price
our soldiers pay for their country.
We all walk a tight rope every day,
whether it’s juggling the conflicting
demands of work and home, our
team and our leaders, or the needs
of our customers and staff. It’s how
we handle these times of being
caught in the crossfire that will
define and ultimately determine our
success. Matina provided a new
perspective on the concepts of
leadership, teamwork, dealing with
change, and managing in a crisis.
About the session:
• It's normal to feel fear
• Business leaders need to adapt if they want to
have success.
• It's important to create a culture that encourages
people during the decision making process
• Practice and rehearse plans BEFORE any crisis
situation arises
• During a crisis it's important to communicate with
your team if you want to move forward and
continuing functioning
• If someone is struggling in your team - give them
a purpose
• Out of periods of great adversity comes
opportunities - as long as you willing to look for
12. Kevin Ackhurst
Managing Director, Google for Work, Google Asia Pacific
Creating a culture of collaboration in the digital age
As businesses compete for customers,
disparate groups have to find a way to
work together in a more collaborative
manner, which isn’t always easy or
The big picture question must be asked:
How can technology be an enabler
across the organisation?.
Collaboration stands as a differentiating
factor for the competitiveness of the
future enterprise
About the session: Key Points to remember:
• Digital-first businesses think differently - they look
at data, collaboration and insight
• Digital businesses are more likely to experience an
increase in employment, be profitable and outgrow
• You need to trust and empower workers to make
the right decisions for your organisation
Steps for success:
• Make collaboration a strategic business focus
• Invest in the right technology and tools
• Change the culture with the right incentives
• Tailor implementation
• Ensure effective collaboration
13. Dr Eva Tsahuridu
Policy Adviser Professional Standards and Governance, CPA Australia
Creating an ethical culture: Why and how
Description: Key Points to remember:
Devlin Bell
Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Technology Group, Fuji Xerox Australia
Transformation and alignment of the finance function
A growing emphasis is placed on transforming the finance function to act as a driver
in creating value, managing performance and alignment with the overall business
Devlin Bell will discuss the original drivers of transformation, transformation
activities, and the ongoing challenge of maintaining the transformation in line with
changing organisational priorities
About the session:
14. Robyn Jacobson FCPA
Senior Tax Trainer, TaxBanter Pty Ltd
Essential tax update
The release of the Taxation White Paper in
2016 heralds another step in the path to tax
reform, and evidences the Government’s
commitment to setting out its tax policies
prior to the next Federal election as part of
seeking a mandate for implementing these
policies in its second term of office.
In this crucial session, Robyn guided us
through the significant tax issues and
developments of the last six months,
• the status of key 2015–16 Federal Budget
• key matters for consideration as part of
the Taxation White Paper tax-reform
• significant new tax laws
• recent case law and ATO rulings
• ATO initiatives and compliance focus areas
About the session: Key Points to remember:
• Tax white paper - despite commentary in the media,
everything is back on the table for the government to discuss
• There is expected to be a green paper before the end of the
calendar year and a white paper sometime in 2016
• There are proposed new laws for work-related car expenses,
such as a single rate of 66 cents/km, rather than based on
engine size
• Base erosion and profit shifting – there is a good video
explanation: look up this phrase online ‘Video: Double Irish
with a Dutch Sandwich’
• CPA Australia has a 10 point plan of preferred reform on the
tax system via the Re:think discussion paper on our website
15. Dr Eva Tsahuridu
Policy Adviser Professional Standards and Governance, CPA Australia
Creating an ethical culture: Why and how
Key Points to remember:
Jillian Bowen
General Manager – Content and Social Media, CPA Australia
Leveraging the power of LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the most powerful
social network for
professionals, with more than
five million users in Australia
and 300 million globally. Jillian
shared the techniques for
creating a profile that stands
out in searches, how to
connect and build your
powerful network, lead
generation, business
promotion, and the secret to
creating or curating content to
build your reputation.
1. A LinkedIn profile can build your
personal brand and control
professional perceptions
2. It will increase your networking
capabilities and your contact list
3. Dress for the job you want in your
profile picture
4. Your headline must be compelling
enough to make people want to read
more in your profile
5. Complete your profile with your
audience in mind
About the session:
16. Cathy Doyle
Chief People Officer, McDonald’s Australia
So you want a global career?
Understand the skills, attributes and capabilities
Key Points to remember:
So you think you’re a global
citizen? These are the skills you’ll
need if you’re considering
international moves in your career:
• charm
• polite in all cultures
• successful
• gets things done
• delights all who meet them
• copes with ambiguity and
makes the best of every
• resilience
• attracts others
• skilled/educated
• qualified
• culturally sensitive
About the session:
• Do: have a goal and a plan to get you there, visit the
country before you move and use your connections
• Don't: eliminate countries because you can't speak the
language, stop learning or forget the needs of your
• Don't just do your day job. Look for other
opportunities where you can tap into international
• If you want a global career it's important to focus on
your strengths - don't focus too much on your
• What companies look for in global leaders - deep
technical skills, leadership, thinks more broadly than
current role, resilience, influencing and collaboration
17. Penny Diamantakiou
Chief Financial Officer and HR Director, Yahoo!7 Australia
Digital Revolution and the agile CFO
Key Points to remember:
Discovered how consumers are now
getting information to them in the
digital age. Penny Diamantakiou's
role as the CFO of Yahoo7 oversees all
financial and commercial aspects
within a fast moving and dynamic
digital media business.
Penny is a Graduate of the Australian
Institute of Company Directors
(2012), holds an MBA (University of
Adelaide) with Dean's list and Top
Law student accolades. Penny is a
CPA and has a Bachelor of Economics
majoring in Accountancy.
About the session:
The way consumers are using devices and absorbing
information is changing.
By 2020, the digital landscape will affect every industry and
The agile CFO skill-set:
- Strategy development
- Risk identification and management
- Sense of curiosity and willingness to try ideas
- Trend analysis and forecasting
- Negotiating and influencing skills
CFOs should also have these CEO qualities:
- Creativity
- Integrity
- Global thinking
18. Edith Pfister CPA
General Manager, Strategic Finance, TAL Life Insurance, Australia
Strategic risk management for competitiveness and survival
Description: Key Points to remember:
A key lesson learned from the GFC was the importance of managing strategic
risk for competitiveness and survival in today’s fast-paced digital world.
Providing strategic risk thought-leadership requires risk specialists to think
inside-out as well as outside-in.
They must partner with the business to help execute their strategies effectively
and safely. This session will provide practical tools to master this journey.
About the session:
19. Jo Cain
Executive Director, Materiality Counts
Telling your value-creation
story with integrated reporting
Description: Key Points to remember:
Some organisations are turning to integrated reporting to concisely communicate
how they are creating value for their stakeholders, now and into the future. This
session guided us in how to tell a value-creation story with integrated reporting,
• what integrated reporting is and how it differentiates from other types of
• the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Framework
• the benefits of integrated reporting
• the fundamental priorities for developing an integrated report
• the concept of materiality
• what value creation means in integrated reporting
• what we are trying to connect and why
About the session:
20. Colleen Chapman
Head of Financial Control QBE Insurance Australia
Making flexible hours work within your finance team
Key Points to remember:
As workplaces continue to
evolve, how are you going to
offer an environment that is
attractive to your team?
Flexible work options are an
essential part of today’s
corporate environment and
can be an attractive retention
and recruitment incentive for
your high performing leaders.
It’s not just about having
policies in place but being
proactive about flexibility.
About the session:
• Main reasons to have a flexible workplace - builds
trust with employees, provides a more diverse
workforce and increases productivity
• Types of flexibility - part time work, purchase
additional leave, seasonal work, compressed hours,
work remotely, non-standard working hours
• Working remotely is suitable for ageing parents, when
you're not well enough to come to the office, carers,
people who want to get their work done with minimal
• Attitude matters: Company's need to practice what
they preach when it comes to a flexible workplace
• Managers need to have a process set up for people
who want to work flexible hours
• Don't discriminate when it comes to approving flexible
21. Clare Mann
Organisational Psychologist Communicate31
Adapting your leadership style to different generations and personalities
About the session: Key Points to remember:
Leading and diversity:
• draw on strengths from
each generation
• adapt your style and
enhance team
• create synergy when
integrating generational
• accept what you can't
change and build on
what you can
The ideals of different generations:
• Veteran (pre-1946) Age of obedience - 'If you do the right
thing you won't get in trouble'
• Baby Boomers (1946 - 1964) Age of reward - 'if you work
hard you'll get a promotion'
• Generation X (1965 - 1980) Age of respect - 'you have to
earn respect - you don't just get it'
• Millennials (1980 - 2005) Age of technology 'sharing
culture on social media'
Effective leaders operate in the paradigm of respect and
collaboration. They're inclusive, an empathetic listeners,
value individuality and egos don't get in the way of values.
22. Andrew Miller (UK)
Former Chief Executive, Guardian Media Group (GMG)
Rise of the Guardian – shifting to digital, open,
interconnected and global
Key Points to remember:
Andrew Miller recently stepped down as
Chief Executive of the Guardian Media
Group, having achieved their strategy to
streamline non-core businesses, secured its
financial future and set the company on the
path to digital success.
Throughout his tenure, Andrew made the
tough decisions from a financial
management point of view by driving down
operational costs, reinvesting savings, and
maximising revenue streams.
Hear how Andrew transformed the company
with a game changing asset sale and
managing world news stories such as the
Snowden affair and phone-hacking scandal
that have elevated the Guardian through
having the right people, technology and
process in place.
About the session:
With declining circulation numbers in the early 2000s, The Guardian shifted their
focus from being a UK newspaper to a global digital brand
• embrace digital first - don't fight it
• be open rather than having paywalls
• cut costs
• make tech scalable and global
• invest in technology
• embrace social media and be data driven
• change your leadership team generationally
The future:
• rise of the advocate journalists
• rise of social media - which now adds to the story through direct conversation
• the opportunities are global
• video is where it's at
• the internet of things - mobile, social and generational shift
• Facebook, Google and Linked, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest and Amazon are
the future
23. Stay tuned for the
Day Three Wrap Up
tomorrow at