Developers choose HTTP for its ubiquity. HTTP's semantics are cherry-picked or embraced in the myriad of apis we develop and consume. Efficiency discussions are commonplace: Does this design imply N+1 requests? Should we denormalize the model? How do consumers discover changes in state? How many connections are needed to effectively use this api?
Meanwhile, HTTP 1.1 is a choice, as opposed to constant. SPDY and HTTP/2 implementations surface, simultaneously retaining semantics and dramatically changing performance implications. We can choose treat these new protocols as more efficient versions HTTP 1.1 or buy into new patterns such as server-side push.
This session walks you through these topics via an open source project from Square called okhttp. You'll understand how okhttp addresses portability so that you can develop against something as familiar as java's HTTPUrlConnection. We'll review how to use new protocol features and constraints to keep in mind along the way. You'll learn how to sandbox ideas with okhttp's mock server, so that you can begin experimenting with SPDY and HTTP/2 today!
The document discusses REST API design principles and best practices. It begins by providing examples of RESTful API requests and responses. It then covers REST concepts like resources, verbs, hypermedia, content negotiation, and representation formats. The document advocates for designing APIs that are self-documenting through hypermedia and embedding links to allow discovery of available state transitions and actions. It also discusses balancing REST purism with pragmatic design choices and notes that many popular APIs are not purely RESTful but are still well-designed.
Learn about HTTP/2 and its relationship to HTTP 1.1 and SPDY. Understand core features and how they benefit security and browser efficiency. More that a "what's new" this talk will leave you with an understanding of why choices in HTTP/2 were made. You'll leave knowing what HTTP/2 is and why it is better for clients and servers.
HTTP/2 for Developers: How It Changes Developer's Life?
by Svetlin Nakov (SoftUni) -
jProfessionals Conference - Sofia, 22-Nov-2015
Key new features in HTTP/2
- Multiplexing: multiple streams over a single connection
- Header compression: reuse headers from previous requests
- Sever push: multiple parallel responses for a single request
- Prioritization and flow control: resources have priorities
A technical description of http2, including background of HTTP what's been problematic with it and how http2 and its features improves the web.
See the "http2 explained" document with the complete transcript and more:
(Updated version to slides shown on April 13th, 2016)
HTTP/2 (or “H2” as the cool kids call it) has been ratified for months, and browsers already support or have committed to supporting the protocol. Everything we hear tells us that the new version of HTTP will provide significant performance benefits while requiring little to no change to our applications—all the problems with HTTP/1.x have seemingly been addressed; we no longer need the “hacks” that enabled us to circumvent them; and the Internet is about to be a happy place at last.
But maybe we should put the pom-poms down for a minute. Deploying HTTP/2 may not be as easy as it seems since the protocol brings with it new complications and issues. Likewise, the new features the spec introduces may not work as seamlessly as we hope. Hooman Beheshti examines HTTP/2’s core features and how they relate to real-world conditions, discussing the positives, negatives, new caveats, and practical considerations for deploying HTTP/2.
Topics include:
The single-connection model and the impact of degraded network conditions on HTTP/2 versus HTTP/1
How server push interacts (or doesn’t) with modern browser caches
What HTTP/2’s flow control mechanism means for server-to-client communication
New considerations for deploying HPACK compression
Difficulties in troubleshooting HTTP/2 communications, new tools, and new ways to use old tools
HTTP is one of the most widely used protocols in the world.
The version of HTTP 1.1, used to this day, was developed and described 18 years ago - 1999.
With the increasing complexity of web applications, the capabilities of HTTP 1.1 are already insufficient to provide increased demands on performance and responsiveness.
So in order to meet new requirements, HTTP must evolve. HTTP 2.0 is designed to make web applications faster, simple and reliable.
In this report I will tell about
- drawbacks of HTTP 1.1 and why we need a new version of HTTP.
- which advantages HTTP/2 offers in comparison with the previous version?
- how the new protocol affected the new version of SERVLET 4.0 and how we can use it.
HTTP by Hand: Exploring HTTP/1.0, 1.1 and 2.0Cory Forsyth
This document summarizes the evolution of HTTP from versions 0.9 to 2. It discusses key aspects of HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 such as persistent connections and pipelining. It also covers how these features were abused to optimize page load performance. Finally, it provides an overview of HTTP/2 and how it differs from previous versions through the use of binary format, header compression, and multiplexing requests over a single TCP connection.
Curl is an open source command line tool and library for transferring data with various internet protocols. It supports many protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SFTP, SCP, SMTP, IMAP, POP3, and more. Curl has over 2,000 contributors and is widely used across operating systems like Linux, Windows, macOS, and others. The presentation discussed curl's history, features, usage examples, and how it can be used to mimic browser behavior and inspect HTTPS traffic.
HTTP/2 provides improvements over HTTP/1.1 such as multiplexed requests, header compression and priority hints from browsers that can reduce latency. While it shows benefits in testing, real-world impacts may be more modest depending on server and client configurations. Further optimizations are still needed and HTTP/2 opens up new possibilities around features like server pushing and progressive content delivery that could enhance performance.
HTTP/2 aims to address issues with HTTP/1.x such as head-of-line blocking and wasted bandwidth through duplicate requests. It uses a binary format for multiplexing requests, server push, header compression, stream prioritization and flow control. Major browsers now support HTTP/2 over TLS, though server implementations are still in development. While preserving the HTTP/1.1 API, HTTP/2 provides advantages like cheaper requests and more efficient use of network resources and server capacity.
Altitude San Francisco 2018: Programming the EdgeFastly
Programming the edge
Second floor
Andrew Betts
Principal Developer Advocate, Fastly
Hide abstract
Through our support for running your own code on our edge servers, Fastly's network offers you a platform of unparalleled speed, reliability and efficiency to which you can delegate a surprising amount of logic that has traditionally been in the application layer. In this workshop, you'll implement a series of advanced edge solutions, and learn how to apply these patterns to your own applications to reduce your origin load, dramatically improve performance, and make your applications more secure.
This document summarizes the history and development of HTTP/2. It discusses the limitations of HTTP/1 that HTTP/2 aims to address, such as head-of-line blocking. The key features of HTTP/2 are described, including multiplexing, priority, header compression, and server push. The document also covers topics like TLS, QUIC, and tools for debugging HTTP/2 implementations.
This document introduces HTTP/2, describing its goals of improving on HTTP 1.1 by allowing multiple requests to be sent over a single TCP connection through request multiplexing and header compression. It outlines issues with HTTP 1.1 like head-of-line blocking and slow start that cause latency. HTTP/2 aims to address these by sending requests concurrently in interleaved frames and compressing headers. The document demonstrates these concepts and how to troubleshoot HTTP/2 connections using the Chrome network console and Wireshark.
RFC 7540 was ratified over 2 years ago and, today, all major browsers, servers, and CDNs support the next generation of HTTP. Just over a year ago, at Velocity (, we discussed the protocol, looked at some real world implications of its deployment and use, and what realistic expectations we should have from its use.
Now that adoption is ramped up and the protocol is being regularly used on the Internet, it's a good time to revisit the protocol and its deployment. Has it evolved? Have we learned anything? Are all the features providing the benefits we were expecting? What's next?
In this session, we'll review protocol basics and try to answer some of these questions based on real-world use of it. We'll dig into the core features like interaction with TCP, server push, priorities and dependencies, and HPACK. We'll look at these features through the lens of experience and see if good practice patterns have emerged. We'll also review available tools and discuss what protocol enhancements are in the near and not-so-near horizon.
Altitude San Francisco 2018: Testing with Fastly WorkshopFastly
A crucial step for continuous integration and continuous delivery with Fastly is testing the service configuration to provide confidence in changes. This workshop will cover unit-testing VCL, component testing a service as a black box, systems testing a service end-to-end and stakeholder acceptance testing.
Daniel Stenberg gave a presentation on the current status of HTTP/2. He discussed how HTTP usage has grown significantly, leading to slower page loads. HTTP/1.1 workarounds like concatenation and sharding add complexity. HTTP/2 aims to address these issues through features like multiplexed streams, header compression, and server push while maintaining backwards compatibility. Major browsers now support HTTP/2, but it currently only makes up a small percentage of traffic. Widespread adoption will take time as developers adjust practices.
1) The document proposes using Google Drive as an indirect communication channel between the BeEF command server and hooked browsers to avoid detection. BeEF normally requires direct communication but this could be tracked.
2) The approach works by having each hooked browser pull commands from and upload results to its own folder on Google Drive. The BeEF command server coordinates by updating files on Google Drive.
3) Authentication is required to access Google Drive via its API. The proposed system uses multiple API keys to allow the client and server to read/write to the shared Google Drive folder for each hooked browser.
Talk about HTTP/2, how it has been deployed, did it meet its promises and how QUIC is going to attempt to fix some of the remaining issues. Held in FOSDEM at Febyrar 2017.
Covert Timing Channels using HTTP Cache HeadersDenis Kolegov
In this presentation covert timing channels using HTTP cache headers are described. Peculiarities of programming implementation of the covert channels depending on HTTP cache headers, threat model, programming language (C, JavaScript, Python, Ruby) and environment (web-browser, malicious software) are considered. The basic characteristics of the implemented covert channels are provided. Module and extension implementing ETag-based covert timing channels that were implemented in BeEF framework are discussed.
Curl is an open source command line tool and library for transferring data using various internet protocols. The document discusses curl's history, features, usage, and options. Curl supports many protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, and more. It has over 230 command line options and has been ported to many operating systems. The document provides examples of common curl commands and options for making HTTP requests, handling cookies and redirects, uploading and downloading files, and more.
Daniel Stenberg explains HTTP/3 and QUIC at GOTO 10, January 22, 2019. This is the slideset, see for the video.
HTTP/3 is the designated name for the coming next version of the protocol that is currently under development within the QUIC working group in the IETF.
HTTP/3 is designed to improve in areas where HTTP/2 still has some shortcomings, primarily by changing the transport layer. HTTP/3 is the first major protocol to step away from TCP and instead it uses QUIC.
Why the new protocols are deemed necessary, how they work, how they change how things are sent over the network and what some of the coming deployment challenges will be.
As you will see in this film, there are a lot of questions from an interested and educated audience.
Daniel Stenberg is the founder and lead developer of the curl project. He has worked on HTTP implementations for over twenty years. He has been involved in the HTTPbis working group in IETF for ten years and he worked with HTTP in Firefox for years before he left Mozilla. He participates in the QUIC working group and is the author of the widely read documents ”HTTP2 explained” and ”HTTP/3 explained”.
HTTP/2 is a new version of the HTTP network protocol that makes web content delivery faster and more efficient. It introduces features like multiplexing, header compression, and server push that fix limitations in HTTP/1.1 like head-of-line blocking and slow start. HTTP/2 is now supported in all major browsers and servers and provides performance improvements over HTTP/1.1 without requiring workarounds. The presentation provided an overview of HTTP/2 concepts and how to troubleshoot using developer tools.
5 steps to faster web sites & HTML5 games - updated for DDDscotMichael Ewins
5 practical steps we have taken to improve page loading for web sites and HTML5 games.
1. Fewer requests
2. Smaller resources
3. Reduce the round trip time
4. Optimise the critical rendering path
5. Educate the whole team about performance
HTTP 1.1, which is the backbone of pretty much everything we’ve been using on the Internet, has been around for over 15 years. Recently the HTTP 2.0 specification has been completed and gradually application servers will start supporting it. It does make one wonder though: why change if something has been working for so long. In this talk we’ll examine the shortcomings of HTTP 1.1 and how 2.0 intends to address those. We’ll see what we need to know and how it’s going to affect our existing applications, and future ones.
Chicago Hadoop Users Group: Enterprise Data WorkflowsPaco Nathan
Cascading is an open source framework for building enterprise data workflows. It provides a simple API and domain-specific languages to build robust applications that can operate at scale. Cascading uses a pattern language to ensure best practices and uses taps to integrate different data sources. It supports various topologies including Hadoop, local mode, and in-memory grids.
Spring 3.1 and MVC Testing Support - 4DevelopersSam Brannen
Please note that this presentation is an abridged version of the one given by Rossen Stoyanchev and me at SpringOne 2GX 2012.
This session will give attendees an overview of the new testing features in Spring 3.1 as well the new Spring MVC test support. Sam Brannen will demonstrate how to use the Spring TestContext Framework to write integration tests for Java-based Spring configuration using @Configuration classes. He'll then compare and contrast this approach with XML-based configuration and follow up with a discussion of the new testing support for bean definition profiles. Next, attendees will see how testing server-side code with annotated controllers and client-side code with the RestTemplate just got a whole lot easier with the new Spring MVC test support. Come to this session to see these new Spring testing features in action.
Curl is an open source command line tool and library for transferring data with various internet protocols. It supports many protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SFTP, SCP, SMTP, IMAP, POP3, and more. Curl has over 2,000 contributors and is widely used across operating systems like Linux, Windows, macOS, and others. The presentation discussed curl's history, features, usage examples, and how it can be used to mimic browser behavior and inspect HTTPS traffic.
HTTP/2 provides improvements over HTTP/1.1 such as multiplexed requests, header compression and priority hints from browsers that can reduce latency. While it shows benefits in testing, real-world impacts may be more modest depending on server and client configurations. Further optimizations are still needed and HTTP/2 opens up new possibilities around features like server pushing and progressive content delivery that could enhance performance.
HTTP/2 aims to address issues with HTTP/1.x such as head-of-line blocking and wasted bandwidth through duplicate requests. It uses a binary format for multiplexing requests, server push, header compression, stream prioritization and flow control. Major browsers now support HTTP/2 over TLS, though server implementations are still in development. While preserving the HTTP/1.1 API, HTTP/2 provides advantages like cheaper requests and more efficient use of network resources and server capacity.
Altitude San Francisco 2018: Programming the EdgeFastly
Programming the edge
Second floor
Andrew Betts
Principal Developer Advocate, Fastly
Hide abstract
Through our support for running your own code on our edge servers, Fastly's network offers you a platform of unparalleled speed, reliability and efficiency to which you can delegate a surprising amount of logic that has traditionally been in the application layer. In this workshop, you'll implement a series of advanced edge solutions, and learn how to apply these patterns to your own applications to reduce your origin load, dramatically improve performance, and make your applications more secure.
This document summarizes the history and development of HTTP/2. It discusses the limitations of HTTP/1 that HTTP/2 aims to address, such as head-of-line blocking. The key features of HTTP/2 are described, including multiplexing, priority, header compression, and server push. The document also covers topics like TLS, QUIC, and tools for debugging HTTP/2 implementations.
This document introduces HTTP/2, describing its goals of improving on HTTP 1.1 by allowing multiple requests to be sent over a single TCP connection through request multiplexing and header compression. It outlines issues with HTTP 1.1 like head-of-line blocking and slow start that cause latency. HTTP/2 aims to address these by sending requests concurrently in interleaved frames and compressing headers. The document demonstrates these concepts and how to troubleshoot HTTP/2 connections using the Chrome network console and Wireshark.
RFC 7540 was ratified over 2 years ago and, today, all major browsers, servers, and CDNs support the next generation of HTTP. Just over a year ago, at Velocity (, we discussed the protocol, looked at some real world implications of its deployment and use, and what realistic expectations we should have from its use.
Now that adoption is ramped up and the protocol is being regularly used on the Internet, it's a good time to revisit the protocol and its deployment. Has it evolved? Have we learned anything? Are all the features providing the benefits we were expecting? What's next?
In this session, we'll review protocol basics and try to answer some of these questions based on real-world use of it. We'll dig into the core features like interaction with TCP, server push, priorities and dependencies, and HPACK. We'll look at these features through the lens of experience and see if good practice patterns have emerged. We'll also review available tools and discuss what protocol enhancements are in the near and not-so-near horizon.
Altitude San Francisco 2018: Testing with Fastly WorkshopFastly
A crucial step for continuous integration and continuous delivery with Fastly is testing the service configuration to provide confidence in changes. This workshop will cover unit-testing VCL, component testing a service as a black box, systems testing a service end-to-end and stakeholder acceptance testing.
Daniel Stenberg gave a presentation on the current status of HTTP/2. He discussed how HTTP usage has grown significantly, leading to slower page loads. HTTP/1.1 workarounds like concatenation and sharding add complexity. HTTP/2 aims to address these issues through features like multiplexed streams, header compression, and server push while maintaining backwards compatibility. Major browsers now support HTTP/2, but it currently only makes up a small percentage of traffic. Widespread adoption will take time as developers adjust practices.
1) The document proposes using Google Drive as an indirect communication channel between the BeEF command server and hooked browsers to avoid detection. BeEF normally requires direct communication but this could be tracked.
2) The approach works by having each hooked browser pull commands from and upload results to its own folder on Google Drive. The BeEF command server coordinates by updating files on Google Drive.
3) Authentication is required to access Google Drive via its API. The proposed system uses multiple API keys to allow the client and server to read/write to the shared Google Drive folder for each hooked browser.
Talk about HTTP/2, how it has been deployed, did it meet its promises and how QUIC is going to attempt to fix some of the remaining issues. Held in FOSDEM at Febyrar 2017.
Covert Timing Channels using HTTP Cache HeadersDenis Kolegov
In this presentation covert timing channels using HTTP cache headers are described. Peculiarities of programming implementation of the covert channels depending on HTTP cache headers, threat model, programming language (C, JavaScript, Python, Ruby) and environment (web-browser, malicious software) are considered. The basic characteristics of the implemented covert channels are provided. Module and extension implementing ETag-based covert timing channels that were implemented in BeEF framework are discussed.
Curl is an open source command line tool and library for transferring data using various internet protocols. The document discusses curl's history, features, usage, and options. Curl supports many protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, and more. It has over 230 command line options and has been ported to many operating systems. The document provides examples of common curl commands and options for making HTTP requests, handling cookies and redirects, uploading and downloading files, and more.
Daniel Stenberg explains HTTP/3 and QUIC at GOTO 10, January 22, 2019. This is the slideset, see for the video.
HTTP/3 is the designated name for the coming next version of the protocol that is currently under development within the QUIC working group in the IETF.
HTTP/3 is designed to improve in areas where HTTP/2 still has some shortcomings, primarily by changing the transport layer. HTTP/3 is the first major protocol to step away from TCP and instead it uses QUIC.
Why the new protocols are deemed necessary, how they work, how they change how things are sent over the network and what some of the coming deployment challenges will be.
As you will see in this film, there are a lot of questions from an interested and educated audience.
Daniel Stenberg is the founder and lead developer of the curl project. He has worked on HTTP implementations for over twenty years. He has been involved in the HTTPbis working group in IETF for ten years and he worked with HTTP in Firefox for years before he left Mozilla. He participates in the QUIC working group and is the author of the widely read documents ”HTTP2 explained” and ”HTTP/3 explained”.
HTTP/2 is a new version of the HTTP network protocol that makes web content delivery faster and more efficient. It introduces features like multiplexing, header compression, and server push that fix limitations in HTTP/1.1 like head-of-line blocking and slow start. HTTP/2 is now supported in all major browsers and servers and provides performance improvements over HTTP/1.1 without requiring workarounds. The presentation provided an overview of HTTP/2 concepts and how to troubleshoot using developer tools.
5 steps to faster web sites & HTML5 games - updated for DDDscotMichael Ewins
5 practical steps we have taken to improve page loading for web sites and HTML5 games.
1. Fewer requests
2. Smaller resources
3. Reduce the round trip time
4. Optimise the critical rendering path
5. Educate the whole team about performance
HTTP 1.1, which is the backbone of pretty much everything we’ve been using on the Internet, has been around for over 15 years. Recently the HTTP 2.0 specification has been completed and gradually application servers will start supporting it. It does make one wonder though: why change if something has been working for so long. In this talk we’ll examine the shortcomings of HTTP 1.1 and how 2.0 intends to address those. We’ll see what we need to know and how it’s going to affect our existing applications, and future ones.
Chicago Hadoop Users Group: Enterprise Data WorkflowsPaco Nathan
Cascading is an open source framework for building enterprise data workflows. It provides a simple API and domain-specific languages to build robust applications that can operate at scale. Cascading uses a pattern language to ensure best practices and uses taps to integrate different data sources. It supports various topologies including Hadoop, local mode, and in-memory grids.
Spring 3.1 and MVC Testing Support - 4DevelopersSam Brannen
Please note that this presentation is an abridged version of the one given by Rossen Stoyanchev and me at SpringOne 2GX 2012.
This session will give attendees an overview of the new testing features in Spring 3.1 as well the new Spring MVC test support. Sam Brannen will demonstrate how to use the Spring TestContext Framework to write integration tests for Java-based Spring configuration using @Configuration classes. He'll then compare and contrast this approach with XML-based configuration and follow up with a discussion of the new testing support for bean definition profiles. Next, attendees will see how testing server-side code with annotated controllers and client-side code with the RestTemplate just got a whole lot easier with the new Spring MVC test support. Come to this session to see these new Spring testing features in action.
Reactive Programming With Akka - Lessons LearnedDaniel Sawano
This presentation was given by Daniel Deogun and Daniel Sawano at the 33rd Degree Conference, Krakow, 2014.
When mentioning Akka, most of us think of a framework allowing one to design high performant, scalable, and fault tolerant systems. But the question is, how can one utilize the power of reactive programming when surrounded by legacy?
In this talk, we will share our insights and experiences from developing high performance systems with Akka. Despite that Akka APIs are more favorable in Scala, we have chosen and successfully used Akka’s Java APIs. A strategy that may have significant impact on the business and the success of a project. In addition, we will present how domain specific requirements influences your design options, the traps we have walked into, and how everyone may benefit from Akka regardless of green or brown field development.
A Sceptical Guide to Functional ProgrammingGarth Gilmour
This document provides a skeptical guide to functional programming through a series of slides presented at a BASH event. It begins by acknowledging that the presenter likes FP but is skeptical of FP programmers. It then discusses some functional programming languages like Lisp, Haskell, and Scala. It explores the differences between pure and hybrid languages. Several slides provide examples of code in languages like Clojure and Scala to demonstrate functional concepts. The presentation questions whether the language itself matters and argues the audience may already be using FP techniques without realizing it.
The no-framework Scala Dependency Injection FrameworkAdam Warski
Using a DI framework/container may seem obvious. But when was the last time you considered *why* do you really need one? After all, "dependency injection" is just a fancy name for passing arguments to a constructor. In the talk we'll walk through some of the features of DI containers and see if we can replace them with pure Scala code. We'll start with "manual" DI, followed with using MacWire to generate the wiring code for us. Then we'll proceed to a no-framework scopes implementation (e. g. request or session), which are very useful in web applications. We will also discuss possibilities of adding interceptors using macros. And finally, we'll see how to use traits to create and compose modules (similar to the module concept known from Guice), which can be viewed as a simplified cake pattern. As MacWire heavily uses macros, as a bonus, I'll explain how Scala Macros work and when they can be useful.
Asynchronous IO is one of the most important building blocks when designing high-performance systems. Over the years various patterns emerged on top of the selector based services provided by the operating system. In this talk I will give a quick overview of the most important asynchronous IO patterns from callbacks to iteratees. Finally I will show how these approaches map to the actor world, introducing the new IO model designed by the Akka and Spray team available in Akka 2.2.
This document contains slides from a presentation on effective actor patterns in Akka. It discusses patterns like using extra actors to handle individual messages without blocking the original actor. It also covers request aggregation, where an actor delegates work to multiple services concurrently. The document emphasizes testing actors and provides an example test for an actor that retrieves account balances from multiple services.
Beginning Haskell, Dive In, Its Not That Scary!priort
Haskell can get a bit of a reputation for being this lofty, academic, difficult to learn language. This talk aims to dispel this myth and offer an introduction to this beautiful and pragmatic language. From the point of view of someone who has been functional programming in Scala and Clojure for a while now, but who has, more recently been taking a dive into Haskell, this talk will give a basic introduction to Haskell. Hopefully it will encourage anyone who hasn't tried functional programming in Haskell to dive in too and give it a go.
The talk will be a whistle stop tour of some functional programming fundamentals in Haskell from basic data structures, logic constructs, functional transformations, recursion to some of the basics of Haskell's type system with data declarations and type classes.
C*ollege Credit: Creating Your First App in Java with CassandraDataStax
This document provides an overview of using Apache Cassandra to build a "Naughty and Nice List" database for tracking children's behavior globally. It discusses setting up Cassandra, designing the data model with tables for children's profiles and their naughty/nice status, and using the Astyanax client to interface with Cassandra via the Thrift protocol. It also mentions moving to the new CQL interface and using Cassandra collections like lists and maps. The goal is to code examples for interacting with Cassandra to query and update children's statuses in the naughty/nice tracking system.
Building ‘Bootiful’ microservices cloudIdan Fridman
This document discusses implementing microservices using Spring Cloud and Netflix libraries. It provides an overview of microservices and challenges in implementing them. It then discusses how Spring Boot can be used to quickly build microservice endpoints. The document outlines several Netflix libraries integrated with Spring Cloud that can help with microservices development, including Eureka for service discovery, Hystrix for circuit breaking, Ribbon for load balancing, Zuul for routing, and Feign for calling REST services. Code examples are provided for implementing circuit breaking using Hystrix.
There are several frameworks across languages and platforms of Actors, including Erlang, Fantom, Java and Scala. As developers have built systems using these frameworks, patterns of use have begun to emerge that represent "Best Practices" for actor-based systems. In this talk, we will review such patterns, focusing primarily on how to implement them using the Akka framework and Scala.
The document provides an overview and summary of Curator, a client library for Apache ZooKeeper. Curator aims to simplify ZooKeeper development by providing a friendlier API, handling retries, and implementing common patterns ("recipes") like leader election and locks. It consists of a client, framework, and recipes components. The framework handles connection management and retries, while recipes implement distributed primitives. Details about common recipes like locks and leader election are provided.
This document provides an overview of Apache Solr, an open source search platform based on Lucene. It discusses how Solr works, including indexing documents, defining schemas, querying the index via HTTP requests, and returning results in XML or JSON format. The document also provides examples of queries, updating the index, and customizing the analyzer for Thai language support.
This document provides a summary of a presentation on optimizing Scala code without explosions or injuries. The presentation covers topics like style guidelines, collection APIs, implicits, and immutability. The speaker emphasizes expressing code as functions rather than statements, avoiding null, using Options instead of null checks, and limiting the scope of implicits for better performance and readability. The document includes code examples demonstrating various Scala features.
Web pages can get very complex and slow. In this talk, I share how we solve some of these problems at LinkedIn by leveraging composition and streaming in the Play Framework. This was my keynote for Ping Conference 2014 ( ): the video is on ustream ( ) and the sample code is on github ( ).
Over the last year there has been a lot of buzz about Clean Architecture in the Android community, but what is Clean Architecture? How does it work? And should I be using it? Recently at Badoo we decided to rewrite our messenger component.
Over the years this core piece of functionality in our app has become large and unwieldy. We wanted to take a fresh approach to try and prevent this from happening again. We choose to use Clean Architecture to achieve our goal. This talk intends to share our journey from theory to implementation in an application with over 100 million downloads. By the end, you should not only understand what Clean Architecture is, but how to implement it, and whether you should.
There's another talk about Clean Architecture, SOLID, and our approach at InfoJobs. If you need the slides, don't hesitate to fork
An example of Future composition in a real appPhil Calçado
The document discusses using concurrency and parallelism in a Rails application to improve performance. It provides an example of making 50 concurrent requests that take 10-40 milliseconds each, with the total response time being 152 milliseconds, showing a performance improvement over sequential requests. It raises the challenge of how to detect opportunities to take advantage of concurrency that may not be obvious.
This document discusses clean architecture, which aims to separate an application into distinct layers. The core application logic is separated from the user interface and database access. This improves testability and flexibility. Some benefits of clean architecture include excellent testability since each component can be tested in isolation, clearly defined separation of concerns, and flexibility to change parts of the application independently. However, there are also costs like increased complexity with more classes and data conversions between layers.
These slides are from a 2 hour presentation called Design for Developers.
The goal of Design for Developers is to teach interface design as a set of rules: there are some good default values for a lot of design decisions that you should remember, there is a “scientific” way of approaching things like alignment, even though many designers will tell you it’s something you should “feel”.
10 Excellent Ways to Secure Spring Boot Applications - Okta Webinar 2020Matt Raible
Spring Boot is an efficient way to build Java applications with the Spring Framework. If you’re developing apps that handle sensitive data, you should make sure they’re secure.
This session will cover HTTPS, dependency checking, CSRF, using a CSP to prevent XSS, OIDC, password hashing, and much more!
You’ll learn how to add these features to a real application, using the Java language you know and love.
* Blog post:
* Cheat sheet:
* OIDC demo:
OpenStack APIs: Present and Future (Beta Talk)Wade Minter
OpenStack APIs: Present and Future by H. Wade Minter provides an overview of OpenStack storage (Swift) APIs and how to use them. The document discusses how OpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform producing interrelated projects for cloud infrastructure. It then summarizes the Swift storage component and demonstrates making API calls to authenticate, list containers and objects, upload/download objects, and set metadata using CURL examples. Language bindings like Ruby gems simplify using the OpenStack Storage APIs.
10 Excellent Ways to Secure Your Spring Boot Application - Devoxx Belgium 2019Matt Raible
Spring Boot is an excellent way to build Java applications with the Spring Framework. If you’re developing apps that handle sensitive data, you should make sure they’re secure.
This session will cover HTTPS, dependency checking, CSRF, using a CSP to prevent XSS, OIDC, password hashing, and much more!
You’ll learn how to add these features to a real application, using the Java language you know and love.
* YouTube video:
* Blog post:
* Cheat sheet:
Play 2.0 is a web framework for Java and Scala that is designed to be productive, asynchronous, and reactive. Some key features include being full stack, high-productive, asynchronous and reactive, stateless, HTTP-centric, typesafe, scalable, and open source. Play 2.0 aims to be fun and fast to develop with by enabling features like hot code reloading, browser error reporting, and easy deployment to platforms like Heroku. It also focuses on being asynchronous and reactive through support for WebSockets, Comet, HTTP streaming responses, and composable streams.
Andrew Betts Web Developer, The Financial Times at Fastly Altitude 2016
Running custom code at the Edge using a standard language is one of the biggest advantages of working with Fastly’s CDN. Andrew gives you a tour of all the problems the Financial Times and Nikkei solve in VCL and how their solutions work.
This is my presentation from TechBeats #3 hosted by Applause about Server-Side Swift framework called Vapor.
Swift is a great language and possibility of using it also in backend is a huge benefit for any iOS developer out there. Using Vapor is a seamless experience. With this framework creating advance APIs by iOS developer is as easy as writing simple iOS app.
Caching can simplify code, reduce traffic, and allow content to be viewed offline. There are different approaches to implementing caching, such as creating separate tables for each entity or using a single table with URL and response fields. Common HTTP cache-control headers help manage caching by specifying rules for validating cached responses and restricting caching. Both Android and iOS provide APIs for enabling caching with URL connections and requests.
This document discusses using Flask and Eve to build a REST API with Python in 3 days. It introduces Flask as a microframework for building web applications with Python. Eve is presented as a Python framework built on Flask that allows building RESTful APIs with MongoDB in a simple way. The document provides examples of creating basic Flask and Eve apps, configuring Eve settings like schemas and authentication, and describes many features of Eve like filtering, sorting, pagination and validation.
This document provides an overview of CouchDB, a document-oriented database. It describes CouchDB's key features such as storing data as JSON documents with dynamic schemas, providing a RESTful HTTP API, using JavaScript for views and aggregations, and replicating data between databases. It also provides code examples for common operations like creating, retrieving, updating and deleting documents, as well as attaching files. The document recommends libraries for using CouchDB from different programming languages and shares the code for a simple CouchDB library created in an afternoon.
The document provides an overview of popular Android HTTP libraries and image loading libraries. It discusses Apache HTTP Client, HttpURLConnection, OkHttp, and Volley for making HTTP requests. It also covers Picasso and Glide for loading images from URLs. For each library, it describes features like caching, asynchronous requests, error handling. It compares the libraries based on size, speed, ease of use and other factors. Benchmark results are shown for the different HTTP clients. The relationships between the libraries are illustrated in a diagram.
Nordic APIs - Automatic Testing of (RESTful) API DocumentationRouven Weßling
Learn how to automatically test your API's documentation by using API Blueprints and dredd.
Presented at the Nordic APIs Platform Summit on October 25, 2016
This document summarizes the new features and changes in version 0.7 of the Socket.IO library. Key updates include a complete API rewrite, support for multiple processes, a new messaging protocol with flags for different message types, acknowledgments between client and server, namespacing to allow multiplexing, handshake support for sessions, shared code modules between client and server, and testing on both the client and server. The release of version 0.7 is planned for this week.
This document provides an overview of the Python web framework Flask. It discusses Flask's lightweight and extensible nature. It also covers key Flask concepts like URL routing, parameters, templates, and request handling. Examples are given for basic routing, parameter collection via GET and POST, and rendering templates with dynamic data. The document serves as an introduction to building web applications with the Flask framework in Python.
Fog is a library for connecting to cloud computing services like OpenStack. It provides a common interface to services like compute, identity, volumes, images, storage and network. Fog follows a simple structure, making requests to cloud APIs and providing Ruby object models and collections. It includes mock and real connections. Fog has close integration with OpenStack, connecting to services like Nova, Keystone, Glance and Swift.
Traefik is an open source reverse proxy and load balancer that makes setting up microservices easy. It uses a static configuration file or dynamic configuration through integrations with Docker, Kubernetes, and other orchestrators. Traefik automatically configures itself based on the backends it discovers, providing load balancing, SSL/TLS termination, monitoring, and more. It supports features like Let's Encrypt integration, health checks, rate limiting, and sticky sessions to route and monitor traffic to containerized applications.
Build resource server & client for OCF Cloud (2018.8.30)남균 김
This document provides instructions for building an IoT cloud platform and sample IoT devices using IoTivity. It describes:
- The cloud architecture including a resource directory, account service, and message queue.
- How to build and run IoTivity projects including installing dependencies and building sample device and controller projects.
- How to run the resource server (device) and client (controller) projects, including signing up, signing in, publishing resources, and controlling devices remotely.
- Sample code is provided to show how devices can be registered and resources can be controlled via the cloud platform using IoTivity.
Service Discovery using etcd, Consul and KubernetesSreenivas Makam
Overview of Service Discovery and Service Discovery using etcd, Consul, Kubernetes and Docker. Presented at Open source meetup, Bangalore(
This document provides an overview of OpenStack APIs and the WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) that powers them. It begins with an introduction to WSGI and how OpenStack services are implemented as WSGI applications. It then demonstrates how the OpenStack APIs can be accessed via libraries like novaclient or directly with HTTP requests. Code examples are provided showing how to authenticate against Keystone and retrieve images using urllib2. The document concludes with explanations of how WSGI, WebOb, and Paste are used to implement the OpenStack "web stack".
The document provides details about an OpenStack API development workshop conducted by Liang Bo. The 2-day workshop covers topics like developing with OpenStack, developer tools, OpenStack APIs, SDKs and includes hands-on sessions to build a tiny project using OpenStack APIs. Day 1 covers introduction, developing with OpenStack, tools and OpenStack RESTful APIs. Day 2 focuses on workshops to use OpenStack APIs and SDKs.
TrustArc Webinar - Building your DPIA/PIA Program: Best Practices & TipsTrustArc
Understanding DPIA/PIAs and how to implement them can be the key to embedding privacy in the heart of your organization as well as achieving compliance with multiple data protection / privacy laws, such as GDPR and CCPA. Indeed, the GDPR mandates Privacy by Design and requires documented Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for high risk processing and the EU AI Act requires an assessment of fundamental rights.
How can you build this into a sustainable program across your business? What are the similarities and differences between PIAs and DPIAs? What are the best practices for integrating PIAs/DPIAs into your data privacy processes?
Whether you're refining your compliance framework or looking to enhance your PIA/DPIA execution, this session will provide actionable insights and strategies to ensure your organization meets the highest standards of data protection.
Join our panel of privacy experts as we explore:
- DPIA & PIA best practices
- Key regulatory requirements for conducting PIAs and DPIAs
- How to identify and mitigate data privacy risks through comprehensive assessments
- Strategies for ensuring documentation and compliance are robust and defensible
- Real-world case studies that highlight common pitfalls and practical solutions
A Framework for Model-Driven Digital Twin EngineeringDaniel Lehner
Slides from my PhD Defense at Johannes Kepler University, held on Janurary 10, 2025.
The full thesis is available here:
This is session #4 of the 5-session online study series with Google Cloud, where we take you onto the journey learning generative AI. You’ll explore the dynamic landscape of Generative AI, gaining both theoretical insights and practical know-how of Google Cloud GenAI tools such as Gemini, Vertex AI, AI agents and Imagen 3.
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 2DianaGray10
In session 2, we will introduce you to Data manipulation in UiPath Studio.
Topics covered:
Data Manipulation
What is Data Manipulation
RegEx Builder
Date and Time
Required Self-Paced Learning for this session:
Data Manipulation with Strings in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h 30m -
Data Manipulation with Lists and Dictionaries in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h - https:/
Data Manipulation with Data Tables in UiPath Studio (v2022.10) 2 modules - 1h 30m - https:/
⁉️ For any questions you may have, please use the dedicated Forum thread. You can tag the hosts and mentors directly and they will reply as soon as possible.
Formal Methods: Whence and Whither? [Martin Fränzle Festkolloquium, 2025]Jonathan Bowen
Alan Turing arguably wrote the first paper on formal methods 75 years ago. Since then, there have been claims and counterclaims about formal methods. Tool development has been slow but aided by Moore’s Law with the increasing power of computers. Although formal methods are not widespread in practical usage at a heavyweight level, their influence as crept into software engineering practice to the extent that they are no longer necessarily called formal methods in their use. In addition, in areas where safety and security are important, with the increasing use of computers in such applications, formal methods are a viable way to improve the reliability of such software-based systems. Their use in hardware where a mistake can be very costly is also important. This talk explores the journey of formal methods to the present day and speculates on future directions.
Inside Freshworks' Migration from Cassandra to ScyllaDB by Premkumar PatturajScyllaDB
Freshworks migrated from Cassandra to ScyllaDB to handle growing audit log data efficiently. Cassandra required frequent scaling, complex repairs, and had non-linear scaling. ScyllaDB reduced costs with fewer machines and improved operations. Using Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM), they bulk-migrated data, performed dual writes, and validated consistency.
copy & paste 👉 🟠➤➤🡇
Wondershare Dr.Fone Crack is a comprehensive mobile phone management and recovery software designed to help users recover lost data, repair system issues, and manage mobile devices. It supports both Android and iOS platforms, offering a wide range of features aimed at restoring files, repairing software problems, and backing up or transferring data.
Field Device Management Market Report 2030 - TechSci ResearchVipin Mishra
The Global Field Device Management (FDM) Market is expected to experience significant growth in the forecast period from 2026 to 2030, driven by the integration of advanced technologies aimed at improving industrial operations.
📊 According to TechSci Research, the Global Field Device Management Market was valued at USD 1,506.34 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 6.72% through 2030. FDM plays a vital role in the centralized oversight and optimization of industrial field devices, including sensors, actuators, and controllers.
Key tasks managed under FDM include:
Performance optimization
FDM solutions offer a comprehensive platform for real-time data collection, analysis, and decision-making, enabling:
Proactive maintenance
Predictive analytics
Remote monitoring
By streamlining operations and ensuring compliance, FDM enhances operational efficiency, reduces downtime, and improves asset reliability, ultimately leading to greater performance in industrial processes. FDM’s emphasis on predictive maintenance is particularly important in ensuring the long-term sustainability and success of industrial operations.
For more information, explore the full report:
Major companies operating in Global Field Device Management Market are:
General Electric Co
Siemens AG
Emerson Electric Co
Aveva Group Ltd
Schneider Electric SE
STMicroelectronics Inc
Techno Systems Inc
Semiconductor Components Industries LLC
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
#FieldDeviceManagement #IndustrialAutomation #PredictiveMaintenance #TechInnovation #IndustrialEfficiency #RemoteMonitoring #TechAdvancements #MarketGrowth #OperationalExcellence #SensorsAndActuators
Technology use over time and its impact on consumers and businesses.pptxkaylagaze
In this presentation, I explore how technology has changed consumer behaviour and its impact on consumers and businesses. I will focus on internet access, digital devices, how customers search for information and what they buy online, video consumption, and lastly consumer trends.
[Webinar] Scaling Made Simple: Getting Started with No-Code Web AppsSafe Software
Ready to simplify workflow sharing across your organization without diving into complex coding? With FME Flow Apps, you can build no-code web apps that make your data work harder for you — fast.
In this webinar, we’ll show you how to:
Build and deploy Workspace Apps to create an intuitive user interface for self-serve data processing and validation.
Automate processes using Automation Apps. Learn to create a no-code web app to kick off workflows tailored to your needs, trigger multiple workspaces and external actions, and use conditional filtering within automations to control your workflows.
Create a centralized portal with Gallery Apps to share a collection of no-code web apps across your organization.
Through real-world examples and practical demos, you’ll learn how to transform your workflows into intuitive, self-serve solutions that empower your team and save you time. We can’t wait to show you what’s possible!
DevNexus - Building 10x Development Organizations.pdfJustin Reock
Developer Experience is Dead! Long Live Developer Experience!
In this keynote-style session, we’ll take a detailed, granular look at the barriers to productivity developers face today and modern approaches for removing them. 10x developers may be a myth, but 10x organizations are very real, as proven by the influential study performed in the 1980s, ‘The Coding War Games.’
Right now, here in early 2025, we seem to be experiencing YAPP (Yet Another Productivity Philosophy), and that philosophy is converging on developer experience. It seems that with every new method, we invent to deliver products, whether physical or virtual, we reinvent productivity philosophies to go alongside them.
But which of these approaches works? DORA? SPACE? DevEx? What should we invest in and create urgency behind today so we don’t have the same discussion again in a decade?
Just like life, our code must evolve to meet the demands of an ever-changing world. Adaptability is key in developing for the web, tablets, APIs, or serverless applications. Multi-runtime development is the future, and that future is dynamic. Enter BoxLang: Dynamic. Modular. Productive. (
BoxLang transforms development with its dynamic design, enabling developers to write expressive, functional code effortlessly. Its modular architecture ensures flexibility, allowing easy integration into your existing ecosystems.
Interoperability at Its Core
BoxLang boasts 100% interoperability with Java, seamlessly blending traditional and modern development practices. This opens up new possibilities for innovation and collaboration.
Multi-Runtime Versatility
From a compact 6MB OS binary to running on our pure Java web server, CommandBox, Jakarta EE, AWS Lambda, Microsoft Functions, WebAssembly, Android, and more, BoxLang is designed to adapt to any runtime environment. BoxLang combines modern features from CFML, Node, Ruby, Kotlin, Java, and Clojure with the familiarity of Java bytecode compilation. This makes it the go-to language for developers looking to the future while building a solid foundation.
Empowering Creativity with IDE Tools
Unlock your creative potential with powerful IDE tools designed for BoxLang, offering an intuitive development experience that streamlines your workflow. Join us as we redefine JVM development and step into the era of BoxLang. Welcome to the future.
Note: >> Please copy the link and paste it into Google New Tab now Download link
Free Download Wondershare Filmora Full Version - All-in-one home video editor to make a great video.Free Download Wondershare Filmora for Windows PC is an all-in-one home video editor with powerful functionality and a fully stacked feature set. Filmora has a simple drag-and-drop top interface, allowing you to be artistic with the story you want to create.Video Editing Simplified - Ignite Your Story. A powerful and intuitive video editing experience. Filmora 10 hash two new ways to edit: Action Cam Tool (Correct lens distortion, Clean up your audio, New speed controls) and Instant Cutter (Trim or merge clips quickly, Instant export).Filmora allows you to create projects in 4:3 or 16:9, so you can crop the videos or resize them to fit the size you want. This way, quickly converting a widescreen material to SD format is possible.
Future-Proof Your Career with AI OptionsDianaGray10
Learn about the difference between automation, AI and agentic and ways you can harness these to further your career. In this session you will learn:
Introduction to automation, AI, agentic
Trends in the marketplace
Take advantage of UiPath training and certification
In demand skills needed to strategically position yourself to stay ahead
❓ If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
Gojek Clone is a versatile multi-service super app that offers ride-hailing, food delivery, payment services, and more, providing a seamless experience for users and businesses alike on a single platform.
Unlock AI Creativity: Image Generation with DALL·EExpeed Software
Discover the power of AI image generation with DALL·E, an advanced AI model that transforms text prompts into stunning, high-quality visuals. This presentation explores how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing digital creativity, from graphic design to content creation and marketing. Learn about the technology behind DALL·E, its real-world applications, and how businesses can leverage AI-generated art for innovation. Whether you're a designer, developer, or marketer, this guide will help you unlock new creative possibilities with AI-driven image synthesis.
Many MSPs overlook endpoint backup, missing out on additional profit and leaving a gap that puts client data at risk.
Join our webinar as we break down the top challenges of endpoint backup—and how to overcome them.
UiPath Agentic Automation Capabilities and OpportunitiesDianaGray10
Learn what UiPath Agentic Automation capabilities are and how you can empower your agents with dynamic decision making. In this session we will cover these topics:
What do we mean by Agents
Components of Agents
Agentic Automation capabilities
What Agentic automation delivers and AI Tools
Identifying Agent opportunities
❓ If you have any questions or feedback, please refer to the "Women in Automation 2025" dedicated Forum thread. You can find there extra details and updates.
4. * Can be blamed for the http/2 defects in okhttp!
• engineer at Pivotal on Spring Cloud
• lots of open source work
• focus on cloud computing
5. okhttp
• HttpURLConnection Apache HttpClient compatible
• designed for java and android
• BDFL: Jesse Wilson from square
10. java + gson
url = new URL(;
connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty(“SecurityToken”, “b08c85073c1a2d02”);
connection.setRequestProperty(“Accept”, “application/json”);
connection.setRequestProperty(“Accept-Encoding”, "gzip, deflate");
is = connection.getInputStream();
isr = new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream(is));
things = new Gson().fromJson(isr, new TypeToken<List<Thing>>(){});
11. okhttp + gson
client = new OkHttpClient();
url = new URL(;
connection = new OkUrlFactory(client).open(url);
connection.setRequestProperty(“SecurityToken”, “b08c85073c1a2d02”);
connection.setRequestProperty(“Accept”, “application/json”);
connection.setRequestProperty(“Accept-Encoding”, "gzip, deflate");
is = connection.getInputStream();
isr = new InputStreamReader(is); // automatic gunzip
things = new Gson().fromJson(isr, new TypeToken<List<Thing>>(){});
12. We won!
• List body reduced from 1642 to 318 bytes!
• We saved some lines using OkHttp
• Concession: cpu for compression, curl is a
little verbose.
14. okhttp
• v2.5 has lots of stuff since v1
• buffer, call, cache, interceptor, url
• http/2 and WebSocket support
• Apache adapter
15. okhttp
client = new OkHttpClient();
request = new Request.Builder()
.header(“SecurityToken”, “b08c85073c1a2d02”)
.header(“Accept”, “application/json”)
.header(“Accept-Encoding”, "gzip, deflate”).build();
// ^^ look, ma.. I’m immutable!
reader = client.newCall(request).execute().body().charStream();
things = new Gson().fromJson(reader, new TypeToken<List<Thing>>(){});
• OkHttp has its own api, which has a
concise way to get bytes or chars
(via okio).
16. okhttp call
client = new OkHttpClient();
request = new Request.Builder()
.header(“SecurityToken”, “b08c85073c1a2d02”)
.header(“Accept”, “application/json”)
.header(“Accept-Encoding”, "gzip, deflate").build();
call = client.newCall(request);
call.enqueue(new ParseThingsCallback());
call.cancel(); // changed my mind
• OkHttp also has an async api,
which (also) supports cancel!
17. • # Explicity trust certs for your properties
• new CertificatePinner.Builder()
• .add(“”, publicKeySHA1)
• .add(“*”, publicKeySHA1)
• .build()
• # Respond to authentication challenges
• new Authenticator() {
• public Request authenticate(Proxy p, Response rsp) {
• return rsp.request().newBuilder()
• .header(“Authorization", “Bearer …”)
• # Set your own floor for TLS
• new ConnectionSpec.Builder(MODERN_TLS)
18. okhttp interceptor
client = new OkHttpClient();
client.interceptors().add((chain) ->
.addHeader("SecurityToken", securityToken.get())
request = new Request.Builder()
.header(“Accept-Encoding”, "gzip, deflate").build();
call = client.newCall(request);
call.enqueue(new ParseThingsCallback());
• Now you can change your
security token!
24. Ask Ilya why!
• TCP connections need 3-
way handshake.
• TLS requires up to 2
more round-trips.
• Read High Performance
Browser Networking
25. HttpUrlConnection
• http.keepAlive - should connections should be
pooled at all? Default is true.
• http.maxConnections - maximum number of idle
connections to each host in the pool. Default is 5.
• get[Input|Error]Stream().close() - recycles the
connection, if fully read.
• disconnect() - removes the connection.
26. Don’t forget to read!
is = tryGetInputStream(connection);
isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
things = new Gson().fromJson(isr, new TypeToken<List<Thing>>(){});
InputStream tryGetInputStream(HttpUrlConnection connection) throws IOException {
try {
return connection.getInputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
InputStream err = connection.getErrorStream();
while ( != -1); // skip
throw e;
27. or just use okhttp
try (ResponseBody body = client.newCall(request).execute().body())
// connection will be cleaned on close.
client.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() {
@Override public void onFailure(Request request, IOException e) {
// body is implicitly closed on failure
@Override public void onResponse(Response response) {
// make sure you call response.body().close() when done
28. We won!
• Recycled socket requests are much faster
and have less impact on the server.
• Concessions: must read responses,
concurrency is still bounded by sockets.
29. Let’s make List #2 free
Cache-Control: private, max-age=60, s-maxage=0
Vary: SecurityToken
Step 1: add a little magic to your server response
Step 2: make sure you are using a cache!
client.setCache(new Cache(dir, 10_MB));
Step 3: pray your developers don’t get clever
// TODO: stupid server sends stale data without this
new Request.Builder().url(;
30. // Limit cache duration
thisMessageWillSelfDestruct = new Request.Builder()
.cacheControl(new CacheControl.Builder().maxAge(12, HOURS).build())
// Opt-out of response caching
notStored = new Request.Builder()
// Offline mode
offline = new Request.Builder()
okhttp cache recipes
31. We won again!
• No time or bandwidth used for cached
• No application-specific cache bugs code.
• Concessions: only supports “safe methods”,
caching needs to be tuned.
39. Looking at the whole
Request: request line, headers, and body
Response: status line, headers, and body
40. http/1.1 round-trip
Content-Length: 318
Cache-Control: private, max-age=60, s-
Vary: SecurityToken
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 20:30:38 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Encoding: gzip
Host: apihost
SecurityToken: b08c85073c1a2d02
Accept: application/json
Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
GET /things HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
• http/1.1 sends requests and
responses one at a time
over a network connection
52. push promise
:method: GET
:path: /things
Stream: 3
Stream: 3
Stream: 4
:method: GET
:path: /users/0
Stream: 3
Promised-Stream: 4
Stream: 4
goes into
Stream: 3
Server guesses a
future request or
indicates a cache
53. okhttp + http/2
• OkHttp 2.3+ supports http/2 on TLS+ALPN connections.
• Works out of the box on Android
• Java needs hacks until JEP 244
For now, add jetty’s ALPN to your bootclasspath.
* Verify version matches your JRE *
$ java -Xbootclasspath/p:/path/to/alpn-boot-8.1.4.v20150727.jar
54. We won!
• 1 socket for 100+ concurrent streams.
• Advanced features like flow control,
cancellation and cache push.
• Dramatically less header overhead.
55. okhttp tools
• There are tools that leverage OkHttp natively…
• including its http/2 features.
56. MockWebServer
SSLSocketFactory factory = SslContextBuilder.localhost().getSocketFactory();
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient()
@Rule public final MockWebServer server = new MockWebServer()
@Test public void evenWithHttp2SlowResponsesKill() throws Exception {
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody(lotsOfThings)
.throttleBody(1024, 1, SECONDS)); // slow connection 1KiB/second
request = new Request.Builder()
.url( + ”things”)
• MockWebServer uses http/2
by default when using TLS
57. Retrofit 2
@Headers("Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate”)
interface ThingService {
@GET("things") Single<List<Things> list(); // RxJava support!
retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
thingsService = retrofit.create(ThingService.class);
subscription = thingsService.iist().subscribe(System.out::println)
• Retrofit 2 extends OkHttp
with api model binding
60. Engage!
• Consider http/2 or at least spdy!
• Check-out okhttp and friends
• Test http/2 load balancers like google cloud